3 March 2010

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2010 Meeting In attendance: Cheryl Liniger, Treasurer, Edd Liniger, Neighborhood Watch, Judy Herndon, Clubhouse, Scott Johns, Architect, Beverly Petitt, Secretary, Richard Petitt, Anna Crane, and Mark Lamais. Beverly Petitt read the minutes from the February meeting. Scott Johns made a motion to approve and Judy Herndon seconded. At this time the Association is still looking for a President, Vice President, and Pool Coordinator. The March Newsletter will ask residents to consider serving on the board. Scott Johns sent out a letter to the resident on LaSalle for parking on the street. As noticed the problem is somewhat better. The small tree located on this lot will be reassessed in the Spring. The person Scott asked an estimate for snow removal can not do any more this winter, but will come out in the summer and give a bid for snow removal. Judy Herndon, Clubhouse Coordinator stated there were no February rentals for the Clubhouse. The following are dates for upcoming rentals of the Clubhouse: March 20th, April 2nd, and May 16th. When letters were sent out to the unpaid homeowners, Cheryl received several payments and a letter from a resident. The resident had moved in in May and said they had never received notice for payment of dues. Cheryl sends out statements to all addresses. Edd went over to visit the resident and gave them a directory. Edd Lininger is to contact each block captain to verify the residents on their blocks. The block captain will distribute Chestereld Villages Directories to each new resident. Cheryl Liniger stated she has received 4 payment of association dues with only 12 still remaining unpaid. Cheryl Liniger passed out the Treasurers Balance Sheet. Anna Crane questioned the rental cost of the clubhouse. She had remembered it being $50.00. After discussion the rental has been $40.00 ever since the Linigers have been here. So as noted the covenant will be updated that the rental of the Clubhouse is be $40.00 as noted in these minutes. Mark Lamais is a new resident in Chestereld Village (3656 S Britton). He was wondering if there would be a problem if he painted the light post in his yard and wants to have a swing set in his back for for his young daughter (another on the way). After discussion, there is no problem with painting the post and the swing set was approved.

A question about the status of the NON for Prot of Chestereld Village. Cheryl Liniger will get in touch will the accountant and get the status. Beverly Petitt and Cheryl will be working on the Chestereld Village Association March News Letter. Distribution should be around the middle of March. The block captains will distribute the newsletter to each mailbox. Edd Liniger made a motion to adjourn and Scott Johns seconded. Respectally submitted by Beverly Petitt, Secretary

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