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Publications Committee
The Publications Committee is in charge of the councils publicity, information dissemination, the council newsletter and public materials inside the council office.

Committee Members:
Mary Martha D. Merilo, Councilor Head Jose Emmanuel Micael Eva VIII, Councilor Assistant head Jay-Ar D. Alejandro, Psychology Department Representative Non-digital Paraphernalia coordinator Virginia Mara M. Favis, Philosophy Department Representative Public announcements coordinator Ysabel Jean Padilla, Political Science Department Representative Non-digital Paraphernalia coordinator Justine A. Peralta, Sociology Department Representative SMS mechanisms coordinator Ranulfo J. Javelosa III, Chairperson Ex-Officio Member

I. Project: RUNovate (In Council Office) a. Description: The committee will be in charge of tasking the council members in: creating a new calendar and bulletin board allocating and designing the pigeon holes and the locker labels designing and creating the calling cards and ID of each council member

Were the objectives met? Actual Audience vs. Target Audience (if applicable): b. Date & Venue: April 12-16, 2010, Council Office c. Positive Points of the Project: The outputs were aesthetically pleasing. The products of the project had a consistent them with the design, adding to the character of the council d. Points for Improvement: Delegation of tasks

e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful)

II. 7 CSSP InK (In the Know) a. Description: To disseminate information in all aspects (web, text, room to room and org to org). The councils main arm in giving out information. Were the objectives met? Yes for web, text and room to room b. Date & Venue: throughout the year, College c. Positive Points of the Project: Information quickly reached the constituents Many mediums were explored d. Points for Improvement: The text mechanism was not implemented very well Problems with the database e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 6 CSSPSC Website a. Description: To to disseminate information fast through the internet. There will be an official council website where students can easily browse through. Were the objectives met? Yes for the creation, but not for the proper dissemination b. Date & Venue: throughout the year, College c. Positive Points of the Project: The website was launched with pictures and text about the council d. Points for Improvement: Problems were faced with the web designer. Raise funds for the expenditures web design, web hosting, web domain, etc. It couldnt be edited anymore Not a lot of people actually visited the site e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 5 Council Corner a. Description: To disseminate information by posting pubmats in the bulletin boards in the college. The councils official space in the bulletin board should be recognized by the students in the college as well as the organizations. It is exclusive for council use only. It was not successful. It was never implemented. b. Date & Venue: throughout the year, College c. Positive Points of the Project: d. Points for Improvement: Start talking with the administration as early as possible e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 3 AS Bulletin Board a. Description: Several information shoul be seen, such as (1) the Councils identity (2) announcements (3) upcoming CSSP events to display several information at one of the campuss main thoroughfares, the AS Lobby It was implemented.




b. Date & Venue: May/June onwards, AS Lobby

c. Positive Points of the Project: It was finally utilized It was at last, clean and clear We were able to post several pub mats and announcements d. Points for Improvement: The execution of the plan wasnt smoothly done e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 7
Photoshop Workshop a. Description: i. Photoshop and Pubmats seminar cum workshop i. Will demonstrate the basics on how to use Photoshop for the creation of NDPs


b. Objectives i. To ensure that all members of the Publications Committee have a working knowledge of Photoshop To ensure that at least one member of every other standing committee has a working knowledge of Photoshop


It was implemented. b. Date & Venue: Preparation: 13Apr-15Apr Workshop: 26Apr-30Apr Council Office

c. Positive Points of the Project: It pushed through The speaker was very good d. Points for Improvement: More people could have benefited if they were informed and invited e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 8
Sanggunian a. Description: Newsletter/collection of short write-ups about the campaigns, services and activities organized by the council. This project aims to report and publicize the councils projects.


b. Date & Venue: Oct. 26-30 Layouting

Oct. 30-Nov. 3: Release c. Positive Points of the Project:

VIII. It pushed through A lot of events were covered d. Points for Improvement: Delayed submission of articles from council members Delayed layouting and release e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 6 Room-to-Room / Org-to-org a. Description: There shall be a 2-day RTR and OTO schedule every time there is a council event. This project aims to make the students get to know the council

b. Date & Venue: Nov. 9- get the schedules of the council members and the schedule of classes Target Date: Throughout the semester

c. Positive Points of the Project: There were events wherein RTR was very effective It made some council members closer to the student body d. Points for Improvement: Not all council members do RTR and OTO Lack of initiative from council members to do such OTO was not very much given attention. More of RTR. e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 7
Council Awareness Program a. Description: AVP plus Exhibit This project aims to help publicize the councils project and for CSSP students to know the council.


b. Date & Venue: Target Date: Throughout the semester/Exhibit is second week of November Venue: CSSP Activities / Lobby

c. Positive Points of the Project: The exhibit took the attention of some passersby in the lobby
d. Points for Improvement: The AVP was not pushed through because some deemed it was unecessary


Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 6


Taas Noo, CSSP Tayo a. Description: This project is a public announcement of awardees as recognized through the mechanisms of the SEC Committee

This project aims to develop college pride and more publicity for our college.

b. Date & Venue: Target Date: before start of classes Venue: CSSP Billboard

c. Postive Points of the Project: A lot of deserving CSSP students were given honor and publicized It was appreciated even by faculty and members of the administration d. Points for Improvement: e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 9


KAPPiktyuran a. Description: Objectives: To serve as an avenue for CSSP students creativity in photography and the advocacy of the role of the social sciences in the environmental campaign Description: It is a photo essay contest open to all CSSP students. Photo guidelines will be geared towards the value and role of the social sciences in the environmental campaign. It will be a tie-up with the Educ Committee. Contest entries will be in an exhibit at the 2nd floor AS Lobby and the winner will get some prize.

b. Date & Venue: Target Date: sending of entries: Jan.4-22 Exhibit:January 24-28 Venue: AS 2nd floor lobby


Postive Points of the Project: It was a good initiative for the environmental campaign

d. Points for Improvement: It was not pushed through because of the similar events which turned out to be unsuccessfu e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 2


WakeKAPP! a. Description: To serve as an avenue for the issues tackled by the council, whether for broadcasting of the issue or the announcement of the councils stand. Description: one to two-minute video clips in a uniform WakeKAPP template regarding the issues will be streamed and shared vie YouTube and Facebook. These may also be shown during org events, council events ,etc. Tie-up with Educ

b. Date & Venue: Target Date: biweekly Venue: council office


Postive Points of the Project: It was a good initiative to increase awareness It was useful for some specific events that needed videos (i.e. Greener AS, KAPPaskuhan)

d. Points for Improvement: It was not regular, which is actually okay. e. XIII. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 8

CSSP INKBox a. Description: To serve as an avenue for the issues tackled by the council, whether for broadcasting of the issue or the announcement of the councils stand. CSSP Organizations /classes may have their activities announced through the CSSP In-theKnow Facebook Page (CSSP Student Council 2010-2011). They just need to submit information regarding their activity onlineTarget Date: before start of classes

b. Date & Venue: Timeline: throughout the sem Venue: CSSPSC Facebook Page


Postive Points of the Project: It was a good initiative to filter information and organize publicity online

d. Points for Improvement: It did not push through e. XIV. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 3

Voters Turnout a. Description:

Objectives: Increase voters turnout (CSSP Elections) Description: A massive information drive on the importance of voting in the college and university elections

b. Date & Venue: Target Date: February 2011 Venue: CSSP


Postive Points of the Project: A lot of students liked the pins It was an effective means to encourage students to vote

d. Points for Improvement: e. Overall rating from 1 (problematic) to 10 (successful) 10

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