Lemon Tree: Written by Ed Cunningham

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Written by Ed Cunningham


INT. A BATHROOM - MORNING MARIO MARQUES, mid 30s, barrels into the bathroom and runs for the commode. He drops to his knees and pukes. After the requisite dry heave or two, he stands and grabs a towel for his mouth. He catches sight of himself in the mirror. Only, its not him in the mirror. Its a WOMAN. And shes a little older than him. Mario is freaked out at the sight of the woman and opens the medicine cabinet door in order to make her go away. He thinks for a moment, then sees a bottle of medicine. He opens it, takes some pills. He puts the pill bottle back, then slowly closes the medicine cabinet door. The woman is still there, waiting for him. She smiles at Mario as if to say, Im still here. He jumps away from the mirror and walks directly into a cold shower, his pajamas bottoms still on. When the water hits him he screams. As we listen to him and the sound of the running water, the camera floats back over to the mirror. The woman is gone. But then, the camera moves a foot to the right of the mirror and looks out the adjacent window to a yard with a little lemon tree. The woman from the mirror is in the yard now, standing beneath the tree. She picks a lemon, peels it, and then eats it. The camera moves back over to the mirror. No one there. The camera then turns toward the shower, and Mario steps out. He grabs a towel and starts to dry himself off vigorously. Suddenly he stops. He walks over and slowly sticks his head in front of the mirror. The woman is back again. Only this time shes eating a lemon. Mario watches her for a moment or two, then... MARIO Que haces en mi espejo? [What are you doing in my mirror?] WOMAN I have no idea what you said. You should pick these. Theyre good. INT. MARIOS CLOSET Mario picks out his clothes for the day. Theyre all neatly pressed and hung on hangers, even the t-shirts.

2. INT. MARIOS KITCHEN Mario makes a cup of tea and an english muffin. A tiny little novelty jukebox on the kitchen counter is playing music. INT. MARIOS LIVING ROOM Mario carries his tea and muffin through the living room, passing his dog, STELLA, on the way to his sitting chair. MOMENTS LATER - Mario is sitting in his chair, beneath a beautiful afghan, sipping his tea, taking bites of his muffin. Suddenly, a loud knocking at the door. INT. MARIOS HOUSE - FRONT DOOR Mario opens the door to find his NEIGHBOR standing there, a big burly guy who doesnt look very happy. Hey. MARIO

NEIGHBOR Hey, Mario, whats up? Not much. MARIO

NEIGHBOR Is this yours? He holds up a pair of womens underwear. Umm... MARIO

NEIGHBOR Dude. Come on. It was in my shrubs. Mario takes it. The neighbor walks away, annoyed.

INT. MARIOS BATHROOM Mario marches up to the mirror to find the woman still standing there. He holds up the underwear. MARIO Is this yours? No. WOMAN I would never wear that.

3. INT. MARIOS LIVING ROOM Marios on the phone. Its ringing. Someone answers.

A SEXY VOICE (V.O.) You wanna to try again tonight? MARIO Can you come over right now? INT. MARIOS HOUSE - FRONT DOOR The door opens and A PROSTITUTE is standing there. She smiles. Mario lets her in. He checks to see if neighbors are watching, then closes the door. INT. MARIOS LIVING ROOM The Prostitute sits down on the couch. Mario sits next to her. She stares at him dully. He remembers to pay her. MARIO Can I ask you something? (holding up the underwear) Is this yours? THE PROSTITUTE No. (beat) Can I use your bathroom? MARIO Yeah. Hold on a sec. just... Let me

Mario runs down the hallway with the underwear. INT. MARIOS BATHROOM Mario opens the door. The sink is filled with lemons. He walks over and addresses the mirror. (We only see him talking into the mirror; we dont see the woman...) MARIO Youre a fucking liar. yours. Admit it. This is

The Prostitute has followed him down the hall. She stands at the door, watching him talk to the mirror. MARIO (CONTD) Thank you for being honest. He turns and sees the Prostitute staring at him. BLACKNESS.

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