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High Miracles

Absorb Blow
Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Duration: 1 min per PB Description: This Miracle completely absorbs the entire amount of damage that occurs from the next immediate blow within the duration. The absorbed blow can come from any physical attack, including hand, missile or thrown attacks. This Miracle does not absorb damage from magically manipulated objects such as levitated bottles. Faith Cost: 5

Bolster Door
Target: Object (any close-able portal) Range: 10ft per PB Duration: 1 ten-round Description: This Miracle allows the clergy to shut a door and keep it closed from any distance withing the range without ever touching it physically. Up to the duration or until the clergy loses focus, he or she can keep the door miraculously reinforced so that no one or nothing can break, push , or otherwise damage the bolstered door. Faith Cost: 5

Become Shadow
Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Duration: 5 min per PB Description: This Miracle allows the Target to become their silhouette/shadow on the ground or wall. In such form the character can move anywhere a shadow can move up to the clergy's speed. The clergy can utilize the other shadows of natural objects, such as climbing a ladder's shadow. Although the shadowed clergy can be affected by spell and Miracle attacks, they cannot be affected by nor can the affect anything physically. Faith Cost: 5

Climbable Surface
Target: Object (wall) Range: 10x5 feet per PB Duration: 1 ten-round per PB Description: This Miracle makes any natural wall that is otherwise not climbable because of a lack of footholds, climbable. It supernaturally distorts the natural elements of the wall to create hand and footholds befitting for the clergy (and others) to climb. The wall remains climbable for the duration or until the clergy wills it gone. This Miracle affects a single entire vertical surface up to the range in area. If the surface material changes, the clergy must perform the miracle on that surface to continue climbing. Anyone except the clergy who uses the climbable surface must make a standard Climb roll per 10ft to use it Faith Cost: 3

Blessed Silence
Target: Self and Other Range: 100ft Duration: 1 ten-round per PB Description: Performing this Miracle allows the clergy and one other Christian character per PB to become totally silent to the rest of the world. No sounds the character makes or item that they touch can be heard. This includes footsteps, armor and items, and speaking. Only things that are affected secondarily make noise such as moving a branch that hits another branch, the floor that creaks from weight, etc. Nevertheless all silenced characters can hear each other as if they were not silenced. They can speak freely and make noises with objects that no one else can hear except their own party. Those who would otherwise hear the characters can roll to save vs Miracles, success allows them to hear low, muffled sound indicating where the characters are. Faith Cost: 7

Target: Self Only Range: Self Only Duration: 1 Ten-Round per PB Description: This Miracle allows the clergy to become nearly transparent to normal eyes. The cloaked clergy is identifiable (with successful Perception roll) if clergy moves faster than a Speed of 3 or is in active Combat. Faith Cost: 7

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Commence Motion
Target: Object Range: 10 feet per PB Duration: 5 Faith per round Description: This Miracle slowly commences a natural motion on any lightweight object (WF 1 or less), such as tipping, lifting, pushing, or pulling. The object must be free to move in the desired motion without significant resistance outside of gravity. The target object moves by the Miracle for one Round at a speed of no more than 2 (max 10ft per round). The object must be in plain sight of the clergy, and not hidden. The clergy can continue the Miracle where it leaves off by spending the Faith cost each new round. Faith Cost: 5

Invisible Wall
Target: Vertical Area (25sqft per PB) Range: 5 ft per PB Duration: 1 min per PB Description: Performing this Miracle allows the clergy to create a completely vertical invisible wall 5 ft high by 5 ft wide per PB (or any combination equaling 25sqft). This invisible wall is impassible by any known force, being, or thing, including spell attacks, spiritual beings, and physical objects. Beings and objects cannot teleport through the invisible wall. Each time the wall is struck or affected by a force, the wall becomes slightly more visible until it is a glowing (but transparent) wall of energy. Faith Cost: 5

Fumble Weapon
Target: Other Range: 10 ft per PB Duration: 2 Description: This Miracle causes the target victim to lose grip and drop a single object being used as a weapon, costing at least 2 rounds delay to pick it up. (half duration if save vs. Miracles). Faith Cost: 5

Piercing Vision
Target: Self Range: 10ft per PB Duration: 1 round per PB Description: This powerful Miracle allows the clergy to see through solid objects as if they weren't there. The clergy can see a files of view about ten feet wide in a tunnel or cylindrical form and can adjust the depth of view as needed up to the maximum range. Faith Cost: 7

Target: Other Range: 10 ft per PB Duration: 1 round Description: This powerful Miracle creates a pillar of white fire that automatically causes 1d8 damage per PB (half damage for Save vs. Miracles ). This Miracle requires the victim to be touching the ground and moving at no more than a Speed of 2. The pillar of fire will ignite normally flammable objects. Faith Cost: 9

Target: Object Range: 10ft per PB Duration: 1 round Description: This Miracle redirect an airborne thrown or missile weapon to a 45-degree path away from its intended path. Use one Miracle skill roll to determin success in place of a Defend roll. Faith is spent whether or not the skill roll is successful. Less than 6: weapon hits intended target Simple DF (6-10): Barely Misses intended target Moderate DF (11-17): diverts to a safe path High DF (18-26): diverts to a specific target within range. Extreme DF (27+): diverts to a specific target causing Double Damage Faith Cost: 3

Holy Fire
Target: Other Range: 10 ft per PB Duration: 1 round Description: This Miracle automatically hits the target if within range. It creates a puff of white flame that disappears after causing 2d6 damage plus an additional +2 per PB (half damage for save vs Miracles). Faith Cost: 5

See the Invisible

Target: Self Range: Self Duration: 1 ten-round Description: this Miracle allows the Clergy to see inviible beings and objects withing normal range of sight. Faith Cost: 3

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Target: Self or Other Range: 5ft per PB Duration: 10 min per PB Description: This Miracle allows the clergy to shrink the Target being down to a size of 6 inches tall. All of the Target's Immediate effects (weapons, clothing, armor, etc) scale down as well. Most items are rendered useless to their normal functions, and the maximum direct physical damage the being can cause is 1 point. The being can still perform Miracles cast spells or use supernatural items. Faith Cost: 7

Target: Self Range: Self Duration: 10 min per PB Description: This Miracle allows the clergy to speak and understand any spoken language. Faith Cost: 3

Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Duration: 1 round per PB Description: This powerful Miracle causes the Target person or people to completely and instantly vanish form the physical world. They are transported to a distant, empty spiritual plane that parallels our worldly realm. The Target can view but not affect the area where they disappeared from for the duration. At will, or after the duration has lapsed, they return to the exact location where they were before they vanished. Faith Cost: 7

Sphere of Light
Target: Area 5 ft per PB Range: 100ft Duration: 10 minutes per PB Description: Performing this Miracle allows the clergy to create a sphere of light that has no apparent source. The light is equally bright throughout the area of effect and has the brightness of about one torchlight. The clergy can mentally move the light wherever and whenever he or she likes in any direction within range, but doing so prohibits the clergy from performing any other action a the same time. The clergy can perform the other actions while the sphere is active if he or she 'places' the sphere in a specific spot and leaves it. Faith Cost: 3

Water Walk
Target: Self or Other Range: Touch or 5ft per PB Duration: 1min per PB Description: This Miracle allows the clergy to walk on water as if it is an unsteady but solid floor. The clergy can move at up to half normal speed on still or mostly still water and can move at a maximum of one-quarter normal Speed on rougher water. Water that is exceptionally rough, such as ocean waves , cannot be walked on at all. For rougher waters, the Rac may require a Balance roll in order to maintain steadiness or fall in. Faith Cost: 5

Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Duration: 3 rounds per PB Description: This miracle allows the clergy to become a visible spiritual entity that can float and pass through walls. The clergy cannot perform any Miracles, nor can they affect or be harmed by anything (supernatural or otherwise) while spirited. The maximum Speed of the spirited clergy is 1 per PB. Faith Cost: 7

Weapon to Snake
Target: Non-Magical Weapon Range: Touch or 5ft per PB Duration: 1 min per PB Description: This Miracle transforms any non-magical weapon within range into a large venomous snake that will attack the clergy's enemy upon transformation. If the enemy is holding the weapon at the time of transformation, they will not be able to gain advantage over the snake and will be -5 to dodge or defend its first round of attacks. Faith Cost: 5

Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Duration: 10 min per PB until hit Description: This Miracle allows the clergy to reduce the next single occurrence of damage by half. Faith Cost: 5

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