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This Week at ISN

18 - 22 June 2012 This week, our Regional Perspectives on Power series considers why India seems set to lead South Asia in a multipolar international system while Pakistan appears to be frozen in the past.

South Asia: Back to the Future?

Religions, Politics and Culture in South Asia
18 June 2012 / Podcast

Ali Riaz discusses how globalization and the perceived failure of the secular state are just two of the factors influencing the complex interplay of religion, democracy and government in South Asia. More India: Outward-Looking and Inner Turmoil
19 June 2012 / Special Feature

While India is increasingly considered an emerging global power, it remains a country bedeviled by internal problems. These will inevitably impact upon New Delhi's ability to project power across a multipolar international system. More Turning Pakistan Around
20 June 2012 / Special Feature

In an interview with the Oxford Research Group, Ahmed Rashid says Pakistan's political-military elite should get over its Cold War mentality and focus on what the country really needs economic development. More The Proxy Wars: Kashmir and Afghanistan
21 June 2012 / Special Feature

Eric Lund analyzes how two of the most restive regions of South Asia continue to influence the strategic calculations of India and Pakistan. More Regional Security in South Asia
22 June 2012 / Special Feature

Enhanced security cooperation between South Asia's dominant powers remains unlikely, argues Prem Mahadevan at the Center for Security Studies. More

Security Watch
The Non-Traditional Nuclear Threat in South Asia: Managing the Focus
18 June 2012

India, China and Pakistan need to develop a common framework to address the challenge of nuclear terrorism. Reciprocal exchanges of information may provide the important first step, argues Martin de Laverne. More The Curious Case of India's Withdrawal from the South China Sea
19 June 2012

Teshu Singh discusses the withdrawal of an Indian petroleum company from the South China Sea and how it may hamper New Delhi's geopolitical stature and its relations with South East Asia. More

"Our Good Friend and Cousin": India in Afghanistan

20 June 2012

India is a major source of aid and economic development for Afghanistan. According to Eric Lund, New Delhi's commitment to the war-torn country is not just about gaining leverage over Pakistan. More Afghanistan: Future Energy Corridor?
21 June 2012

John CK Daly predicts that peace and stability may lead to Afghanistan becoming a major energy transit corridor, consumer and producer a development that will also benefit its neighbors. More Wobbly Pillars Underpin Afghanistan Transition
22 June 2012

Afghan security forces are gradually approaching full strength. Yet doubts remain as to whether they will be able to keep the peace after 2014, writes Mark Schneider. More

ISN Blog
The Triumph of Politics in Europe
18 June 2012

Economics, particularly economic theories, always yield in the end to political imperatives. Shlomo Ben Ami argues that Europe's fast-changing political landscape is bound to affect Europe's economic policies as well. More When Democracies Collide
19 June 2012

Volker Perthes predicts that the new democratic powers may challenge the Old West's political agenda at the upcoming G-20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico. More Green from the Grassroots
20 June 2012

Elinor Ostrom discusses the mounting global environmental problems and the prospects of what can be achieved at the UN Rio+20 summit. More Egypt's Innocent Murderers
20 June 2012

Omar Ashour analyzes the lacking independence of Egypt's judiciary and the serious consequences this can have for the country's political transition. More The Intervention Dilemma
21 June 2012

With reference to Syria, Joseph S Nye examines when states should intervene militarily to stop atrocities in other countries. More China's Expanding Core
22 June 2012

In the light of the maritime disputes China is involved in, Yuriko Koike asks what will satisfy China's desire to secure its expanding "core interests". More

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