MGT 531 Product Management Prepared For: en - Abdul Rahman B Abdul Wahab

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Find a product that you think still attractive and no longer attractive in the market. Still attractive in the market For the product that we think still attractive in the market we have choose desktop computer. The reason why we said this product is still attractive until today is, demand on this product are still high in the market. Every year the producer of this product, receive a very high demand. This shows that this product still attractive and can still can attract customer to buy it. Another reason why these products are still attractive in the market is that the price of this product is affordable. As we can see, more and more companies are producing this type of product with wide variety of function and additional features. In addition, the most special things about this product, the price is keeping decreasing. Nowadays, desktop computer can be purchase with the price offer as low as RM1200 up to RM8000. The price of this type of computer can be reducing to RM1050 only. User friendly is also one of the reasons why this product is still attractive in the market. This is due to this product features itself. It can be use easily, most practical to be used for those work in the office. It does not have to be charge like laptop or notebook just plugs in and you can be able to use it. Desktop computer also easier to be set up and fix if there is any problem occur. Desktop computer can be repaire easier with low cost rather than laptop that is more difficult to be repaired and involve higher cost. This desktop computer also less sensitive, compared to the laptop and notebook. Even though it cannot compete with laptop and notebook successfully but it still has their

own specialty. Of course, we cannot bring desktop anywhere but with the less sensitivity features it still be one of the choices to customer. Laptop and notebook incurred lot of cost if there is certain problem occurs the maintenance cost of laptop can reach RM300. In the other hand, desktop computer only incurred little cost of maintenance; the lowest cost is about RM15. Sometimes people choose to buy desktop computer is because it have the large capacity of data storage. You just can easily add some additional memory to this computer at it can store as large as 5 GB of data. This factor would be one of the reasons why this product is still attractive in the market. Otherwise, if we compared the size or capacity storage own by laptop with desktop computer. There are obvious differences that the data storage size of laptop is limited and smaller than desktop computer. If some one needs to have laptop with high capacity of data storage, they have to buy one with large size of capacity and of course with higher prices. Therefore, if someone wants to save many information or data in the computer the better choice for them is using desktop computer. The security level to this product is higher compare to laptop. As we can see nowadays, there are many cases involving lost of laptop when they left it in a car. When we face lost of laptop, it also means that we lost a great amount of data in it. With desktop it is safer, just leave it at home and there is no risk of lost of data because the desktop is safe in the house.. There is much other reason why the consumers still keep demanding for this product. That is why this product is still attractive in the market.

Product that is no longer attractive.

For the product that we think not attractive anymore in the market, we choose Diskette or also known a 3 floppy disk. The reason why we choose this product as a less attractive product is that nowadays the usage of the diskette is not up to date anymore. Beside not up to date, this product only can be used to save a small size of the informations, in the other word the memory of this product are limited which is 1.4MB. For example, this diskettes are not able to save the big size picture and difficult to carry around due to the sensitive features. In addition, there is also an alternative to this product, which known as thumb drive or pen drive. It is more compatible compared to diskette. The capacity or size of this product also comes in variety of choices 256 MB, 512Mb and even 1 GB. The price is depending on the capacity and size of this product. Thumb drive also less sensitive compared to diskette, it can be bring anywhere and can be store easily. Moreover, if we look at todays market situation more and more people are using laptop, but the laptop are no longer attach with floppy disk drive. Thus, diskette is not practical anymore. Usually the laptop comes with USB drives which suit for the thumb drive. That become reasons why floppy disk are no longer attractive to the users because in case if the customers buy the laptop the still cant use it yet have to buy thumb drive at the same time. Even though the diskette is no longer attractive in the market there is also minor group of people still using it, this is due to the low prices and can be use with desktop computer. Nevertheless, they should shift to the thumb drive that is new product and come in a variety of choices with larger storage capacity. Another reason why this product is no longer attractive in the market is that this product is highly disposal. In case this product have been infected with viruses, sometimes it cannot be treated compared to thumb drive which this product can be formatted to ensure that it can be reuse. If we can see thumb drive nowadays not only being used by people

with higher income like working person, but it also being used by students especially IPT student. With lots of assignment they need something that can be bring anywhere, compatible and have larger data storage capacity. The answer to this is thumb drive. Thumb drives have become more attractive compared to diskette. The possibilities for people to buy diskette are lower compare to sometimes lately. The producer of diskette must think of something that can help to make this product attractive again in the market. Maybe they would come with diskette that includes special features and larger data storage capacity in smaller or maybe they should switch their market to sell pen drives and thumb drives rather than selling diskettes.

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