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Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

Research is becoming an increasingly important part of English teachers' work for several reasons:Conducting research, often informal, is a key approach to teacher development.There is an increasing focus on insider perspectives in research. Potential areas for research in ELT are becoming broader and new areas are opening up.Conducting research increases the professionalism of ELT teachers. With this increase in the importance of research in ELT, the writer organized paper on this issue. Basic research in ELT reasearch is to develop applied sciences in order to improve the quality of teaching RESEARCH IN ELT


RESEARCH is a systematic attempt to provide answer to question (Bruce W. Tuckman). RESEARCH is the empirical investigation of the phenomenon systematically, control, and critical theory and hypotheses that suggest a link between the phenomena (Kerlinger, 1986)

Inquiry, Knowledge, Hypothesis, Information, Classification, Analysis, Interpretation, Structured Investigation, Understanding, Problem, Prove, Theory, Evaluation, Asking Questions, Analyzing Data, Scientific Method, Insight, Prove/Disprove, Characterize Phenomena, Uncover, Satisfy Inquiry, Solution The Terms, taken together, suggest that RESEARCH is a process of formulating questions, problems, or hypotheses; collecting data or evidence relevant to these questions/problems/hypotheses; and analyzing or interpreting these data.
1 In Fulfillment of Research in ELT Assignment Paper

Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

The minimal definition: RESEARCH is a systematic process of inquiry consisting of three elements or components: (1) a question, problem, or hypothesis, (2) data, (3) analysis and interpretation of data. Evaluate the research problem: 1). Contribute to building knowledge 2). Can give rise to new problems 3). Can be researched -> with respect to the relationship that exists between two or more variables can be defined and measured. The concept of education smart, intelligent, disciplined, careful, diligent Variables that can be derived from the concept defined and measured, example: smart is the one that a lot of knowledge, measured -> with Test Wise can be measured by making the sign - a sign. A wise person can be 20 marks (indicators) or also called as Valid Instruments Research in elt is also very suitable for researchers, among others: a. interest b. Being in the field of controlled c. data affordable d. Enough time. The research itself originated from the problem ---> focus of research (central concept) that we want to check Raised the issue = declare / define the problem in a form that can be studied: > Explain clearly what will be explained or resolved (There should be a concept) > Limiting the scope of the study was on a particular issue.
2 In Fulfillment of Research in ELT Assignment Paper

Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

RESEARCH ISSUES - >> The first step in the scientific method is the recognition of the difficulties, obstacles, issues or problems Three Important Things to Understand Research: A. Research is the process of object-based problems with empirical phenomena. 2. The process of research carried out in a systematic, organized, controlled and critical. 3. Aims of the study provide information to answer a specific problem. Systematic research if having the following steps: 1. Identifying the problem. 2. Linking Problems with Theory. 3. Collecting Data. 4. Analyze and Interpret Data. 5. Make a conclusion. Controlled study if: 1. Planned at each step. 2. The variables are identified and selected. 3. Instruments made with caution. 4. Conclusions are made based on data 5. Recommendations are made based on the results and conclusions. CHARACTERISTICS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PURPOSIVENESS: There is a statement of research objectives are clear. Rigorous: Implemented based on good theory and research methods used carefully and appropriately. Rigor (Carefulness, Scrupulousness, and Exact). Testability: Testing the hypothesis is logically to determine whether the data collected support the hypothesis that was developed.
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Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

Replicability: Results of tests of hypotheses to be supported by subsequent research that is repeated with the other conditions more or less the same. PRECISSION AND confidence: Precision: The accuracy of the results of research with reality, Confidence: The accuracy of the results of research so that researchers estimate correctly. Objectivity: The conclusion to be drawn from analysis of data must be objectively based on facts / data are real (objective / subjective is not). Benefits of Research 1. Help acquire new knowledge. 2. Obtain an answer to a question. 3. Provide solutions to a problem. 4. Organize and categorize things. 5. Predict events / circumstances that will come. 6. Explain the events / circumstances in the past. 7. Find the cause of an event. 8. Control of events. 9. Formulating a policy. 10. Development strategy.

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Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

Ten Research Steps

5 In Fulfillment of Research in ELT Assignment Paper

Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

Basic Dificulty: What is it that has caught your interest or raised a question in your

Rationale and Theoretical Base: Can you begin from a position of logical concept,

relationship, and expectations based on current thinking in this area,

Statement of the purpose or Problem: What is it that you plan to investigate? What are

the general goals of the study? Define the problem.

Question to be answered: When the research is finished, what are the questions to which

reasonable answers can be expected?

Statement of Hypothesis or Objectives: Spell out the particular research hypothesis you

will test or the specific objective at which the research is aimed. Be concrete and clear, making sure that each hypothesis or objective is stated in terms of observable behavior allowing the objective evaluation of the results.
Design and Procedure: State who your subjects will be, how they will be selected, the

condition under which the data will be collected, treatment variables to be manipulated, what measuring instruments or data-gathering technique will be used, and how the data will be analyzed and interpreted?
Assumptions: What assumption have you made about the nature of the behavior you are

investigating. About the condition under which the behavior occurs, about your methods and measurement, or about the relationship of the study to other persons and situations?
Limitations: What are the limitations surrounding your study? What limitation exist in

your methods or approach-sampling restrictions, uncontrolled variables, faulty instrumentation, and other compromises to internal and external validity?
Delimitation: How have you narrow the scope of the study? Did you focus only on

selected aspects of the problem, certain area of interest, a limited range of subjects, and level of sophistication involved?

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Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

Definition of Terms: List and define the principal terms you will use, particularly where

terms have different meanings to different people? Emphasis should be placed on operational or behavioral definitions C. PROBLEM (PROBLEM) Problems arise because of the challenge, doubt or confusion as to a thing or phenomenon, the ambiguity of meanings (ambiguity), barriers and obstacles, gaps / gaps (gap) or antarfenomena antarkegiatan good, either existing or will exist. D.WHAT IS THE PROBLEM OF RESEARCH : 1. Expectations and the reality gap 2. Dialectical process of theory-base of research 3. Measure of the importance of research 4. Reviewing the basic reference 5. Determine the basic research methods 6. Determine the basic research budget

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Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

REPLICATE = repeated again and same result IMPARTIAL = always objective ISOLATED = separate - facts always have to find another RESEARCH = a systematic series of activities to discover the truth and answer the questions / issues SYSTEMATIC = number of components that are functionally related INQURY = activities carried out to find answers to questions SYSTEMATIC INQURY = a series of activities carried out to find answers to every question EMPIRICAL = The fact that observed with the human senses (the opposite: the facts in the liver) EVALUATION = to evaluate an activity / program / system / method PARADIGM = the assumption that truth is considered to be the basis for decision making QUANTITATIVE = data-shaped figures QUALITATIVE = shaped behavior

CONCEPT: an abstract entity which can be defined or formulated. example, love is ......, ghost, perseverance .... FOCUS: The purpose (main concept is not checked) characteristic feature of so-called indicator (gauge) characteristics of the instrument to measure data / concepts that have the source of the problem of research is the experience, examples of the concept: do not pay attention PROBLEM: The gap between expectations and reality LITERATURE CONNECTION: Previous research on reading Deductions from THEORY: The theory that our conclusions from the theory / implications of the theory in everyday life Example: every object is always drawn to the center of gravity deduction: the books of the hand will fall apart and will not fly up Thesis: The results for strata1
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Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

can be investigated: the relationships that exist between two / more variables can be defined / measured.

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Research in ELT,By:Ghea Tahara C.R.

[201 2]

Middle test Assignment

Presented to :
Dr. Amrin Batubara , S.pd , M.pd

Name NPM

: Ghea Tahara Crisna Rusia : 09620024

Class / Semester : H / VI

Faculty of Science and Language Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University 2012

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