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called by the Board of Directors and the Architecture Committee to discuss the provisions of the Chestereld Village Covenants. There were around 60 residents in attendance. Some of the residents who attended asked "how to get a copy of covenants". Copies are being made or you can go on GREAT AMERICAN TITLE and receive a convent by email. Steve Defore, speaker for the Architecture Committee, welcomed all present. Steve said this was a meeting to discuss the covenants. There are a few questions which were addressed: rent, lease, trailer parking, and vehicles parked in driveways. The residents were asked to come to the board meetings on the rst Monday of every month, if they had questions or improvements. Covenants help to improve our home quality. The Committee looked over the covenants and found everything was in good standing, just needed to be enforced. Steve Deford asked Scott Johns, Architecture for the Board of Directors, to say a few words. Scott has addressed all residential problems that has been put in front of him. 99% of all problems have been taken care of. Scott said all his letters, which he has sent, have been taken care of. If he cannot get the resident problem corrected by letters, the Board of Directors have given the authority to the Architecture Committee to take action with 3 letters. The 3 letters follow as noted 1st Letter 2nd Letter 3rd Letter Ask the resident to correct the problem Give the resident a specic time to have the problem solved Put a lien against the resident's home

At this meeting it was noted by a resident, problems were arising from a family who rents in Chestereld Village. The family used foul language up at the pool and police were called to intervene. The family also drives a golf cart and a small moped, which neither are licensed. Children have been noticed on and driving these vehicles. The above instances have brought up the attention for the covenants to be updated. A petition was started to check the covenants concerning rental homes in Chestereld Village. Steve Deford stated the Board of Directors are still in need of a President and Vice President. Steve asked if there was anyone at this meeting who would consider offering their time to the board. Brandi Noirfalise stated she would consider the presidency, then Tony Hammock was nominated as Vice President. Beverly Petitt, secretary for the Board of Directors, went to the microphone. She asked if there were any more nominations for president or vice president. The vote for Brandi for president passed. The vote for Tony for vice president passed. This turned out to be a very productive meeting. Thanks to all who attended. Respectfully Submitted by Beverly Petitt, Secretary

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