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Hayley Johnson Key People: Kaiser Wilhelm II Moltke Count von Schlieffen General von Kluck General Joffe

General von Falkenhayn Winston Churchhill General Ludendorff General Haig General Petain General Hindenburg David Lloyd George Woodrow Wilson Pope Benedict XV Lenin and Trotsky

People in WWI

Emporer of Germany at start of WWI German chief of General staff in August 1914 Prewar German chief of the General Staff Commander of the 1st German Army at the Battle of the Marne French Commander at the Battle of the Marne Succeeded Moltke as German commander German Chief of General staff responsible for the battle of Verdun British First Lord of the Admirality in 1914 German commander from 1916, German Chief of staff Commander of British forces British Commander responsible for Battle of the Somme French Commander at the Battle of Verdun Shared supreme command with Ludendorff from 1916 British PM from 1916 USA president during the war Pope who attempted to end the war with a Papal peace note Leaders of Bolshevik Party

Key Events: 28 June 1914 30 June 1914 3 August 1914 Late August 1914 September 1914 November 1914 March December 1915 April - December 1915 April 1915 May 1915 Feb November 1916 July November 1916 Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Germany declares war on Russia Germany declares war on France and invades Belgium Battle of Mons (German and British) Battle of the Marne (French German) end of Schlieffen Plan First Battle of Ypres (British and German) Dardanelles Campaign (The Allies failed attempt to defeat Germanys ally Turkey) Gallipoli Treaty of London bring Italy into the war on allied side Luisitania sinking Battle of Verdun (german and French) Battle of the Somme (British and German)

Hayley Johnson December 1916 Feb 1917 March - 1917 April 1917 July November 1917 November 1917 November 1917 January 1918 March 1918 March 1918 August 1918 September 1918 October 1918

People in WWI Russian army faces desertion and mutiny German Unrestricted U-boat campian begins Russian Revolution, overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II United states declares war on Germany Battle of Passchendaele(3rd battle of Ypres) Battle of Cambrai (1st use of tanks) Bolsheviks seize power in Russia Woodrow Wilson announces 14 points Treaty of Brest Litovsk Ludendorff Launches Operation Michael Allies launch counter offensive German Army continues to be pushed back Ludendorff tells Reichstag of need for surrender

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