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6 theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 7 2009

news without borders

GEORGE TOWN: Chief Minister Lim Guan

Eng says the federal government should
buy over the country’s major highways
that have been privatised to give taxpay-
Buy over tolled highways, government urged
ers a fairer deal. ing from hefty compensation claims. the NSE has been valued at RM8.8 billion. does not even have to pay tax.” to obtain compensation if the govern-
He said the government could easily He said private firms have over the “The government can easily afford this He said this at a press conference ment terminates the agreement.
afford to buy infrastructure links like the years amassed RM63.5 billion in revenue amount and get the money back through called to criticise the concession agree- But the pact, which ends on May 31,
North-South Expressway and the Penang including compensation worth RM38 bil- tolls,” he said. “It is better for the govern- ment for the Penang Bridge between 2018, makes no reference to compensation
Bridge, to give it control over toll charges lion by holding concessions over roads. ment to earn from toll payments than for Mekar Idaman Sdn Bhd and the federal payable to the government if Mekar Idaman
and to prevent concessionaires benefit- Lim pointed out as an example that one company to ... and that company government which allows the company chooses to terminate, Lim noted.

NCCC proposes
passwords for
credit card swipes
Review unfair toll pacts: TI-M
by S. Tamarai Chelvi
documents can be released notwithstanding
the narrow legality”.
public in the interest of transparency and integ-
rity of the government,” he added.
by Hemananthani Sivanantham Asked whether the documents should be Navaratnam said transparency and faith in PETALING JAYA: Transparency International made available online, he replied: “Why not?” good governance would then be enhanced in the
Malaysia (TI-M) wants all unfair toll agreements All documents, Navaratnam said, should be tender process or the awarding of contracts.
PETALING JAYA: The National Consumer and those involving profiteering to be reviewed open and transparent except those deemed “We are consumers, we have the right to the
Complaints Centre (NCCC) wants the use in the interest of the public. to be of a serious nature in order to maintain information. We are glad that the government
of passwords to enable credit card swipes TI-M president Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam security. has finally agreed to make public the documents
at petrol stations. said it is only proper to review agreements that “Hence, most documents should be made in a transparent manner.”
NCCC chief executive Muhammad enable toll concessionaires to reap excessive He said Transparency
Sha’ani Abdullah said payments without profits. International Malaysia was also working on
authentication “encourage fraudulent “Otherwise, the whole policy and practice a proposed Freedom of Information Act to
transactions” which can cost credit card of privatisation will be even more seriously enhance public confidence in government,
users dearly. questioned (and) rejected by a more enlightened leadership and management.
“In 2007, the NCCC received 809 com- public,” he told theSun in a telephone interview. “The public’s demand for more informa-
plaints against financial services institutions. “If both parties mutually agreed to tion is a right that must be satisfied.”
About 20% of these involved lost credit make public the agreements, despite Federation Of Malaysian Consumers
cards and almost every complaint states the law, then who will be objecting?” Association vice-president K. Koris Atan
that there have been unauthorised transac- Navaratnam asked, adding the public had the right said a toll agreement “is a public document
tions at petrol stations. In 2008, the number to demand information as taxpayers. and is meant for the public”.
of cases increased,” he said. On Works Minister Datuk Mohd He said there should be no restrictions
“Over the counter transactions are okay Zin Mohamed’s statement the ministry was to viewing the document when it should be
because there are signature verifications. seeking the attorney-general’s advice as making made available in the National Library or for
However at a petrol station, there is no form copies of concession agreements available to the press to publish.
of verification.” third parties had to be done in accordance with Koris suggested that the documents be
Apart from credit card transactions provisions of the agreements, he agreed that Zin made available on the Public Works Depart-
at petrol stations, Muhammad said the was following procedure. ment website for easy public access.
NCCC also urges Bank Negara to draw up However, Navaratnam added that “if it is “Consumers are paying toll and they
regulations for online and over-the-phone mutually agreed and consent is mutual, the have the right to know (the contents).”
“We feel Bank Negara should institute
guidelines so that consumers are protected
from unscrupulous parties. The NCCC also
feels that merchants who prefer credit card
Cheaper to expropriate LDP, says Pua
payments and third party use of credit card by Karen Arukesamy and Tan Yi Liang assemblyman Lau Weng San, to study the PLUS “If every year on average the traffic increased
merchant transaction facilities should be Highway concessions which were made public by 2% the toll rate would increase by 10.4% and if
closely monitored by financial institutions. late afternoon yesterday. every year the traffic increased by 5%, the toll rate
Banks should be more responsible, instead KUALA LUMPUR: The government has very strong He said if the compensations are added up, the would increase by 26.5%,” Pua explained, adding
of blaming the problem solely on third par- reason to expropriate the Damansara-Puchong amount would be way higher than the amount it that toll rates are reviewed every five years.
ties,” he said. highway toll concession as it is paying higher would cost to buy back the concession since the Pua said usually when there is a higher traf-
Apart from monitoring merchants, Mu- compensation than the cost of expropriation, said expropriation cost only requires the government to fic volume, the toll rates would be reduced, but
hammad suggested that there be criminal Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua. pay the value of construction works and any inter- this is otherwise, again being favourable to the
investigations into merchants involved in the He explained that as at end of last year, the est for loans by shareholders of the concession. concessionaire.
fraudulent use of merchant facilities in order government had paid about RM630 million in com- Works Minister Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed had “As of how lucrative the Linkedua is, the total
to help reduce the incidence of fraud. pensation to the concessionaire, Lingkaran Trans yesterday dismissed the call for the government to projected toll revenue from 2000-2038 is RM13.69
“The NCCC has drafted a proposal with Kota Sdn Bhd (Litrak). take over toll concessions, saying the government billion while the cost of construction of this toll, if
suggestions for better financial security for “It does not include the toll revenue that (Litrak) “was not looking at the option at the moment”. I’m not mistaken is only RM1.03 billion – 13 times
consumers, which we will submit to Bank is collecting,” said Pua, who came for a second Refuting Mohd Zin, who said there has not more revenue,” he said.
Negara this week,” he said. time with Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching and Kg Tunku been any proposal from the concessionaires to He said that the yearly estimated maintenance
sell them, Pua said: “There is no need for the is RM10 million.
government to wait for a proposal since it will Lau, who scrutinised the SMART Tunnel con-
only happen if the concessionaire is not making cession, discovered an additional RM1.2 billion.
any money.” “I compared this with an announcement made
WESTERN KUALA LUMPUR “Why should anyone who is making profit ask
the government to take over the concession,” he
by the government on June 2, 2004, saying that
the total construction cost is RM1.933 billion and
AUSTRALIA Tuesday, 13 January 2009
told a press conference.
On the Linkedua toll concession, signed be-
the cost borne by the government was RM1.312
billion, and this was reflected in the concession
invites you to come share our future Time : 18:30 - 20:30 tween the government and United Engineers (M) agreement,” he said.
Come and talk to representatives from the Government of
Venue : Boulevard Hotel Bhd (UEM) on July 27, 1993, for a 30-year conces- “But, in the agreement, there is an additional
Western Australia to learn more about employment and Mid Valley sion period, Pua said the original contract is “fairly RM1.225 billion where the government released
Lingkaran Syed Putra okay” and “no controversial clause”. the money by a letter of guarantor to the bank to
business opportunities available to you and your family.
Its expropriation cost is the value of construc- issue the loan,” said Lau.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009 tion works and the interests for loans by share- “When there is a loss, the government has to
Appointments holders, however it was extended for another 15 compensate the concessionaire. But what if there
years to 2038, he said. is an excess of revenue? The government only
Time : 9:30 - 17:30
“The contract was amended in 2000 and a sec- gets 40% of the revenue while the concessionaire
Venue : Western Australia Trade Office ond supplementary agreement was signed, which gets the balance,” he said.
4th Floor UBN Tower made major changes to the Linkedua arrange- “It is a very lopsided agreement as when the
10 Jalan P Ramlee ment,” he stressed. ”It has a very interesting toll company suffers a loss, the government has to
review clause. The more traffic there is, the faster pay in full, but when there’s a profit, the govern-
the toll rates would increase,” Pua revealed. ment gets less than half,” he pointed out.

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