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The dominance of the monopoly of His Majesty the King of Great Britain terminated thus leaving only the memories of a flourished imperialism and a monumental civilisation. The Educational institutions established during the British monopoly prove the meritocracy of its quality and still stand reputably on to the Order of the British Empire. The bureaucracy was then lead by politicians whose attempt was to advance the development process by using political fundamentals based on right-wing concepts and introducing financial capitalism to each and every territory in the island. A stalwart of the same political party quit the party thus revolting a compromised political philosophy between the left and the right wing which encouraged communist concepts partially. Nevertheless due to this mutual concession expansionistic cosmopolitanism which was beyond the jurisdiction of the legislature was introduced to the ordinary people in the country where the majority of them were and still are scum and savage. Syndicalism one of the major concepts in communism was initiated which enabled several absolutist extremists to pull-out the chains of conservatism and rub-out the idea of caste segregation which are social necessities in order to maintain the social equilibrium of the society. This made scum, savage and misanthropes think that egalitarianism and cosmopolitanism are pragmatic concepts and should it be a privilege to be treated equal and pejoratively criticise the upper class in order to overcome their inferiorities. This opened the gates for scum to enter a civilised and an uncontaminated society. As a result of the above incident some proletarian misanthropes were developing and practising certain noxious nonaltruistic concepts based on the pessimistic approach of the left-wing policies. The so called proletarian misanthropes are those who and whose ancestors were exploited and had payed the penalty for exhibiting their uncivilised nature during the monarchy, anarchy and the oligarchy periods. These people were segregated for their vilifications and behaviour that would have contaminated the society. It is quite comprehensible that these people cannot be transformed to be civilised men and should be lacerated and trampled as they deserve it! However this terminated due to the free education act which enabled scum to enter schools and universities. We do now experience the explicit consequence of free education today as many of them result with a fact of agony albeit some may feel it not due to their scandalous and selfish objectives. The social environment that one has had experienced is a key factor to ones personality. Thus by definition, personality is the complex of all the attributes i.e. behavioural, temperamental and emotional and mental that characterises a unique individual. Controlling these attributes without letting them control a person is called discipline. It gives an individual a mind-set. It is a fixed mental attitude or disposition that pre-determines ones responses to situations and his interpretations of those situations. We see truck drivers graduating as managers. A son of a truck driver ought to be a truck driver! Hell never have the mind-set of a manager. The reason we see medical practitioners acting like butches is the same reason. They have no emotion. Theyll do anything for money! These people were always unwelcome, unwanted and they are all over todays society. Who alone are responsible for the moral decadence of our society? How do we fight them? We unite! We will sacrifice, we will struggle. Yes! But only then will we triumph. By the inspiration of our leaders, we will hang the third class society and crush these scum bags and we will disinfect our society from this disease.

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