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Sorath , 2 0 1 2 a n d anthro p o s o p hy
The descent of Christ into the interior of the Earth in the Mystery of Golgotha and the descent of Man through layers of evil from 1896 2012
This essay is addressed to readers familiar with the concepts and the esoteric understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha in anthroposophy. Hence we take for granted the knowledge of the third Sorath-impulse in 1998 as predicted by Rudolf Steiner from the apocalyptic number of the beast, 666, and how this impulse generates special signicance from four circumstances: 1) simply by being the third in the sequence: 666, 1332, 1998, since Sorath, the Sun Demon, wishes to mock the Holy Trinity and the Mystery of Golgotha associated with the number 333 (1998 = 3 x 666 or 6 x 333); 2) due to the fact that this third impulse is the rst after the beginning of the fth post-Atlantean cultural age in 1413 and the dawn of the consciousness soul, which is also the start of the direct inuence of the Asuras on man in consequence of this new exceedingly individualized thought- and ego structure; 3) because of the conjunction with the predicted appearance of the Etheric Christ in the rst third of the twentieth century (1933) and his taking over the function as Lord of Karma at the end of the century; 4) and nally owing to the impending incarnation (incorporation) of Ahriman in a human being in the beginning of the third millennium. If we pause and consider for a moment the pivotal cosmic and evolutionary meaning of the Mystery of Golgotha in the middle of creative time and space, then we can also appreciate the importance of the year 1998 and the present period only some 2000 years after the Resurrection of Christ. Actually they are highly integrated, synchronized and coordinated events.
Not that this urgent situation has drawn much attention outside anthroposophical circles and even within these only to some degree, although several books have been published on the subject. In comparison to the apocalyptic fuss about the year 2012 and the date 21.12 of winter solstice, where the Maya calendar ends and abruptly stops its long count of 5.125 years signalling what? the end of the world or a total New-Age-style beginning? there has been next to silence in the public at large with regard to this crucial time for esoteric (and exoteric) Christianity, and, frankly, the true spiritual future of man. The most recent anthroposophically inspired book on 1998 and the coming of Ahriman (1) tries to remedy this omission by combining these two dates and themes (1998 and 2012). The authors take their point of departure in Rudolf Steiners account of the ahrimanic Mexican



mysteries of cruel black magic concomitant with the Christ-events of Palestine and try to approximate time cycles and specic dates of esoteric Christianity (based on the factor: 1 day in the 1290 days of the ministry of Jesus Christ = 1 orbit of Saturn = 29 years) to the year 2012, which takes them to the year 2018. Yet another approximation relates to the astronomic importance of winter solstice 2012 due to its very rare alignment with the centre of our galaxy, actually a window of alignment spanning the period 1980-2016. The authors fasten on the year 2016 as a nal limit for this alignment and the proximity of the 2012-window (1980-2016) with the present Christ-day, the thirty-ninth day of the temptation of Christ in human calendar (1988-2018). But actually the midpoint of the 2012-window is 1998, making this year even more decisive. Surely the linking together of the ahrimanic Mexican mysteries of black magic with the present-day Sorath-impulse and the coming of Ahriman from the American continent and hence the possible relevance of the Mayan calendar for our understanding of the present time is undeniable, but the connection between the years 1998 and 2012 can readily be understood on a more evident background. In order to understand this connection, we must rst point out some other landmarking dates and cycles pertaining to this whole time-complex. Of course these dates and periods are also discussed in the abovementioned book as elsewhere in anthroposophical literature with references to Rudolf Steiners work. We have the battle between Michael and the ahrimanic angels around the earth and their downfall from 1841-79. Michael is appointed the new Time Spirit in 1841 (for the rest of the fth period until 3573) and is also the leading Archangel from 1879 (for the next 350 years). This adds enormous weight to the importance of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-rst century. Then in 1899 we have the end of the Kali Yuga, the dark age of materialism, lasting 5000 years! And nally we have the forthcoming appearance of Christ in the etheric, the Parousia or the Second Coming of Christ in the Christian tradition, anticipated by Rudolf Steiner to occur in 1933. In connection with the Etheric Christ we have the cycle of 33.33 years corresponding with the total

lifetime of Jesus Christ (2) , which demarcate the years 1899, 1933, 1966 and 1999 as important (56th 59th cycle since the Resurrection, 5. April, A. D. 33), and we notice here the remarkable coincidence of those years with the end of Kali Yuga 1899 and with the Sorath impulse of 1998. Now, to understand the connection between the years 1998 and 2012, we can draw on an interesting work on The Occult Signicance of the 12 Years, 1933-45, in the Light of Spiritual Science (3). In this book the author reects on the (perhaps too) early death of Rudolf Steiner in 1925, which prevented him from carrying over the impulse of anthroposophy to the decisive year 1933. The author then conveys a supersensible event in the Michael-community during the years 1933-45 based on the surplus of life force from the missing years (1924-1931/3) of Rudolf Steiners lifetime on earth, and he expands this Michaelic inuence to the periods 1967-79 and 1999/2000-12, pointing out that 1979 is the rst full resurrection cycle (3 x 33.33 years) of Michaels epoch (1879-1979). We might add that 1979 is also 3 x 33.33 years after the downfall of the ahrimanic angels after their heavenly battle with Michael (1841-79). There is every reason to believe that Michaels activity responds to and is coordinated with the 33.33 year cycle of the Etheric Christ, and so we must understand the 12-year periods of 1933-45, 1966/67-79 and 1999/2000-12 as a timeframe in which Michael battles intensively on behalf of Christ with the opposing powers carrying on his achievement in 1841-79, and we might add to this scheme the period from 1899-1911/12. It seems as if there is a 12 year displacement between the two 33.33 cycles of Michael and the Etheric Christ leading up to the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the new millennium. The battle-periods correspond with yet another feature of the Etheric Christ-cycle (4). We must assume that the last 3 year of the 33.33 year cycle corresponding with the ministry of Jesus Christ is a period of special positive impulse generation, for example in 1962-66/67, then followed by a battle in 1966/67-79. We see here a pattern of synchronized cooperation between Christ and Michael. Since the 33.33 years cycle of the etheric Christ beginning in 1999




corresponds with the 1998 Sorath impulse and is followed by the 12 year Michael-battle 1999/2000-12, evidently the two years 1998 and 2012 are closely linked together in esoteric Christianity. These considerations leave us with an overall time schedule for this whole complex of supersensible and historic events in which Sorath is mimicking and shadowing the etheric Christ.
1841-79 Michael-battle with the ahrimanic angels and their downfall 1896-99 Christ-impulse shadowed by coming Sorath-impulse 1899-1911/12 Michael-battle with opposing powers 1899-1933 1st endgame-cycle of the etheric Christ 1929-33 Christ-impulse shadowed by coming Sorath-impulse 1933-45 Michael-battle with opposing powers 1933-66/67 2nd endgame-cycle of the etheric Christ 1962-66/67 Christ-impulse shadowed by coming Sorath-impulse 1966/67-79 Michael-battle with opposing powers 1966/67-99 3rd endgame-cycle of the etheric Christ 1996-99 Christ-impulse shadowed by actual Sorath-impulse 1998 1999/2000-12 Endgame: Michael-battle with opposing powers.

Before we discuss this time-schedule in detail, we shall address our primary concern in this essay, namely the workings and strategy of Sorath from his 1998-vantage point. That same year saw a book with an independent and fresh view of the evil powers (5), proposing a dierent appraisal of the traditional polarity of luciferic and ahrimanic powers after 1413 and the beginning impact of the Asuras and, we might add after Sorath settled in the inner of the earth during the mystery of Golgotha and made himself the directing and organizing principle of all three evil powers, thereby gaining direct access to all the lower members of man, the astral, the etheric and the physical. When the Asuras are working behind Lucifer and Ahriman, these agents of evil are more closely bound together with a spill-over eect between all three principles and an intensication creating a new organism of dynamic evil never seen before. When Christ became man, Sorath wanted to become God and henceforth erected his evil trinity opposing the Holy Trinity. This coordination has speeded up the human confrontation with evil in the last two or three centuries giving men opportunities of hitherto unsurpassed self-responsibility and individual freedom and community, but at the same time opening up to the possible downfall of man to Sorath in 2012. The author mentions some illustrative examples of this new dynamic in his discussion of the signatures of Sorath-activity in the twentieth century (nuclear power, Fascism and AIDS), and in order to illuminate the matter further, let us here bring one more example in a brief sketch. Let us consider the gradual discovery of electricity from William Gilbert around 1600 to Benjamin Franklin in 1752 ying his optimistic kite, attracting lightening from the sky. Let us remember the discovery in 1781 of the planet Uranus and the upheavals of the American and French revolutions in 1776-81 and 1789-99 with the creation of the citizen and civil rights. Now, electricity, associated with Uranus, belongs to the sub-physical luciferic powers (layers 1-3 of the 9 layers in the interior of the Earth) as a degeneration of the light ether, and when humanity began exploring and exploiting electricity, it started an interaction with those powers of sub-nature. Rudolf Steiner remarks: Electricity, for instance, celebrated since its discovery as the very soul of nature, must be recognized in its true character, in its peculiar power, which leads down from nature to sub-nature. People must beware lest they slide downward with it. But the Asuras are connected with the 7th layer, the Earth Reector, where all the forces of nature are contained, but transformed as spirit Think of electrical wires transformed into something spiritual and moral, as if the forces of nature were not mechanical, indierent forces, but worked morally First imagine the


whole of nature as something moral. And then think of the whole of nature as something immoral. Think of everything you can imagine by way of morality in human nature, but then turned into its opposite. And so with mans extended use of electricity the asuric powers gradually overlapped the luciferic forces, drawing in the sub-physical ahrimanic forces of layer 4-6 and attacking the core of the human I and the balanced development of the consciousness soul. Sure this period, 1780-1800, saw the dawn of freedom, equality and brotherhood and individuality, but also the discovery of bioelectricity in 1791, and on the scene of history the jolting agitation (human, astral electrication) and the aggressive, penetrating, cynical intellect and blood thirst of a Robespierre and his likes, directing the mob that is, an asuric and ahrimanic enhanced version of Lucifer. The human downfall and immorality continued with this impulse, slowly introducing the other polarity of Ahriman. In 1820 electromagnetism was discovered. In 1834 the term scientist was coined and with it came the second industrial revolution and the advance of natural science from around 1850. A static and systematic illusion was set up, covering human reality on all levels. Thus in 1846, the planet Neptune was discovered, mesmerizing humanity into a man-made? mechanical and material world directed by impersonal and rigid laws. Luciferic spell and asuric virtuality worked together with the rectication and standardization by ahrimanic sub-physical magnetism, the degeneration of chemical ether. On Earth nature, faith, the understanding of man and morality was turned upside down from the subterranean 7th layer. Etheric vitality was undermined. And hence the period from 1840-70 saw the discovery in 1855-73 of the electromagnetic eld theory, the basis for all later electrical apparatus. The periodic table was set up in 1868-70 by Mendeleev in chemistry, genetics was introduced in biology in 1865 by Mendel and the DNA was found in 1869. Darwin published his theory of natural selection and survival of the ttest in 1859. We notice here a rst glimpse of the Sorath-impulse in its interest to pervert and control human procreation. Finally, the negative side of the Uranus-impulse linked to

social revolution and seductive mass movements intensied in 1848 with The Communist Manifesto. This new enhanced electromagnetic-asuric polarity of Lucifer-Ahriman (Uranus-Neptune) worked increasingly on all levels in society and culture from the beginning of the twentieth century till the cataclysm of 1933-45. Asuric mass destruction became prominent in the First World War and in the Russian revolution using ahrimanic military technology and false luciferic ideology. Then in 1929-33 there is a last turning point. Things are not in balance, far from. Think of the economic depression and its causes due to the heightened evil polarity. The Fascists are on their march. Then the asuric powers make their inuence felt even stronger and behind them Sorath. There is a marked growth in the arts of black magic and in theories of eugenics. In 1930 the planet Pluto is discovered signalling the threshold to the underworld and the approaching 7th layer of the Asuras which man is collectively on the brink to cross over unknowingly. As we know, Pluto is related to death, sex, procreation, (de)generation and the subconscious, and humanity is now slowly being caught up in the province of Sorath. 1932 saw the rst atom-ssion which heralded the atom bomb of 1945 and together with the Nazi-pyres and cremations and the restorms of mass bombings this is certainly characteristic of the Asuras. Apparently the after war-scenario also brought a shift to the better in terms of human rights, welfare and individual opportunities, at least in the West. But actually the evil trinity worked smoothly on the background of deep human slumber in the belly of the materialistic beast. The evil principles are constantly intensifying their polarity-structures and blending in all sorts of manner, combining and maximizing their strength. Returning to our theme of electromagnetism only think for a moment how man has been shaped and transformed by this phenomenon penetrating deeper and deeper into our mind and physical body, sinking still deeper into the sub-physical, sooner or later degenerating the life ether. Electric machines, devices and gadgets of all sorts, shapes and functions are found everywhere in our lives. Television and personal computers linked up with




internet create virtual reality and dissolve watchfulness. Brain scanning is creating new paradigms for consciousness, biofeedback-mechanisms can dene behaviour, chips can be implanted to control it and so on. This is all trivial, but none the less alarming. Let us sum up the point of this example: Since the intervention of Sorath and the Asuras, evil works on a wholly other scale and with an enhanced dynamic driving all aspects of human life. This is the reality behind the Omega Point speculations of the New Age not mans heightened consciousness, but evils heightened eciency converging towards some kind of dire culmination. The intensied luciferic principle enhanced by Sorath through the Lucifer-Ahriman-Asurastriangulation is expressing itself in the electrication and agitation of man, attacking the astral and the sentient soul with jolts and shocks as in fanaticism, excitement, ecstasy, thrills, recklessness and obsession. The enhanced ahrimanic principle is expressing itself in magnetization, paralysis and regimentation, attacking the etheric and the intellectual soul with dulling abstraction and static repetition as in rigid functioning, comatose routine, mechanization, machining, digitalization, blind systemic adaptation and impersonal android-robot behaviour. The released and enhanced asuric principle is expressing itself in natural and moral perversion (7th layer), atomization, zombization and isolation (8th layer, Fragmenter Earth, multiplying any creation in absurdum). The Asuras attack the physical body and the consciousness soul, and hence the multiplied Phantom of Christ (the prerequisite for any spiritual development, the integration of the Resurrection Body, the three higher members of man and the future planetary phases of Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan). They are behind any massreduction of man (mass killing, mass media, mass production) and modern ego-self-worship and narcissism, the false individualization based on mass produced consumer goods and entertainment. They support any kind of virtual reality, desensitization and depersonalization caused by for example synthetic materials and plastics, electromagnetic impulses and elds and chemicals. And from the 8th layer they destroy human relationships, solidarity and brotherhood and

causes alienation and segregation, so that even when people are apparently together, they are isolated in their own worlds. As demonstrated in the atomic bomb, the Asuras are in favour of splitting things and blowing them into pieces. Finally we are sadly enough nowadays getting a feel for the spider in the midst of his evil web, Sorath. Sorath opposes the creation of man in cosmos and hence any creative quality and its preconditions like love, oering, freedom and empathy. This resentment expresses itself when the above-mentioned evil tendencies are taken to the extreme and carried over in destruction and perversion of human procreation and creativity. Take for instance when chemicals and plasticizers function as endocrine disruptors and cause sterility and malformation of sexual organs or when genetically modied and engineered organisms might inuence the human genome. Sorath would like man to destroy the diversity of species and their hereditary material as well as his own to replace the human chromosome with a polymer, guratively speaking. He is behind genetic control, screening, testing and design and in vitro fertilization and cloning. The pornographic perversion and degradation of sexuality to the level of fuckingmachines, electric erotic stimulation and love dolls made of plastic is also Soraths work. To use another metaphor: Sorath wants to short-circuit the human brain with the sexual glands through the spine and invert all the higher streams of creativity and intelligence as in ritualization, animalization and intellectualization of sex combined with enhanced (chemically induced) ecstasy. Therefore he promotes kundalini-practices and tantric techniques in combination with black magic as a mocking of the creation and the Holy Trinity. And unlike the other evil powers, Sorath wants man to participate voluntarily and half knowingly in his own degeneration and selfabasement, fueled by enhanced sensualism and selfindulgence, because this is Soraths ultimate mockery and vengeance against the Holy Trinity if man, created with divine love, saved by divine love, chooses his own de-creation, desecrates himself and worships death in Sorath. That is why Sorath wants to set up a magically inverted, pseudo-clairvoyant quasi-religion which




contains no trace of confession to or faith in Christ. The ultimate triumph of the beast 666 and the nal success of Soraths build-up of an eight sphere (the irretrievable downfall of man and the Earth as a creative project) is, when in this religion man believes himself to be God-like, a self-made God-man, who doesnt need Christ, shrugs his shoulders at Christs passion and is in complete denial of his own evil and the evil powers. On this background, looking at the above time-schedule for the supersensible events of the past century and our time due to the actions of the Etheric Christ and Michael in their battle with the opposing powers, we can now make some overall and specic comments. We fully agree with the authors of Christ & the Maya Calendar, that this is indeed an apocalyptic time associated with Revelations chapter 12 and 13 and the apocalyptic statements of Jesus Christ. It is also timely and appropriate to associate this period in the history of man with the temptations of Jesus Christ (7), whether on the grounds of the earlier mentioned count of days in His ministry proportional to Saturn-cycles of 29 years (which interestingly demarcates 869, the year of the eight ecumenical council in Constantinople, as the beginning of the human time of 40 days in the wilderness) or from the apparent reality of our situation. All three temptations pertain to the whole period, but it is also possible to distribute them. The rst luciferic-asuric temptation in the astral (the 37th day, 1929-1958, or in our time-schedule linked with the rst cycle of the Etheric Christ 1899-1933 and condensed within the impulse-battle sequence 1929-45) is about choosing and worshipping false leadership and a false idea of goals and power. The second ahrimanic-asuric temptation in the etheric (the 38th day, 1958-88 or 1933-66/67 condensed within 1962-79) is about getting high, throwing oneself in the ground of instincts believing you are carried by something higher. The third Sorath temptation (the 39th day, 1988-2018 or 1966/67-99 condensed within 1996-2012) is about claiming dead matter and corpses to be the real life and creation. Christ, the Representative of Man, answered these questions and seductions of Antichrist with authoritative power quoting the Holy Scripture, but man is today capable of and committed to answer existentially for himself. Christ has been preached to man in the gospels, Christ is close to man in the etheric, Christ has given man a seed of the Original Phantom and a redemptive way to his Resurrection Body, Christ and Michael has secured man his own use of intelligence and the consciousness soul, opening the door to a rst glimpse of the Spirit Self. Because of this, Sorath has every right to put his questions and seductions in front of us, so that Christ can function as the Lord of Karma on the Day of Judgment. We could speculate whether that Last Day is the 40th day (2018-47), when the devil left Him, and angels came and attended Him.




The proclaiming of the Etheric Christ and the destiny of anthroposophy are linked together in the most intimate way with Rudolf Steiner as their herald and founder. And so we would like briey to point out one more important aspect of this historic, esoteric and apocalyptical sequence which in our opinion is not paid due attention, but is nevertheless an important line of development connecting the 1998 vantage-point of Sorath with the beginning of the century. Rudolf Steiner was born in 1861. In 1875 the Theosophical Society was founded in New York. Both dates lie within Michaels battle with the ahrimanic angels 1841-79. This battle of Michael was preparing the way for the Etheric Christ in the spiritual regions closest to the Earth and represented a spiritual impulse in human culture in the wake of 1899/1933 and the end of Kali Yuga. But evidently an occult strife broke out inspired by the evil powers, not least Sorath, as to how this spiritual opening was to be managed. In short, the conict in the beginning stood between esoteric Christianity and an old Eastern (luciferic) wisdom, but was soon aggravated, when the old Eastern wisdom gave way to a much more sinister left hand magic tradition, which can be found behind dierent tantric traditions in Hinduism and Tibetan Lamaism, which are deeply connected with the Sorathimpulse. This deplorable development is clearly reected in the writings of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. Rudolf Steiner became an unprovoked exponent of the conict due to his karmic mission and his connection with and entry in the Theosophical Society, 1900/2/4-12/13. An exhaustive and outstanding study of this conict has been published recently (8). Rudolf Steiner met with Nietzsche in 1896 and soon after moved to Berlin in 1897, where he was invited to speak about Nietzsche in a circle of theosophists. 1899/1900 Rudolf Steiner experienced his decisive vision of the Mystery of Golgotha, ending a period of aictions and beginning his ght for esoteric Christianity. In 1909 the Etheric Christ was visible for initiates and the following year, 1910, Rudolf Steiner began to talk about this theme in public. That same year Krishnamurti experienced his rst initiation under the guidance of C. W. Leadbeater and was linked up with the occult Sorath-inspired leadership that wanted to divert attention away from the coming of

the Etheric Christ. In 1911 The Order of the Star in the East was founded with Krishnamurti as its head and proclaimed to be the coming World Teacher chosen by the Bodhisattva a fake Messiah-gure, suggesting the false idea of a reappearance of Christ in a physical body, an ahrimanic Sorath-inspiration. This led quickly in 1912/13 to the separation of anthroposophy and theosophy. We see how this actual historic sequence closely matches the theme and intervals of the proposed time-schedule: 1896-99, Christ-impulse shadowed by coming Sorath-impulse, 1899-1911/12, Michael-battle with opposing powers. And we must ask ourselves, if not this central issue of occult conict and the related decisive events at the beginning of the sequence are of paramount importance in order to understand the rest of the sequence? And so we nd the theme of an Eastern left hand magic inuence on the development of Western religion, culture and history in the twentieth century an ongoing business. This is not the place to go into details with complex history, but it is generally acknowledged, that Adolf Hitler was inuenced by occult and black magic circles, perhaps as early as his time in Vienna from 1905. Later speculations centre on the Thule Society, and certainly prominent Nazis and SS-ideologists within the Ahnenerbe showed a special interest in Indian and Tibetan religion, setting up an expedition to Tibet. They were seeking their Aryan roots, and various more or less mythological themes played an important role in their search for Shambhala and the occult powers vested there. Also the Kalachakra Tantra was signicant to them as part of their plan to establish a Nazi religion and a fascist sexual theory, and some of the members of Ahnenerbe believed they were in spiritual contact with Tibetan lamas. (9) Undisputedly, black magic of the worst kind with aims of occult power and a further build up of the eight sphere came to the fore in the exterminationprogramme and the SS-activities in the KZ-lagers. Hitler, by the way, was judged favourably as late as 1939 by Alice Bailey, who in her extensive writings were drawing from the very same Eastern left hand magic source, channelling the Tibetan master D. K. Quote: Hitler, who lifted a distressed people upon his shoulders; Lenin, the




idealist; Stalin and Franco are all expressions of the Shambhala force and of certain little-understood energies.... We call these people dictators, demagogues.... But all these leaders are... being used to engineer great and needed changes and to alter the face of civilisation.(10) Through the organization World Goodwill, an UN-accredited non-governmental organisation founded by Alice Bailey in 1932 with the purpose of cooperating in the work of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ (in a physical body), and through her publishing company Lucis (former: Lucifer) Trust, which prints and disseminates UN-material, and through networking contacts with important UN-ocials like Robert Muller, the very same Eastern left hand tradition has gained considerable inuence on the religious prole of the UN. So it is fair to say that the theme under consideration here manifested in the background of the two intervals, 1929-33-45. Human will to bring sacrice motivated by high (often Christian) ideals and great empathy was mobilized in these years to overcome immense evil, but perhaps due to Rudolf Steiners too early death and the rough destiny of anthroposophy it is dicult to trace any deeper impact of esoteric Christianity on cultural and societal development in this period of evil progress. This situation more or less reproduced itself in the next sequence, 1962-66/67-79, the period of the Counterculture Era, 1963-73, with its cultural and social change on many levels, generated among other things by the opposition to the Vietnam War, 1964-73. The predominantly political agenda of the counterculture also expressed itself in a new lifestyle as expressed in the Summer of Love, 1967, and hence it was supplemented and in many instances gradually replaced by a subculture of alternative living including spiritual practices and ideals, which during the 1970s took on the shape of the New Age Movement and later in the 1980s and 1990s settled itself in broad segments of society. No doubt this was indeed a powerful spiritual impulse on a more global scale than the one in 1896-1911/12, and the perverted version of it 1929-45 and in contrast to the latter, it was played out on a totally dierent societal and cultural background, dominated by peace and welfare.

The spiritual seeking and opening was genuine in many people, but Sorath had prepared a erce pincer movement in order to direct it towards his eight sphere. On one hand the materialistic-technological-scientic worldview dominated the organization of society on all levels (mocking for instance the spiritual seeking in the Moon-landing 1969 and the Mars-programme 1966/68-1974/75). On the other hand the New Age Movement was from the beginning heavily inuenced by Eastern esoteric traditions, some of them based on tantra and kundalini-yoga, and the channelling and network of Alice Bailey played an important role in this development, as did the import to the West of gurus and lamas. 1975, one century after the formation of the Theosophical Society, was a banner year, when Baileydisciples (amongst them David Spangler and other prominent New Age-leaders) had her permission to release their esoteric message and go public. And so the understanding of Christ in the New Age Movement became generally attuned to the earlier misconceptions of theosophy and the distortions by left hand magicians, if Christ was a serious issue at all. This development of a materialistic quasi-spirituality based on neo-pagan and Eastern-luciferic elements underpinned by Sorath was accompanied and enhanced by the sexual revolution and the drug-culture. The 1980s and 1990s fortied and normalized this anti-Christian materialistic spirituality in the West. One of the key gures in this process has been the 14th Dalai Lama. He is the most prominent Kalachakra lineage holder today and has given thirty Kalachakra initiations all over the world, gathering huge crowds. The rst in USA was 1981 in Wisconsin and the rst in Europe was 1985 in Switzerland! Sadly not many westerners understand the true occult and magic meaning of this ritual, but a closer look reveals it to be completely in accordance with the aims of the above-mentioned Eastern left hand tradition(11). The Dalai Lama is also active in the preparation of a New Age-styled, unied World Religion, suited to the global political aims of Sorath (One World, One Religion), through UN-supported organizations like the World Commission on Global




Consciousness and Spirituality (WC) and United Religions Initiative (URI). (12) How far this religious New Age-proling of UN has advanced, can be seen in programs like Intuition in Service, which is nothing but the Great Invocation of Alice Bailey in a number of variations. Dalai Lama is also very active in the linking of this new spirituality with neuroscience through the Mind & Life Institute. He addresses large groups of brain scientists at conventions, supplies the researchers with Tibetan monks for brain scanning and completely embraces the paradigm of natural science. If scientic analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, he says, then we must accept the ndings of science and abandon those claims. The title of one of his latest books is The Universe in a Single Atom (2005). In our view these present activities of the Dalai Lama and the theme of an occult conict since the beginning of the century as we have briey sketched it above are part and parcel of Rudolf Steiners timely warning in 1919: If, in the future, people were to do nothing themselves toward acquiring a new wisdom, then, without their consciousness, the whole of culture would become ahrimanic, and it would be easy for the inuence issuing from Ahrimans incarnation to permeate all civilization on Earth. Precautions must therefore be taken in regard to the streams by which the ahrimanic form of culture is furthered As soon as Ahriman incarnates at the destined time in the West, the whole of culture would be impregnated with his forces. What else would come in his train? Through certain stupendous acts he would bring to humanity all the clairvoyant knowledge which until then can be acquired only by dint of intense labour and eort. When Ahriman incarnates in the West at the appointed time, he would establish a great occult school for the practise of magic arts of the greatest grandeur, and what otherwise can only be acquired by strenuous eort would be poured over humankind. by means of these stupendous magic arts he would be able to make great numbers of human beings into seers but in such a way that the clairvoyance of each individual would be strictly dierentiated. Ultimately, however, they would all be satised with their own particular vision, for each of them would be able to see into the spiritual world. In

this way all culture on the Earth would fall prey to Ahriman. The issue is whether this wisdom is in the hands of Ahriman or of Christ. It cannot come into the hands of Christ unless people ght for it.(13) We return now to the overall comments on the proposed time-schedule 1896-2012. It has often been stated that humanity has crossed the threshold to the spiritual world collectively and is now confronting the lesser Guardian of the Threshold, in the case of most people unknowingly. It has of course been a gradual process since 1413 as our discussion of electromagnetism elucidated, but there is a clear feeling that 1896-1933/45 marked a decisive turning point. Besides the revelation of anthroposophy, think of Freuds The Interpretation of Dreams 1899, and Jungs The psychology of the Unconscious 1912. Furthermore, 1933 was mentioned by Rudolf Steiner as the beginning of the third Sorath-impulse. After the Second World War man had totally lost his protective innocence, the dignity of man had suered deeply, and both existentially and spiritually he was suspended in the air above the moral pit opened by Sorath. In the next two temptations mans decency, modesty, respect and awe was lost, too. The metaphor of a pit is not incidental, because the transgression is not only linear (or to many people even an exponentially ascending progression), but actually a steep descent or a downfall. That is why the interior layers of the earth have been mentioned and also the redeeming descent of Christ to hell. In connection with the transgression 1896-1933/45 we have to focus on the crossing between the 6th and 7th layers, that is the direct confrontation with the rst layer of the Asuras, the Reector Earth. Normally a protective border was placed here, sheltering the six upper layers from direct penetration by the lover forces of black magic, corresponding to the Erinnerungsspiegel inside man protecting him from the deeper lying Zerstrungsherd (14). This protective shield was lost with the ssion of the atom and the atom bomb, and since then the forces of electricity and magnetism have been used in combination serving the purposes of the Asuras and Sorath. The second temptation 1962-79 implicated a crossing to the 8th layer. The Etheric Christ




was not experienced and chosen to be mans guidance in the administration of the new wisdom, and hence neither He nor the Holy Spirit became the spirit of community behind the New Age-impulse in those years. Individualism and self-development took over the scene based on a false Eastern idea of the I. As the Son was mocked and deserted in 1933, so was the Holy Spirit now in 1967. The result was a travesty of community and solidarity pointing forward to the harmful and false globalism of the last temptation, the lopsided, materialistic globalization of today. Finally man has crossed further down to the 9th layer and acquainted himself with Sorath since 1998/99, mocking the Father and creation. The newest CERN particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collidor, was switched on in September 2008 with the purpose of recreating the nuclear conditions of the Big Bang! This gradual down slope is precisely what Sorath had hoped for! According to Rudolf Steiner (15), Soraths original plan was to generate an impulse in the year 666 that accelerated the development of the consciousness soul and introduced its content (which was not supposed to happen before the middle of the 5th Age in 2493) in an ahrimanized form in the intellectual soul, overtaking the human I and blocking further spiritual progress. He remarks, that this is the general procedure of the evil powers to anticipate the later positive and appropriate development of man. The expedited incarnation of Christ counterbalanced and partly disrupted this plan. It took place as many years before the middle of the 4th Era, 333, as 666 happened after. And so the ahrimanic Sorathimpulse of 666 was weakened and occurred against a completely changed background, though this materialistic intellectual impulse found its delayed way to Western culture through arabism and created the basis for later science. In a most recent book (16) on the descent of Christ down to the interior of the Earth, the author conveys a detailed exposition of the dispositions and actions of Sorath following the decision of Christ to incarnate in advance of 666. The main idea is that Sorath in a way hangs himself on to the incarnating Christ during the descent in order to overshadow and rise with Him on Easter morning, thus destroying the redemption

of mans I and making himself God. The three earthquakes demarcate Christs reaction, trampling Sorath underfoot, banishing him to the deepest interior layers of the Earth, where he is now present and has his province. It is explained by implication, how this inadmissible hanging on to Christ reverberates in the 33.33 and 333 year cycles and exercises a corruptive inuence on them, resulting in the strange intertwinement of the 33.33, 333 and 666 years cycles we have discussed above. The content of this exposition is said to be based on independent supersensible research within the requirements of spiritual science. The present author is not in a position to verify this claim and can only resort to clear thinking and his own intuitive resources and extrasensory experiences. On one hand it is of paramount importance to avoid speculation, on the other hand it is equally important to try to understand the present situation of man in regard to Sorath and his actions. In our opinion the proposed explanation is not completely futile. It is on the track of the subtle realities of evil in our time and shows a peculiar susceptibility to the Sorath-phenomenon. Rudolf Steiner has never unequivocally characterized Soraths province and origin, but apparently the demon does not belong to the human evolution and cosmos per se like the other evil forces. Soraths direct opposition to Christ, the Sun Logos, seems to be his most distinctive feature. Quote: This seductive being is of quite a dierent nature from man. It originates from other worlds; it has acquired the tendencies of other world periods This being could only have got something from the Earth by being able to gain the rulership at a certain moment, namely when the Christ-principle descended to Earth. If the Christ-principle had been strangled in the germ, if Christ had been overcome by the adversary, it would have been possible for the whole Earth to succumb to the Sorath-principle. This, however, did not take place, and so this being has to be content with the refuse of mankind who have not inclined towards the Christ-principle, who have remained embedded in matter; they in the future will form his cohorts. (17)This passage points to a Sorath-plan like the above-mentioned, only in connection with an earlier



ADAM MICHAELIS 11 stage, perhaps the Baptism or shortly after in the Temptation. It is most likely that Sorath somehow shadows the Christ and works from the interior of the Earth after the Resurrection, when it became the planetary body of Christ. We can only guess what action Sorath could have taken at that certain moment, but the alternative idea of Sorath descending and rising with Christ at Easter seems a little to imaginative and attributes exaggerated power to Sorath. We must ask ourselves this question: Why is it, that Christ to some extend tolerates the presence of a being and a destructive principle, which do not contribute anything positive to the development of man or Earth? The answer is simple. Sorath is in contrast to Christ and His cosmic I. He is nothing but a shadow of divine love. Christ could only succumb to His adversary if He had failed Himself in his freedom to do so, which He did not. The same goes for the human I and freedom, and that is why Sorath will take away from the human I everything, that is oered to him, that is not Christ-like. He will not enrich man spiritually voluntarily, but he will serve a function. Yes, he can shadow the Christ temporarily in relation to man, but he can not overshadow Him. The Passion of Jesus Christ was His obedience to God until death, when it was nished, and the Resurrection was his resulting victory how could any shadow-being jeopardize that? Sorath was not able to rise with Christ, he is never going to incarnate on Earth, and he has neither an incarnation nor a resurrection body at his disposal. What he certainly can do, will do and is doing right now is to draw as many human beings as possible down to him, utilizing the three evil principles that is actually connected with mans evolution and therefore built into his three lower members. And, as mentioned by Rudolf Steiner, he can only do so, if man does not show any inclination towards the Christ-principle. Sorath can only rise through mans downfall, and that is his sole objective from 1933 onwards and since the Mystery of Golgotha. Sorath can only nullify Christs redemptive victory if man does so. And so he has mobilized and prepared since the Mystery of Golgotha, launching luciferic and ahrimanic impulses in the course of history (the Mexican mysteries, Gondishapur, the destruction of the templars) and Besides taking a good look at the outer events of contemporary local and global reality from the point of view we have outlined above, we could try to imagine, reect on or sense more clearly, what kind of inner collective conditioning of our three lower members Sorath has produced during the last century or even decade? This question is all the more relevant and urgent, since man has evidently crossed the threshold to It is noteworthy that the Passion of Christ and His descent into the interior of the Earth has received such an attention within anthroposophy in recent time, and we think it is sensible to interpret this event from a broader perspective of reality as pertaining to the present descent of man into Soraths evil, directly and intimately connected with the Mystery of Golgotha. We will qualify this interpretation further when discussing the period of the present temptation, 1996-2012, but for now it suces to say, that it is mankind, not Christ, who sinks through layers of increasing evil and is stepwise tempted and give in to Sorath! And it is not mankind in general; it is us, you and me! As always, when something causes furore or provocation, you might ask yourself, if there is something in reality you have neglected or bypassed. In this case it is evident that many wish to be with Christ in his Glory (or have Christ to be with them and glorify them), but not many want to follow the actual way to this glory. Here we are not thinking of Christs Passion as such, but the personal and existential passion belonging to ourselves. The hardest thing in life is not to displace any evil away from yourself. waiting for the moment, when the Asuras became operative and the human I could be tempted full scale. From then on he started to work on man more directly from within as well as from without, in a highly coordinated manner, skilfully utilizing and enhancing the polarity-structures of the evil powers, adhering to the principle: What comes out of a man is what makes him unclean always imperceptibly, staying behind the scene, calling things the opposite name. We can not prevent Soraths actions, but we can certainly renounce and resist them, and we can witness them for what they are.




the spiritual world and ought to have some inkling of his personal lesser Guardian of the Threshold, an experience described by Rudolf Steiner as a disaster in your life. How do we actually look today in that mirror of truth? We have to take into account, that mankind has far from guarded itself against the inuences of Sorath, on the contrary! It is known in anthroposophy that the human double is connected with the electromagnetic and chemical processes and qualities of the body, shadowing the etheric almost like Sorath shadows Christ. Then perhaps it is reasonable to expect, that the massive outpouring of Sorath-induced and Sorath-devised fabrications in and around us have not been traceless with respect to the structure and workings of the double and since the Asuras and Sorath are involved, neither with regard to the I-structure and our thought-processes. Could and should we not imagine some kind of descentbody although we would rather discuss the regenerated phantom and the resurrection body? What do we think when Sorath sounds the nal signal to gather his cohorts, will we watch it on TV or the internet, or will we receive it directly through our double? We must remember that Sorath, contrary to Christ, does not respect a human freedom or individuality that has not been defended with Christ-faith and watchfulness. If we compare what Sorath has accomplished in the outer world in a century or two (we like to call it our progress and ingenuity) during the relatively undisturbed status of our inner personal ego-administration (apart from the few of us who are too sensitive, estranged or unbalanced) what then should we expect, if Sorath shifted the open distribution from the outside to the inside of man? For now, we are relatively condent in ourselves only because we dont actually experience our hanging in the air over the bottomless dimension below. But what does it mean to engage Sorath from the inside, when he has free access to all the bodies of our makeup? Remember, this is not a soap-opera, this is not ctional. This is our preliminary end-time, directly connected with the time of the Mystery of Golgotha only 2000 years ago, our rst serious confrontation with Sorath. Let us remember Rudolf Steiners words: Those concerned with introducing the Antichrist instead of the Christ have endeavoured to exploit what could work

especially through the most materialistic forces, yet working spiritually with these materialistic forces. Above all they strive to exploit electricity and especially the earth's magnetism to have inuence over the entire earth. I have shown you how, in what I have called the human double, earthly forces arise. This mystery will be penetrated. It will be an American mystery to make use of the magnetism of the earth in its doubleness, to make use of the magnetism in North and South to send guiding forces that work spiritually across the earth. (19) And again: When Ahriman incarnates in the West at the appointed time, he would establish a great occult school for the practise of magic arts of the greatest grandeur, and what otherwise can only be acquired by strenuous eort would be poured over humankind. We think this deliberation links up with the current eorts to establish the contours of a One World Religion and points to a future attempt of a spiritual take over by Sorath, which critically undermines the faith in Christ. The big, open question is of course, whether the present obvious Sorath-impulse is coordinated with an imminent incarnation (incorporation) of Ahriman, foretold by Rudolf Steiner to take place in the beginning of this new millennium. On the basis of an interpretation of the Revelation chapter 12 and 13 and from a vision by the American psychic Jeane Dixon in 1962, the authors of Christ & the Maya Calendar expect this incarnation and Ahrimans 3 years of global reign (Rev 13:5) in the immediate future, coinciding with the solar eclipse July 22, 2009. Alternatively they point to the period from 2012 (the end of the Maya-calendar) to 2016 (the end of the 39th human day in the wilderness). They see the nancial crisis and the war against terror as preparatory events and even hint at the identity of a false prophet (the beast 666, Rev 13:11). (20) Now, the beast 666 is certainly Sorath, but not necessarily in the human shape of a false prophet, since the strategy and workings of the powerful Sun Demon is actually far more advanced, reshaping mans outer and inner reality as discussed above. No doubt 1996-2012 is a prelude to great changes and tribulations, but we are not convinced, that this narrow timeframe will see any nal events or Ahrimans incarnation. That is too easy, too




convenient and haphazard. We should not always look for outer events, but start looking into ourselves. Michael is the leading archangel from 1879 to 2229 and he will ght the evil powers till about 2300. 1999 is closing the 6th 333 year-cycle since the Mystery of Golgotha and commencing the 7th cycle ending in 2332. Since the crossing from the 6th to the 7th cycle could very well correspond with the entry into the 7th layer of the Earth in mans overall pattern of descent, which unfolds in parallel cycles on dierent levels (the current acceleration of this century into still deeper layers being a preparatory phase?) then perhaps we can look forward to a prolonged battle. The 7th layer, Reector Earth, corresponds with the 7th level of initiation, Resurrection, in the Christian esoteric initiation and demarcates mans overall evolutionary mission on this planetary stage (21). In our opinion, the decisive features of 1998 and the period 1996-2012 is the Sorath-impulse and the Etheric Christ and his function as Lord of Karma, with or without the incarnation of Ahriman being near. Anyway, the pragmatic response is to focus on the matter in hand, what is going on now. The present period of temptation, 1996-99-2012, has seen a heavy build-up since 1979. The phrase from the 1960s turn on, tune in, drop out has been altered to plug in, link up, stay on line. It is no coincidence that Pluto has been the closest to the Sun and the Earth from 1979-99, even closer than Neptune.(22) This period now is about choosing a total materialization and a materialistic spirituality on a global scale. We are beginning to understand the interconnectedness of all men in mankind and are getting an idea and a sense of globalism. But what is to be the common denominator of this universalism? The only true answer is the Etheric Christ, but the threatening answer is Sorath with the combined evil package, the anthill-model, with all the features we have discussed above. There will be false globalization, unication, regimentation, standardization and so forth on the basis of advanced technology and no doubt some kind of ideological superstructure based on a magic religion, both with deep and lasting impact on mans constitution on all levels. The signs are apparent everywhere in this period information technology,

nano technology, cloning, mapping of the human genome, genetic engineering and testing, surveillance, capital-concentrations and movements you name it! So it is timely to wonder, whether we are moving towards a New World Order, what this order will comprise and who is going to control it? We are convinced from extrasensory evidence that the Sorath-impulse actually took place in 1998-99.(23) Also we experienced in 1996-99 a strong positive spiritual impulse and opening connected with a beginning direct awareness of the subtle workings of evil principles within man (the double). 2000-2003 represented an interim-period of blending and understanding in which the Sorath-impact made itself more and more felt on a background of continued spiritual work, preparation and karmic cleansing. Late 2002 especially saw a culmination to this process, which then took on a whole new dimension and intensication from around Easter 2003. This was a turning point! And so we tend to look at the period from winter 1996 to autumn 1999 and then again to spring 2003 as a consecutive 2 x 3 year period of totally 7 years, in which there was an intertwining and shadowing between the impulse of the Etheric Christ and Sorath. The rst period with the weight on Christs ministry, the second mimicking this. This is of course a subjective valuation, but nevertheless based on rich extrasensory experience of a collective nature of the Sorath-phenomenon. On the same grounds and from careful analysis of evidence we strongly suspect that the process starting Easter 2003 in fact is a descent (in a descent, in a descent), that is a year by year, or Easter after Easter, collective descent into the layers of evil, 2003-2006 (the luciferic, 1-3d layers nished), 2006-2009 (the ahrimanic, 4-6th layers nished), 2009-2010 (asuric, 7th layer, beginning 3 x 33.33 years after the Etheric Christ became visible to initiates), 2010-12 (the nal two asuric layers, 8-9th , culminating in the province of Sorath from after Easter 2012). This micro-level descent-cycle is overlapped by the two macro-level descent-cycles: 1999 ending the 6th 333-year cycle and commencing the 7th decisive cycle, and the three temptation-cycles in the last century




corresponding with the descent into the 7th, 8th and 9th layers. And so we suggest this time map:
1996-99 Christ-impulse shadowed by actual Sorath1999-2003 Sorath-impact mimicking Christ-impulse 2003 Easter Beginning of 9 year descent ending Easter 2012 2003-6 Luciferic 2006-9 Ahrimanic 2009-10 1. Asuric, important turning point 2010-12 Asuric 2012 Sorath, culmination impulse 1998

We fully realize that this interpretation of events can only appear speculative to many readers of a serious anthroposophical orientation, but perhaps it can be considered as a curious contribution to the sudden outbreak within the movement of interest in the Passion of Christ and His descent and resurrection. Anyway, on intuitive and factual grounds we are rmly convinced that the period of time under consideration in this essay, 1899-2012, is closely linked with the Mystery of Golgotha, representing the reappearance of Christ in the etheric and his new oce as Lord of Karma on the one hand, and on the other Soraths attempt to disrupt this divine plan of redemption. The latter is the more overt part of the sequence apart from the inner conditioning of man. Soraths counter plan is to nullify Christs act of redemption by taking humanity through the same descent down in the interior of the Earth as the victorious Christ, without anyone noticing anything, no one calling out for Christ in fright, most of us fancying that this is actually an ascent into a fair and bright future. What Sorath has established by the year 2012 and how this is continued on, we can only guess at in this point of time. By Easter 2012 he has dismantled as much as possible of Christs redemptive descent through the interior layers of the Earth on behalf of humanity, concurrently with the inner dismantling of contact with Christ and the regenerated phantom in each of us according to karmic and existential conditions and a corresponding build-up of the advanced double (the descent-body). What kind of inner and outer theatre will then be opened? Will Sorath be faced openly by all those who did not face him inwardly? For sure, Michael will again battle for the birth of Christ on Earth, Advent will bring about the occult trials and temptations,(24) and then comes winter solstice 2012, the darkest time of the year (in many years). Sorath, for one, is not looking forward to Christmas with joyful expectation, and he certainly hopes, that the Resurrection of Christ at Easter 2013 will pass unnoticed. Will humanity slide comatose into total forgetfulness of Christ on Soraths space-station Earth? Adam Michaelis May 2009

NB. We have chosen this one neglected perspective, but perhaps it is more appropriate to choose the other, that the Etheric Christ, when entering and encountering man, will force out and reveal the double in him, as He pushed all evil aside in the Mystery of Golgotha. Perhaps, when we look at the Etheric Christ, Lord of Karma, but have not seen the Sorath inside, His reection unto us will be that of Sorath in us.




Literatur/ Verweise

19. Spirit Beings and the Ground of the World, 25.11.1917, GA186. 20. Christ & the Maya Calender, p. 80. The false prophet is perhaps born: on or about August 5, 1961 21. Der Abstieg, p. 120-21. 22. Pluto crossed Neptunes orbit January 21, 1979, made its closest approach September 5, 1989, and remained within the orbit of Neptune until February 11, 1999. 23. The Anatomy of Evil in Our Time. By Adam Michaelis, BoD, Norderstedt, 2005. http:// 24. The Cycle of the Year as a Path of Initiation. By Sergei O. Prokoe, Temple Lodge, London, 1995. chapter 7-8.

1. Christ & the Maya Calender, 2012 & the Coming of the Antichrist. By Robert Powell and Kevin Dann, Lindisfarne Books, Great Barrington, MA, 2009. 2. Chronicle of the Living Christ. By Robert Powell, Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY, 1996. Afterword. 3. The Spiritual Event of the Twentieth Century. By Jesaiah Ben-Aharon, Temple Lodge, London, 2001. p. 25, 50. 4. See: Chronicle of the Living Christ, Afterword. 5. Das Bse, Polaritt und Steigerung. By Michael Kalisch, Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart, 1998. p. 25-27. 6. The Interior of the Earth. By Rudolf Steiner, Rudolf Steiner Press, Forest Row, 2006. p. 84, 11. 7. Christ & the Maya Calender, p.18-21. 8. Der Osten im Lichte des Westens, Teil I-III, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach, 1997. 9. Hitler, Buddha, Krishna. By Victor & Victoria Trimondi, Ueberreuter, Wien, 2002. 10. Externalizatuion of the Hierarchy II. By Alice Bailey. p. 134-35. 11. Der Schatten des Dalai Lama. By Victor & Victoria Trimondi, Patmos Verlag, Dsseldorf, 1999. 12.False Dawn. By Lee Penn, Sophia Perennis, Hillsdale, NY, 2004. 13. The Inuences of Lucifer & Ahriman. By Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophic Press, 1993. 14. Das Mysterium der Auferstehung. By Sergej O. Prokoe, Verlaf Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart, 2008, p. 148-51. 15. Wie nde Ich den Christus, 16.10.1918, GA185. 16. Der Abstieg in die Erdenschichten. By Judith von Halle, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach, 2008, p. 101-134. 17. The Apocalypse of St. John. By Rudolf Steiner. 30.6.1908, GA104. 18. Der Abstieg, p. 115: Die Macht des Anti-Christ ist derjeningen Christi ebenbrtig, zumindest beinahe.



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