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Version 6.0
For WinNT/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/Win2008/Win 7 Release Date: 18 March 2011

Users Manual

2011 MobileXdge Inc

MOBILEXDGE ............................................................................................................................. 1 END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA)................................................................................. 1 WELCOME .................................................................................................................................. 4 WHATS NEW .............................................................................................................................. 5 N EW F EATURES .......................................................................................................................... 5 BUGS F IXED ............................................................................................................................... 5 THINGS TO N OTE......................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 7 GETTING STARTED ...................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 INSTALLATION S ITE................................................................................................................. 7 1.1.1 Safety Rules .................................................................................................................. 7 1.1.2 Environment .................................................................................................................. 7 1.1.3 Power Supply Considerations ......................................................................................... 8 1.2 THE L ICENSE K EY FILE ........................................................................................................... 9 1.2.1 First Time Registration................................................................................................... 9 1.2.2 Subsequent Registration ................................................................................................ 9 1.3 OVERALL SYSTEM A RCHITECTURE .......................................................................................... 11 1.4 SYSTEM F UNCTIONS ............................................................................................................. 13 1.5 M ISSION C RITICAL FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................... 17 2.5.1 Smart Load Balancing Feature.................................................................................... 17 1.5.2 Remote MOX GPRS Modem Feature ........................................................................... 18 1.5.3 Cross Platform Messaging Feature ............................................................................... 19 1.5.4 MobileXdge Clustering Feature ................................................................................. 19 1.5.5 GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modem Redundancy Support Feature ............................................. 20 1.5.6 Error notification & Reporting Feature via email ............................................................. 21 1.5.7 Message Status Delivery Reporting Feature .................................................................. 21 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION................................................................................................... 23 2.1 SYSTEM R EQUIREMENT......................................................................................................... 23 2.2 INSTALLATION CHECKLIS T ...................................................................................................... 23 2.3 INSTALL MOBILEXDGE GATEWAY ............................................................................................ 23 CHAPTER 3 USING MOBILEXDGE GATEWAY ....................................................................... 29 3.1 R UNNING M OBILEXDGE SMS/MMS/WAP PUSH GATEWAY ........................................................ 29 3.2 CONFIGURATION S ETTING ..................................................................................................... 30 3.3 SCHEDULER CONFIGURATION S ETTING.................................................................................... 37 3.4 MMS D IALUP P ROFILE S ETTING ............................................................................................. 38 3.5 EXTERNAL MOX STATIONS INTERFACE .................................................................................... 43 3.6 CONFIGURING M OBILEXDGE DAEMON ..................................................................................... 44 3.7 CONFIGURING W AP/MMS DATA SERVER ................................................................................. 47 3.8 SYSTEM TESTING ................................................................................................................. 50 3.9 MOBILEXDGE WAP MAIL ...................................................................................................... 51 CHAPTER 4 USING SAMPLE APPLICATION .......................................................................... 53 4.1 TYPE OF MOBILE M ESSAGES .................................................................................................. 53 4.2 SMS M ESSAGING ................................................................................................................ 54 4.3 WAP PUSH INDICATOR M ESSAGING........................................................................................ 54 4.4 WAP PUSH M ULTI - MEDIA MESSAGING .................................................................................... 55 4.5 MMS INDICATOR M ESSAGING ................................................................................................ 56 4.6 MOBILE TICKETING ............................................................................................................... 56 4.7 MMS M ESSAGING ................................................................................................................ 57 4.8 MM1 MMS M ESSAGING ........................................................................................................ 58 4.9 INCOMING SMS M ESSAGES ................................................................................................... 59 4.10 STATUS D ELIVERY R EPORTS ................................................................................................ 60

4.11 O UTGOING M ESSAGE L OG ................................................................................................... 61 4.12 INCOMING MMS M ESSAGES (V IA MM1)................................................................................. 62 4.13 O UTGOING M ESSAGES ........................................................................................................ 63 4.14 MOBILEXDGE S TATUS ......................................................................................................... 64 4.15 CREATE MMS F ILE............................................................................................................. 65 CHAPTER 5 MOXRULES CUSTOMISATION ........................................................................... 68 5.1 MOXR ULES VB6 PLATFORM............................................................................................... 68 5.2 MOXR ULES VB.N ET 2005/ C#.NET 2005 PLATFORM ............................................................. 68 5.3 MOXR ULES FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................... 69 5.3.1 GetSendLog(StationStatus).......................................................................................... 69 5.3.2 UpdateSendLog( MsgIndex, Status )............................................................................. 76 5.3.3 UpdateReceiveLog( MOXID, Sender, Language, Message, TimeStamp, BolUniCode ).... 77 5.3.4 UpdateReceiveMMSLog( MOXID, Transaction ID,Subject,location , Sender ).................. 77 5.3.5 RetrieveMMSLog( MOXID, Sender, Transaction ID,Subject, MMS Content ) ................... 78 5.3.6 UpdateErrorLog( Message ) ......................................................................................... 79 5.3.7 UpdateUnScheduleLog(Message) ................................................................................ 79 5.3.8 UpdateReportLog(MOXStation, ReportID, Sender, TimeStampA,TimeStampB)............... 79 5.3.10 UpdateIndividualSendLog(Message)........................................................................... 81 5.3.11 GetEmail2SMS(Message) .......................................................................................... 81 5.3.11 CleanEmail4SMS(Message) ....................................................................................... 82 CHAPTER 6 MOBILEXDGE COMPONENTS............................................................................ 83 6.1 MOXR ULES ........................................................................................................................ 83 6.2 MMSCONVERT.................................................................................................................... 84 6.3 LANG CONVERT .................................................................................................................... 84 CHAPTER 7 TROUBLESHOOT ............................................................................................... 85 7.1 GSM/GPRS/CDMA M ODEM O PERATION INDICATOR ................................................................ 85

End User License Agreement (EULA)

IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This MobileXdge End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and MobileXdge for the MobileXdge software product(s) identified above which may include associated software components, media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT was purchased by you, you may return it to your place of purchase for a full refund. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as follows:

Installation and Use. MobileXdge Inc grants you the right to install and use copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your computers running validly licensed copies of the operating system for which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT was designed [e.g., Windows NT(r), Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows 2003]. Backup Copies. You may also make copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as may be necessary for backup and archival purposes.


Maintenance of Copyright Notices. You must not remove or alter any copyright notices on all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Distribution. You may not distribute copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to third parties.

Prohibition on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. Rental. You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Transfer. You may not permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. Support Services. MobileXdge may provide you with support services related to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT ("Support Services"). Use of Support Services is governed by the MobileXdge polices and in "on line" documentation and/or other MobileXdge-provided materials. Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the Support Services shall be considered part of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA. With respect to technical information you provide to MobileXdge as part of the Support Services, MobileXdge Inc may use such information for its business purposes, including for product support and development. MobileXdge Inc will not utilize such technical information in a form that personally identifies you. Compliance with Applicable Laws. You must comply with all applicable laws regarding use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

3. TERMINATION. Without prejudice to any other rights, MobileXdge may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. 4. COPYRIGHT. All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any copies thereof are owned by MobileXdge. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is the property of the 2

respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by MobileXdge. 5. NO WARRANTIES. MobileXdge expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT AND ANY RELATED DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NONINFRINGEMENT. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT REMAINS WITH YOU. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall MobileXdge or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or the provision of or failure to provide Support Services, even if MobileXdge as been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, MobileXdge entire liability under any provision of this EULA shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or US$5.00; provided however, if you have entered into a MobileXdge Support Services Agreement, MobileXdge entire liability regarding Support Services shall be governed by the terms of that agreement. Because some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability, the above limitation may not apply to you.

Welcome to MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway System. With the Mobile Gateway, you can send and receive SMS/MMS/WAP Push messages from your own Server system. You may also develop your own business engine and interact with this users friendly system, MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway. The system is robust and easy to use. All you need is just a normal Server, and GSM or CDMA modems connected. The MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway supports up to 24 GSM or CDMA modems, and is multi-lingual supported. It is able to provide load balancing and concurrent sending SMS/MMS/WAP Push messages, as well as receiving SMS/MMS messages. As its support multi-lingual, you can send SMS in Chinese, Japanese, Korea, Vietnam, Thai, Arabic, French, Spanish, German, etc. All you need to do is specific which language you are using. This users guide will help you to set up your own MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push gateway and provide some resources on how to enhance it. It also suggested to you how to implement business orientated system through the use of MOXRules in Visual Basic 6 / Visual Basic .Net 2005 / C# .Net 2005 .

Whats New
New Features
1. Support Wavecom CDMA modem in text mode. 2. Additional Intelligent Time Control to enable message broadcast to within a specific time period. For example, you may set the System to relay the SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messages from 8am to 10pm for normal broadcasting, and allow the system to continue sending/receiving urgent SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messages after the normal hours. 3. Support Customization in Microsoft Visual Basic 6/ Microsoft Visual Basic .Net 2005/ Microsoft C# 2005. 4. Additional MOX Station status parameter within the GetSendLog function. The MOX Station Status parameter contains the current message Queue of the MOX Station. This allows the MobileXdge programmer an information to decide which MOX Station to use if he choose to use manual mode in sending the messages. 5. The Email Rules has been merged with the MOXRules. 6. Additional function: UpdateIndividualSentLog has been created to return every messages that has been sent out successfully. This allow the system to have the exact status of the message sent, even if the record contacts batches of mobile phone numbers to be sent.

Bugs Fixed
1. The MimeSniffer has been removed from MobileXdge to prevent anti-virus program interfering the operation of MobileXdge. 2. A bug has been fixed for the receiving of Concatenated SMS messages. 3. A bug has been fixed for sending Concatedated SMS messages.

Things to Note
1. There is 1 additional parameter settings "ACTIVETIME" added in the "mobilexdge.cfg" for each SMSGW_STN configurations to allow the system to be able to pause the messages to be broadcast in the

queue after operational hours and resume the broadcasting the next day. 2. There is two additional parameters settings added in the "mobilexdge.cfg":- DATABACKUP: Setting to allow the system to auto backup the data in the Queue. - MOXRULES: 1 - Loads Microsoft Visual Basic .Net MOXRules; 2 Loads Microsoft C# .Net 2005 MOXRules; 3 - Loads Microsoft Visual Basic 6 MOXRules 3. There is an additional Table "IndividualMsgLog" to store the return status of every single message sent. 4. Receiving of MMS via POP3 Protocol has been removed.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Getting Started
In order for a smooth operation and installation of the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway, please follows the guidelines stated below:

Install the GSM/CDMA Modem on a suitable site Obtain a License Key file for the software installation

1.1 Installation Site 1.1.1 Safety Rules

The GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modem needs to be install on a suitable site where the environment is compliance to the safety rules of operating the modem. A leaflet of the safety rules of operating the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem can be found in the box that housed the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem.

1.1.2 Environment
As the GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modem operate on radio frequencies, its environment need to be free from disturbance noise of the GSM/CDMA network. Such noise like electrical power noise, electromagnetic interference, etc. The signal strength of the GSM/CDMA network around the installation site also contributes to the performance of the MobileXdge Gateway. If the installation site has poor reception of GSM/CDMA network signals, the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem will have difficulties in sending or receiving short messages. To boots up the signal strength of the GSM/CDMA network around the installation site, please consult the telecom operator of the SIM card used. 7

The operating temperature range for the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem is from 20 C to +55C.

1.1.3 Power Supply Considerations

Check the power at your site to ensure that your are receiving clean power (free of spikes and noise). Install a power conditioner if necessary. The power adapter that accompanied the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem operate at maximum current of 500mA, 230V, 50Hz power supply.

1.2 The License Key File

A License Key File is needed in order for the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway to operate. The CD activation key is labelled on the MobileXdge Installation CD.

1.2.1 First Time Registration

First Time Registration means that the license key has new and has not been registered online via MobileXdge Registration web site. To get your CD Key, you need to obtain it by using the Registration Manager provided in the CD. Please install the software in the live machine. Upon executing the Registration Manager for MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway, you will be prompt to enter your Company Name, and the CD key that can be found at the back of the CD Case. Once you have generated the Registration Key, copy the Registration Key information and visit to continue with your registration. Once you have registered successfully, the system will generate a License Key file. Copy the License Key file into the windows system directory (for Win2000/NT/XP/2003, the directory is c:\windows\system32). Rename the License key to MobileXdge.key. If you have purchased additional port license, please repeat the above process and copy the license key file for the additional ports to the sub directory License of the installed directory.

1.2.2 Subsequent Registration

Subsequent registration means that the license key has been registered online before. You may need to subsequent registration if you want to migrate the existing MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway to a new PC Server or the PC Server has been corrupted. To get your CD Key, you need to obtain it by using the Registration Manager provided in the CD. Please install the software in the live machine. Upon executing the Registration Manager for MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push 9

Gateway, you will be prompt to enter your Company Name, and the CD key that can be found at the back of the CD Case. Once you have generated the Registration Key, copy the Registration Key information and email to our support team at Our support Team will response to your request on the new license key file within the next 4 hours. Copy the License Key file into the windows system directory (for Win2000/NT/XP/2003, the directory is c:\windows\system32). Rename the License key to MobileXdge.key. If you have purchased additional port license, please repeat the above process and copy the license key file for the additional ports to the sub directory License of the installed directory.


1.3 Overall System Architecture

Core MobileXdge Gateway System
Multi-Lingual Support MOX Stations (Up to 24 GSM Modems) M-Coupon M-Ticketing M-Advertising M-Survey M-Mail

MOXRules Integration to third party system (Open Source in VB6, VB.Net 2005/ C# .Net 2005)

MOXRules Channel email to SMS (Open Source in VB6, VB.Net 2005/ C# .Net 2005)

Any protocols

Via POP3 protocol

Other Third Party Enterprise System

Internet Email Server

The above diagram shows the overall system architecture of MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway. It consists of 10 main components. The Core MobileXdge Gateway System, Multi-Lingual Support Component, MOX Stations, M-Coupon, M-Ticketing, M-Advertising, M-Survey, M-Mail, MOXRules Open Source Component and EmailRules Open Source Component. Core MobileXdge Gateway System: This is the main system component of the MobileXdge Gateway System. Most of the co-ordination of the sending and receiving of the SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messages is done with here. Multi-lingual Support Component: This component handles all the conversion of data receive/Send to different languages depending on the language selected. MOX Stations Component: This component handles the incoming and outgoing SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messages. Each of the MOX Stations acts directly and 11

independently on the Virtual processors, which is emulated during the start up of MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway. There are a total of 24 Virtual processors within. With this technology which our R&D Team has developed, it enables high speed and concurrent sending/receiving of SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messages. M-Coupon Component: This component transformation of the MMS Coupons. handles the creation and

M-Ticketing Component: This component handles the real-time creation of bar coded ID, which will be embedded together with MMS Message. M-Advertising Component: This component the creation and transformation of the MMS Advertisement Message. M-Survey Component: This component handles the incoming SMS Messages that the end user responded from the M-Survey. The system can concurrently handles up to a maximum of 24 different SMS Channels, with different rules set defined for each channels. M-Mail Component: these components process the incoming emails and channel them to the end user via SMS. MOXRules Component: This component handles all the business rules and the email forwarding rules of the users. This component is written in VB6/VB.Net 2005/C#.Net 2005 and is open source. With the open source concept, users are able to further customise t e system to integrate seamlessly into any third h party enterprise applications with minimum effort.


1.4 System Functions

The MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway is designed to send and SMS/MMS messages, as well as transmission of WAP Push Message via a PC Server. It is made so robust that it can seamlessly integrate with any third party applications. Hence, it gives companies a great window of business opportunities to explore into the Mobile market. MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway runs as a Windows Service, which can be Start and Stop easily, just by a click of a button. System configuration is also can be done easily by changing the setting in the configuration file (MOBILEXDGE.CFG) which is located in the folder <Installed Folder>\Config. The Load Balancing Configuration File (SchedulerList.cfg) is located in the folder <Installed Folder>\Config. This configuration file contains the Load Balancing Settings to auto route the SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messages to the desired port/ GSM/CDMA modem. This feature enables company to send SMS directly to the designated Telecom, rather than cross-telco. If the prefix is left empty in Load Balancing Configuration File, MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will auto schedule the messages equally to all available ports/ GSM /CDMA modems.




The MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway supports up to 24 GSM/GPRS/CDMA modems (the standard package comes with one Port License). The MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will constantly call the MOXRules, which is pre-customised by the users for specific business needs and purpose. The MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway also come with a main events log (MobileXdge.LOG), and 24 other MOX Stations log file, STN_X, which will track all transmission, as well as reception from the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem. In other words, its provides a detail audit trail of all the activities of the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway, as well as the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem. This events log files can also use as a diagnosis tools to fault find on the SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway if there is any unusually activities. In addition, the system will generate two separate files: MobileXdgeDotNetError.txt and MXError.txt when errors occurs within the MOXRules. The MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway supports multi-lingual SMS messaging. Hence, you can send and receive SMS in Chinese, Japanese, Korea, Vietnam, Thai, Arabic, French, Spanish, German, etc. All you need to do is specific which language you are using during the transmission of SMS Messages. Below is the List of Languages MobileXdge Gateway Support:


Language Arabic Baltic Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional



Cyrillic English Greek Hebrew Japanese Korean Latin 1 Latin 2 Latin 5 Unicode Thai Vietnam


1.5 Mission Critical Functions

In addition to the mobile messaging features, MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway is built with Mission Critical features that enable the system to handle modems failover, MobileXdge Gateway clustering, load-balancing, and other features that are deem mission critical to the enterprises.

3.5.1 Smart Load Balancing Feature

MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway has a built-in Load balancing capabilities of up to 24 GSM/GPRS/CDMA modems. The system allow to manually specify which GSM/GPRS/CDMA modems to transmit the SMS/MMS/WAP Push messages or allow the system to provide auto load balancing according to a predefined route table.


1.5.2 Remote MOX GPRS Modem Feature

MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway robust architecture can be configured to access remote GPRS modems across various countries via the MOX Remote Ports. This means that you need just one MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway residing in one country, and the physical GPRS modems can be installed and placed in other countries. In addition, you will just need to manage one centralised database. Thus, with MOX Remote Ports, administrating and maintaining the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway made easier.


1.5.3 Cross Platform Messaging Feature

The robustness of the system to support cross platform messaging from a variety of platforms like Unix, Linux, OpenVMS, AS400, Windows OS, etc via a generic low level perl script

1.5.4 MobileXdge Clustering Feature

MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway supports clustering to enable high availability of the system. When all the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway are all operating, the mobile messages load will be shared within the cluster. In the scenario whereby any one of the MobileXdge


SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway fails, the other MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will take to the load of the system that failed to operate.

1.5.5 GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modem Redundancy Support Feature

MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway allows up to 24 GSM/CDMA modems to be connected. In the event when there is a failure in the GSM/CDMA modem hardware, the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will be able to detects the failure in the GSM/CDMA modem hardware and shutdown the MOX station that operates on the GSM/CDMA modem; if there are still some SMS/MMS/WAP Push messages stuck in the queue of the MOX station, the system will be able to rescue the messages and re-distribute them to all the GSM/CDMA modems that are operating.


1.5.6 Error notification & Reporting Feature via email

MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway comes with an MX Daemon that monitors the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway. In the event if the MobileXdge SMS/MMs/WAP Push Gateway cease to operate due to some fatal error, the MX Daemon will generate an alert email to the administrator. In addition, the system allow you to configure to receive daily, weekly and monthly reports on the status and statistics of the MobileXdge SMS/MMs/WAP Push Gateway.

1.5.7 Message Status Delivery Reporting Feature


MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway can be configured to receive Message Status Delivery Report. This feature is crucial for organisation that needs a detailed record on the status of every messages sent, like when it reaches the mobile operator, and when it reached the mobile phone.


Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 System Requirement
Please ensure that the system, which you are intended to install the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway, must satisfied the minimum requirement as listed below:

Intel Pentium 4 and above personal computer Microsoft Windows 98/2000/2003/2008/7 or NT 4.0 (Service Pack 4) or higher 512 Mbytes of RAM A mouse and keyboard that is supported by Windows Operating System A hard disk with at least 1GB of free space for the program. At least one free serial port for the GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modem to be connected

2.2 Installation checklist

To run MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway successfully, you need:

Minimum system requirements as listed in previous section License KEY file that you can obtain after you registered the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway One or more GSM/CDMA Modem(s) with valid SIM card(s) Complete the necessary steps in Chapter 1 of this guide.

2.3 Install MobileXdge Gateway


Install MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway 6.0 from the web browser, which will auto-run default.htm from the installation CD provided. Install the Registration Manager from the web browser, which will auto-run default.htm from the installation CD provided. After installing the above Setup programs, restart the Windows Server. Start the Registration Manager. You will be prompt to enter your Company Name, and the CD key, which can be found at the back of the CD Case. Once you have generated the Registration Key, copy the Registration Key information and visit to continue with your registration. Once you have registered successfully, the system will generate a License Key file. Copy the License Key file into the windows system directory (for Win2000/NT/2003, the directory is c:\windows\system32). Rename the License key to MobileXdge.key. If you have purchased additional port license, please repeat the above process and copy the license key file for the additional ports to the sub directory License of the installed directory.

The next few pages will guide you to install the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway.


Step 1:

Step 2:


Step 3:

Step 4:


Step 5:

Step 6:


Step 7:


Chapter 3 Using MobileXdge Gateway

3.1 Running MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway
It is important to check if the modem port is being set correctly before executing MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway in the config file named under MobileXdge.CFG. Ensure that the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem(s) are connected to the system you are running the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway.


3.2 Configuration Setting

There are three Configurations setting you need to configure before you start operating the system: MobileXdge.cfg, SchedulerList.cfg, and the Internet Information Server. In this chapter, we will discuss in great details on the setting of the MobileXdge System as well as the Microsoft IIS Server. MOBILEXDGE.CFG



[MOBILEXDGE]: Configuration of the Main MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway LOGEDITOR: The text editor for viewing the log files LOGENABLE: Set if you want the system to log the events/activities (Y/N) LOGFILE: Determine the log file ARCHIVEDIR: Set the archive directory where the system stores the daily archive log files STATSFILE: Set the text file in which the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway stores its real-time statistics of the system.


FTPSVR: The identification of the FTP Server that accepts the MMS messages content and WAP Multi-media data. FTPID: The identification of the user account for FTP Server that accepts the MMS messages content and WAP Multi-media data. FTPPWD: The identification of the user password of the user account for FTP Server that accepts the MMS messages content and WAP Multi-media data. MMSSVR: The identification of the MMS Server that stores the MMS messages content and WAP Multi-media data. FILEFOLDER: If the MMS messages content and WAP Multi-media data is to be stored in the MMS Server within its local area network, you need to set the setting to the path which will direct the MMS messages content and WAP Multi-media data to the MMS Server. STARTUP: Set if you want the system to start upon the execution of MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway (Y/N) SMSCRESP: Set if you want the system to enable retrieval of the SMS Centre auto response message (Y/N) AUTOSHUTDOWN: Set if you want the system to continue to operate even without a GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem (Y/N). RETRYLIMIT: Set the system to retry if fails to send. Recommended is 2 STNLIMIT: Set the system to auto shutdown if it fails to send successfully for a consecutive number of times. RELOADLIMIT: Set the system to re-activate the MOX Station by performing a power reset of the physical GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem if the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem fail to function.


DATABACKUP: Set the system to backup the messages in the queue pending to be sent. If the parameter is set to Y, the system will backup the messages during runtime. If the system shutdown abnormally, it will restore back the queue upon the next bootup of the system. MOXRULES: Set the system to use either one of the below MOXRules: 1. MOXRulesVBNet: Use 1 if you want to use the MOXRules in VB.Net 2005. The open source code is found in the folder c: \mobilexdge\ MOXRulesVBNet folder. 2. MOXRulesCSNet: Use 2 if you want to use the MOXRules in C#.Net 2005. The open source code is found in the folder c: \mobilexdge\ MOXRulesCSNet folder. 3. MOXRules: Use 3 if you want to use the MOXRules in VB 6. The open source code is found in the folder c:\mobilexdge\ MOXRules folder. Please note that you will need to copy the compiled DLL to the c:\mobilexdge folder. [EMAILSVR]: Configuration of the Internet Email Server for the reception of MMS Message, and forwarding of Email to SMS Messages. POP3SVR: The POP3 Server address POP3PORT: The POP3 Server Port number SMTPSVR: The SMTP Server Address SMTPPORT: The SMTP Server Port number POP3TIMER: Configuration on time interval to poll the POP3 and SMTP Server. [MMSRECVAC]: Configuration of the Internet Email account for the retrieval of MMS Message. MMSRECVEMAIL: The Email address for MMS Message retrieval 33

MMSRECVID: The Email account ID for MMS Message retrieval. MMSRECVPWD: The Email account password for MMS Message retrieval MMSFILEFOLDER: The file folder which the system store the incoming MMS Message. STARTUP: Set if you want the system to start polling the MMS Account upon the execution of MobileXdge Gateway (Y/N) SMSCRESP: Set if you want the system to get the Telco status reports for the messages sent. Value is (Y/N). [MMSRECVAC]: Configuration of the Internet Email account for the retrieval of MMS Message. MMSRECVEMAIL: The Email address for MMS Message retrieval MMSRECVID: The Email account ID for MMS Message retrieval. MMSRECVPWD: The Email account password for MMS Message retrieval MMSFILEFOLDER: The file folder which the system store the incoming MMS Message. STARTUP: Set if you want the system to start polling the MMS Account upon the execution of MobileXdge Gateway (Y/N) [SMSFWDAC]: Configuration of the Internet Email account for the retrieval of MMS Message. SMSFWDMAIL: The Email address for email forwarding via SMS. SMSFWDID: The Email account ID for email forwarding via SMS. SMSFWDPWD: The Email account password for email forwarding via SMS.


STARTUP: Set if you want the system to start polling the SMS forwarding Account upon the execution of MobileXdge Gateway (Y/N) [SMSGW_STN_1]: Configuration of the MOX stations COMPORT: Set the communication port where the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem is attached MODEMSETTING: Setting of the GSM/CDMA modem (Speed,parity,bit,stop bit) TIMEOUT: Set the waiting time of the station RECVINT: Set the checking of incoming SMS Messages after certain number of outgoing SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messages. LOGENABLE: Set if you want the system to log the events/activities(Y/N) LOGFILE: Determine the log file ACTIVETIME: Set the operational hour for the system. Default is 00:00-00:00. Once you set to 00:00-00:00, it means 24 hours operational. Please note that this feature allows the system to control time of sending messages, in particular during a message broadcast. The system will pauses all messages in the queue when the operation hour is over and continue the next day. Please note that the system will still allow new messages to be sent even after the operational hours. (This feature allows the system to handle urgent messages that need to be sent immediately) MM1MMSSVR: Set the Telco MMS Server GPRSPROFILE: Set the Dialup profile MM1WAPSVR: The Telco WAP Server MM1WAPPORT: The Telco WAP Server Port MM1IP: The destination IP Address in which the IP Traffic will be routed 35

MM1MASK: The subnet mask of the destination IP Address ASSIGNIP: The IP address assigned by the telecom. This IP address can be a partial IP. This parameter is used by the system to re-route IP traffic according to the IP address specified. STARTUP: Set if you want the system to start upon the execution of MobileXdge Gateway (Y/N)


3.3 Scheduler Configuration Setting

You can configure the scheduler settings of MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway through the configuration file SchedulerList.CFG. PhPx1 = +6590,90 PhPx2 = +6391,+6392 PhPx3 = +6012 PhPx4 = . . . . PhPx16 = PhPx17 = PhPx18 = PhPx19 = PhPx20 = PhPx21 = PhPx22 = PhPx23 = PhPx24 = There are all together 24 port settings you can configure. If all the Phpx are left blank, MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will take control of the auto scheduling for all the outgoing SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messages. The Scheduler Configuration settings are extremely useful in countries where the Telco do not provide cross SMS/MMS/WAP Push Messaging facilities. In this case, you can configure the PhPx. PhPx is the parameters where you can set the prefix of the designated phone numbers which belongs to the particular Telco. For example, in PhPx1, the parameter is set to only accept any mobile phone numbers starting with the number +6590 or 90. It is recommended that you leave the last available PhPx empty. This to cater for any unforeseen mobile numbers prefix which is not specified in the pervious prefix for the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem.


3.4 MMS Dialup Profile Setting

MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway allows you to send and receive MMS via MM1 protocol, which requires you to set up the dialup profile in Microsoft Windows that connects to the GPRS/3G network. (Please note that CDMA modem is not supported for MMS functions). Below are the steps: Step 1:

Step 2:


Step 3:

Step 4:


Step 5:

Step 6:


Step 7:

Step 8:


Step 9:


3.5 External MOX stations Interface

MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway allows you to re-activate the MOX Stations via any third party application. To re-active the MOX Station, you will need to access to the Restart.txt file located in the Stats folder. The Restart.txt consists of 24 Zeros 0, in which each 0 represents a MOX Station. Whenever you need to activate the individual MOX Station, you will need to change the 0 to 1. MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will process the request and re-activate the particular MOX Station. Thereafter, MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will reset the 1 to 0. Below is the content of the Restart.txt file:



3.6 Configuring MobileXdge Daemon

MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway is widely used in mission critical operations. This MobileXdge Daemon provides transmission of emails to the system administrator if there is any failure or status change in the individual MOX Stations in the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway as well as generation of daily, weekly monthly report via email. The MobileXdge Daemon allows you to conduct diagnostic on the system to send out email alerts. To enable the diagnostic mode, you will need to run the MobileXdge Daemon with a t parameter at the end of the program. Below is the detail:C:\MobileXdge\MXDaemon\MXDaemon.exe t


[MXDAEMON] MXDAEMONSMTPSVR= MXDAEMONSMTPPORT=25 MXDAEMONNAME=MXDAEMON MXDAEMONPWD=password MXRESTART=Y MXSTATFILE=c:\mobilexdge\stats\stats.txt ADHOCRPT=Y DAILYRPT=Y WEEKLYRPT=Y MONTHLYRPT=Y [MXDAEMON]: Configuration of the MobileXdge Daemon MXDAEMONSMTPSVR: The SMTP Server IP Address or name MXDAEMONSMTPPORT: The SMTP Server Port number, default is 25 MXDAEMONNAME: The email account ID MXDAEMONFROMAC: The email address of the sender MXDAEMONPWD: The email account password MXDAEMONTOAC: The email address of the recipient MXRESTART: Instruct if to restart the MobileXdge Gateway if it shutdown due to modem failure. (Y/N) MXSTATFILE: The file where holds the statistics of the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway ADHOCRPT: To set the system to allow sending of email if there is any fault in MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway; value (Y/N). DAILYRPT: To set the system to report the statistics of the system daily; (Y/N).


WEEKLYRPT: To set the system to report the statistics of the system weekly; (Y/N). MONTHLYRPT: To set the system to report the statistics of the system monthly; (Y/N).


3.7 Configuring Wap/MMS Data Server

As MMS messaging encompassed 3 types of technology: SMS Technology, Wap Technology and GRPS Technology, there is a need to configure your IIS Server to be a Wap server and MMS Data Server. To configure the IIS Server as Wap Server, right click the select the properties page.


Click on the Add Button, Add an additional wml header name and the header value as show in the diagram above.


Click on the File Type Button and add the following settings:-

Associated extension .bmp .gif .jar .jpg .mid .wbmp .wml .mms

Content type (MIME) Image/bmp Image/gif Application/java-archive Image/jpeg Audio/midi Image/vnd.wap.wbmp Text/vnd.wap.wml Application/vnd.wap.mmsmessage


3.8 System Testing

There is a system test button situated on the main screen of the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway. This is to allow you to performance a simple test on the MobileXdge Gateway on each individual MOX Stations. When you first installed the system, you can use this function to test the operability of the system. Click on the <System Test> button of the MobileXdge Gateway and a new test window will appear.

Type in a valid mobile phone number and a test message in the text box provided respectively. Click the <Send> button to send out the test message. An OK pop-up window will appear if the message send out successfully.


3.9 MobileXdge WAP Mail

MobileXdge comes with a WAP Email System, which enables users to send email via their mobile phone. This features, together with the functions of email forwarding within MobileXdge MMS/SMS/WAP Push Gateway enables users to be able to not only work remotely, but also only with a mobile phone. MobileXdge WAP Mail application is located in the sub folder WAPMail of the installed folder of MobileXdge. Please note that you need to relocate folder into the WAP Server. The default page is MOXMail.asp. When accessing the MobileXdge WAPMail, you should connect the phone to the MOXMail.asp, which you will be able to send email from your mobile phone via WAP. Please note that if your WAP Server is located on a PC Server different from the MobileXdge MMS/SMS/WAP Push Gateway, you need to copy the component vbSendMail.dll into the windows system directory and register the component. After successful installation of the MobileXdge WAPMail, you will be able to access the WAP Mail System from MobileXdge. The screens shots are provided below:-

Welcome to MobileXdge WAPMail Proceed


From: [] To: [] Subject: [] Message: []

MobileXdge WAP Mail (Send) Screen Shot


Chapter 4 Using Sample Application

4.1 Type of Mobile Messages
MobileXdge comes with a sample VB6 application. This application has been developed to demonstrate the features of the MobileXdge Gateway. As the application is open source, you will be able to further customise the application to cater for your requirements. Below is the screen shots of the application. There are all together seven types of mobile messages: SMS Message/ MMS Indicator Message/ WAP Push Indicator Message/ MMS Message/MM1 MMS Message/ WAP Push Message/ Mobile Ticketing. When preparing to transmit the message, you need to define at least a valid mobile phone number in the mobile phone field. You can import the mobile phone number from an external file. The format of the file has to be as follows:+6590123456 +6012847373 +4733635222 ..

You can also set the message priority in the priority check box & the status delivery report option in the delivery report check box. You may choose which port the messages is going to route manually, or allow the system to auto schedule the messages.


4.2 SMS Messaging

In the SMS Messaging Option, you will need to select the language for SMS Messaging. As well as, you will need to enter the actual SMS Message for transmission.

4.3 WAP Push Indicator Messaging

WAP Push Indicator message allows you to define a particular WML page to be push directly to the mobile user. You will need to enter the Title of the Content, and the URL location of the WML page. E.g. Please note that you do not need to enter http://. 54

4.4 WAP Push Multi-media Messaging

WAP Push Multi-media message allows you to transmit Multi-media WAP page directly to the mobile phone. (Note that the receiving end mobile phone has to be a MMS/WAP phone, with GPRS connection activated). In order for the successful transmission, you need a WAP server to contain the WAP Push Multi-media message. You will need to define the content title, as well as the WAP Push Multi-media content file, normally a wml file. Note that the MobileXdge Gateway will retrieve all content found within the defined file directory, and transfer it to the WAP Server via FTP protocol or normal file copy protocol. FTP protocol is more applicable in situation where the WAP Server and the MobileXdge Gateway is not within the same network. There are some examples that come with the application located in the subfolder samples\ppg.


4.5 MMS Indicator Messaging

MMS Indicator Message allows you to define the mms file that the mobile phone will retrieve from. You will need to define the mms file located in the server. E.g.: Please note that you need to include http://.

4.6 Mobile Ticketing


MobileXdges Mobile Ticketing provides real-time generation of barcode ticket number into jpeg picture format. This mobile ticket will then be transmitted to the mobile users. You will need to enter the title of the message, the WML file. You will need to enter the ticket number, which the system will then dynamically create a barcode signature for you. There are some examples that come with the application located in the subfolder samples\MKT. Please note that you will need to defined as follows in the wml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" ""> <wml> <card id="MMSC" title="Promotion"> <p align="center"> <img src="tours.gif" alt="Tour"/><br/><a href="MTICKET.jpg">Get Coupon</a> </p> </card> </wml>

The MTICKET.jpg will be auto-generated by the system, thus you will need to define mticket.jpg within the WML file.

4.7 MMS Messaging


MMS Messaging allows you to transmit MMS message to the mobile phone users. The file will need to be an MMS file, and has to bear the file extension .MMS. You can create the MMS File by using the Create MMS File function within the application. There are some examples that come with the application located in the subfolder samples\mms.

4.8 MM1 MMS Messaging

MMS1 MMS Messaging allows you to transmit MMS message directly via the GPRS/3G Network to the mobile phone users. You can add CC and BCC list of mobile numbers(maximum of 20 mobile numbers can be added to the CC or BCC list).


4.9 Incoming SMS Messages

The system enables you to view the SMS message received. The Field PortX indicates source MOX Station which the SMS message is being received. MobileXdge Gateway supports reception of concatenated messages, and automatically joins the Multi-related messages into a single message.


4.10 Status Delivery Reports

The system enables you to view the SMS message received. The Field PortX indicates source MOX Station which the SMS message is being received.


4.11 Outgoing Message Log

The system enables you to view the timestamp of individual message sent. For example, you have a batch of ten mobile numbers to be sent in a broadcast, it will create ten records here, showing the timestamp of each message sent.


4.12 Incoming MMS Messages (Via MM1)

The system enables you to view the MMS records received. The actual content of the MMS message received is stored in c:\mobilexdge\mms folder. The subfolder name corresponds to the MsgIndex of the received MMS message record.


4.13 Outgoing Messages

The system enables you to view the outgoing messages that have been sent.


4.14 MobileXdge Status

The system enables you to view status of the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway, as well as the status of the individual MOX Stations control the GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem. Below is the detail of the status:Time Stamp The time in which the status is recorded Q Number of message(s) in Queue S Number of message(s) Sent F Number of message(s) Failed R Number of message(s) received E Estimated time in seconds that the system will take to process all messages in the queue. A Status of the MOX Station


4.15 Create MMS File

The system comes with a sample MMS File creation utility, which enables you to create the mms file. You can have a selection to use either formatted SMIL file to include the MMS content and data presentation, or directly the data items without any display formatting via MOX file. Below are the samples of the file format: MMS Header File: X-Mms-Message-Type: m-retrieve-conf X-Mms-Transaction-Id: 12345678 X-Mms-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: 1111 Date: Wed Oct 24 09:55:52 2002 65

From: To: Subject: MobileXdge MMSC Sample X-Mms-Message-Class: Personal X-Mms-Priority: Normal X-Mms-Delivery-Report: No X-Mms-Read-Reply: No Content-type: application/vnd.wap.multipart.related In most cases, you will only need to change the From: and the To: fields. The two fields need to be in the email address format. Please note that these two fields will be shown in the mobile phones of the users. And the user will be able to reply the message via email back to the MobileXdge Gateway. SMIL File: <?xml version="1.0"?/> <!DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD ""/> SMIL 1.0//EN"

<smil xmlns=""> <head> <layout> <root-layout width="180" height="540"/> <region id="Gfx01" width="180" height="180" left="0" top="0"/>


<region id="Gfx02" width="180" height="180" left="0" top="180"/> <region id="Gfx03" width="180" height="180" left="0" top="360"/> </layout> </head> <body> <img src="macs-1.gif" region="Gfx01" /> <img src="macs-2.gif" region="Gfx02" /> <img src="macs-3.gif" region="Gfx03" />

</body> </smil>

MOX File: Macs-1.gif Macs-2.gif Macs-3.gif


Chapter 5 MOXRules Customisation

You can customise MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway according to your business need by changing the database and its calling application. A sample application is included in the installation of MobileXdge Gateway. If you are using Visual Basic 6 as your development tools, the VB6 project file is located in the folder \MOXRules. If you are using Visual Basic .Net 2005 as your development tools, the VB.Net project file is located in the folder \MOXRulesVBNet. If you are using C# .Net 2005 as your development tools, the C#.Net project file is located in the folder \MOXRulesCSNet. Please note that you will need to copy the compiled DLL into C:\mobilexdge folder for the changes to take effect.

5.1 MOXRules VB6 Platform

Whenever there is new changes made to the MOXRules.vbp, you will need to perform the following steps: Compile the MOXRules.vbp to MOXRules.dll. Copy the MOXRules.dll into the C:\MobileXdge folder. At the Command line, issue REGSVR32 C:\MobileXdge\MOXRules.dll. Change the MOXRULES MobileXdge.cfg. parameter to 3 in the config file

5.2 MOXRules VB.Net 2005/ C#.Net 2005 Platform

Whenever there is new changes made to the MOXRulesVBNet/MOXRulesCSNet project, you will need to perform the following steps: If you are using VB.Net 2005: Compile the MOXRulesVBNet to MOXRulesVBnet.dll 68

Copy the MOXRulesVBnet.dll into C:\mobilexdge folder. Change the MOXRULES MobileXdge.cfg. parameter to 1 in the config file

If you are using C#.Net 2005: Compile the MOXRulesCSNet to MOXRulesCSnet.dll Copy the MOXRulesCSnet.dll into C:\mobilexdge folder. Change the MOXRULES MobileXdge.cfg. parameter to 2 in the config file

5.3 MOXRules Functions

The MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will execute the application extension MOXRules.dll/ MOXRulesVBNet.dll/ MOXRulesCSNet.dll for sending or receiving messages, and email to SMS/WAP Push Messages, as well as updating the database. Hence, you can create your own application according to your need. Below a the functions needed for the MobileXdge Gateway System to process.

5.3.1 GetSendLog(StationStatus)
This function will be called by the MobileXdge gateway to request from the customise application for any UN-send message/s. The StationStatus parameter provides information on current queue of the MOX Stations. If there are messages to be send, this function will return a string in one of the following format: SMS Return String Format:

Type Type I

Description SMS Message


Notation SMS

Message Format :

Fields Separator PortX Separator MsgType Separator MsgID Separator HPNo Separator Message Separator SmartMsg Separator SMSCStatus Separator Lang Separator Priority

Data | 0 to 24

Description MobileXdge Message Separator MobileXdge MOX Station. 0 Auto schedule. ^ Field Separator SMS MobileXdge Message Classification ^ Field Separator 00001 The unique identifier of the message ^ Field Separator +6590128501 Mobile Phone Number ^ Field Separator Test SMS Message ^ Field Separator 0/1 Smart Message Indication (True/False) ^ Field Separator 0/1 SMSC Response Indication (True/False) ^ Field Separator ENG Language identifier ^ Field Separator 0/1 Priority Setting

|PortX^SMS^Message Index^Mobile Phone Numbers^Message^SmartMsg^SMSC^Lang^Priorty

Push Proxy Gateway Indicator String format:

Type Type II

Description Push Proxy Gateway Indicator

Notation PPGIND

Message Format :

Fields Separator PortX


| 0 to 24

Description MobileXdge Message Separator MobileXdge MOX Station. 0 Auto schedule.


Separator MsgType Separator MsgID Separator HPNo Separator PPG_Title Separator PPG_URL Separator SMSCStatus Separator Lang Separator Priority

^ PPGIND ^ 00001 ^ +6590128501 ^ MobileXdge ^ 9/wap.wml ^ 0/1 ^ UNI ^ 0/1

Field Separator MobileXdge Message Classification Field Separator The unique identifier of the message Field Separator Mobile Phone Number Field Separator Push Proxy Gateway Title Field Separator The URL of the PPG WAP Push Message Field Separator SMSC Response Indication (True/False) Field Separator Language identifier Field Separator Priority Setting

|PortX^PPGIND^Message Index^Mobile Phone^PPG Title^PPG URL^SMSC^UNI^Priorty

Multi Media Service Indicator String format:

Type Type III

Description MMS Indicator

Notation MMSIND

Message Format :

Fields Separator PortX Separator MsgType Separator MsgID Separator HPNo

Data | 0 to 24 ^ MMSIND ^ 00001 ^ +6590128501

Description MobileXdge Message Separator MobileXdge MOX Station. 0 Auto schedule. Field Separator MobileXdge Message Classification Field Separator The unique identifier of the message Field Separator Mobile Phone Number

Separator ^ MMS_URL omo.mms Separator ^ SMSCStat 0/1 us Separator ^ Lang UNI Separator ^ Priority 0/1

Field Separator The URL of the MMS Message Field Separator SMSC Response Indication (True/False) Field Separator Language identifier Field Separator Priority Setting

|PortX^MMSIND^Message Index^Mobile Phone^MMS URL^SMSC^UNI^Priorty

Push Proxy Gateway String Format:

Type Type IV

Description Push Proxy Gateway Message

Notation PPG

Message Format :

Fields Separator PortX Separator MsgType Separator MsgID Separator HPNo Separator PPG_Title Separator Source File Separator Transfer

Data | 0 to 24 ^ PPG ^ 00001 ^ +6590128501 ^ MobileXdge ^ C:\test\ppg\test.w ml ^ 0/1

Description MobileXdge Message Separator MobileXdge MOX Station. 0 Auto schedule. Field Separator MobileXdge Message Classification Field Separator The unique identifier of the message Field Separator Mobile Phone Number Field Separator Push Proxy Gateway Title Field Separator Directory of the PPG Message Field Separator 0- FTP/ 1- File Copy

Separator SMSCStat us Separator Lang Separator Priority

^ 0/1 ^ UNI ^ 0/1

Field Separator SMSC Response Indication (True/False) Field Separator Language identifier Field Separator Priority Setting

|PortX^PPG^Message Index^Mobile Phone^PPG Title^SourceFile^Transfer Method^SMSC^UNI^Priorty

Mobile Ticketing String Format:

Type Type V

Description Mobile Ticketing Message

Notation MKT

Message Format :

Fields Separator PortX Separator MsgType Separator MsgID Separator HPNo Separator PPG_Title Separator Source File Separator

Data | 0 to 24 ^ MKT ^ 00001 ^ +6590128501 ^ MobileXdge ^ C:\test\ppg\test.w ml ^

Description MobileXdge Message Separator MobileXdge MOX Station. 0 Auto schedule. Field Separator MobileXdge Message Classification Field Separator The unique identifier of the message Field Separator Mobile Phone Number Field Separator Push Proxy Gateway Title Field Separator Directory of the PPG Message Field Separator

Ticket No Separator Transfer Separator SMSCStat us Separator Lang Separator Priority

8888 ^ 0/1 ^ 0/1 ^ UNI ^ 0/1

Mobile Ticket Number Field Separator 0- FTP/ 1- File Copy Field Separator SMSC Response Indication (True/False) Field Separator Language identifier Field Separator Priority Setting

|PortX^MKT^Message Index^Mobile Phone^PPG Title^SourceFile^TicketNo^Transfer Method^SMSC^UNI^Priorty

Multi Media Service String Format:

Type Type VI
Message Format :

Description MMS Message

Notation MMS

Fields Separator PortX

Description MobileXdge Message Separator MobileXdge MOX Station. 0 Auto schedule. Separator ^ Field Separator MsgType MMS MobileXdge Message Classification Separator ^ Field Separator MsgID 00001 The unique identifier of the message Separator ^ Field Separator HPNo +6590128501 Mobile Phone Number Separator ^ Field Separator Source File C:\test\ppg\tes Directory of the MMS Message t.mms Separator ^ Field Separator Transfer 0/1 0- FTP/ 1- File Copy

Data | 0 to 24

Separator SMSCStat us Separator Lang Separator Priority

^ 0/1 ^ UNI ^ 0/1

Field Separator SMSC Response Indication (True/False) Field Separator Language identifier Field Separator Priority Setting

|PortX^MMS^Message Index^Mobile Phone^SourceFile^Transfer Method^SMSC^UNI^Priorty

If there is no message to send, this function MUST return a string . MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will ONLY recognise the formats as specified above in order for it to send out the message. MM1 Multi Media Service String Format:

Type Type VII

Message Format :

Description MM1 MMS Message

Notation MM1

Fields Separator PortX Separator MsgType Separator MsgID Separator HPNo Separator CC

Data | 0 to 24 ^ MM1 ^ 00001 ^ +6590128501 ^ +6590128508

Description MobileXdge Message Separator MobileXdge MOX Station. 0 Auto schedule. Field Separator MobileXdge Message Classification Field Separator The unique identifier of the message Field Separator Mobile Phone Numbers Field Separator CC List of Mobile numbers. Multiple mobile numbers has to be seperated by commas. Please note that a total

Separator BCC

^ +6590128509

Separator Encode Type Separator Subject Separator Files Separator Priority

^ us-ascii or utf8 ^ MM1 Title ^ Multi-media files ^ 0/1

maximum of 20 mobile numbers can be included in the CC and BCC List. Field Separator BCC List of mobile numbers. Multiple mobile numbers has to be seperated by commas. Please note that a total maximum of 20 mobile numbers can be included in the CC and BCC List. Field Separator The character set encoding. Support either us-ascii or utf-8 Field Separator The subject of the message Field Separator The multimedia files name and location. Multiple files have to be seperated by commas Field Separator Priority Setting

|PortX^MM1^Message Index^Mobile Phone^CC^BCC^Encode Type^Subject^Files^Priorty

If there is no message to send, this function MUST return a string . MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will ONLY recognise the formats as specified above in order for it to send out the message.

5.3.2 UpdateSendLog( MsgIndex, Status )

This function will be call by the SMS gateway to update the database of the customise application. This is to indicate that the message of reference <MsgIndex> was sent out successfully. <MsgIndex> is of String data type, and


<Status> is of String data type with Length is 1. This Status is to be updated in the MsgSent Table of the SMSLog database. The default is set to Y for message that was sent successfully. This function MUST return a string either OK for successful update in the database, or ERROR if update process failed.

5.3.3 UpdateReceiveLog( MOXID, Sender, Language, Message, TimeStamp, BolUniCode )

This function will be call by the MobileXdge gateway to update the database when a message is received by the MobileXdge gateway. <MOXID> is the MOX Station ID, which the GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modems connect. This ID will enable you to identify which modem the SMS message is being received. This will allows the system to handles up to a maximum of 24 different business rules set. <Sender> is the mobile number of the sender of the message <Language> is the language content of the text message received <Message> is the text message received. <TimeStamp> is the Date/Time of the message received <BolUniCode> is the type of SMS message received This function MUST return either OK if message is updated to the database, or ERROR if its fail to update the database.

5.3.4 UpdateReceiveMMSLog( MOXID, Transaction ID,Subject,location , Sender )

This function will be call by the MobileXdge gateway to update the database when a MMS indicator message is received by the MobileXdge gateway. 77

<MOXID> is the MOX Station ID, which the GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modems connect. This ID will enable you to identify which modem the SMS message is being received. This will allows the system to handles up to a maximum of 24 different business rules set. <Transaction ID> is the unique MMS transaction ID from the telco. <Subject> is the subject of the MMS message <Location> is the URL location of the MMS message at the telco. <Sender> is the mobile number of the sender of the message This function MUST return either OK if message is updated to the database, or ERROR if its fail to update the database.

5.3.5 RetrieveMMSLog( MOXID, Sender, Transaction ID,Subject, MMS Content )

This function will be call by the MobileXdge gateway to update the database after MobileXdge gateway has downloaded the MMS content. <MOXID> is the MOX Station ID, which the GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modems connect. This ID will enable you to identify which modem the SMS message is being received. This will allows the system to handles up to a maximum of 24 different business rules set. <Sender> is the mobile number of the sender of the message <Transaction ID> is the unique MMS transaction ID from the telco. <Subject> is the subject of the MMS message <MMS Content> is the MMS content downloaded from the telco. This function MUST return either OK if message is updated to the database, or ERROR if its fail to update the database. 78

5.3.6 UpdateErrorLog( Message )

This function will called by the SMS Gateway when there is failed messages. <Message> is the message details. The content of the Message includes the unique ID that allows the system to perform detail audit of the message. This function MUST return either OK if message is updated to the database, or ERROR if its fail to update the database.

5.3.7 UpdateUnScheduleLog(Message)
These functions will be called by the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway when the system is unable to find a port prefix which match the mobile phone number. MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway will also try to transmit the mobile messages out to the first available port. <Message> is the message details the content of the Message includes the unique ID that allows the system to perform detail audit of the message.

This function MUST return either OK if message is updated to the database, or ERROR if its fail to update the database.

5.3.8 UpdateReportLog(MOXStation, ReportID, Sender, TimeStampA,TimeStampB)

These functions will called by the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway when the system is set to get the delivery report from the SMS Centre. Please note that if you want to get the delivery report, you need to configure the SMSCRESP to Y in the mobilexdge.cfg configuration file, and also set the SMSC indicator to 1 in the outgoing message during the transmission of messages.


Please note that the system will only get the delivery report only if the mobile phone set is on. If the mobile phone set is off, there will be no any delivery report. For cross-telco messaging, TimeStampB is the time stamp of the message has been delivered to the other telecom. <MOXStation> is the MOX Station in which the delivery report messages is received. <ReportID> is the message ID from the Telecom. <Sender> is mobile phone number in which the message has been sent. <TimeStampA> is the time stamp in which the message reach the telecom. <TimeStampB> is the time stamp in which the message reach the designated mobile set. This function MUST return either OK if message is updated to the database, or ERROR if its fail to update the database.

5.3.9 UpdateSysStats(MX As String, Stn01 As String, Stn02 As String, Stn03 As String, Stn04 As String, Stn05 As String, Stn06 As String, Stn07 As String, Stn08 As String, Stn09 As String, Stn10 As String, Stn11 As String, Stn12 As String, Stn13 As String, Stn14 As String, Stn15 As String, Stn16 As String, Stn17 As String, Stn18 As String, Stn19 As String, Stn20 As String, Stn21 As String, Stn22 As String, Stn23 As String, Stn24 As String) As String
These functions will be called by the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway to return the status of the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway and its individual MOX stations.


<MX> is the status information of the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway. The status string consists of the following:S Number of messages Sent R Number of messages received F Number of messages failed to send <Stn01 to Stn23> is the status information of each individual GSM/GPRS/CDMA modem station returned by the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push Gateway. The status string consists of the following:Q Number of messages in Queue S Number of messages Sent F Number of messages failed to send E Estimated time to finish the broadcast A Active status of the MOX modem stations

5.3.10 UpdateIndividualSentLog(Message)
This function will be call by the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push gateway whenever message has been successfully sent. This function provides a realtime timestamp of the message sent via the MOX Station.

5.3.11 GetEmail2SMS(Message)
This function will be call by the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push gateway to converts email Message to SMS or WAP Push Messaging. It can be customised to retrieve the mobile numbers based on the email address within the email received. In addition, the user can customise the functions to utilised 81

various fields like the Subject, content, From email address, and the To email address field of the email content received.

5.3.11 CleanEmail4SMS(Message)
This function will be call by the MobileXdge SMS/MMS/WAP Push gateway to filter off any unwanted data within the content of the email. This function allows you to format the content of the email, which later will be converted to SMS messaging.


Chapter 6 MobileXdge Components

6.1 MOXRules
MOXRules component is one of the most important components in MobileXdge Gateway. It enables users to customised/configure/fine tune the applications to the business requirements. There are three development platforms for MOXRules: Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic.Net 2005 and C# .Net 2005. If you are using Visual Basic 6 as your development platform, the project file can be found in the subfolder MOXRules within the installed folder. After customisation of the MOXRules, you need to save the file and recompile it to MOXRules.dll. After compilation, you will need copy this updated version of MOXRules.dll into C:\MobileXdge directory of the Server which MobileXdge Gateway has been installed. You will need to issue REGSVR32 C:\MobileXdgeMOXRules.dll at the command line to re-register the component. Please note that you need to change the MOXRULES parameter to 3 in the Mobilexdge.cfg. If you are using Visual Basic.Net 2005 as your development platform, the project file can be found in the subfolder MOXRulesVBNet. After customisation of the MOXRulesVBNet, you need to save the file and recompile it to MOXRulesVbNet.dll. After compilation, you will need to copy this updated version of MOXRulesVBNet.dll into the installed MobileXdge Folder. Please note that you need to change the MOXRULES parameter to 1 in the Mobilexdge.cfg. If you are using C#.Net 2005 as your development platform, the project file can be found in the subfolder MOXRulesCSNet. After customisation of the MOXRulesCSNet, you need to save the file and recompile it to MOXRulesCSNet.dll. After compilation, you will need to copy this updated version of MOXRulesCSNet.dll into the installed MobileXdge Folder. Please note that you need to change the MOXRULES parameter to 2 in the Mobilexdge.cfg.


6.2 MMSConvert
MMSConvert.dll enables you to create MMS Data file on the fly. You will need to input a MMS header file, a SMIL or MOX file for the system to create the MMS file. This file (.mms) will eventually be transmitted to the mobile users as an MMS Message. This component is located in the Windows System directory, named as MMSConvert.dll You will need to define the below in VB6 project:Public MMSConvert As New MMSConvert.ClassGen You can call the MMSConvert component as follows:MMSConvert.File2MMS(MMSHdr, MMSSmil_MOX, DirMMSOut.Path & "\" & MMSOutputFile)

6.3 LangConvert
LangConvert.dll enables you to receive the SMS data and convert it to the expected foreign language like Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Korea, Japanese, Vietnam, Thai, etc. Please note that the different code pages are located in the subfolder CodePage.

You can call the LangConvert component as follows:LangConvertObj.LangConvert(Codepage, ReceivedSMSData) Codepages for all the foreign languages are located in the subfolder Codepage of the installed directory of the MobileXdge gateway.


Chapter 7 Troubleshoot
7.1 GSM/GPRS/CDMA Modem Operation Indicator
The operation indicator (red light) situated beside the SIM cardholder should be blinking after the GSM/CDMA modem is power on after a few seconds. If the indicator is continuously grow after the GSM/CDMA modem is power on, there are a few possibilities:


No SIM card was insert in the SIM cards holder of the GSM/CDMA modem; or the SIM card was not inserted properly in the SIM cards holder. Inserted SIM card is LOCKED. A Locked SIM card meant that it had been presented the PIN1 code three times with a wrong code. The SIM card can only be unlock by using the PUK1 of the SIM card. Please consult your SIM card operator for assistance. The inserted SIM card required to presents the PIN1 code in order to operate. Please set the SIM card Power On Password to OFF before inserting it to the SIM cardholder of the GSM/CDMA modem. Refer to your mobile equipment (such as Mobile phone) manual for instruction. The Inserted SIM card is damage. Please verify the SIM card with mobile equipment such as a mobile phone, to check that it is functional. The GSM/CDMA network signal strength is weak. Please check with the SIM cards GSM/CDMA network operator. Possibly need them to boot the signal strength at the location where the GSM/CDMA modem is installed.






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