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Governance Session 1: Purpose Why Adapt?

An International Cities Perspective

Brian Holland Mediterranean Cities Symposium June 25, 2012

ICLEI Mission

Our mission is to build, serve and drive a movement of local governments to advance deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and achieve tangible improvements in local sustainability.

The ICLEI Network

Around 1,200 member local governments worldwide ICLEI USA 400+ members, representing around 20% of
U.S. population Increasing Focus on Climate Resilience

Urban Adaptation at the Global Level

Representa%on & Advocacy Pla6orms for Exchange

Networks & Campaigns

Poli%cal Commitments
Durban Adapta,on Charter

Regional Adaptation Initiatives

- Changing Climate, Changing Communi%es: For Municipal Climate Adapta%on - Guide & Workbook - Adapta,on Ini,a,ve - Adap%ng Urban Water Systems to Climate Change - SWITCH Managing Water for the City of the Future - AsianCi%esAdapt - Guide & Toolkit for Asian Ci%es (ACCCRN) - AsianCi%esAdapt - AdaptCap - Climate Resilient Communi%es Program - Preparing for Climate Change Guidebook - ADAPT online management tool - Par%cipatory Vulnerability Assessment Survey Tool - Local Government Climate Adapta%on Toolkit - PAKLIM Program - Guide & Toolkit for Asian Ci%es (ACCCRN) - Sub Regional Node of APAN - AsianCi%esAdapt - ACCCRN (upcoming)

The Municipal Climate Ac%on Plan (PACMUN) Program

Sub-Saharan African Ci%es: 5 City Network for Adapta,on Solu,ons

Climate Resilient Communities Program (USA)

Climate Resilient Communities Program (USA)

Preparing for Climate Change Guidebook Adaptation Database and Planning Tool (ADAPT) Pilot projects in

San Diego region San Francisco Bay region City of Los Angeles Lewes, Delaware Groton, Connecticut

Five Milestones of Climate Adaptation

Why Adapt? Cost-effective Preparedness The 5 Milestone Adaptation Planning Process!

The climate is already changing, and climate change impacts are projected to get worse in the coming years. Significant time is required to motivate and develop adaptive capacity, and to implement changes. Todays choices will shape tomorrows vulnerabilities. Proactive planning is often more effective and less costly than reactive planning, and can provide immediate benefits.

Why Adapt? Awareness of thePlanning Process! The 5 Milestone Adaptation need for mitigation
Connect climate change back to local impacts especially extreme weather events Global warming is affecting weather in the United States 69% AGREE in 2012 Those who report experience of flooding express more concern over climate change, see it as less uncertain and feel more confident that their actions will have an effect on climate change. Importantly, these perceptual differences also translate into a greater willingness to save energy to mitigate climate change - A. Spence et. al., Nature, March 2011

Why Adapt? - Why Not? The 5 Milestone Adaptation Planning Process!

Governance Session 1: Purpose Why Adapt? An International Cities Perspective

Brian Holland Mediterranean Cities Symposium June 25, 2012

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