The "A" Wave of The Atrial Pressure Curve Is Due To: A. Distension of The Atria Due To Blood Accumulation During Ventricular Systole B. S.A Node Contraction C. Contraction of The Atrium

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~End of module CVS~

8. Which of following vein passes in front of medial malleolus? A. Small saphenous vein. B. popliteal vein. C. great saphenous vein. D. Perforating vein. E. Sural vein 9. all of the following are true about the axillary artery except : a- it gives subscapular artery at the 3rd part b- it terminates at the lower border of pectoralis major c- it is the continuation of the subclavian artery d- it is divided by pectoralis minor into 3 parts e- the 1st part gives superior thoracic artery 11-All are true about upper limb EXCEPT : A-subclavian vein is a continuation of axillary vein at 1st rib. B-cephalic vein is a continuation medial end of dorsal venous arch C-basilic vein course along medial of forearm D-basilic vein connect with cephalic vein by median cubital vein E-cephalic vein drain into axillary vein 13-Regarding veins of head and neck, all of the following are true except a) external jugular vein is formed by union of posterior auricular vein and posterior branch of retromandibular vein b) internal jugular vein join with subclavian vein to form brachiocephalic vein c) inferior thyroid vein drains into internal jugular vein d) internal jugular vein is the continuation of sigmoid sinus at jugular foramen 14-During cardiac cycle: a) ventricular diastole is longer than atrial systole b) atria is the main pumping of the heart c) ventricular diastole is 0.3s d) ventricular diastole & atrial diastole occur at the same time. 15. the a wave of the atrial pressure curve is due to: a. Distension of the atria due to blood accumulation during ventricular systole b. S.A node contraction c. Contraction of the atrium

d.Bulging of A.V valves during ventricular systole 16. theincisura of the aourtic pressure curve is associated with: a. Mitral valve closure b.Aortic valve closure c.Mitral valves opening d.Aortic valve opening 17.Starling law of the heart states that the strength of contracting is propotional to a. Stroke volume b.arterial blood pressure c.enddiastoloic volume d.heart rate 18.Which of the following is a bpolar ECG lead? a.VI b.Lead III c.aVF d.V6 19.Cardiovascularcenters consists of the following neurons EXCEPT a. cardio inhibitory neurons b.vasomotor neurons c.corticol neurons d.medullary sensory neurons

20.Regarding normal ECG: a. P wave is inverted in Lead I b.T wave is inverted in Lead II c. ST segment is isoelectric d.Duration of P wave is 0.4 sec.

21.Pressure within the left ventricle is lowest during the period of: a. Isometric contraction b.reduced ejection

c.coronory filling d.isometric relaxation

22. Accelerated heart rate may be due to: A. increased impulses from baroreceptors B. predominance of vagal tone during sleep C. impulses from respiratory center during inspiration D. drop of body temperature 23. A healthy 28-years old women stands up from a supine position. Which compensatory cardiovascular change is most likely to occur: A. decreased total peripheral resistance B. dilation of large veins C. increased heart rate D. increased renal blood flow 24. The work of left ventricle is greater than the work of right ventricle because in the left ventricle: A. the contraction is slower B. the stroke volume is greater C. the preload is greater D. the afterload is greater 25. In a healthy heart,the main factor determining the cardiac output is the: A. venous return B. arterial blood pressure C. pumping capacity of the heart D. sympathetic tone of the heart 26. Which of the following are incorrectly paired: A. nitric oxide : vasoconstriction B. histamine : increase capillary permeability C. vascular smooth muscle stretch : vasoconstriction D. endothelin : vasoconstriction

27. Bainbridge reflex describes A. inverse relationship of blood pressure and heart rate B. direct relationship of blood pressure and venous return C. direct relationship of venous return and heart rate D. increase in cardiac output with increase in blood pressure 28. An underlying cause of oedema associated with hypoproteinemia is decreased: A. plasma colloid osmotic pressure B. interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure C. interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure D. capillary hydrostatic pressure no.36 all are true in intercalated disc except a)connect between adjacent at the end of fiber b)present at the junction of z line c)longditunal part contain gap junction n desmosome d)tranverse part contain fascia adherent no.37pale infact except a)brain b)spleen c)lung d)liver no.38 venous embolism effect a)brain b)lung c)kidney d)spleen no.39 passive hyperemia occur at a)kidney b)brain c)lung d)bone no.40 first event occur after endothelium injury is a)platelats activation b)platelet aggresion

c)platelet adhesion d)fibrin deposition no.41 most common site of myocadialinfaction a)left ventricle b)right ventricle c)right atrium d)left atrium no.42 chronic rheumatic fever lesion seen in a)heart b)joint c)skin d)all the above 44 Vegetations on bacterial endocarditis, all true EXCEPT: a-multiple b-in blood flow c-firmly adherent d-large 45what is the arterial layer affected by atherosclerosis? A-intima, B-media, C-adventitia, D-all of the above 46 47 what is the mechanism of action of clofibrate? 48 An antiarrythmic drug that has both Na and K channel blocking activities is: a-flecainide, b-quinidine, c-propranolol, d-verapamil


Absolute contradiction of converting enzyme inhibitor is: a) tachycardia b) pregnancy c) hypotension d) diabetis mellitus


Convulsion might occur as side effect of following anti arrhythmic drug: a) propanolol b) quinidine c) lignocaine d) amiodarone


One of the following drugs slow A-V conduction and increase cardiac contractility: a) verapamil b) dobutamine c) captopril d) digitoxin

52) Mechanism which could worsen cardiac ischemia in stable angina as a result of CCB administration, include : a) delayed onset of vasodilator induced by amlodipine b) rapid onset of hypotension and subsequent reflex tachycardia induced by short acting nifedipine. c) inotropic action of verapamil. d) chronotropic action of diltiazem


-adrenagic blocker in angina is primarily result of:

a) decrease catecholamine b) dilate coronary c) decreasemyocardiac require O2 d) increase PVR



Compare to heparin, LMWH is: a) low bioavailability b) high half life c) have antidote d) given by IV

56. In CKMB in plasma may not be seen until: a)1-2 hours after onset of chest pain b)2-4 hours after onset of chest pain c)4-8 hours after onset of chest pain d)8-12 hours after onset of chest pain 57.An increase in glucose transport and rate of glucose uptake by the heart muscle occurs by all the following EXCEPT: a)insulin stimulation b)increase work demand c)ischaemia d)glucagon effect 58.Which of the following organism produce polysaccharide slime? a)staphylococcus aureus b)enterococcus faecalis c)staphylococcus saprophyticus d)staphylococcus epidermitis 59.Which one of the following organisms is not a cause of infective endocarditis? a)staphylococcusaureus b)streptococcus viridans

c)candida albicans d)streptococcus pyogens 60.which of the following virulence factor determines the pathogenicity of streptococcus pyogens? a)M protein b)protein A c)coagulase d)leucocidin

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