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Leadership Development & Organizing Training Tampa, FL Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tentative Agenda: 9:45am: Breakfast & Check-In 10:00am: Welcome & Overview

Who is Doctors for America? What is the Patients Over Politics Bus Tour? Overview of training elements. 10:15am: Personal Goals & Introductions Personal Goals Exercise: 5 mins What are our individual hopes and goals for this training? What organizing skills do we each already bring to the table? How can we use those skills in building for our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour? 10:30am: Training Norms & DFA Core Values

10:45am: Telling Our Story - Assessing Our Power Peak Experiences & Leadership Skills Exercise: 20 mins (This is the premise to understanding leadership, building power, telling our story of self, and having effective 1:1 conversations.) What leadership skills do we have among the people in the room individually and collectively? How can we use those to make the Patients over Politics Bus Tour a success? 11:15am: Telling Our Story - Story of Self Developing Your Story of Self Exercise: 35 mins What calls us to lead? Why us, why now? How can telling our story of self be a tool to recruit others to attend and even help plan and lead our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour? One of the best, proven ways to get others interested in what you do is to use

your story. This is a core skill that can be applied to talking to the media, giving effective education presentations, and getting people around you involved. 12:15pm 12:30pm: Break (lunch will be provided) Doing Education Presentations

Leading up to our Bus Tour, as well as on the Bus Tour, we will be working to education as many people as possible about health reform. How do you talk to others about the Affordable Care Act? Where do you give presentations? How do you adjust the presentations for each audience? 1:15pm: Talking to the Media

What is it like to do a TV interview? A radio interview? A print interview? Well prep you on how to talk to the press and deliver an effective message so you can do media interviews before, after, and during our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour. 1:45pm: Building Power

Organizing + mobilizing = power. What parts of our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour require organizing? Which require mobilizing? How will our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour help us build power? To have a successful bus tour, we need to build capacity, commitment, and infrastructure (i.e. people) we have to organize and then mobilize. 2:00pm: Building Relationships

What is an organizing relationship? How do we build organizing relationships? For our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour, we need to recruit people to join us on the bus and at bus tour stops we need to build relationships to make that happen. 2:15pm: Leadership - Being a Leader & Building Leadership in Others Help Wanted! Exercise: 10 mins Which Leader Are You Exercise: 5 mins How do we identify potential volunteers? In thinking about what needs to be accomplished with our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour, what kinds of leaders / volunteers do we already have and what kinds of leaders / volunteers do we still need? What resources will we need to accomplish our Bus Tour? What sort of volunteer roles will be required? 2:45pm Break

3:00pm: 1:1 Conversations Overcoming Tough Objections Exercise: 45 mins Now that we understand what relationships are and what kind of volunteers we need to recruit especially considering the needs of our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour how do we actually recruit those volunteers? How do we make an effective ask and

overcome the objections that might arise? How do we get a commitment to action from others? 4:15pm: Building Teams Team Roles Exercise: 20 mins Team Norms Exercise: 15 mins What are the different types of teams and leadership structures? What are the different types of team roles? In thinking about the Patients Over Politics Bus Tour, what teams do we need? What will be the roles of each person on those teams? What are norms? What are the norms we want to set for our Patients Over Politics Bus Tour teams? To make a difference, we need to work effectively as a team the people in the room and the people we recruit. 5:00pm: 5:15pm: Debrief & Wrap-Up Group Dinner (optional)

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