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MARTY, 06/07/12

Marianne looked at the rear view mirror and watched Maia sleep peacefully like a child. She had been in foster homes at the age of nine, just like her, switching from one family to another until she reached sixteen and met Marianne during her pre-medical years. Since they almost had the same line of life, they clicked immediately and become friends. Together they both work in the same tutorial school for Koreans and Japanese during their summer to fund their school necessities. How reassuring to know that her best friend had somehow found happiness after what she'd been through. She's always been a sleepyhead for the last five months, a voice interrupted her gaze and she swiftly shifted it to the driver. Paul, for a second, a radiant smile showed in his face before switching it back to the driveway, was Jason's only sibling. They had good aged difference, almost same age with her and Maia. The pride in his eyes of becoming a father in less than four months time is quite evident . Marianne smiled back, I'm so happy for both of you. She turned her eyes to the vulnerable form of her friend before shifting it to the now twinkling street lights, thinking how things came to an abrupt change. I know what you're thinking, and I know how much my brother hurt you, Paul said without any hesitations. She was so shocked to answer. Come on, Maya. Everyone knows how you adored my brother and how much he cared for you. We're almost thinking that both of you were gonna hit it off in the altar someday, even though how arrogant my brother was or how stubborn you were . It's not that I'm prying but you see, even after disappointing me in my wedding day, I love my brother. I don't know what had happened between the two of you, but I'm sure maybe you can put it in the past and perhaps make a new start,he said while looking in her eyes, I always think of you as the best sister I could ever had. After a long silence, Marianne sighed, I won't lie to you, Paul. I was hurt, yes, but that was in the past. If you think I'm a little agitated because of your brother, no, Lies. Lies. I'm just not prepared for any of this when I'm almost settled with my life. I know your mom too well, and I'm sure she's gonna make some drastic hints to compromise you and your brother for my own benefit. I know she thinks that I'm still that skinny little girl she rescued in the past and has to make sure that I'm well cared by either of you. That was almost half true. You're still skinny, you know, he chuckled. Marianne groaned, Oh, come on. Not that, again. I'm not joking here, Paul. What's this joking about? Maia said, both looking at the two people with bewildered eyes. They both snapped back at the petite woman who was now wide awake with evident bulge in her

tummy. Nothing, honey. I was telling Marianne that she's too skinny, Paul said with reassuring sound, giving his wife a wry wink at the rear view mirror. They almost made it to Villeza's summer house by quarter after 9. Marianne can feel the rapid beating of her heart. After all these years of practicing what to say, now is the time to make those words quite true. You can do it, Marianne. Give my brother a chance and yourself. Paul said, snapping off the seatbelt. The screeching of tire told Jason that they were here. Marianne's here with her husband, his little brother. He could still remember those painful months when he learned the love tryst between his little brother and Marianne. He knew he didn't have the right to be angry but that little bitch told him how she felt for him then jumped off to his little brother once he was gone. But that was eight years ago, now he will make the reconciliation his mother wanted. He care for his little brother but not his bitchy wife. Remembering those letters she sent him after learning that they were engaged. How dare she, having an affair with my brother then succumbing to send love letters to me. She really is a bitch!But now, everything will be fine, for he brought also the woman he's going to marry, Camilla. His reverie was interrupted by his mother making a great fuss in the arrival of her other son. He walked over the front door beside her mother. Oh, Paul, how I've missed you. Marissa run the short stairs and hugged her son with great ardor. Paul hugged his mom with equal intensity, and shifted his eyes to the man at the front door. Their eyes met and without any uncertainty, he walked the remaining steps and both brothers embrace each other with a long-term shared understanding. Marianne was caught up in the scenes that she was unaware that she still was sitting in the passenger seat. She was snapped back when Maia started shaking her shoulders, Marianne, are you okay? Yes, I'm sorry. I was too caught up, she said and make a comforting smile. She took all the courage and opened the door and paste the most impressible smile. The moment the passenger door opened, Jason stiffened and dragged his eyes from his brother to the emerging woman from the car. What he saw almost robbed off of words. Gone was the skinny girl with ponytails hanging at her back. Gone was the clumsiness she wore. Gone was the tactless but doting little girl who worshiped the path he tread. But rather it was replaced by sheer beauty of a woman adorned with its natural candor and her swift feminine movements showed confidence and finesse. She

grew her hair longer that it almost fell to her waist like a dark waterfall with its rippled ends. Despite the cool refined woman she paints yet, there's still that big vulnerable eyes of the little girl he once knew. As she pinned her gaze to the man that stole her heart several years ago, she felt her heart once again contract a few seconds before making a relax. God, he still is beautiful! Those years made him looked like a man at his prime. More lines had edged around his face and eyes and he still wear those sleek black hair that almost hung ruggedly longer than any guy. But beyond those changes, he still has those wonderful blue-black eyes that could almost drown anyone who risked to look a little longer and those sardonic knowing smile that could waylay any woman he wants. And she was one of them. Paul felt his brother stiffened, and looked at Marianne with the same apprehensive look . God, I almost forgot! he said and scampered down the stairs. Yes, Paul, what do you think you're doing, letting your pregnant wife come out without any assistance? Marissa's voice took the electrifying atmosphere that surrounds Marianne. She twisted her gaze to her Tita Marissa and went to giver her a daughterly kiss. The shock of knowing that Marianne is with a child took a gulped of air from Jason's lungs. What would you expect from a married couple, of course, a child, he told himself. But why was Paul moving on to the backseat? Thank you, child, for coming. You know how much this means to me, Marissa took her hands and propelled her attention to the waiting man at the door. This is it, mustering all the courage she has, she gave her sweetest smile, Hello, Jason. He was stunned at first by her garbed welcome so he masked his own smile that never reached his eyes. If his mom seen it, she never said a word. I see that a married life suits you,it sound more like an insult rather than a compliment. Marianne was taken aback with his statement. Did he think I was married? Before she could utter her reply, his mom took over. What a bunk thing to say, Jason. Marianne is not married! his mother said with horrid expression. Not married? The mixed emotions he felt almost reached his face, but he kept it hidden, rather pointed an uncertain look towards Marianne. The sound of a door closing broke the sudden tension between them, and the soft feminine laughter snapped Jason's gaze back towards the car. There emerged a sweet-faced woman who almost looked like she swallowed a full moon with her glowing face, a sign of the early phase of pregnancy. The small thought hit big at him! Hi, Jason, or shall I say, brother? Marianne saw the play of emotions etched in Jason's arrogant face as she heard the sweet angelic

voice asked. And Maia, the ever perceptive Maia, saw it, too. You think Marianne here married my husband, don't you? Well, I guess you're disappointed that I was to be your sister rather than Marianne, Maia teased. No, I was a little stunned, but I'm happy it was you, Jason put and made a brotherly peck to Maia's both cheeks. Now, now, everyone, his mother interrupted, I'm sure they are all tired, especially Maia. Make haste for the dinner will be serve immediately. There's no need for you to change, I'm sure you are all hungry. His mother called for the servants to take their luggage as they move towards the dining room. Just before they reached the door, a gorgeous brunette with a sultry smile reached the bottom of the stairs, clad in the most simple but stunning silk dress. She had a swaying walk and brash of confidence as she moved her attention towards the person behind her. Ahh, so I was late for introductions, eh? Her deliberate opening teased the whimsy air of tension. Marianne felt the light touch of Jason's arm as he maneuvered himself in front of her and take the rendering hands of the woman. The adoring eyes were evident as it rested on Jason and the sweet gentleness he exhibit shows that she's more than a passing guest but more. She was not prepared for what was coming, until she felt the squeezing hands of Maia and Paul. Everyone, I would like you to meet Camilla Fuentes, my fiancee. At the mention of it, Marianne felt like all the blood in her face squeezed out. He's getting married? Getting married? She felt the instant contraction of her heart, pouring out the last remaining breath she have. She barely able to hear the congratulations of everyone until she felt the close proximity of him at her front. And this is Marianne, mom's goddaughter. He indicated that she step forward. Unable to make the step, Camilla took it and extend her own hands towards her. It's really nice to know you at last. Ally tells me so much about you that I almost know you. Marianne took a deep breath and murmured a polite reply. The woman seemed nice and warm but it doesn't erase the feeling she have deep down in her gut. Jason saw the paleness of her face the moment he mentioned his upcoming engagement. Is she still hiding some feelings for him? Is she shocked of the news the way he was when he learned that she's not his little brother's wife? Her mother's shrieking excitement echoed inside the dining room as they proceed and take their chairs.

Marianne, you exchange seats with Camilla. It's customary that the future bride should not sit beside the intended groom. They should face each other across the table. Tita Marissa's voice hints a private joke. Marianne kept herself from giggling and she could see the faint amusement in Jason's eyes. Tita Marissa hates traditions and customs, unless she knows the people involve may bring bad luck. It's either Jason, or Camilla. The food was superb, with the assistance of smooth flowing conversation of Paul and Tita Marissa. Both mother and son possess the same ambiance when meeting with other peoplejolly and easy to get withbut Jason , more like his late father according to Tita Marissa, is reserved and difficult to read. Most people he met would either be terrified, be gobsmacked with his air of authority, or get awed with his masculine virility and intelligence. Marianne's tension was even heightened at the closeness she has with Jason. All her nerves are activated and somehow she can even count his regular breathing. She could feel the magnetic pull of when her hairs rise to meet the unconscious brush of Jason's arm as he passed the wine to her mom. So, how old were you when you came to be in Tita Marissa's care, Marianne? Camilla asked without the indulgence of her eyes. I was eighteen. Yes, she was eighteen, Maia interrupted, and did you know that their first meeting, pointing at Jason and Marianne with perceptible amusement in her face , was the most funny moment Marianne had ever have. Why, Jason here toppled a mud with his car while Marianne was at the side walk and splash all the muddy water in Marianne's face down to her uniform. Everyone chuckled at the same time the dessert was served. Stop it, honey. You're embarrassing Marianne. Seeing the sudden flush to paleness effect of their conversation, Marissa stood up, Child, are you okay? You're color change is a bit aberrant to me. Concern etched in Jason's face but before he could utter a word, he heard Maia fussed about Marianne's work. Goodness, mom, she took forty-eight hours duty before going here, but my stubborn friend wouldn't let me join Paul in the passenger seat so she could take a nap. Look at her! I'm okay. I'm just a little bit tired, that's all, and she excused herself to make her way to her bed. The moment she got up, blackness hazed her vision that she almost swayed and toppled the bowl beside her plate. Jason saw what was coming, after the long experience with patients, and took the hurried move and haul the lurching figure of Marianne. Marianne felt someone was carrying her, no longer able to hear the rapid instructions of Tita


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