Decompile CHM To HTML

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The cheapest way to decompile chm to html in W

Sat, 01/13/2007 - 19:26 | by Mgccl

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hh.exe have a undocumented parameter, which anyone will find useful when decompile CHM to HTML. hh.exe comes with a copy of windows so no additional software have to be downloaded. Here, are some steps to decompile a CHM file to HTML: 1. Find hh.exe If you look into the folder you installed Windows(usually C:\windows), you can find hh.exe

www.d Doc-T Trial Online manua editors trial.

2. Open command line Go to start->run, type in cmd and press enter 3. decompile!!!! This is what you have to do in command line: hh.exe -decompile <output folder> <input chm>

Chao Xu Account

For example, if you want to output everything in c:\out\ and the chm file are located something.chm, this is what you have to type: hh.exe -decompile c:\out\ c:\something.chm what next? PRESS ENTER! This is FREE and FAST, why pay to get the softwares does the completely the same th

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by Maik (not verified) | Thu, 01/08/2009 - 07:18

Made my Day
Get the "made my day"-hat and put in on with an autograph of mine! thanks for this helpful note! kind regards, maik reply


by orlusha (not verified) | Sun, 02/01/2009 - 13:42

That's really great, no

That's really great, no issues. And please remind me, hw should I assemble HTMLs into CHM back (i.e. after translating them)? Sincerely, reply BackType Comments
by Mgccl | Sun, 02/01/2009 - 15:47

by Anonymous (not verified) | Thu, 02/05/2009 - 14:57

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thanks, dude for saving me

? 3 days
thanks, dude for saving me money because I was planning to purchase the app, whe did a search for 'chm decompiler' reply


When I get bored, I talk to myself on AIM 5 days ago Facebook Employees Speak Their Mind On Holocaust Denial 1
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by desimaniac (not verified) | Sun, 04/12/2009 - 06:39

I wish i saw this post

I wish i saw this post before installing HTML workshop on my virtual pc.. reply

[ ] 4 weeks ago faucet 7 weeks ago

by Roky (not verified) | Fri, 05/08/2009 - 01:59


The cheapest way to decompile chm to html in Windows | Mgccl's blog

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Worked perfectly. Wonderful. Thank a lot, brother. reply

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The cheapest way to decompile chm to html in Windows | Mgccl's blog

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