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Sample Customer Loyalty Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions: 1) Did the product purchased from XYZ Company satisfy you? _______ 2) If the product purchased by you, required home delivery, then was it delivered fast? ________________________________________________________________________ 3) Have you received proper after sale service from XYZ Company? _______________ 4) Would you like to purchase goods and services from this company again? ____________ 5) Does this company have an extensive stock that can cater to the needs of a customer? ___________

6) Would you recommend products of this company to your friends and relatives?__________ 7) According to you, what products should the company stock in so that the requirement of the customer is fulfilled? _____________________________________________________________________ 8) Does the staffs of this company helpful? __________ 9) Did you receive a proper demonstration on the product that you bought by the concerned professional? _____________________________________________________________________ 10) According to you, what are the best products of this company?

______________________________________________________________ 11) 12) company? ______________________________________ How long have you been the customer of this company? ___________ After receiving your recommendation, have any of your friends or relatives become a customer of this

Sample Marketing Questionnaire Format

The Initial Few questions should be framed in a manner so as to know the awareness of your product among the users. 1. Which product of our company you have used and how long? ___________________________________________________ 2. Did you find the product up to the standard? If not then mention in detail what are the things you want us to improve in our products? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Once you have known the awareness, next set of questions should be framed to know the opinion regarding the products related to its satisfaction and other such factors. 3. If you are satisfied then how much you will rate the product you have used out of 10? _______________________________________ 4. Do you think the advertisements of our services and products capture the best quality in the market? If no why? ___________________________________________________________ The next set of questions should be based on the marketing of the product. 5. Do you think our advertisement is quite convincing for those who are new to our products? If no mention why? __________________________________________________________ 6. How will you define our advertisement?

a. Funny b. Interesting & Informative c. Convincing d. Too long e. Very short f. Not up to the mark 7. How much will you rate our customer care service out of 10? ________________________________________ 8. From where you got to know about our product?

a. Television b. Radio c. Newspaper d. From friends & family e. posters & banners Finally get to know that whether user is so much satisfied that he will recommend your product to others or not 9. Will you recommend others about our product? If No please mention why? ___________________

Service satisfaction feed back

Use this key for the following questions 1- Excellent, 2- good, 3- average, 4-poor, 5- very poor.YPU

Please rate your level of your satisfaction with our services. ____________ Please rate your level of your satisfaction with the prices of our services. _________ Please rate your level of satisfaction with the range and diversity of our services. ______ Please rate your level of satisfaction with the delivery of our services._____________ Please rate your level of satisfaction with the value of our services. _________________ Please rate your level of satisfaction with the packaging of our services. ____________ Were your needs met efficiently and effectively? ____________________ How would you rate us in relation to our competitors? ________________ Do you know about all our products and services? _______________________ What more would you like to know about the company? ___________________

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