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Snitil Padte Gauri Satdive Priyanka Pasarkar Priya Mudaliar Harsha Katti Jyoti Sonawane Nishali Fernandes Krunal Shukla Tania Pal Sonal Gupta Toral Sanghavi Tanvi Joshi Jasmine Pir Zeenat Firdos Sarika Dhandre Rinkee Khandelwal Priyanka Naikade Pooja Bhanushali Rajesh Gamre Pallavi Daingade Ajay Phatak Shruti Mishra Komal Pareek Sanjo Yadav

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All the very best friends

Chapter 1 1. The word communication is used to common talk, usually, to means speaking or writing or sending a message to another person. 2. Listening is an important aspect of behavior; human communication is affected by all factors that influence human behavior. Ans: False (Communication) 3. In the last ten to thirty years, the study of human communication has been strengthened by contribution from many disciplines. Ans: False (sixty to seventy) 4. Entry into a good organization requires excellent communication skills. 5. The primary element in the skills of management is competence in communication. 6. Communication plays a foundational role in the development of any healthy relationship. 7. Communication is the mortar that holds an organization together, whatever its business or its size. 8. With effective communication, multinational organizations which are spread all over the world can function like a single unit. 9. Employers have always emphasized the importance of communication skills, and the current trends in the business environment make these skills even more critical. 10. Ability to work well in teams, to manage your subordinates and your relationships with juniors, customers and colleagues, depends on your communication skill. Ans: False (Senior) 11. Production of goods is of no use if potential buyers have no information about the product. 12. Business communication is marked by formality as against personal and social communication. 13. Doctors, engineers, chartered accountants, actors and others in the entertainment industry, managers of all kinds of organizations, educators, besides persons engaged in business enterprises have to engage daily in some kind of business communication. 14. Training has four attributes or qualities; understanding these attributes helps us to improve our competence and skills in communication. Ans: False (Communication) 15. Communication has as its central objective the transmission of meaning. 16. The process of putting the idea into symbols is called encoding. 17. The receiver becomes aware that a message has arrived when he perceives it with his senses (he may see, hear, feel, etc). 18. The process of translating the symbols into ideas and interpreting the message is called decoding. 19. Noise or disturbance in the environment usually hinders the flow of communication. 20. This one way routine is only a part of the Centralized process. Ans: False (Communication)

21. The three basic levels at which communication occur are Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Public. Ans:- True 22. There are at least two levels of interpersonal communication which may be described as sub-conscious and conscious. Ans: True 23. When we are required to think out and plan something, we control and indirect our thoughts. Ans: False (Direct) 24. Self-examination and self-assessment are at the conscious level. 25. At business parties, we use factual communication to meet people and to network. 26. Factual communication may consist of reporting what we read in a book, what we heard about public events, and exchanging factual biographical information with others. 27. Evaluative or intellectual communication: We share opinions, ideas and judgments with others. 28. If the other person encourages emotional talk. The two can deal with any relationship problem. 29. A high level of interpersonal competencies like self-awareness, self control, flexibility and empathy is required for this level of communication. Ans: True 30. Peak or honest communication: At this level, we are honest but not condemning, open but not demanding our own way. 31. Communication is a natural human activity and behavior; it is affected by everything that affects human behavior. 32. An organization is held together by communication. 33. Communication has four attribute: it is intentional as well as unintentional. Ans: false (Intentional) 34. Intrapersonal is within a persons own min. 35. Interpersonal is with another person. 36. Interpersonal occurs on five levels, depending on the intimacy and closeness of mutual understanding achieved by the two persons. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 2

Q. 1. ________ is a shared set of values & attributes of a group. a. Information. b. Culture. c. Psychology. d. None of above. Q. 2. _____ in communicating with people of other culture is vital to success. a. Skill. b. Rules. c. Efficiency. d. None of above. Q. 3. _________ of words differ in different cultures. a. Connotations. b. Negotiations. c. Action. d. None of above. Q. 4. _______ are our ideas of what is good & what is evil; they form the basis of our behavior & actions. a. Attributes. b. Actions. c. Values. d. None of above. Q. 5. ______ Relationships plays an important role in the society. a. Technical. b. Competitive. c. Social. d. None of above. Q. 6. The Eastern concept of time is _______. a. Linear. b. Circular. c. Both linear & circular. d. None of above.

Q. 7. The Western concept of time is _______. a. Linear. b. Circular. c. Both linear & circular. d. None of above. Q. 8. Concept of ______ has an important effect on behavior & distance between the speakers during conversation. a. Time. b. Space. c. Perception. d. None of above. Q. 9. _______ Process is affected by acceptance or rejection of superstition, belief in magic, miracles & so on. a. Thinking. b. Time. c. Both a & b. d. None of above. Q. 10. Non-verbal behavior is another area of trouble in ______ communication. a. Cross-cultural. b. Social. c. Psychological. d. None of above. Q. 11. Appearance tends to be an unconscious basis for _________. a. Evaluation. b. Values. c. Behavior. d. None of above. Q. 12. Variations in the concept of time give rise to problems between eastern & western cultures because of ________. a. Ideas about punctuality. b. Scheduling of activities influenced by perception of time. c. Both a & b. d. Neither a nor b.

Q. 13. _________ Barriers are mostly outside the control of communicators as they are in the environment or in the medium used. a. External. b. Internal. c. Semantic. d. None of above. Q. 14. ________ Barriers are caused by the nature of language itself. a. Semantic. b. Organization. c. Cross-cultural. d. External.

Q. 15. __________ Barriers lie within the persons who are communicating. a. Socio-psychological. b. Semantic. c. Organization. d. Cross-cultural. Q. 16. _____________ Barriers are in the structure of the organization. a. Organizational. b. Socio-psychological. c. Semantic. d. Cross-cultural. Q. 17. ___________ Barriers are caused by the vast & deep differences in the cultures of different nations & groups. a. Organizational. b. Socio-psychological. c. Semantic. d. Cross-cultural. Q. 18. Perception is influenced by ________. a. Culture. b. Organization. c. Semantic barriers. d. None of above.

Q. 19. Barriers to upward communication are caused by _________. a. Poor vocabulary. b. Status block. c. Open communication climate. d. None of above. Q. 20. The amount of silence that is considered as right during a conversation can cause _______. a. Confusion. b. Negotiations. c. Awareness. d. None of above. Q. 21. _______, _______ &_______ are among the major causes of organizational barriers a. over dependence on written communication. b. Filtering. c. Deliberate withholding of information. d. Poor Communication culture. Q. 22. Power struggles are often a barrier in _________ communication. a. Horizontal. b. Vertical. Q. 23. __________ is the responsibility of all educated person. a. Improving Communication. b. Behavior. Q. 24. Is over dependence on written communication a barrier? - True / False Answer - True. Q. 25. Is improving the efficiency as well as the quality of life an advantage of effective communication? - True / False Answer - True. Q. 26. In communication there are problem at ________________ in the process. a. Initial stage. b. Later stage. c. Every stage. d. None of them.

Q. 27. Communication medium has some defects they are in ________and ________used for transmitting. a. Workplace & hierarchy. b. Man &machine. c. Machine & Working condition. d. Environment & mechanical device. Q. 28. Our __________ has an important influence on how to understand things a. Family background. b. Lifecycle. c. Socio background. d. Cultural background. Q. 29. The physical barriers are also called __________ a. External barriers. b. Internal barriers. c. Both. d. None of them. Q. 30. Messages can get __________, _______ & ________ while being transmitted a. Delayed. b. Distorted. c. Even lost. d. All of them. Q. 31. _________ can be wrongly delivered if a wrong no gets dialed or the print out may not be clear. a. Telephone. b. Fax machine. c. Electronic. d. None of the above. Q. 32. In a factor ___________ is very difficult because of the noise of the machines a. Oral communication. b. Written communication. c. Both. d. None of them.

Q. 33. _________ and _________ Are example of overload. a. Advertising. b. Sales information. c. Both. Q. 34. Physical barriers are also called as ___________ barriers. a. Internal. b. External. Q. 35. ____________ is the most important and powerful tool of communication. a. Medium. b. Parties. c. Language. Q. 36. ___________ and _____________ attitudes towards something can evoke different response in people. a. Self-centered & cultured. b. Self-image & closed mind. c. Emotional & cultural. Q. 37. Sentences can convey entirely different meanings depending on how they are spoken. True / False Answer True. Q. 38. In _________ communication speaker can signify the meaning by emphasizing particular words. a. Oral. b. Written. c. Telephonic. Q. 39. ____________ terms can be barriers to communication. a. Internal. b. Technical. c. External. Q. 40. Semantic means pertaining to or arising from the different meanings of words or others symbols. True / False Ans True.

Q. 41. Barriers to communication can be classified into ______, _________, ________, ______, & ______ a. Internal , external , technical , physical ,medium. b. External , Semantic , socio-psychological ,organizational , cross-culture. Q. 42. Semantic barriers are created by _______________ a. Difference in age between sender and receiver. b. Disturbance in the environment. c. Divergence in individual understanding of meanings of words. Q. 43. There would be no semantic barriers if all people spoke the same language. True / False Ans False. Q. 44. Semantic barriers can arise among people who speak the same language True / False Ans True. Q. 45. An organization management can control all the external barriers True / False Ans False. Q. 46. Loss of email message can be considered as external barriers True / False Ans True. Q. 47. Self-image is our idea about __________. a. What we are. b. What we look like. c. What impression we make. d. All of above. Q. 48. A systematic self-assessment gives you a __________ self-image. a. Unbalanced. b. Optimum. c. Balanced. d. Liberal. Q. 49. Defensive behavior prevents __________. a. Understanding. b. Poor communication. c. Status block. d. Self-image.

Q. 50. The more the levels of hierarchy in an organization, the __________ is the filtering and loss of information. a. Lesser. b. Greater. c. Quicker. d. Smoother. Q. 51. A common reason for filtering and editing in horizontal communication is organizational ________. a. Ethics. b. Status. c. Ideas. d. Politics. Q. 52. It is easy to accept any idea which goes against self-image. True / False Ans False. Q. 53. We project our expectations into the communication as we interpret the message. True / False Ans True. Q. 54. Filtering is the process of increasing the details or aspect of a message. True / False Ans False.


Chapter 3 1. Messages that move within the organization, among its members, are __________. a) Internal communication, b) External communication c) Vertical communication 2. Messages that go out of the organization & are received from outside are called _________. a) Internal b) External c) Horizontal 3. Informal communication in the organization is called______ and moves mostly____________. a) Group communication, horizontally b) Grapevine, horizontally c) Verbal communication, vertically 4. The style &tone of outgoing external l communication affects the_____ image. a) Corporate B) Public c) Group 5._________communication includes all the messages that move between persons of equal status in the organizations. a) Lateral b) Vertical c) Downward 6. The style of horizontal communication is usually more_______than the style of vertical communication. a) Formal b) Informal c) Downward 7._____communication takes place in a meeting. a) Formal b) Informal c) Group 8.________barriers operate in group communication a) Multiple b) Lateral c) Vertical

9. The size of the group affects its communication the minimum number is _______&the maximum is 10. a) 3 b) 5 c) 7 10._________ communication is usually one way communication with a single source & multiple receivers. a) Horizontal, b) Group c) Mass 11. In_______communication there is no exchange of ideas & no feedback. a) One Way b) Two Way 12. _______communication is done by using words &languages. a) Formal b) Informal c) Verbal 13.________communication is self-talk or a persons internal dialogue. a) Interpersonal b) Intra personal c) Group 14. The term internal and external communication is used to describe__________ communication. a) Mass Communication b) Organizational Communication 15. Horizontal Communication consist of messages exchanged among_______________. a) Persons of equal status b) Persons of different status 16. Group communication is used in organizations for__________. a) Solving problems b) Exploring possibilities c) Understanding situations d) All the above (a, b, c)

True or False:1. Internal & External communications are used to describe the communication of an organization. 2. Changes can be brought about in the organizations functioning by modifying the style of external communication. 3. An organizations communication which moves along the lines of authority & hierarchy is horizontal.

4. Group communication takes place in a meeting. 5. Group communication is public communication. 6. Mass communication is directed towards large audiences. 7. One way communication allows feedback & exchange of views & is more satisfactory. 8. Written &oral are both forms of Non verbal communication. 9. Self-awareness is needed to control ones intrapersonal communication. 10. Mass communication is used in organizations for problem solving. 11. Group communication requires special skills. 12. Mass communication is used in organizations for problem solving. 13. Group communication has a large and varied audience. 14. Mass communication is one-way. 15 Mass communications takes place in a meeting.

True or False (Answers):1. True 2. False. Changes can be brought about in the organizations functioning by modifying the style of internal communication. 3. False. An organizations communication which moves along the lines of authority & hierarchy is vertical. 4. True. 5. False. Mass communication is public communication. 6. True. 7. False. Two-way communication allows feedback & exchange of views and is more satisfactory. 8. False. Written & oral are both forms of verbal communication. 9. True. 10. False. Group communication is used in organizations for problem solving. 11. True 12. False 13. False 14. True 15. False -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 4 1) Which of the following is not included in business communication? 1) Reciting poetry 2) formal meetings 3) advertisement 4) conference 2) The process of communication is successful only when 1) The receiver understands an idea as the sender intended it 2) the receiver does not understand the idea as the sender intended it 3) the receiver understands an idea as the sender has not intended it 4) the receiver does not understand the idea as the sender has not intended it 3) a fax message wrongly delivered as a wrong number is dialed creates _____ type of barrier to communication 1) Semantic 2) language 3) physical 4) socio-psychological 4) _______ means aspects of the voice; the way we use our voice 1) Timbre 2) paralanguage 3) acoustics 4) perception 5) One way communication follows a linear model of communication that is represented as 1) S-R-M-C 2) S-M-C-R 3) C-S-R-M 4) C-M-S-R 6) Communication that tries to increase the number of receivers is 1) Group communication 2) oral communication 3) mass communication internal communication


7) _______ communication requires that both parties should be present and attentive at the same time 1) Oral 2) written 3) mass 4) graphic 8) Cellular phones operate through ________ 1) Cables 2) cells 3) electronic circuits 4) airways 9) Information does not include ______ 1) Data 2) emotion 3) files

4) facts and figures

10) There are ______ courses for the more experienced personnel 1) Short term 2) induction 3) refresher 4) old 11) Organizations connected by electronic network, _____ is the most Effective method of communication 1) Intercom 2) public address system 3) fax 4) email 12) Public opinion is formed by the ______ of people about the behavior of the organization as a whole and of the individuals who are its Members. 1) Attitude 2) outlook 3) perception 4) impression 13) A survey says that managers spend over ___% of their time on Communication

1) 7

2) 49 3) 90 4) 38

14) Suresh Nair here could be the sentence said when 1) Making a call 2) taking a call 3) in between a call

4) ending a call

15) Non-verbal communication can be independent of verbal communication but verbal communication is always accompanied by verbal communication 1) true 2) False 16) Non-verbal communication is mostly 1) Voluntary 2) involuntary 3) conscious 4) intended

17) When we want to solve a problem, we exclude all other thoughts and concentrate on just those ideas or thoughts related to the issue. This happens at ________ level 1) Superficial 2) unconscious 3) conscious 4) personal 18) a person who finds technology of computing boring is an example of attitude Towards 1) Computers 2) subject matter 3) computing 4) technology 19) According to Johari Window, the things known to self as well as others is 1) Hidden 2) blind 3) open 4) unknown 20) When you are pretending to be attentive, your listening will face problems due to 1) Lack of interest 2) emotional blocks 3) tendency to criticize 4) impatience 21) Intranet operates through 1) email 2) LAN 3) WAN

4) Internet

22) Internal communications policy needs to be carefully planned to prevent spread of ________ information 1) Necessary 2) important 3) illegible 4) needless 23) Which of the following is not one of the Cs of good communication? 1) Correctness 2) courage 3) clarity 4) courtesy 24) What should you say instead of mental state of mind? 1) State mind 2) mental 3) mental state 4) mental mind 25) Which word a person who knows computers may not know? 1) 64K 2) reinstallation 3) megabytes 4) double entry 26) A letter makes a visual impression before it is read 1) True 2) false 27) Provident Fund, Pension and Gratuity benefits applicable to the post are mentioned in

1) Warning memo 2) interview letter retirement letter by an employee

3) appointment letter

4) voluntary

28) In an appointment letter, TA stands for 1) Travelling Allowance 2) Total Allowance Agreement

3) Travelling Assignment

4) Total

29) We shall give you a discount on orders of Rs. 50,000/- or more within the same calendar month. This sentence can from _____ letter 1) Quotation request 2) quotation reply 3) inquiry 4) substitute 30) If you purchase above Rs. 3000/- on or before 31st March, you are entitled of a free gift wrist watch as a festival offer. The sentence could be from ______ letter 1) Inquiry 2) firm offer 3) offering a substitute 4) quotation request 31) Which of the following letters contains apologies? 1) Changes in order 2) routine order 3) trial order 4) repeat order

32) Order letters can be divided into three groups first order, _____order and routine order 1) Rescue 2) cancellation 3) repeat 4) trial

33) Although we cannot replace the clocks in this case, we shall make the required repairs, charging you only 30% of the cost of repair. This sentence will appear in a letter 1) Refusing adjustment 2) offering refund 3) offering a compromise 4) informing the customer that the investigation is being made 34) Which of the following is the written method for internal Communication? 1) Intercom 2) fax 3) face-to-face 4) public address system 35) In horizontal format, the Date and Subject lines begin at the _____margin 1) Bottom 2) top 3) left 4) right 36) A memo is always official even if it is not _______ 1) Handed over 2) signed 3) official

4) complete

37) Which of the following is the special report? 1) Progress 2) performance 3) periodical 4) F.I.R. 38) An FIR is always written by 1) A group 2) a policeman

3) an individual

4) an HOD

39) ______ letter usually accompanies the report 1) A thanking 2) An appointment 3) A resignation

4) A covering

40) An acknowledgment of any significant help for preparing the report is mentioned in the letter of transmittal 1) True 2) false 41) The executive summary is not longer than _____ % of the full report 1) 10 2) 25 3) 50 4) 92.5 42) The report has to present the facts in a simple, concise and ______manner, in words which the reader will follow 1) Straightforward 2) complicated 3) descriptive 4) tangled 43) The phrase in most cases can be reduced to one word 1) Most of the cases 2) most of the time 3) mostly 4) never 44) Ability to communicate means being able to ____________________ 1) Talk confidently 2) write effectively 3) Give a proper speech 4) express your ideas effectively in writing and in speech 45) An important element in communication is the concept of _______ 1) Change 2) characteristics 3) time 4) action 46) The crucial element of communication is _________ 1) Transmission 2) exchange 3) sender 4) meaning 47) It is not possible to communicate, unless there is 1) A common symbol 2) a common understanding of the symbols 3) A common understanding 4) a common thought

48) The conclusions and recommendations of a report are for changes in methods of manufacture structure of organization style of report writing work procedure 1) Option (1) or (2) or (3) but not in (4) 2) option (2) or (3) or (4) but not in (1) 3) Option (1) or (2) or (4) but not in (3) 4) option (1) or (3) or (4) but not in (2)

49) ______ and conciseness are the most important qualities of style of writing report 1) Courtesy 2) Clarity 3) Cooperation 4) Complication 50) In modern writing, paragraphs are ______ so that the appearance of the text is lighter 1) Short 2) light 3) in lighter vain 4) crowded -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 5

1. Purpose of business communication is for

a) Keeping in touch. b) Wanting to socialize. c) Wanting to chat. d) Wanting to accomplish a purpose or objective.

2. Complains and warnings should be communicated in following way so that relationships are retained. a) By expressing angrily. b) By getting into heated arguments. c) By giving warning in acceptable and constructive manner. d) None of the above.

3. Communication to motivate a team is done by a) Parents. b) Low level workers. c) Teachers. d) People in leadership positions.

4. Facts and figures of sales and profit are published in organization circulars for a) Creating a good image. b) Softly persuade the public. c) Both a) and b). d) None of the above.

5. Information available with organization becomes basis for a) Complains. b) Persuasion. c) Warning. d) Memos.

6. Information does not include a) Facts and figures. b) Data arranged in patterns. c) Sales and profit figures. d) Emotions.

7. Information moves in a) Upward direction. b) Downward direction. c) Horizontal direction. d) All of the above.

8. Time schedule is an example of information which moves a) Downwards. b) Upwards. c) Horizontal. d) In all directions.

9. Information moves a) In all direction. b) Moves out of organization. c) Comes into the organization. d) All of the above.

10. Copies of report moves --------------- in written communication. a) Horizontally. b) Upwards. c) Downwards. d) In all directions.

11. Important objective of communication are a) Information. B) Persuasion. c) Motivation. d) All of the above.

12. companies circulating news about employees personal functions or condolences forms basis for a) Persuasion b) Friendliness. c) Chatting. d) Socializing.

13. Three factors of persuasion include a) Source credibility. b) Emotional appeal. c) Logic of presentation. d) All of the above.

14. Emotional needs of a person include a) Physical needs and social needs. b) Social needs and ego needs. c) Physical needs and ego needs. d) None of the above.

15. Order is a) formal. b) Is in written form. c) Includes material which is formally and finally accepted. d) All of the above.

16. Factor which affects morale of an individual a) Self confidence. b) Confidence in organizations management. c) Both a) and b). d) Either a) or b).

17. Morale of group of employees may drop due to

a) Close down of a department. b) A takeover. c) Rumors of retrenchment. d) Poor management to handle crisis. e) All of the above.

18. Representation is always in a) Writing. b) Oral. c) Non-verbal. d) None of the above.

19. complaint is a function of a) Downward communication. b) Upward communication. c) Horizontal communication. d) In all directions.

20. Persuation plays a large part in a) Upward communication. b) Downward communication. c) Lateral communication. d) None of the above.

21. Advice is a function which fall under

a) Horizontal and upward. b) Horizontal and downward. c) Upward and downward. d) None of the above.

22. For effective co-ordination and planning--------------- type of communication is most suitable a) Downward. b) Horizontal. c) Upward. d) In all directions.


Chapter 6

Q 1 ____________ are necessary for internal communication Good work Better results Meetings None of the above

Q 2 __________ can create a sense of unity and loyalty among the employees. Team Work Bonus Bulletins All of the above

Q 3 __________ is a written report usually issued periodically to present information to members. Notice Mail Newsletter All of the above

Q 4 The style and manner of the letters contributes to the public image. True or False True

Q 5 The media which carry the advertisements, their size and position on specific pages indicate the prestige of the company. True or False

True Q 6 Open house is a time during which the organization is open for visits by members of the public. True or False True

Q 7 Person attending at the stall distribute printed information to visitors and answer their queries. True or False True

Q 8 Exhibitions are usually supported by film shows, seminars, symposiums and presentations. True or False True

Q 9 Participating in or organizing fairs and shows gives visibility and status to the ________ Company Organisation Public All of the above

Q 10 There are magazines in different languages. True or False True

Q 11 ____________ is the best used for sponsoring programs of entertainment. Films Television Radio

All of the above Q 12 Films can be used at in-house gatherings, exhibitions, annual functions, press visits, or shareholders visits. True or False True

Q 13 Word-of-mouth includes every oral communication from an informal conversation to a public speech addressed to an audience. True or False True

Q 14 An organization has internal and external communication. True or False True

Q 15 ______________ take care to build up a good public image Company Media Organizations All of the above


Chapter 7 1. An organization is an information-processing system 2. An organization communication process has both organizational and individual factors 3. Every individuals interpretation is influenced by the persons position in the organization 4. There are two dynamic systems of communication in an organization : internal and external 5. Power leadership and decision making depend on the flow of information Ans : True 6. Managers spend over 90% of their time on communication, about 75% being on face to face oral communication with peers, subordinates, superiors, customers Ans : True 7. Messages which move up and down the authority line are called horizontal communication and those which move among persons of the same level are called vertical or lateral communication Ans : False (Messages which move up and down the authority line are called vertical communication and those which move among persons of the same level are called horizontal or lateral communication) 8. Messages which go from the higher to lower levels of authority are called downward communication and those which move from lower to higher levels are called upward communication 9. Downward communication used to be mainly instructions and orders related to tasks Ans : True 10. Instruction sheets and employee manuals must be written in a simple style 11. Fear and shyness often prevents subordinates from conveying messages to higher authorities 12. The resulting gap in communication can be harmful to the organization Ans : True 13. Good staff relations are an important asset of an organization 14. Employees are happy and work better when their ideas are heared and respects 15. Organizations set up special internal and external channels to encourage and ensure upward movement of communication Ans : False (Organizations set up special formal and informal channels to encourage and ensure upward movement of communication) 16. open door policy provides an informal upward channel 17. Messages exchanged between persons of equal status are called horizontal or lateral communication 18. Horizontal communication is more interactive than vertical communication 19. A general common understanding and agreement of opinion is achieved by open discussion

20. In centralized networks all information must pass through a central position 21. Decisions can be made quickly but group morale is low since others do not really take an active part in decision-making and can feel that they have made any contribution Ans : False (Decisions can be made quickly but group morale is low since others do not really take an active part in decision-making and cannot feel that they have made any contribution) 22. In decentralized networks, the information is generally passed around to all members of the group 23. The all channels communication system allows everyone to communicate with everyone else in the group 24. Decision making may be slow but all the members of this fully interactive group are motivated and omitted to the decisions they make Ans : True 25. In some organizations, employees are allowed to work from any place and at any time 26. Communication with and between persons who are not located in the office is carried out by electronic media 27. Grapevine can affect an organizations working by its influence on the opinions, beliefs and attitudes of its members 28. Contents of the grapevine may be passed on in chains or in clusters 29. Managers have to learn to listen to echoes from the grapevine in the talk of staff in casual and official meetings 30. Internal communication move up and down the chain of hierarchy and laterally among persons of equal status.


Chapter 8 1. Oral or written communication is used for most purposes in the organization 2. Communication takes on different characteristics as the situation changes. Ans: True 3. Face to face conversation is the most basic and common situation 4. Oral communication is best when it is face to face as communication can flow both ways 5. Speed of speaking can affect clarity to some extent, talking very fast affects clarity, and may give the impression that you are in a hurry Ans: True 6. Tone is the expressiveness of the voice knowledge of telephone etiquette is necessary for everyone 7. Smile when you speak, though the smile cannot be seen, it helps to make a positive impression 8. A presentation has a face to face setting 9. While a touch of humor always enriches a presentation, the general tone is serious and businesslike Ans: True 10. Presentations are made to internal audiences as well as to external audiences 11. Feedback is very little as the speaker can hardly see the facial expressions of people in the audiences 12. Individual discussions is a very common form of oral communication in organization. Ans: False (Group discussions is a very common form of oral communication in organization.) 13. A common form of communication within the organization is the memorandum 14. Minutes are the written record of decisions taken at a meeting.


Chapter 9 1) The best method to convey information to illiterate people is a) Audio symbol b) Visual symbol c) Audio & video symbol d) all of them

2) Non verbal communication occurs mainly through a) Visual symbol b) Audio symbol c) Audio & video symbol d) None of these

3) A companys letter is carefully designed with attention to its a) Visual aspect b) Audio aspect c) Audio & video aspect d) all of them

4) Which is an important & powerful means of communication? a) Picture b) Diagram c) Maps d) Colors

5) Matters of life & death as in traffic signals are conveyed by a) Picture b) Color c) Signs & signals d) Diagram

6) ------------ is universally understood more easily remembered & make an immediate impact because they are easier to take in a) Color b) Picture c) Maps d) Sign & symbol

7) ----------requires practiced eye movement while a picture may be tackled in any order a) Writing b) Listening c) Reading d) None of them

8) A line graph has a) Horizontal axis b) Vertical axis c) Horizontal & vertical axis d) None of them

9) A --------- compare two variables a) Bar chart b) Pie chart c) Line graph d) Flow chart

10) The circle of a pie chart represents ---------------percent a) 90 b) 60 c) 40 d) 100

11) Which is the non verbal aspect of written communication? a) Color b) Appearance c) Non fluencies d) Touch & feel

12) ---------- can make or spoil a presentation a) Appearance b) Clothing & accessories c) Facial expressions d) Body language

13) what is more communicative then words a) Omni present b) seems trustable c) Dominates interaction d) Emotionally expressive

14) What makes first impression? a) Body language b) Appearance c) Clothing & accessories d) Posture

15) ---------- is very important aspect of body language a) Clothing b) Appearance c) Smile d) Posture

16) What is universal gesture? a) Eye contact b) Smile c) Facial expression d) all of them

17) The non verbal aspect of the spoken words are known as a) Body language b) Para language c) Picture d) None of these

18) ---------& hesitations form a part of spoken language a) Pause b) Silence c) Non fluencies d) Stress

19) The way a person makes the sounds & pounces the words of language is known as a) Tone b) Stress c) Pronunciation d) Accent

20) Non verbal methods have almost ------------effect a) Speed b) Quick c) Instant d) Fast -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 10

1. Intrapersonal communication is communication with oneself (T/F) A: True

2. a) b) c) d)

The sensations occur because the senses receive stimulation from the _____. Environment Brain Experience Mind

3. Thoughts and ideas that flow within the mind are influenced by the persons temperament, emotions, experience, knowledge, opinions, views, values and attitudes. (T/F) A: True.

4. Our understanding of and response to what we hear and read depends on our intrapersonal communication (T/F) A: True.

5. Intrapersonal and interpersonal communications do not take place at the same time. (T/F) A: False.

6. a) b) c) d)

Our communication with others is affected by the _______ of our mind. Words Dialogues Contents Thoughts

7. The more control we get over our mind, the better our communication with others will be (T/F) A: True.

8. a) b) c) d)

________ is an important aspect of training ones communication skills. Attitude Self-awareness Behaviour Knowledge

9. a) b) c) d)

_______ is a way of thinking, feeling or behaving. Attitude Culture Tradition Communication

10. In order to maintain healthy self esteem, you should quietly celebrate your achievement and take pride in your strengths (T/F) A: True

11. ______ and ______ play a role in our attitude to certain subjects, topics and issues. a) Interest and prejudice b) People and behaviour c) Knowledge and understanding d) Communication and body language 12. Our opinion of the receivers intelligence and ability to understand affects the way we formulate the message. (T/F) A: True

13. Our choice of a suitable medium for communication depends on our understanding of the different media and their impact (T/F) A: True

14. We dont require knowing and understanding the needs and abilities of a person who is to receive our communication. (T/F) A: False.

15. Everyone is influenced by ones position in a __________ system. a) Psychological b) Biological c) Socio-Cultural d) All of above

16. As we receive information from the world around us through our senses, we go through ______ a) Stimulation b) Registration c) Organisation d) Interpretation e) All of above 17. Stimulation occurs only when it is noticed and perceived (T/F) A: True

18. We take in ______ from the world by seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting what is around us. a) Stimuli b) Directions c) Beliefs d) None 19. Selective perception from a _______ standpoint is the way we view our world to create and justify our own reality. a) Biological b) Psychological c) Logical d) All of above 20. As the incoming information gets organized, the mind also gives ______ to the information. a) Place b) Meaning c) Direction d) Choice 21. Every person has the same perception (T/F) A: False.


Chapter 11 1. Interpersonal communication is the process of interacting with another person 2. Relationships between persons are important for nay group effort, and communication forms the relationships 3. Style and manner of communication are the basis of relationships and good feeling 4. Every communication situation like interview, meeting, conference, presentation, requires a combination of interpersonal communication skills. 5. Interpersonal communication is strongly influenced by each individuals intrapersonal communication. 6. The Johari window indicates the relationship between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication 7. There are four verbal communication skills, two are encoding skills: speaking and writing; two are decoding skills : listening and reading 8. Language skill affects a persons ability to analyse ones own purposes and intentions and the ability to express oneself Ans: True 9. Our Training skills deficiencies also limit the ideas that are available to us and limit our ability to think 10. Ans: False (Our Communication skills deficiencies also limit the ideas that are available to us and limit our ability to think) 11. Receiving feedback is different from getting feedback 12. Getting feedback means arranging for and making effort to find out how your communication is received 13. You need to be able to receive and accept feedback without feeling threatened 14. Seek and receive feedback with a genuine desire to improve Ans : True 15. Feedback is to be used for modifying and taking a old look at further communication Ans : False (Feedback is to be used for modifying and taking a new look at further communication) 16. If attention is switched off because what is being said is not pleasing, you will not benefit from the feedback Ans: - True 17. If vague feedback is offered, seek clarifications and ask for specific instances 18. Think over the received feedback, use the valid points for improvement 19. Being assertive is sometimes confused with being aggressive 20. Being aggressive and being passive are more instinctive behaviors in response to a conflict situation 21. An aggressive person is demanding and domineering while a passive person is timid and over-nice 22. An assertive person is neither over-bearing nor timid

23. Stating ones wishes directly and honestly, while taking others needs into account is being assertive 24. Talking all the time for yourself and hurting others is aggressive 25. When both persons are assertive, they respect each other, listen to each other and seek a mutually beneficial conclusion. 26. Assertiveness is reasonable behavior 27. Passive people give in too easily; they give up their rights and needs in order to avoid conflict Ans: True 28. Aggressive persons are overbearing and try to lead others to agree to things that are either wrong or disadvantageous to them Ans: True 29. Passive and aggressive have positive effect on the dialogue Ans: False (Passive and aggressive have negative effect on the dialogue) 30. Assertive persons reduce the negative aspects of both, passive and aggressive 31. True assertive behavior helps everyone to win something; it removes unhealthy competition in which one party tries to beat another 32. Assertive people tend to get results, gain respect and inspire confidence in their others 33. Being assertive helps to achieve a win/win outcome in most business dialogues 34. A positively assertive person has as effective way to respond when disagreeing with someone Ans: True 35. If you are assertive, you can express disagreement without being offensive Ans: True 36. When you disagree, instead of keeping silent or responding aggressively, try positive assertiveness 37. Listen carefully and summarize what the other person is communication 38. Only after summarizing or restating the others views state your own position without attacking Ans : True 39. If someone is making a verbal attack on you, do not interrupt, counter or counter attack 40. It is important to summarize the previous speakers view, especially when one disagrees with it. 41. Summarizing must be done in one own words, it is a restatement without any comment and must be spoken in an objective tone and manner without indicating any opposition by tone of voice or facial expressions 42. Ending in communication event on a pleasant note is always beneficial for relationships 43. The main points and conclusions should be summarized 44. Pleasant closing remarks, expressions of thanks and farewell greetings paves for further communication

Ans: True 45. The four panes of the Johari window represent the open, the blind, the hidden and the unknown areas of oneself Ans : True 46. Ability to sense the feelings behind the words from the body language develops with practice 47. Words and body language must match so that you present authentic image 48. Good interpersonal skill depends a great deal on control and command of ones body language 49. A compliment is an expression of appreciation 50. Be clear and concise In your introduction 51. Personal impressions are made within 20-30 seconds upon meeting someone 52. Pleasant appearance and friendly body language is a great advantage Ans : True 53. Gaining self control takes time and patient practice 54. A great deal of self confidence is required to remain cool and composed when your own views are attacked in an unmannerly style Ans : True 55. Knowledge of ones own attitudes, prejudices and perceptions and competent handling of ones interpersonal communication is required for effective intrapersonal communication 56. Ans : False (Knowledge of ones own attitudes, prejudices and perceptions and competent handling of ones intrapersonal communication is required for effective interpersonal communication) 57. The open pane represents things that both I know about myself, and that you know about me. 58. The blind pane represents things that you know about me, but that I am not aware of 59. The hidden pane represents what I know about myself, but you do not know 60. The unknown pane represents things about me that neither I nor you are aware of


Chapter 12

1) Listening is a ____ skill.

a. communication b. understanding c. calling d. contacting 2) Listening is the ______ activity in oral communication. a. senders b. receivers c. beneficiarys 3) Of all the skills in communication _______ is the most important. a. talking b. listening c. understanding d. reading 4) The four steps in the activity of listening are hearing, interpretation, evaluation and _______. a. response b. reply c. reaction d. rejoinder 5) Inefficient listening affects __________ relations. a. interpersonal b. interactive 6) Most of us are unable to listen with full concentration for more than _________ at a time. a. 10mins b. 5mins c. 8mins d. 1min 7) Distraction in your mind is a great ______ to listening. a. barrier b. block c. difficulty d. hurdle 8) Speaking speed can be about 120 words a minute but the listeners mind can process about _______ words a minute. a. 100 b. 200 c. 400 d.500 9) It is important to __________ a reply while listening. a. organize b. undertake c. plan d. schedule 10) Not being interested in the topic can cause ________ listening. a. faulty b. lopsided c. wrong d. incorrect 11) Lack of ____ is the most common barrier to listening. a. knowledge b. patience c. ideas d. thoughts 12) Poor state of _______ reduces listening efficiency.

a. reasoning b. understanding c. health 13) It is important to listen to non- verbal ________. a. messages b. letters c. communication d. e-mail 14) Facial expression, _______ and posture are important carriers of meaning. a. signs b. gestures c. talks d. body language 15) Good listeners listen to the _______ behind the speakers words. a. thoughts b. ideas c. meanings 16) Good listening requires _______. a. practice b. observation c. follow- up 17) In order to listen effectively, you have to be _______. a. quite b. talkative c. silent 18) Listening _____ is much faster than speaking speed. a. speed b. pace c. rate d. rapidity 19) The four communication ______ are reading, writing, listening and speaking. a. processes b. skills c. methods d. ways 20) Good listeners find out more _____ a. information b. knowledge -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 13 1) In order to improve _____, efforts have to be made at the organizational and individual level. a. communication b. statement c. announcement d. contact 2) The media of _____ communication are within the control of the administration. a. external b. internal 3) The ______ is the most modern way of having all members of the organization connected. a. notice board b. intercom c. intranet 4) _____ is effective when it is placed at easily visible locations. a. notice board b. intercom c. intranet 5) ______ received what information through whom, is very important. a. where b. when c. why d. who 6) An organization must have a communication _______. a. policy b. plan 7) Persons in responsible positions should overcome their ____ to communication. a. blocks b. barriers c. means d. ways 8) Listening reflects basic ______ to people. a. attitude b. behavior 9) _______ means reaction or response to the message. a. feedback b. advice c. criticism 10) Feedback can be got by inviting _______ a. questions b. answers


Chapter 14 Q 1 The _____________is the oldest method of sending a message. Letter Mail Fax None of the above

Q 2 _________ messages are now more informal and conversational in style. Oral Written Telephonic All of the above

Q 3 Letter writing style is changing as it may be a confirmation or a follow-up of a telephone call or e-mail or fax. True or False True

Q 4 Careful planning can help you write a good message. True or False True

Q 5 The first and the last paragraphs are important places in a short composition like a ________ Mail Messages Letter All of the above

Q 6 Showing interest in the readers needs and paying attention to his/her feelings and desires create goodwill at the _________________ of the letter. End Beginning None of the above

Q 7 The qualities which are essential for a good letter are collectively called the ____ of communication. Cs Ts Qs None of the above

Q 8 A letter must be correct in every respect. True or False True

Q 9 Nothing is more confusing than mismatched information. True or False True

Q 10 The message of the letter must be clear at the _________ reading. First Second Third None of the above

Q 11 Write to express, not to impress. True or False True

Q 12 A sentence can often be made more easy to follow by using a ______________ mark. Exclamatory Punctuation Question None of the above

Q 13 _________________ means expressing much in a few words. Completeness Conciseness Clarity All of the above

Q 14 A concise letter is also compact. True or False True Q 15 Courtesy is ________________ for other peoples feelings. Thankful Sorrowful Consideration None of the above

Q 16 Care and consideration for the reader is reflected in the ____________ Mail Behaviour Letter None of the above

Q 17 Every appreciates prompt attention. True or False True

Q 18 A courteous letter has the best chance of getting a favourable response. True or False True

Q 19 ________ attitude is the secret of effective letters. My Yours You All of the above

Q 20 The purpose of a letter is to create a __________ Awareness Peace of mind Response All of the above -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 15

1) The vocabulary & phrases peculiar to a particular trade or profession is called? A) jargon b) competition c)active voice 2)the use technical terms is a problem if you are writing for a person? A) true B) false 3) a positive approach is reflected in the choice___? A) words B) sentence C) communication

4) place positive & welcome ideas in positions of high emphasis at the beginning & ending of a sentence a) true b) false

5) a sensible attitude towards human error is necessary in official as well as personal life? a) It improves communication & interpersonal behavior b) it improves your writing c) it improves your skills 6) It is better not to mention the doer every time the error is mentioned. A)true B)false

7) It is used for expressing general opinions on the credit standing of a customer? A)active voice B) passive voice C) errors

8) Mechanical devices method is used for and is useful for sales letters? A) true B)false


Chapter 16-Part A structure and appearance. 1) A business letter has a a)style ; b)custom ; c)visual ; d) distinctive visual contact with another organization or 2) A letter is usually an organization person, and makes and important impression. a) First ; b) wrong ; c) specific; c) bad 3) Must be of good quality. a) Typing ; b) stationary; c) paragraphing; d) appearance

4) Most companies have letterheads of at least 2 sizes: the standard 8.5*11inc for most letters and smaller 5.5*8 inc for short letters. a) 5.5*8 ; b) 6.6*9 ; c) 4.4*7 d) 6*8 . 5) An acceptable form of writing the complementary close is a) yours Faithfully ; b) Yours faithfully ; c) Yours faithfully ; d) Yours faithfully 6) When the salutation is Dear Mr. Rai , the correct complementary close is . a) Yours obediently ; b) Yours faithfully ; c) Yours affectionately ; d) Yours sincerely 7) A letter that starts with the salutation Gentlemen may end with yours a) Faithfully ; b) obediently ; c) sincerely ; d) none of these 8) When a letter is signed by another person on behalf of the sander of, the word shown before the senders printed name. a) for ; b) form ; c) by ; d) to 9) The old style is now outdated. .


a) Indented form ; b) Full block form ; c) Semi- block form; d) Noma form 10) is the most recent experiment in layout style. a) Full bock-form; b) semi- indented form ; c) modified form ; d) noma-form by the institute of office management.

11) Noma form has been accepted in the a) UK ; b) US ; c) India ; d) None of these

12) In the noma form the initials are in the left bottom corner. a) Typist ; b) receivers ; c) writers ; d) subject 13) Semi- indented form is also called as form. a) Semi-modified form ; b) Semi-block form ; c) Semi-noma form ; d) semi- hanging form 14) The salutation and the complimentary close are followed by the traditional style in semi-indented form. a) Comma ; b) hyphen ; c) full stop ; d) none of these as in the

15) The details of delivery services like air mail, registered mail, etc., is often placed at the of the letter. a) Top ; b) bottom ; c) between ; d) none of these to impress an action incentive 16) The postscript can be used effectively in the sentence on the readers mind. a) Sales latter ; b) formal letter ; c) informal letter ; d) report 17) All parts of the letter must be correctly positioned on the a) Letter end ; b) letter head ; c) none of these .

18) The letter is usually with print. a) Red with blue print ; b) black with white print ; c) white with black print ; d) blue with red print 19) An official letter looks similar like personal letter and other types of business documents. Ans) False (looks different) 20) Envelops match the letterhead in quality, color, printing style. Ans) True. 21) The continuation sheets may be a lower quality paper then letterheads. Ans) False.

22) Letterheads used for official letters should be colorful in order to be attractive. Ans) False. (Printed in a single color i.e. black) 23) It is not necessary to indicate anything at the bottom of the previous page to show that the letter is not ended. Ans) True.

Chapter 16-Part B

1. -------------- has transparent panel in the place where the receivers address is to be written. Answer Window Envelopes. 2. -------------- must be neat, without cancellations or corrections. Answer Typing. 3. -------------- is necessary for breaking up a composition into readable. Answer Paragraphing. 4. What is the Standard size of a Letterhead: a) 8.5 x 11 inches. b) 5.5 x 8 inches. Answer a). 5. The printed sheet is called -------------------. Answer Letterhead. 6. Continuation sheets may be of a lower quality paper than letterheads. Answer- False 7. Letterheads used for official letters should be colorful in order to be attractive. Answer- False 8. Envelopes match the letterheads in quality, color and printing style. Answer- True 9. The manner in which a letter is prepared for dispatch affects its appearance and the impression it makes on the receiver. Answer True 10. In British practice, the date is written in the order of ------------, ----------, --------, with no commas. Answer Day, Month, Year 11. The ---------------- is placed just below the complimentary close. Answer- Signature

12. ------------------- gives a brief indication of the subject of the letter. Answer- Subject line 13. The ----------------- begins at the margin, two line spaces below the inside address. Answer- Salutation 14. ---------------- is a bit of writing, not more than three lines, added to the letter after the signature and after enclosures. Answer- Postscript 15. ---------------- means the design in which the different parts of the letter are placed on the letterhead. Answer- Layout 16. --------- is an old style and now outdated form. Answer- Indented form 17. -------------- is the most modern style. Answer- Full Block Form 18. ----------- is also called as semi block form. Answer- Semi Indented Form 19. What is the full form of NOMA? Answer- National Office Management Association Of America 20. Every official document must be ---------Answer- Dated.


Chapter 17 1) Who writes the personnel letters to potential employees & existing employees of the organization? a) Sales manager b) accountant c) personnel or Human Resources 2) Applicants are selected for interview on the basis of the application, qualifications & qualities? a) True b) false 3) The ________ department has to be careful in preparing employment letters since the company which gives the letters is bound by the conditions stated in them? a) Personnel b) accountant c) PR 4) An employee whose work is unsatisfactory or who violates rules & regulations or behaves in an undisciplined manner. What memo is given? a) An employment letter b) Warning memo c) termination letter 5) A confirmed employee's service can be terminated only after inefficiency negligence or malpractice is definitely proved? a) True b) false 6) When the employee gives resignation or leaves. What letter is given to him/her? a) Appointment letter b) Relieving letter c) termination letter 7) A retiring employee is also given a letter of appreciation with good wishes for the future? a) True b)false 8) The drafts have to be prepared carefully as many of them have legal implications? a)true b)false 9) Should an appointment letter contain details of allowance applicable? Provident fund, pension benefits etc/ a) Yes b) no c) maybe 10) a charge-sheet followed by an inquiry is the required procedure before terminating a confirmed employee a) True b)false


Chapter 18

1) When you make an enquiry it helps the receiver of your letter if you indicate why you want the information? A} TRUE B} FALSE 2) Thanking you is anticipation is an effective ending for an enquiry letter? A} True B} False 3) A reply to an enquiry has to do a sales job? A} True B} False Even if you cannot give the requested information you should try to be a helpful to be the person who asks you for information? A} TRUE B} FALSE A good ending for a reply to an enquiry would be we trust that you will find these useful. A} TRUE B} FALSE We have a good opportunity to make additional profit by offering your product in a special packing for the festival season, Is a good opening sentence for requesting a favour? A} TRUE B} FALSE Customer who makes an unreasonable demand should be told that they are being unfair? A} TRUE B} FALSE IN asking for a favour you should offer the supplier an advantage? A} TRUE B} FALSE 9) You should readily grant any request made by a customer in order to win goodwill? A} TRUE B} FALSE






10) Following up customer who do not place orders require personalize letter? A} TRUE B} FALSE 11) While going over our records we noticed that you have a not placed any order with us for 6 months, is effective for winning back a customer ? A} TRUE B} FALSE Most customers are lost because they are dissatisfied with the goods and service? A} TRUE B} FALSE 12) Keeping in touch with customer help to retain them? A} TRUE B} FALSE Fill in the blanks using as few words as possible 13) A firm offer is made to a _________ customers when_________ for the purpose of________. ANS---- valued; there is a shortage of goods; winning goodwill. 14) When you offer a substitute you can win the customer confident by___________. ANS----showing full confidence in the offered product Are these good sentences to write in a letter? If not improve it.

15) Since you do not place any order, even when we send you a quotation we do not wish to send you a quotation now when the price are fluctuating. ANS----NO; improve sentence: since the price are fluctuating, we can quote only for a firm order. 16) The goods that you requested are not available. We regret that we cannot help you in this matter. ANS----NO; improve sentence: we are sorry that the goods you requested are not available at the moment, but we have a product which has been well doing in the market. We have enclosed a quotation for your requirement.

18) The tone of letter refusing customer request must be positive, reasonable and persuasive. A} TRUE B} FALSE

19) Reply to enquiry is not enough to say, We hope that the sample will meet with your approval. You must show the advantage of the product. A} TRUE B} FALSE

20) All letters must follow the principle of good writing and language must be used ______________. A) Courtesy & tactfully B) Strongly & fairly C) Annoyed & strictly D) Tough & hard

21) Along with the efforts to get new customer you have to make efforts to keep_________goodwill. A) New customer B) Old customer C) Regular customer D) Rarely customer

22) It is far more expensive to win new customer then to keep the old ones. A} TRUE B} FALSE

23) It may possible for the seller to reduce the quoted price. A} TRUE B} FALSE

24) A request or a favor should not be granted with dignity. A} TRUE B} FALSE

25) Enquiry and replies giving information about the product, service and price are the commonest type of letter A} TRUE B} FALSE


Chapter 19 1) Letter related to ordering of goods are central to a companys business all their letters arise from orders for goods and services a) True b) false 2) If the order is urgent and u require the goods within a certain give the _______ by which the goods should be delivered a) Good information b) time c) date d) money 3) How many groups orders can be divided a) Three b) two c) one d) four 4) What is to be given in an order are easy to tabulate and hence printed forms are used for placing orders a) Money b) details c) product d) quantity 5) Who intends to try a product in a new are a) Sellers b) buyer c) advertiser 6) Who may reserve the right to reject delivered goods a) Seller b) buyer c) supplier d) customer 7) What is fixed by custom a) Prices and terms b) quantity c) quality 8) The most important things to convey in a routine order is the details of requirement a) True b) false 9) Who has the obligation to accept goods supplied according to the terms of the order and pay for them agreed in the order letter a) Seller b) buyer c)parties d) checker 10) Who has to take responsibility to ensure that the goods are free from faults and deficiencies a) Buyer b) consumer c) marketer d) seller 11) Assume the _____that every attention has been paid to the order and that future orders will a) Customer b) buyer c) seller d) Receiver 12) Which kinds of efforts to build good will need to be made when there is a first order or order from a regained buyer

a) Normal b) special c) regular d) cheap 13) What may present problem such as breach of contract and may need careful adjustment a) Replace b) demand c) cancellation d) production 14) The customer has not make adjustment and may have to give bistro about deliver of goods in case of delay or early delivery etc. a) False b) true 15) Who is more likely to speak well about the company to other from a customer who receives after sales attention a) Buyer b) seller c) customer d) receiver 16) Which kinds of charges may be made after an order has been placed and accepted a) Big b) small c) more d) less


Chapter 20

Information on the provisions of the Consumers Protection Act, 1986 (COPRA) is useful for both buyer and the seller Courtesy is of great importance; resist the temptation to accuse the supplier of carelessness, negligence or inefficiency While writing a letter do not use offensive and discourteous words like dishonest, careless, unfair, false, disgusted, useless, and inefficient. Use passive voice to mention errors while writing a letter Firmness, emphasis and insistence on your rights can be done without discourtesy Five reasons for writing a complaint letter are damaged goods, unsatisfactory quality, wrong goods, change in quantity of goods, goods delivered at wrong place. Dissatisfied customers may write to grievance columns of newspapers. Use You attitude to get a favorable emotional response from the customer Types of adjustment letters: Granting, Refusing, Offering to compromise, apologizing for errors, offering to make adjustments and Stop gap letter Offer to repair and reassure the customer that his trouble will be removed. Make every effort to retain goodwill When the customer is at fault and the adjustment is refused, the letter must convince him / her that he has to pay for repair Even if the claim is refused, the seller must offer to render service and support the product A good beginning for a letter refusing a claim would be We have considered your request that We are surprised by your complaint is a poor beginning because surprise and complaint (two faults in the sentence) A letter offering adjustment is a try to regain a lost buyer Letter offering adjustment to any complaints is a part of the strategy to collect overdue payment



4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.






15. 16.

Are the following statements true or false? 1. A complaint letter should be written in legalistic style in order to impress the supplier False In a letter of complaint you should not accuse or blame anyone angrily even if you know whose fault it was True Words like cheating, failure, useless should not be used while pointing out errors True Your negligent and careless attitude to my order has caused us a great loss and you will have to compensate us for it is a good sentence to use a complaint letter False If a seller does not pay attention to your complaint you should write a rude letter demand adjustment False Small buyers can never get adjustments for sellers fault False Knowledge of COPRA is useful to the small individual buyer True The buyer should write in a legalistic style about the inconvenience caused to him False It is useful to tell the seller what he can do to reduce the inconvenience cause by the fault in delivery - True Customers complaints are a great inconvenience to a seller False A reply to a complaint must make every effort to regain the customers confidence True We are surprised to learn that you are not satisfied with our services is a good sentence to begin a reply to a complaint False We are sorry that we cannot help you in this matter is a poor way to end a letter True A reply to a complaint should always end with Assuring you of our best services at all times False A letter granting an adjustment should always promise that such a problem will never raise again False You should give a long and detailed explanation of the cause of the problem in order to convince the customer of your sincerity False





6. 7. 8.


10. 11.


13. 14.




A customer with a complaint is mainly interested in knowing what you are doing about his / her problem True If a complaint has been caused by the negligence or fault of a third party, the seller should deny all liability in the reply to the customers complaint False If the nature of a customers complaint is such that it cannot be adjusted (e.g. the event is already over), there is nothing you can do to win back the customers goodwill False In an adjustment letter, how you talk about the error is crucial to the effectiveness of the letter - True





Chapter 21

The intercom and face-to-face discussion is the best method for a internal communication The memo is extensively used for exchanging information with the organization The letter is often replaced by fax and the email Email has also contributed towards movement towards informal and conversational style Messages must have correct presentation, tone, structure and layout A memo is used only for communication within the organization The purpose of the memo is to ask, give & convey information, request decision or action A memo format can be either vertical or horizontal In a vertical format of a memo all the lines of formal information begin at left margin In the horizontal format of a memo the To and From begin at left margin, while Date and Subject are at the right. A specific subject line in the e-mail gives the reader a good idea of the contents Avoid excessive punctuation in e-mails Punctuations marks called bangs among computer users are not a method of emphasizing In a mail limit the use of abbreviations otherwise the recipients may be confused Never type in all caps as it is considered the equivalent of shouting and it can look threatening There is no privacy in e-mail

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13.

14. 15.


State whether True or False 1. 2. 3. Memos are used for sending messages to customers False A memo should be written in elaborate style to impress subordinates False It is not appropriate to write a professional title before your own name True

4. 5. 6.

A memo being informal can be written without any preparation or organizing False Even though a memo is internal communication, the date must not be written in figures only True A memo should not have negative attitude even when conveying bad news True


Chapter 22 1. A report is a logical presentation of .. a) Facts and information b) Business information c) Statistical Figures d) None of the above 2. What are the two kinds of report a) Routine and progress report b) Routine and periodical report c) Inspection and special report d) Routine and special report 3. Routine reports are prepared to convey a) Status of the work b) Routine progress c) Monthly update d) None of the above 4. Special reports are prepared a) Rise in sales and marketing b) Special situation c) For immediate presentation d) All of the above 5. Report on the task which is in the process of completion is called a) Progress Report b) Inspection report c) Regular report d) Periodical report 6. Inspection report is necessary for/at a) Assessing the situation b) regular intervals to see the work progress c) the stage when the task is being implemented d) detecting any irregularities or deviations from standard practice

7. Following report leads to performance evaluation a) Progress report b) Evaluation report c) Assessment report d) Performance Appraisal 8. A report prepared at regular intervals on the working of the section/department a) Regular report b) Periodical report c) Progress Report d) All the above 9. The following report has blanks which have to be filled in or multiple choice statements are to be ticked a) Evaluation report b) Performance appraisal report c) Routine reports d) General reports 10. FIR is prepared when there is a a) Disaster b) Robbery or accident c) Building collapses d) All of the above 11. A committee is appointed for making the following report a) FIR b) Investigation report c) Scientific report d) Inspection report 12. A great deal of work, thinking and discussion is required in making a) Inquiry report b) Performance Appraisal c) Feasibility report d) Investigation report

13. A company which intends to launch a product should do the following report a) Market assessment b) Survey c) Pre launch d) Market analysis

14. The survey report is done by a) An individual b) A consultancy agency c) A market expert d) A committee e) An individual/committee 15. A project report is written a) After the proposal takes shape b) After the preliminary survey c) Showing the cash flow d) All above 16. Why does an organization need reports a) Keep a track of their employee performance b) Keep earning profits c) Reviewing and evaluating progress and planning for future course d) Understand the problems of the system 17. An entrepreneur prepares a project report a) For assessing market profitability b) For publishing it further in media c) To get it approved by various authorities d) None of the above 18. A report by the committee is a) written by one person b) Never written in letter format c) Need no sub headings d) Need not be in schematic form

19. The following letter is typed in the organizations letterhead a) Committee report b) Project Report c) Transmittal Report d) Investigation Report 20. Which of the following is not a routine report a) Progress Report b) Summary Report c) Inspection Report d) Periodical Report


Chapter 23 21. Which of the following are the parts of a report a) Title Page, Body b) Title page, evaluation c) Table of contents, Executive summary, conclusion d) None of the above 22. Long letters usually accompany e) Introduction f) Summary g) Covering letter h) Attachments 23. Which of the following is a part which is placed before the main report e) Introduction f) Purpose of the report g) Executive summary h) None of the above 24. A report title usually states e) The executive summary f) Purpose of the report g) Brief on the process h) Conclusion 25. The table of content usually comes after e) Title pages f) Acknowledgement g) Executive summary h) Abbreviations 26. The executive summary is usually e) 10% of the full report f) 15% of the full report g) 2-3 pages h) None of the above

27. Following is the purpose of the executive summary

e) f) g) h)

Gives readers the essential contents of the report Highlights the entire case Gives a detailed description on the content All of the above

28. Which of the following is not included in the executive summary e) Context of the research f) Purpose of the report g) Major findings h) Main recommendations i) Methodology 29. Executive summary is usually written e) At the beginning of writing report f) After writing the acknowledgement g) After deciding the structure of the report h) After writing the complete report 30. Acknowledgement is a e) List of names of persons who helped in data collection f) List of names of persons who made minor contributions in the report g) Customary detail which has to be given h) List of names of persons who helped in data collection, references, information, discussion etc 31. An appendix is usually attached e) At the beginning of the report f) At the end of the report g) With a scientific report h) With and inspection report 32. Bibliography is a e) List of alphabets f) Used for Performance Appraisal g) Used only in feasibility report h) List of books, articles, websites used for reference etc 33. Index is an e) List of names with references f) List of page numbers with references

g) List of topics with the page numbers h) List of authors surname 34. Questionnaires, maps and tables in a report are f) Index g) Appendix h) Bibliography i) Reference materials 35. The following can be written in the form of letter also e) Summary report f) Letter of transmittal g) Individual report h) None of the above 36. The committees work of investigation is recorded in e) Active voice f) Passive voice g) Tape recorders h) Main body of the report 37. What is the purpose of Introduction e) Explains methods for collecting information f) Explains purpose, scope and limitations of the assignment g) Collected facts and information h) All of the above 38. Which is the most important section of the main report e) Introduction f) Procedure g) Recommendations h) Findings 39. Illustrations are given for the following e) To clarify and support verbal analysis f) For transmittal Report g) Help a reader to just refer the same and understand the report h) Increase the significance of the report

40. Following are parts which are not placed after the report e) Appendix f) Bibliography g) Illustrations h) Index


Chapter 24 1. The preparation of a report includes, understanding clearly the objective of the report, collecting data, organizing the material collected, analyzing the data and finally writing the report. a. True b. False 2. Every kind of a communication skill has to be used for report work. a. True b. False 3. __________ is absolutely essential and the only one way to ensure it is to be meticulous and painstaking in collecting recording facts. a. Research b. Report c. Accuracy d. Honesty 4. _________________is of a great value in collecting some kind of information. a. Personal observation b. Printed Sources c. Research books d. None of above 5. The English language is capable of many different styles. a. True b. False 6. The style of a report must be suitable to the purpose and the readership of the report a. True b. False 7. It can be hard to write simple English; it is even harder to do it with____. a. Concentration b. Style c. Conjunction d. None of above 8. Communication is a many-sided activity. a. True b. False 9. The readers of a report do not expect to be entertained or amused; they expect to be informed easily and quickly a. True b. False

10. The report has to present facts in a simple, concise and straightforward manner, in words which the reader will follow. 11. In order to have a good and appropriate style of report which units of expression need to be handled skillfully? i. Words, Phrases, sentence, paragraphs and chapters 12. English may be described as a _______ language a. Single b. Funny c. Interesting d. Double 13. The phrases can be reduced to one word like firstly, mostly, likely. a. True b. False 14. ______ to _________ words is a useful norm to observe for the length of a sentence in business writing. a. 25 to 30 b. 10 to 15 c. 15 to 20 d. None of above 15. A sentence is a __________ statement which expresses one idea. a. Discrete b. Complex c. Compound d. All of above 16. Sentence can be broadly classified into 3 groups which are those?? a. Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence, Complex Sentence b. Discrete Sentence, Simple Sentence, Complex Sentence c. Simple Sentence, Discrete Sentence, Compound Sentence 17. A ____________ sentence has only one verb. a. Simple b. Complex c. Compound 18. In Reports and technical writing _______ sentences are used. a. Simple b. Complex c. Compound 19. A ___________sentence consists of simple sentence joined together by words like and, but, or, and so. a. Simple b. Complex

c. Compound 20. __________ Sentence convey coordinate ideas which imply progression, balance, comparison or contrast. a. Simple b. Complex c. Compound 21. In a __________ sentence one or more ideas are subordinated to one principal idea. a. Simple b. Complex c. Compound 22. ____________ Sentences allow scope for expression of fine, subtle and complicated ideas but are difficult to handle. a. Simple b. Complex c. Compound 23. For reports and technical writing it is better to use _________ and ________ sentences. a. Simple and Complex b. Simple and Compound c. Complex and Compound d. Only Simple or Only Compound 24. A _________ is a group of associated sentences defining and developing an aspect of a subject. a. Sentence b. Paragraph c. Phrase d. None of above 25. Serious discussion and exposition as in a report requires longer paragraphs to deal with the aspects of coherent manner. a. True b. False 26. When using long paragraphs, state in the first sentence, _______________. a. The aspect being discussed in the paragraph. b. The purpose of the report writing c. The conclusion of the paragraph d. Anything related to the paragraph 27. If a matter has been carefully planned and classified, the ___________ should provide the topic sentence for each paragraph a. Middle sentence

b. Sub-heading c. Last sentence d. None of above 28. The length of the chapter depends on several factors such as: i. Length of the report ii. The number of aspects investigated iii. The layout iv. Style of presentation. 29. The modern trend is towards ________________ which are easy to assimilate. a. Long paragraph b. Short chapters c. Small chapters d. Long chapters 30. Most of the organizations have a ________for reports, and the collected material can be organized into section/chapters according to the format. a. house-style b. In-house c. Research center d. None of above 31. Slicing into very small chapters can ruin the structure and throw the matter out of perspectives. a. True b. False 32. Technical writing needs: i. The facts, ii. Logical sequencing of the facts and arguments, iii. Statement of the facts in plain, grammatically correct and properly punctuated English iv. Adequate information and illustration to support facts 33. The major work on the presentation of the report must be done at the ____________ stage a. Starting b. Preparatory c. Third d. Last


Chapter 25 1. The Schematic form may be used for presenting a _________ report. a. Complex Report b. Business Report c. Analytical Report d. None of above 2. In a Complex Report details are arranged under _________. a. Paragraph b. Heading c. Headline d. Outline 3. The ________ voice is used for most statements in a formal style. a. Active Voice b. Passive Voice 4. Incorrect punctuation or missing punctuation marks can confuse the meaning of a sentence. a. True b. False 5. All the marks are of equal importance for all types of writing. a. True b. False 6. The report requires very few punctuations while letter needs more a. True b. False 7. It has now become acceptable to omit the full stop after the common abbreviations like Mr and Mrs even in print. a. True b. False 8. Full stop is required at the end of each phrase in a list like agenda a. True b. False 9. In a letter comma (,) is placed after the _________ and _________ a. Salutation and Complimentary close b. Heading and The Body c. The Body and Inside Address d. All of above 10. Commas are placed between three or more items in a series a. True b. False

11. If an address is written as a part of a sentence, commas separate the elements of the address including the City and Pin Code a. True b. False 12. A comma follows if a sentence begins with an adverbial phrase or adverb. a. True b. False 13. The semicolon is used only after a sentence is grammatically complete a. True b. False 14. Colon is used to introduce a list or series or an explanation a. True b. False 15. Colon is used after the ____________ in a letter, in an American practice. a. Heading b. Complimentary Close c. Salutation d. None of above 16. Will you please settle down the account this week does this sentence requires a question mark? (The polite request in the form of question requires a question mark) a. Yes b. No 17. An indirect question also has a question mark at the end. (eg. I want to know how many copies of circular will be needed) a. True b. False 18. The two functions of apostrophe are in _________ & in _____________ a. Active& Passive b. Assertive & Negative c. Possessives & Contractions d. Direct & Indirect

19. Possessives apostrophe is used as following chart:

Possessive Apostrophe Singular noun (before s) Plural noun does not end with s (before s) Plural noun end with s (after s) Managers office, Companys Product Childrens Park, Womens Hostel, Mens tailor Customers requirement, companies representative His, its, whose except(Ones) His, hers, ours, yours A weeks holiday, ninety days credit

Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Possessive phrases

20. Contraction form of apostrophe is used to indicate that the letters have been dropped , as follows: Contraction Apostrophe It is Cannot We will/shall Do not Its Cant Well Dont

The above forms are used only in oral communication and not in formal business writing like letters reports and minutes. 21. _________ mark shows a strong feeling like surprise, admiration, enthusiasm a. Hyphen (-) b. Exclamation mark (!) c. Question Mark (?) d. Full Stop (.) 22. In the complimentary close all the first letter of each word should be capital (only a first letter rest all small letters) a. True b. False

23. An __________________ is a shortened form of a word or phrase used to represent the whole. a. Punctuation b. Abbreviation c. Salutation d. None of above



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