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theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 7 2009  11

news without borders

Democrats jubilant as
new Congress meets
WASHINGTON: The new US the two year congressional session,
Congress was convening yesterday Obama’s hopes of changing the tone
at the dawn of an era of dominance in Washington were already called
for Barack Obama’s Democrats with into question by two ugly spats left
lawmakers consumed by the worst over from November’s election.
economic crisis in generations. Democrat Al Franken is the ap-
Democrats are celebrating ex- parent winner of a Minnesota Senate
panded majorities in both chambers seat but Republican incumbent Norm
as Obama gets ready to move into the Coleman is mounting a legal chal-
White House in two weeks and are lenge and his party bosses deny the
promising to get to work immediately race is over.
to implement the president-elect’s Democrats meanwhile are refus- Safe-
ambitious agenda. ing to seat Roland Burris of Illinois guarding
Obama is already pressing for who was chosen by scandal-tainted
urgent action on a US$775 billion Governor Rod Blagojevich who is a price
(RM2.8 trillion) economic stimulus accused of trying to sell off Obama’s bulwark
package, and has big first-term plans former Senate berth. pg14
for global warming legislation and to Demoralised Republicans, seek-
ignite healthcare reform. ing to frame an opposition strategy,
For the first time since Republicans are fanning the flames of the Illinois
snatched the House of Representa- drama, hoping to taint Democrats
tives in 1994, Democrats control both with the aura of corruption which
chambers of Congress and the White has hampered their own brand.
House, prompting high hopes for Democrats start the new Congress
huge political change among grass with a majority in the 435-seat House
roots supporters. after gaining more than 20 seats in
But even before the first day of November’s election. – AFP

on Dec 24, the Beijing Health Bureau said.

Huang contracted the disease after she

cleaned the internal organs of some ducks she
had bought in Hebei province, China’s official
Xinhua news agency reported. – AFP

Hasina sworn in as Thieves raid Danish

Bangladesh PM army depot
DHAKA: Sheikh Hasina Wajed was sworn in COPENHAGEN: At least 200 rifles and
for her second spell as Bangladesh’s prime handguns were stolen over the weekend
minister yesterday, restoring democracy to the in a raid at a Danish army base, police and
impoverished country after almost two years of the army said on Monday.
rule by an army-backed regime. Guards posted at the arms depot were
President Iajuddin Ahmed gave the oath threatened and also tied up by three
at the presidential palace here in a ceremony thieves, who appeared to have been well-
broadcast live on television, as thousands of informed about the layout of the base near
supporters gathered outside and around giant Slagelse, eastern Denmark.
screens set up around the capital. The weapons were due to have been
“I solemnly swear as the prime minister of sent with Danish forces due to serve in
Bangladesh, I will legally perform my job and Afghanistan in the coming weeks. The
act loyally to Bangladesh,” said Sheikh Hasina, thieves also got hold of some 60 rounds of
61, who was greeted with rapturous applause ammunition but did not obtain any explo-
as she entered the palace. – AFP sives, according to police.
“It was an exceptionally brutal theft. The
Five killed in southern defence has never experienced anything
like it,” Bjorn Bisserup, head of the Danish
Thailand violence defence command, said. – dpa
NARATHIWAT (Thailand): Separatist mili-
tants shot dead five people in Thailand’s Thailand blocks websites
Muslim-majority south, where a bloody
insurgency marked its fifth anniversary at for insulting monarchy
the weekend, police said yesterday. BANGKOK: Thai officials said yesterday that
An unknown number of militants at- the government has recently blocked 2,300
tacked a military base in troubled Pattani websites for allegedly insulting the monarchy
province early yesterday, sparking a 10- and is seeking court approval to shut down
minute gun battle that left a 47-year-old another 400.
ranger dead, said police. “We are preparing to ask for court approval
A man was killed in a drive-by shooting to shut down an additional 400 sites,” said Thai-
in the same province late Sunday, they said. land’s Information, Communication and Tech-
In nearby Yala province, militants shot dead nology Minister Ranongruk Suwanchawee.
a defence volunteer and wounded two oth- In a press release on the ministry’s website,
ers on Monday. Separately in Narathiwat Ranongruk said the ministry will seek amend-
province a police sergeant was fatally shot ments to the current lese majeste law to
and another critically injured in a clash with increase the ICT’s powers to crack down on
militants early Monday. Another man was websites deemed insulting to the monarchy.
killed in a drive-by shooting later the same – dpa
day in Narathiwat. – AFP
Armed gang attacks
Bird flu re-emerges in China Sri Lanka TV station
and Vietnam, one dead COLOMBO: A private radio and television
BEIJING: Bird flu re-emerged as a threat in Asia station on the outskirts of Sri Lanka’s capital
on yesterday after China reported the disease has been attacked by an armed gang that
killed a woman in Beijing and neighbouring inflicted extensive damage to the studio
Vietnam said a girl had contracted the virus. complex and interrupted its broadcasts, a
The cases are the first involving humans in spokesman for the station said yesterday.
the two countries in nearly a year, and mark A gang of 15 to 20 men stormed the
a reappearance of the H5N1 virus as Asia Maharaja TV and Maharaja Broadcasting Cor-
moves into the cold winter months that typi- poration at Pannipitiya, Colombo, holding
cally favour the spread of the virus. The case in the staff at gunpoint and assaulting some
the Chinese capital saw a 19-year-old woman, of them before causing the damage early
Huang Yanqing, die on Monday after she fell ill yesterday, the spokesman said. – Agencies

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