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TABLE OF CONTENTS The internship report should be in the following format.

The table of contents along with page numbers should be given. There should be a seperate contents page for tables and charts along with page numbers. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A one page snap shot of your internship work. 2. INTRODUCTION A brief one or two page introduction about your project. 2.1. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW Maximum of 10-15 pages which explains about the industry in which you have done your internship and broadly should have the following contents: Global Scenario Indian Scenario Players in the industry along with market shares. 1.2. COMPANY OVERVIEW Maximum 10 pages which explains the company in which you have done the internship which should broadly have the following contents: Mission, Vision of the company Organisation Structure of the company Gobal and Indian Operations and market share of the company. Products and Services offered by the company SWOT of the company 3. PROJECT PROFILE 3.1. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 3.2. METHODOLOGY This is a very important part of the project. The objectives should be clearly stated which should by adressed in the analysis part. The methodology should be eloborate. It should talk about

the sources of data - Primary or Secondary. Sample size, Methodology adopted and techniques and tools used to analyse data 4. OBSERVATIONS & ANALYSIS The objectives of the project should be adressed here. The observations and analysis are a very important aspect of the report. Analysing the primary or secondary data for the study is done here. In this the usage of statastical tools and representing the data using graphs is done . All tables and graphs should be numbered and an appropriate title to be given and the source taken to be mentioned. 5. analysis. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS This is the most important part of the project. Recommendations should be given point wise. Recomendations should be based on the analysis. The recomendations can be in the study done or also directed towards the company in general. 7. CONCLUSION A one or two page conclusion about the study made 8. LEARNING OUTCOME A one or two page point wise description of what you as a student have learnt during the process of internship which could be related to the topic or in general. 8. ANNEXURE All those relavant to the study Eg: Balance sheet of company, Questionaire if you have adopted a primary study should be included. 9. REFERENCES APA convention should be followed. FINDINGS from where you have

The findings should be based and drawn from the observations and

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