Thesun 2009-01-07 Page09 Pirates Take French Ship Nine Hostages

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theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 7 2009 9

news without borders

Study sheds light on

virus that causes SARS
LONDON: Dutch researchers their findings in the Proceedings
Pirates take French ship,
nine hostages
have built a three-dimensional of the National Academy of Sci-
model of a type of virus that ences. The crew includes five
causes SARS in a step that could Coronaviruses cause dis- Nigerians, and men from Ghana,
one day help in the battle against eases in animals and in people Cameroon and Indonesia. They
the deadly disease. from the common cold to severe were reportedly in good condi-
The model, created using gastrointestinal illness. They also tion.
hepatitis coronavirus from mice, cause SARS which scientists Nigeria is Africa’s most impor-
PARIS: Pirates off the Nigerian The ship, which conducted tant oil producer, with reserves
will help scientists understand believe, like influenza, initially
coast have seized a French ship transport of materials and person- estimated at 36 billion barrels.
severe acute respiratory syn- came from an animal.
and taken its nine crew members nel for oil companies, was taken on Earlier on Sunday, a French
drome (SARS), which appeared The 2002 outbreak of SARS is
A French hostage, the ship owners said on Sunday night, shipping company warship captured 19 Somali pirates
in China in 2002 and killed some estimated to have cost as much
Navy Monday in Paris. Bourbon said. when it came to the rescue of two
800 people globally before being as US$100 billion (RM350 billion).
brought under control. Quarantine and travel restric- handout cargo ships threatened in the Gulf
“I think we can translate what tions helped contain it. picture of Aden.
we found for this virus to the Bosch and colleagues used a taken off The French naval vessel Jean de
SARS virus,” Berend Jan Bosch, new type of electron microscopy the Somali Vienne was on patrol off the Somali
a virologist at Utrecht University to take images of the virus in a coast shows coast as part of a European Union
who worked on the study, said in frozen state. a group anti-piracy force when it came to
a telephone interview on Mon- “Because we take so many of Somali the rescue of a Croatian cargo ves-
day. “If you are going to study pictures from different angles, pirates sel and Panamanian ship crossing
the SARS virus you will basically we could combine the images to captured on the Gulf.
find the same features.” recreate the virus in 3D,” Bosch Sunday. The 19 pirates, armed and

The researchers reported said. – Reuters equipped to board the vessels, were
captured and handed to Somali
about 6.45am on Monday at the Meanwhile, a Chinese naval
Taoyuan International Airport near
Burglar nabbed after The nine watches were all
expensive pieces, including a convoy arrived yesterday in the
showing loot to owner Gulf of Aden on a landmark
Taipei. As queues of departing pas- limited-edition Epos, a Swiss
sengers become longer, the airport TAIPEI: A Taiwan watch thief has mechanical watch valued at mission to protect the country’s
opened all its 42 counters to speed been arrested after sending the T$70,000 (RM7,200). The jewellery shipping from Somali pirates and
up customs clearance and prevent stolen watches to their owner to was valued at a total of T$200,000 escorted its first four vessels, state
flight delays. estimate their value. (RM21,600). media reported.
Computer glitch causes The real worry is that some crimi- Tsai Chin-hsin, 37, broke into a There are dozens of watch The four ships escorted were
chaos at Taiwan airport nals might take advantage of the loop- house on Dec 28 in Hsinchu, west shops in Hsinchu, but the shop Chinese merchant vessels, includ-
TAIPEI: A computer breakdown at the hole to flee Taiwan, the Broadcasting Taiwan, and made off with nine Chuang visited on Sunday was run ing one from Hongkong, Xinhua
Taipei international airport continued Corp of China said. watches and some jewellery, the by the man whose home Tsai had news agency said in a dispatch filed
yesterday, causing chaos with cus- The computer glitch came one day China Times reported yesterday. burglarised, the paper said. from aboard the destroyer Wuhan.
toms officers hand-recording depart- after the baggage-handling system Believing the watches might be When the watch shop owner The naval task force, deploying
ing passengers’ data and passengers at the airport’s Number 2 Terminal expensive, he asked an associate, saw the nine watches, he recog- two destroyers and a supply ship,
forming long queues, according to malfunctioned, causing more than identified by his surname Chuang, nised them and called police, who marks China’s first potential com-
radio reports. 100 pieces of luggage to miss flights. to take the timepieces to a shop in questioned Chuang and eventually bat mission beyond its territorial
The computer glitch began at – dpa Hsinchu to be appraised. arrested Tsai. – dpa waters in centuries. – Agencies

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