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by Lourdes Martinez Lerma

According to Social Studies Life expectancy in the decade of the 1930s, was of just 34 years old, for now it is expected that the average person get to live beyond 75 years." (INEGI, 2012, p. 24) As Port says "Cat lovers have always known that their finicky friends don't like sweets. Now we know why. In July researchers from the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia and the Waltham Center for Pet Nutrition in Leicestershire, Britain, discovered a genetic characteristic that prevents cats from tasting sugary ingredients." (2005, p. 73) The research mentioned by Port is important and the findings are very interesting: The feline discover could have implications for human health. In both cats and people, a pair of genes produces two proteins that allow us to recognize and respond to sweets. But in cats, part of a gene is missing, causing one of the protein spigots to turn off. Studying the same system in people might reveal whether genetic mutations determine who will have a sweet tooth. That could help in the fight against obesity. For example, food makers may be able to chop calories by making trace amounts of sugar taste better. Put your magazine reference here We can consider how cats have the tendency for longevity, also the fact that they live all of their life to its full potential. And if this fact depend upon their rejection to sweets, we have to take the cats example. After all, what could it be of benefit to live as the INEGI mentions, more than 75 years, if the quality of that life is punished by obesity, diabetes, and/or heart related diseases.

While cats living in a "street" have a life expectancy of 2 to 4 years, living in the house have a perspective of 12-13 years. What is this? Furthermore, these cats have a home of their own pathologies sedentary. The dramatic improvement in life expectancy depends basically on three factors: non-lifethreatening risk exposure (cars, fights, viral infections, etc..), In power (continuous, effortless and quality) and health care that receives. But cats living indoors are prone to certain diseases related to their sedentary lifestyle. (montenegro, 2004)

Bibliografa INEGI. (2012). Grandparents Accomplices for Life. (A. Sosa, & A. Ruiz, Edits.) City Life (101), 46. Montenegro, R. (2004). productos y servivios para todo tipo de mascotas. Recuperado el 23 de junio de 2012, de Port, O. (2005). Genetics Why Kitty Ignores the Candy Dish. (M. A. Schwarz, Ed.) BusinessWeek (3947), 102.

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