Prayer Clock FHE

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Sweet Hour of Prayer/ Anytime, Anywhere FHE

Opening Song: Sweet Hour of Prayer, Hymn no. 142 Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants 23:6 Lesson: We are taught that we need to pray to our Heavenly Father often, but how often? We are going to learn that we can pray to our Heavenly Father anywhere, anytime, any sweet hour of the day. So we have a "sweet hour of prayer" clock to help us. Let your kids choose a number on the clock. Every number has a picture to put by the clock and it may have an accompanying story, song, poem, etc. Move the boys arm to the hour chosen and show the accompanying picture. Keep the girls arm pointing up to Heavenly Father and Jesus the whole time. 1. Pray morning and night. Show the girl waking up picture and ask: What is the first thing we should do in the morning? Pray! Sing Did you think to pray? or read Alma 37:37: Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day. Remember to pray every morning and night. 2. Pray at meals Show the Breakfast table picture. An important of prayer is saying thank you. We always say a prayer to give thanks for our food. 3. Pray at church. Our most important prayer is the sacrament prayer. When we take the sacrament we promise to remember Jesus always, keep His commandments and take His name. The Lord forgives our sins and sends the Spirit to be with us. This is a special prayer that we get to do every week. 4. Pray when you need to make decisions. Heavenly Father will help us make choices when we ask Him in prayer. We make choices all the time. Asking for help with the important ones is a good idea. Show the picture of the girl at school taking a test. You can have a prayer in your heart when making decisions. 5. Pray when you need help: Show the picture of the boy running and tell the story of The Running Prayer" from the Friend: Nathan and his family were going to the park and he asked mom if she would make him a hard boiled egg to take with him to eat. She boiled water on the stove and put the egg in and then they hurried and got ready for the park. When they got there, Nathan was hungry and wanted his egg. Can I have my egg now? Nathan asked. Moms face froze with fear. Oh no! she said. Your egg! She jumped up from the bench and picked up Aria. Nathan, I need you to run really fast. We left the egg on the stove and

it could start a fire! We need to get home right away. Mom started running back toward the car. Nathan ran as fast as he could. As he ran, he thought about something he learned in Primary: I can pray anywhere. I can pray anytime. Well, I guess I can pray even when Im running, Nathan thought. He kept running, and inside his head he thought, Dear Heavenly Father, please bless our house to be safe. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. As soon as Nathan finished his prayer, he felt a warm feeling in his heart. He knew that it was the Holy Ghost letting him know everything would be all right. Mom! Nathan said. What? Mom slowed down a little. I just said a prayer in my heart and I felt a really warm feeling. I think our house is going to be OK. Mom stopped running and smiled. Nathan, I am so glad you told me about your prayer. I feel much better now because the Holy Ghost always tells the truth. Mom took Nathans hand and they walked to the car. When they got home, the pan still had bubbling water in it. It is a running-prayer miracle, Mom said. Nathan smiled. His heart felt warm and full. He knew that Heavenly Father had answered his prayer. Mom, can I have my egg now? I think its probably done. Mom and Nathan laughed. 6. Pray when we need to Repent. This is a picture of people being mean. They need to say sorry. There is a story from the book of Mormon about someone who needed to say sorry and his name was Enos. One day Enos went hunting in the forest. As he thought about the teachings of his father, he wanted to be forgiven for his sins. Enos knelt and prayed to God. He prayed all day and was still praying when night came. God told Enos that, because of his faith in Jesus Christ, his sins were forgiven. Enos wanted the Lord to bless all the Nephites. He prayed for them, and the Lord said that he would bless them if they obeyed his commandments. And then he even prayed for his enemies the Lamanites. We can be forgiven for our sins or wrongdoings just like the prophet Enos was forgiven. 7. Pray when we feel sad or happy. Show the picture of the girl crying being comforted. Heavenly Father wants to know how you feel. He actually already knows but He likes it when we share with Him because Hes our Dad. 8. Pray when you dont feel like praying. Show the picture of the angry boy. Share the story from Nov 2010 Friend: Roxanne was

asked to do more dishes than normal that night and she was angry and her brother was bugging her too. Her mom talked to her and suggested that they pray to Heavenly Father for help to take the bad feeling away. Roxanne did want to help Mom. She knelt down by her bed. At first she didnt feel like praying. Then she started telling Heavenly Father how she felt and asked Him to help her be happy again. After her prayer, Roxanne felt better, walked in, and did the dishes happy. 9. Pray anywhere. Show the picture of the car. Share any personal stories of saying a prayer in an unlikely place. 10. Ponder or pray when we read the scriptures. Show the boy with the Bible praying. We can pray to Heavenly Father to know that the scriptures are true. This happened to a boy named Joseph Smith. Heres a poem from the friend:

A Boy Seeking Answers by Marianne Monson Joseph sought his answer in a grove. I kneel by my bed. Joseph saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. I listen to the whisper of the Holy Ghost. Josephs prayer began the restoration of the gospel. My prayer taught me Josephs answer was true. We are two boys with two prayers Answered by the same listening Father.
11. We should pray together as a family. Gospel study on prayer says, Through regular family prayer, our family members will draw nearer to God and

to each other. Our children will learn to communicate with their Father in Heaven. We will all be better prepared to serve others and withstand temptations. Our homes will be places of spiritual strength, a refuge from the evil influences of the world.
12. Pray Always. If you look at the hands of our clock, one hand has moved to the different numbers, but the other hands is ALWAYS pointing up to Heavenly Father. Tell story of Carl B. Cook from General Conference, Oct. 2011 I was at the end of my first week as a General Authority, my briefcase was overloaded and my mind was preoccupied with the question How can I possibly do this? He left the office of the Seventy and entered the elevator of the Church Administration Building. As the elevator descended, my head was down and I stared blankly at the floor. The door opened and someone entered, but I didnt look up. As the door closed, I heard someone ask, What are you looking at down there? I recognized that voiceit was

President Thomas S. Monson. I quickly looked up and responded, Oh, nothing. But President Monson could tell that he wasn't sure about his calling. He smiled and lovingly suggested, while pointing heavenward, It is better to look up! As we traveled down one more level, he said good bye again and reminded him, Now, remember, it is better to look up. Praying keeps us connected up to God the Father no matter where or what time. We should pray ALWAYS. Activity: Make a Prayer Rock: You can decorate your rock however you want. Use paint to make it special or get a fabric square and wrap it around the rock or simply get a marker and write PRAY on one side and the persons name on the other. Then either attach this poem to the rock or simply read it so that the kids know what to do with it.
Prayer Rock

I'm your little prayer rock and this is what I'll do -Just put me on your pillow 'Til the day is through. Then turn back the covers And climb into your bed And WHACK! your little prayer rock Will hit you in the head. Then you will remember As the day is through To kneel and say your prayers As you wanted to. Then when you are finished Just dump me on the floor.

I'll stay there through the night-time To give you help once more. When you get up next morning CLUNK! I stub your toe So you will remember Your morning prayers before you go. Put me back upon your pillow When your bed is made And your clever little prayer rock Will continue in your aid. Because your heavenly Father Cares and loves you so He wants you to remember To talk to him, you know.

Treat: End the FHE with a Sweet Treat in reference to the Sweet Hour of Prayer Song.

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