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Stock Control

Date prepared: Prepared by: 07/06/2012 Jonathan Cooke/Lindsi Blakeman

CONTENTS Section One 1.1Overview Section Two Configuration 2.1 Enabling / disenabling stock control 2.2 Inventory items 2.3 Stock boxes set up 2.4 Customising adjustment reasons 2.5 Stock decrements on sales Section Three 3.1 Stock take 3.2 Add stock 3.3 Write off stock 3.4 Transfer in / Transfer out 3.5 Set stock warning levels 3.6 Refunds Section Four 4.1 Reports 4.2 Security tokens


The legend stock control feature enables users to process stock in different ways and allows users to keep on top of the stock levels. The feature is mainly based in Legend FOH with some additional settings that can be configured in Legend Control Panel. SECTION TWO STOCK CONFIGURATION 2.1 Configuration - Enabling/Disabling Stock Control Functionality It is possible to enable Stock Control functionality at Enterprise Level or at Club level. This setting is accessed through the Legend Control Panel in Global Setting and Club Settings respectively.

The settings can be found on the POS tab of both Global and Club settings. The global setting configuration has two tick boxes; Enable Stock Control and Blind Stock Take. The enable Stock Control enables the feature at all sites, the Blind Stock Take box disables certain information when completing a stock take, please see the Stock Take section for more information. The Club Settings option is very similar with the option to inherit the settings and disable Stock Decrement. The Disable Stock Decrement option is primarily designed for use to manage stock levels via stock takes, although can be used during configuration to stop users selling stock whilst it is set up.

2.2 Configuration Enabling Inventory Stock Control Stock control is required to be enabled individually on inventory items.

As seen above a user can enable stock control on an inventory item by going into the required inventory > Stock Control Tab and then ticking Monitor stock.

2.3 Configuration Stock Boxes Set Up Each inventory item that has stock control applied can have a number of boxes associated with them. This allows stock take and restock processes to be a number of boxes rather than a total number of items. This option is also configured via the control panel. The option can be found through the menu, Data > Inventory/POS > Stock Box Sizes. Clicking on new will bring the image seen below. Each box size can also be edited by simply double clicking the required box. 2.4 Configuration Customize Adjustment Reasons The adjustment reasons can also be configured via the Legend Control panel. The menu can be found from the Data > Inventory/POS > Stock Adjustment Reasons. These reasons are used when writing off stock as an administrative value and can be seen in reporting. To create a new Adjustment Reason click on New and then enter the reason, click OK to save. 2.5 Stock Decrements on Sales When an item is run through the POS section of FOH, the current stock level will be

adjusted automatically. The user will not see any change; however, if the user highlights an inventory item using the FOH question mark, they will be able to see the current stock level.

The stock will only decrement if the configured inventory item is set to do so and the location hasnt had decrement stock disabled.

SECTION THREE 3.1 Stock Take This process involves entering the stock physically available into the system. The left hand sided of the screen shows the stock that is currently being monitored. A green icon indicates that the item has been dealt with and the current selected item will be highlighted. On the right hand side of the screen there are options to enter stock for each box size

and for single items. The total listed is the stock take which has taken place. Once accepting the stock take all values will be updated, any differences will be recalculated and corrected in the system stock.

3.2 Add Stock This allows you the option to enter a reference number for the restock and then input boxes for all the inventory items that stock is currently being monitored against. Once all stock has been entered clicking accept will update the system stock.

3.3 Write Off Stock

from the drop down menu simply choose the item you wish to write stock off against. Then state the reason for writing off the stock, this will give you three options: 1. General 2. Write Off 3. Out of date You must then choose the amount of stock to be written off, entering a number against a box size or a single item. Then simply click Write off to remove these items from your current stock levels.

3.4 Transfer In / Transferring Out These options allow for a single inventory item to be transferred either in or out of current stock levels one at a time, simply chose the required item and then add any notes or reference number and click transfer in / transfer out.

3.5 Set Stock Warning Levels This can be done for each inventory item when the stock falls lower than the set stock Warning level the item will show on the Restock Report. The default warning level for a stock item will be 0. (i.e. dont re-order until we have run out of the item). To amend this simply change the value indicated in the box next to each item.

3.6 Refunds When applying a refund in FOH, sometimes the item may need to go back into stock and sometimes it may not, (i.e. damaged). When processing a refund the user will be presented with a choice whether or not to restock the item.

This is controlled via a security token, POS_STOCK_REFUNDRESTOCK. If the stock is restocked, the stock levels will be increased accordingly and an audit record taken. If the item is not restocked the above is done with the addition of a second audit to write off the stock. SECTION FOUR

4.1 Reports These reports are available in the FOH reporting services.

Current Stock Level Columns: Location, Item, Inventory Name, Main Category, Sub Category, Current Stock Level, New Stock Level, Restock Level, Decrements? New Stock Summary Columns: Location, Item No, Inventory Name, Main Category, Sub Category, Current Stock Level, New Stock Restock Report Columns: Location, Item, Inventory Name, Main Category, Sub Category, Current Stock Level, New Stock level, Restock Level, Difference, Decrements? Stock Adjustment Columns: Location, Timestamp, Item No, Inventory Name, Main Category, Sub Category, Adjustment Type, Adjustment Reason, Notes, User Name, Number of items

4.2 Security Tokens POS_STOCK_ADDSTOCK Can Add stock POS_STOCK_EDITADJUSTMENT - Can edit adjustment reason POS_STOCK_EDITBOXES Can edit box sizes POS_STOCK_REFUNDRESTOCK Can return refunded stock POS_STOCK_SETWARNINGLEVELS Can set stock warning levels POS_STOCK_STOCKTAKE Can perform a stock take POS_STOCK_TRANSFERIN Can transfer stock in POS_STOCK_TRANSFEROUT Can transfer stock out POS_STOCK_WRITEOFF Can write off stock

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