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Journal of Near-Death Studies Journal of Near-Death Studies

Ipotesi Spiritica e Teoria Scientifiche

Introduction la Mtapsychique Humaine

Dei Fenomeni di Telestesia

Phnomnes Psychiques au Moment de la Mort

Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science


Phantasms of the Living

The Beginnings of Seership My Travels in the Spirit World The Projection of the Astral Body Mthode de Ddoublement Personnel

Experimental Investigations of the Spirit Manifestations

white shining


Les Phnomnes de Bilocation

Discarnate Influence in Human Life

The Seeress of Prevost


seeing one's own double and that of finding oneself consciously out of the body, and contemplating the body

completely separated from my body

having seen this act of hers through the wall, while lying inanimate on the bed

Light Light

physical vibrations psychic vibrations

outside any

at a distance

Animismo y espiritismo: Ensayo de un exmen crtico de los fenmenos medianmicos

The destiny of the soul: A critical history of the doctrine of a future life Death and personal survival: The evidence for life after death Theta Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research Journal of the Society for Psychical Research Journal of Scientific Exploration Journal of the Society for Psychical Research Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research International Journal of Parapsychology Varieties of anomalous experiences: Examining the scientific evidence Journal of the Society for Psychical Research Pesquisa Psi Journal of the Society for Psychical Research The Spiritualist Light Journal of the Society for Psychical Research La force vitale: Notre corps vital fluidique, sa formule biomtrique Lame humaine: Ses mouvements, ses lumires et liconographie de linvisible fluidique Mes morts: Leurs manifestations, leurs influences, leurs tlpathies Paranormal experience and survival of death Journal of Consciousness Studies Matter and memory Man and his bodies Beyond the body: An investigation of out-of-the-body experiences Journal of Parapsychology Dying to live: Science and the near-death experience Brain Nature Le spiritisme et lanarchie devant la science et la philosophie

Ipotesi spiritica e teorie scientifiche

Annales des Sciences Psychiques Annals of Psychical Science Annales des Sciences Psychiques Luce e Ombra Revue Mtapsychique Phenomenes psychiques au moment de la mort Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research Revue Spirite Des communications mdimniformes entre vivants Revue Mtapsychique Los fenmenos de encantamiento A propos de lintroduction la mtapsychique humaine Des manifestations supranormales chez les peuples sauvages Pense et volont Revue Mtapsychique La Ricerca Psichica La Ricerca Psichica Les phnomnes de bilocation Discarnate influence in human life: A review of the case for spirit intervention Dei fenomeni di telestesia La crisi della morte Luce e Ombra Musica transcendentale Immortal remains: The evidence for life after death Les mtapsychoses: La mtapsychorragie, la tlpathie, la hantise: Vol. 1: Introduction et la mtapsychorragie fantasmale Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Perceptual and Motor Skills Mmoire sur le magntisme animal, present a lAcadmie de Berlin, en 1818

Socit Typographique Belgue Report on Spiritualism, of the Committee of the London Dialectical Society, together with the evidence, oral and written, and a selection from the correspondence Di l dalla vita (La relativit della morte) Events on the threshold of the after-life: "Clues" as to "the greatest of all enigmas." Researches in the phenomena of spiritualism The night-side of nature; or, ghosts and ghost seer Posthumous humanity: A study of phantoms Death and the after-life: Eight evening lectures on the Summer-land Les apparitions matrialises des vivants et des morts British Journal of Psychiatry Annales des Sciences Psychiques Annales des Sciences Psychique Astral projection or liberation of the double and the work of the early Theosophical Society (Theosophical history occasional paper, Vol. 6) Revue Mtapsychique Revue Mtapsychique Psychical research: The science of the super-normal Le fantme des vivants: Anatomie et physiologie de lame: Recherches exprimentales sur le ddoublement des corps de lhomme Seeing ghosts: Experiences of the paranormal Minds behind the brain: A history of the pioneers and their discoveries Linconnu: The unknown Encyclopaedia of psychic science Is there an afterlife? Occult Review British Journal of Occupational Therapy La survivance de lame ou la mort et la renaissance chez les tres vivantes: tudes de physiologie et dembryologie philosophiques The psychic riddle The founders of psychical researc Mediumship and survival: A century of investigations Clairvoyance and materialisation: A record of experiments From the unconscious to the conscious

Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition La bilocazione nella vita di sant Alfonso de Liguori Lancet Experiencing the next world now Hillside Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Compte rendus hedbomadaires des sances de lAcadmie des Sciences

Compte rendus hedbomadaires des sances de lAcadmie des Sciences Phantasms of the living Somnolism and psycheism; or, the science of the soul and the phenomena or nervation Cognitive Neuropsychiatry

Spirits before our eyes Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research The facts of psychic science and philosophy collated and discussed Le Monografie di Luce e Ombra Natural and supernatural: A history of the paranormal from earliest times to 1914 Flight of mind: A psychological study of the out-of-body experience Journal of Parapsychology Human immortality: Two supposed objections to the doctrine The imprisoned splendour: An approach to reality, based upon the significance of data drawn from the fields of natural science, psychical research The ocean of theosophy Theory of pneumatology; in reply to the question, what ought to be believed or disbelieved concerning presentiments, visions, and apparitions, according to nature, reason and scripture Spiritisme exprimental: Le livre des mdiums, ou guide des mdiums et des vocateurs The seeress of Prevost: Being revelations concerning the inner-life of man, and the inter-diffusion of a world of spirits in the one we inhabit Mthode de ddoublement personnel (Extriorisation de la neuricit: Sorties en astral) [Method of personal doubling (Exteriorization of neuricity: Astral excursions)]. My travels in the spirit world

The invention of telepathy 18701901 The synergy of religion and psychical research Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research Brain Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie Das persnliche berleben des Todes: Eine Darstellung der Erfahrungsbeweis The doctrine of the subtle body in Western tradition Canadian Psychology Revue Spirite Light The projection of the astral body The phenomena of astral projection Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Phantasms of the living Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Human personality and its survival of bodily death Revue Mtapsychique Spiritualist Newspaper Comment est constitue letre humain?: Le corps Le astral Lesprit et leurs correspondances [How is the human being constituted? The body The astral The spirit and its correspondences] Vehicles of consciousness: The concept of hylic pluralism The self and its brain: An argument for interactionism Ernesto Bozzano e la ricerca psichica: Vita e opere di un pioniere della parapsicologia [Ernesto Bozzano and psychical research: Life and work of a pioneer in parapsychology] Trait de mtapsychique [Treatise on metapsychics] Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Life at death: A scientific investigation of the near-death experience Journal of NearDeath Studies Advances in parapsychological research: Vol. 3 Discarnate influence on human life Research Les phnomnes physiques de la mdiumnit The sense of being stared at and other aspects of the extended mind Journal of the Society for Psychical

American Psychologist The Journal of Near-Death Studies Journal of the Society for Psychical Research The ministry of angels: Here and hereafter Les phnomnes dautoscopie [The phenomena of autoscopy] American Psychologist Borderland Journal of the American Medical Association Introduction la mtapsychique humaine [Introduction to human metapsychics] Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Revue Scientifique The beginnings of seership; or, super-normal mental activity One last hug before I go: The mystery and meaning of deathbed visions Psyche and soma: Physicians and metaphysicians on the mind-body problem Mind, brain and adaptation in the nineteenth century: Cerebral localization and its biological context from Gall to Ferrier Otherworld journeys: Accounts of near-death experience in medieval and modern times

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