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Bank Job Test Question and Answer from English Literature

To be or not to be is the beginning of a famous soliloquy from Hamlet.

The father of English Poem Geoffrey Chaucer

Francis Bacon is an Essayist

Renaissance means the revival of learning

Elizabethan tragedy is centered on Revenge

Most famous satirist in English literature Jonathan Swift

A lexicographer is a person who writes dictionaries

The father of English Novel Daniel Defoe

The English Poet who addicted to opium S.T. Coleridge

The Golden Age of English Literature the Elizabethan Age

The author of the book Asian Drama is Gunnar Myrdal

Protagonist indicates -the leading character in a play

A sonnet is a poem having fourteen lines

Blank Verse is a kind of verse -having no rhyming end

The real name of OHenry William Sydney Porter.

To Daffodils is written by Robert Herrick

Goethe is the greatest poet of Germany

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy

A Passage to India is written by E.M Forster

William Blake was both -a poet and painter

The full name of the tragedy Dr.Faustus The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus


Grammatical Section Fill in the gaps:

Man has no escape from death. A drowning man catches at a straw. Alcohol is injurious to health. I cannot part with the man. The girl looks after her grandmother.

She was sliding into depression. A style of reporting must confirm to the prevailing practice. He is not ashamed of his mistake. He died from over eating. I count on your help. People usually differ in their opinions. Ali is the stronger of the two brothers. We shall return before the sun sets. When water freezes it turns into ice. Do not interfere with nature.


Question and Answer From Science and Technology

Full form of CNG is Compressed Natural Gas

A bit is binary representation and can take either of the two values 0 or 1

Chemical name of Alum used for purifying water is Aluminum Sulphate

Steam Engine was invented by James Watt

Electricity consumption or use is measured in KWH ( Kilo Watt per hour)

The remotest planet in the solar system Neptune

The natural temperature of human body in Celsius scale is -36.9 degree Celsius

We receive Vitamin D from Sunshine

The most distinctive difference between a LAN and a WAN is Distance covered

Earthquakes are recorded Seismograph

The longest day is in the month of June

IRATOM is a One kind of highbred rice

In nature the hardest material -diamond

Red Planet is called the Mars

A device that reads text and images directly into computer is called Scanner

WWW stands for World Wide Web

The apparatus to measure purity of milk is Lactometer

MS Excel is a Spreadsheet Software

My Document by default located at C Drive

Father of the personal computer/ computing Dr. Henry Edward


Question and Answer from International Affairs

Name of the European common currency Euro

OIC is established in 1969

The first postage stamp in the world Penny Black

Pearl Harbor, where the American Pacific Fleet was stationed, was attacked by Japanese in 1941

The second largest Muslim Country in the world is Pakistan

The most importer country in the world the USA

The name of the organization working worldwide against corruption Transparency International

The worlds largest nuclear power station Kashiwazaki Kariwa(Japan)

SAARC Agriculture Information Centre (SAIC) is situated in Dhaka

Largest city of India Mumbai

Reuters is a News Agency

The largest tea exporter country in the world Sri Lanka

The Headquarters of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Jeddah

Number of Permanent members of UN Security Council is 5

Previous name of Japan Nippon

Line of Control -is situated between India and Pakistan

Elaboration of IBSA is India, Brazil and South Africa

Wall Street is The Stock Exchange Market in New York.

The name of Indonesian Currency Rupiah

The World Bank is an International Financial Institution

IDA, organization of the World Bank is known as the -Soft Loan Window

Computer Knowledge

The brain of a computer Micro Processor CAD stands for Computer Aided Design Key Board of a computer is an Input Device Unix is an Operating System.

A computer virus is a computer program ORACLE is a database software RAM in computer stands for Random Access memory The Add or Remove programs utility can be found in Control Panel Windows is a computer software developed by Microsoft Corporation Opera, IE (Internet Explorer),Mozilla, Google Chrome are Internet Browsing Software

International Affairs

Second Largest (area) country in the world Canada East and West Germany were united in the year 1990 The preferential trade arrangements among the SAARC countries are known as SAPTA Port Blayer island is in Indian Ocean Name of the currency of Brunei Brunei dollar Capital of Brunei Bandar Seri Bhagwan Tahrir Square is located in Cairo, Egypt Sejm is the name of the Parliament of Poland Name of the father of modern democracy John Locke Fiscal year of USA starts in -1st October Knesset is the name of the parliament of Israel SABENA is a famous airline of Belgium

Old Name of Ethiopia Abyssinia Name of the architect of Sydney Opera House John Utzon (Denmark)

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