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Literature Survey

Chapter 2


This chapter includes the study of Servo Motor and PID algorithm. It also briefly discusses about the microcontroller PIC16F877A and PWM Control using it.



DC servo motors are normally used as prime movers in computers, numerically controlled machinery, or other applications where starts and stops are made quickly and accurately. Servo motors have lightweight, low-inertia armatures that respond quickly to excitation-voltage changes. In addition, very low armature inductance in these servo motors results in a low electrical time constant (typically 0.05 to 1.5 msec) that further sharpens servo motor response to command signals. [1] Servo motors include permanent-magnetic, printed-circuit, and moving-coil (or shell) dc servo motors. The rotor of a shell dc servomotor consists of a cylindrical shell of copper or aluminum wire coils which rotate in a magnetic field in the annular space between magnetic pole pieces and a stationary iron core. The servo motor features a field, which is provided by cast AlNiCo magnets whose magnetic axis is radial. Servo motors usually have two, four, or six poles. [1] 5 DC servo motor characteristics include inertia, physical shape, costs, shaft resonance, shaft configuration, speed, and weight. Although these dc servo motors have similar torque ratings, their physical and electrical constants vary. [1] DC Servo Motor Selection: The first selection approach is to choose a servo motor large enough for a machine that has already been designed; the second is to select the best available servo motor with a specific feature and then build the system around it; and the third is to study servo motor performance and system requirements and mate the two. [1] The final servo motor system design is usually the least sophisticated that meets the performance specifications reliably. Servo motor requirements may include control of acceleration, velocity, and position to very close tolerances. This says that the servo designer must define the system carefully, establish the servo motor's performance specifications, determine critical areas, and set up tolerances. Only then will the designer be able to propose an adequate servo system and choose a servo motor type. [1] Incremental encoders or quadrature encoders are the most prevalent type of feedback device used on servo motors today largely because they offer a standard interface that can be used on virtually any servo drive. Most servo drive manufacturers offer some sort of incremental encoder option to ensure that a servo motor from another vendor can work with their servo drive. Optical incremental encoders use a metal or more commonly a glass disk with slots or "lines" that determines the base resolution of the encoder. As the name implies, optics or a light source, is directed through the slots and processed into quadrature output signals. A quadrature output means a signal is divided into two channels that are 90 degrees out of phase effectively quadrupling the base encoder resolution determined by the number of slots 3

Literature Survey

Chapter 2

or lines. For example, a 1000 line encoder has a post quadrature resolution of 4000 counts. Optical encoders can have extremely high resolutions, greater than 40,000 pulses per rev and generally have twice the accuracy or better than their magnetic cousins. Magnetic incremental encoders replace the light source and slotted disk of the optical encoder with a magnet mounted on the motor shaft and a corresponding ASIC that detects and resolves the magnetic poles of the magnet into various resolutions, from as low as 7-bit (128 pulses per rev) to as high as 13-bit (8192 pulses per rev). Magnetic encoders are much less prone to failure or breakage due to their simplicity and are generally less expensive but they are also less accurate, usually to within +/- 0.5o, and have lower resolutions. Beyond the standardization benefits of incremental encoders, additional benefits are that they are very inexpensive and come in a variety of mounting options. Incremental encoders also have the capability,depending on structure, to be highly accurate. A glass disk optical encoder is the most accurate. Metal disk and magnetic encoders are generally a step below in their accuracy specifications. Finally, even though the output is incremental by nature, most controllers have the ability to store encoder pulses and operate in an absolute positioning fashion



A proportionalintegralderivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems. A PID controller attempts to correct the error between a measured process variable and a desired setpoint by calculating and then outputting a corrective action that can adjust the process accordingly. [3] The PID controller calculation (algorithm) involves three separate parameters; the Proportional, the Integral and Derivative values. The Proportional value determines the reaction to the current error, the Integral determines the reaction based on the sum of recent errors and the Derivative determines the reaction to the rate at which the error has been changing. The weighted sum of these three actions is used to adjust the process via a control element such as the position of a control valve or the power supply of a heating element. [3] By "tuning" the three constants in the PID controller algorithm, the controller can provide control action designed for specific process requirements. The response of the controller can be described in terms of the responsiveness of the controller to an error, the degree to which the controller overshoots the setpoint and the degree of system oscillation. Note that the use of the PID algorithm for control does not guarantee optimal control of the system or system stability. [3] Some applications may require using only one or two modes to provide the appropriate system control. This is achieved by setting the gain of undesired control outputs to zero. A PID controller will be called a PI, PD, P or I controller in the absence 14 of the respective control actions. PI controllers are particularly common, since derivative action is very sensitive to measurement noise, and the absence of an integral value may prevent the system from reaching its target value due to the control action. [3]

Literature Survey

Chapter 2

Figure 2.6 A block diagram of a PID controller


PWM CONTROL A program is written to create a PWM on pin17 of PIC16F877A.

The control signal is a digital PWM signal with a 50 Hz frame rate. Within each 20 ms timeframe, an active-high digital pulse controls the position. The pulse nominally ranges from 1.0 ms to 2.0 ms with 1.5 ms always being center of range. Pulse widths outside this range can be used for "overtravel" -moving the servo beyond its normal range. This PWM signal is sometimes (incorrectly) called Pulse Position Modulation (PPM). The servo is controlled by three wires: ground, power, and control. The servo will move based on the pulses sent over the control wire, which set the angle of the actuator arm. The servo expects a pulse every 20 ms in order to gain correct information about the angle. The width of the servo pulse dictates the range of the servo's angular motion. A servo pulse of 1.5 ms width will typically set the servo to its "neutral" position or 45, a pulse of 1.25 ms could set it to 0 and a pulse of 1.75 ms to 90. The physical limits and timings of the servo hardware varies between brands and models, but a general servo's angular motion will travel somewhere in the range of 90 - 120 and the neutral position is almost always at 1.5 ms.

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