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Comparative & Superlative 3 Click the answer buttons to see the answers.

One syllable adjectives form their comparative by adding ___ to the positive form. One syllable adjectives form their superlative by adding ___ to the positive form. Adjectives of three syllables or more form the comparative by putting ___ before the adjective. Adjectives of three syllables or more form the superlative by putting ___ before the adjective. There are some irregular comparisons. Better, for example, is the ___ form of 'good'. Parallel increase is expressed by the ___ ..... the ___ as in the example: "The more I study, the less I know". Equality is expressed by ___ adjective ___ in the affirmative. Equality is expressed by not ___ adjective ___.

good bad

>> There are two important exceptions: better best worse worst >> Instead of saying "my most liked", or "my most preferred", we say my "favorite".

SPELLING: >> If an adjective ends in "y", remove the "y" and add "er" or "est": silly sillier silliest muddy muddier muddiest heavy heavier heaviest >> There is an error in each sentence. Re-write the sentence correctly: 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. This is longest book in the library. This is the longest book in the library. The Atlantic Ocean is not as big the Pacific Ocean. Your hands are dirtyer than mine. Albert Einstein is intelligenter than me. Nobody is rich as the Queen of England. This is the cheaper car on the market. Who is fastest man in the world? That resta<urant is best in town. Julia Roberts is more pretty than my grandmother. The Ferrari is the faster car of all. I am as taller as you.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Where are the more beautiful beaches in the world? China is bigger India. Athens is one of oldest cities in the world. Who is the better lawyer in town? Is ice heavier that water? >> Answer the following questions:

0. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Who is the best worker in the company? Mr. Suzuki is the best worker. Which is more fun, swimming or playing tennis? Is skiing more difficult than walking? Which is more unhealthy, smoking or drinking? What is the most populated country in the world? What is the best TV show? >> Ask questions for the following answers:

0. 27. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Sunrise is the most beautiful time of day. When is the most beautiful time of day? Ms. Sanchez is the best teacher. No, Cuba is smaller than Madagascar. No, geometry is not as difficult as algebra. No, I am older than Rita. Argentina is colder than Panama. Brazil is bigger than Peru.

POSSIBLE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. The Atlantic Ocean is not as big as the Pacific Ocean. Your hands are dirtier than mine. Albert Einstein is more intelligent than me. Nobody is as rich as the Queen of England. This is the cheapest car on the market. Who is the fastest man in the world? That restaurant is the best in town. Julia Roberts is prettier than my grandmother. The Ferrari is the fastest car of all. I am as tall as you. Where are the most beautiful beaches in the world? China is bigger than India. Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world. Who is the best lawyer in town? Is ice heavier than water? This hotel is cleaner than the last hotel. Which is the older city, Boston or Rome? Paris is not as hot as Casablanca. Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Are politics more important than education? No, it isn't. The Amazon is bigger. Swimming is more fun than playing tennis. Yes, skiing is more difficult than walking. Smoking is more unhealthy than drinking. China is the most populated country in the world. The best TV show is "Star Trek". Who is the best teacher in the school? Who is stupider, Max or Michael? Is Cuba bigger than Madagascar? Is geometry more difficult than algebra? Is Rita older than you? Which is colder, Panama or Argentina? Which is bigger, Brazil or Peru? Which is later, 8:00 or 10:00? Which is more dangerous, mountain climbing or reading?

Q1 - It's better ____ I thought. as then than like Q2 - Brazil is _____ England. biger than bigger as bigger than biger as Q3 - She is _____ in the class the best best better than as good as Q7 - It's ____ art collection in Europe. finer finest the finer the finest Q8 - It was ____ than I was expecting. cheaper cheapest Either could be used here. Q9 - This is the ______ kitchen I've ever seen. dirtyest dirtiest

Either could be used here. Q10 - Which is ____ of the two? more difficult most difficult Either could be used here. Q12 - The underground is ____ buses. more expensive most expensive the most expensive more expensive than Q14 - It was ____ test I have ever done. the most hard the hardest Either could be used here.

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