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The key objective of any projects is to deliver specific outcomes on time and within budget.

This apparently simple goal is surprisingly difficult to achieve according to countless research reports. The following 10 questions test your knowledge and wisdom in project management. Answers will be given at the end of the quiz. 1. What most distinguishes projects from day-to-day operation? (a) It has a definite budget. (b) It has to deliver specific outcomes at a predefined time. (c) It brings changes to the organization. (d) It requires planning. 2. If you are only allowed one tool to manage a project, which of the following would you choose? (a) Work breakdown structure (b) Gantt chart (c) Resource chart (d) Risk register 3. Do you agree project management is an isolated discipline being used by only a few specific industry sectors? (a) Yes. Only industry sectors such as construction and IT are using project management. (b) Yes. Project management requires lots of mathematical skills that only engineers can handle. (c) No. Although not essential, it is trendy to apply some project management concepts. (d) No. Project management is now adopted by all industry sectors for projects large and small, and is absolutely essential for successful project delivery.


Risk is a difficult subject in project management because: (a) Risk involves something unknown. (b) People tend to believe a risk will not occur until it actually does. (c) Some risks are unpredictable and hence impossible to manage. (d) Some risks such as natural disaster or fire are impossible to prevent.


Changes are inevitable for every project. The implication is: (a) Project planning is not important as it will always be changed later. (b) A proper change control process has to be implemented. (c) It is mandatory to have customer signoffs for all planning documents to avoid subsequent changes. (d) Skills in handling changes are more important than those in project planning for a project manager.


The biggest challenge to a project manager in team management is: (a) Most project team members are expert in specific areas and consider the project manager not technically competent. (b) Many team members are employed on contract basis and busy looking for another job near the end of a project. (c) There are too many communication channels both within and outside the team. (d) Most of the time a project manager has to manage the team without formal authority.


Which of the following factors can definitely make a project fail? (a) The project team does not have insufficient skills. (b) The customer raises a lot of change requests. (c) The project team fails to communicate and build up working relation with the customer. (d) A key team member is pulled away from the project due to changing priority.


Quality, schedule and cost are three important objectives of any projects. Which of the following statement is true? (a) Their relative importance compared to each other varies from project to project and has to be decided by the stakeholders involved. (b) Quality is of equal importance to schedule and cost in todays projects; though in the past schedule and cost take precedence over quality. (c) They are usually called the triple constraints of project performance. (d) Quality is a performance objective for customer, whereas schedule and cost are performance objectives for the project team.


When a project needs to procure equipment or services from the outside, vendor management is a serious challenge for the project team because: (a) Vendors are motivated by self interests. (b) Contractual matters involve legal knowledge which is a difficult subject for most project teams. (c) Vendor usually pursues a different interest than the project team. For example, vendor is more concerned about profitability whereas the project team is concerned about on time delivery of the project. (d) Vendors present a security threat to the project team, as proprietary company information may easily be leaked to the outside world.

10. Which of the following statements about 'power and politics' is true for projects? (a) Power and politics are unavoidable in any projects because stakeholders?interest and sometimes power will be affected. The only way to balance interests and power among stakeholders is through political process. (b) Power and politics are to be avoided in order to deliver a successful project. (c) Politics are distasteful to most people and damaging to organizations. It is critical to build up stakeholders' relationship to such an extent that no politics exist within a project environment. (d) A project team should focus on technical deliverables of the project. As long as people get good results from a project, they will not turn to politics to achieve their needs.
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Your score: 1 Score: 8-10 Excellent. You have deep knowledge and experience about project management. If you can practice what you know, you should already be a superb project manager. 5-7 Good. You already possess good knowledge about project management. What you need to keep accumulating is real life project experience. Think about taking up a more challenging project, and learn from mentors around you. 0-4 You need to improve. Think of a development plan. You should probably start with taking some project management training. Answers:

1. What most distinguishes projects from day-to-day operation?

You have answered (a), while the correct answer is (c)

Operation and projects alike require budget, planning and outcomes. On the other hand, every single project brings about changes to the organization involved.

2. If you are only allowed one tool to manage a project, which of the following would you choose?
You have answered (b), while the correct answer is (a)

Although Gantt chart, resource chart and risk register are essential to todays project managers, WBS defines the entire scope of a project and is the source from which activities, resource needs and risks are derived from.

3. Do you agree project management is an isolated discipline being used by only a few specific industry sectors?
You have answered (c), while the correct answer is (d)

Project management is used by virtually all companies nowadays. Every organization needs to deliver business results and this can be achieved by beefing up PM skills of managers and adopting PM best practices.

4. Risk is a difficult subject in project management because:

You have answered (d), while the correct answer is (b)

Risks involve unknown factors, and some difficult to predict and prevent. However they can always be managed. The most detrimental factor in risk management is peoples attitude towards risk.

5. Changes are inevitable for every project. The implication is:

You have answered (c), while the correct answer is (b)

Good project planning and involvement of customers in accepting planning deliverables help reduce changes in the latter stages of a project. However, a good change control process can ensure the projects objectives can be met even though changes inevitably occur.

6. The biggest challenge to a project manager in team management is:

You have answered (b), while the correct answer is (d)

Whereas the other three answers are common people issues within a project environment, managing without authority (or formal authority) is a real challenge for project managers.

7. Which of the following factors can definitely make a project fail?

You have answered (b), while the correct answer is (c) While the other three factors can affect project performance, poor communication and relationship between the project team and customer will definitely break a project.

8. Quality, schedule and cost are three important objectives of any projects. Which of the following statement is true?
You have answered (b), while the correct answer is (a)

Quality is now regarded as of equal importance to the traditional triple constraints of a project-scope, schedule and cost. In a real-life project, there is bound to be tradeoff among the four objectives. Their relative importance has to be decided by the relevant project stakeholders.

9. When a project needs to procure equipment or services from the outside, vendor management is a serious challenge for the project team because:
You have answered (a), while the correct answer is (c)

The key challenge of vendor management is to align the vendors interest with the projects objectives. Unfortunately that is not always easy to achieve, as vendors tend to be more concerned about profits and financial performance, whereas project teams focus more on time, scope, and quality.

10.Which of the following statements about 'power and politics' is true for projects?
You have answered (a) which is correct.

No matter how people disdain politics, they exist in any projects regardless of their size. A project manager has to maintain strong politicalties throughout the organization to achieve project success. Use of politics cannot be ignored or avoided.


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Project Management Terminology Quiz Match the term with the correct numbered response. Correct answers are at the end.

External Dependencies Synchronous Communication Critical Path Node Cost Performance Index
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Asynchronous Communication Total Float Project Charter Risk Scope

Amount of time a task can slip without affecting the project end-date Series of activities that determines the duration of the project Document issued by senior management that formally authorizes the existence of a project Ratio of Earned Valued and Actual Cost All the work that needs to be done to attain a project's objectives An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's objectives Transmitting and receiving information in real time A defining point of a network; a junction point joined to some or all of the other dependency lines Information transmitted to the receiver is delayed Elements that involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities

Correct Answers:
10 7 2 8 4

External Dependencies Synchronous Communication Critical Path Node Cost Performance Index

9 1 3 6 5

Asynchronous Communication Total Float Project Charter Risk Scope

The information presented here is covered in much greater detail in AMA's Level I Project Management seminars

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Project Management-Quiz-01(A)
10 Questions I 183 Attempts I Created By moeennaseer 1235 days ago

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Question Excerpt From Project Management-Quiz-01(A)


Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a Project?

A.Temporary nature B.Familiarity C.Risk D.Uniqueness


Which one of the following studies is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to achieve project requirements?

A.Planning B.Time Management C.Project Management D.Marketing Management


Which one of the following approaches to management is the closest to the project management?

A.Systems Approach B.Human Resource Approach C.Classical Approach D.Contingency Approach

Which one of the following types of Project Managers has an absolute authority to Q.4) direct and control subordinates and resources of an organization without sharing it with any functional managers?
A.Project Expeditor B.Project Coordinator C.Matrix Manager D.Pure Project Manager

Q.5) PMI is the US based professional organization for people who manage projects.
A.True B.False


The expense of projects increases roughly in proportion to both complexity and uncertainty.

A.True B.False

Q.7) Project Cost Management is also referred to as Scheduling.

A.True B.False

A.True B.False

GERT is the abbreviation of Program Evaluation and Review Technique.

Q.9) The purpose of Project Coordinators is to achieve unity of communication.

A.True B.False

A.True B.False

Managing any kind of work as a discrete project activity is referred to as Managing By Project or MBP.

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Small Business Managing Employees Project Management Major Activities in Project Management Phases

Major Activities in Project Management Phases

by Rick Suttle, Demand Media

inShar e

Share RSS Email The concept of project management originated when the pyramids were built in Cairo, Egypt. A project manager was commissioned to build a final resting place for the pharaoh, according to Reference for Business. In modern times, experts pinpoint five basic phases of project management. During these phases, small company managers assign and participate in various activities. The activities are contingent upon the company's industry and what it sells, but the planning and execution processes are similar.


The first phase of the project-planning process is conception or initiation. During this phase, managers develop ideas for projects based on their organizational goals. For example, a small restaurant firm may want to increase sales by 20 percent in two years. Subsequently, top management usually meets and determines ways to accomplish that objective. They may decide to improve customer service, add some meals to their product mix and open five new restaurants in the company's three-state region. Small-business managers usually have multiple objectives. These objectives often beget brainstorming, weighing various alternatives and decisions on initial courses of action.

Planning and Design

The planning and design phase is when small-company owners determine which tasks are needed for big projects. The owners then decide which department managers should implement certain project tasks. Budgeting is an important activity during the planning and design phase of project management. A small company establishes financial parameters for the project, which it cannot exceed. Companies also decide if they need any data or outside information to implement project procedures during the planning and design phase.

The project gets underway during the execution phase. There is usually a spillover effect to this phase. Executives or directors start assigning project tasks to managers. The managers, in turn, delegate portions of those tasks to analysts, specialists and other subordinates. Similar activities take place simultaneously in other departments. For example, small companies that introduce new projects need product managers to create the product concepts, engineers to develop them and finance to track unit and dollar sales. The finance department may also be in charge of obtaining additional funds through a bank. Similarly, a marketing research manager may start conducting phone surveys through an outside agency. And a construction manager may order materials for a new restaurant building after receiving the blueprint. Training is another activity that occurs during this phase and the development of project schedules.

Small companies need managers to control the implementation of project tasks. The manager's primary responsibility during this stage is to stay on schedule. Companies usually have deadlines for their projects. Managers must frequently meet with department employees and vendors to ensure that everyone's on track to complete their tasks on time. Moreover, department managers must ensure they are keeping their costs within the limits of their budgets.

The project is completed during the closing phase of project management. Constructions workers put the finishing touches on buildings, and new products may be launched regionally or nationally, depending on small-company objectives. Also, managers or agencies finish their analyses, complete reports and schedule final presentations. Some projects may be ongoing, but certain deliverables are still due at various intervals: every month, quarter or year.

A Klog Apart: Project Management Process Mind Tools: Project Management Phases and Processes Reference for Business: Project Management Carnegie Mellon University, Project Management for Construction: Basic Concepts in the Development of Construction Plans

Project Insight: 5 Basic Phases of Project Management

About the Author

Rick Suttle has been writing professionally since 2009, publishing health and business articles on

various websites. He has worked in corporate marketing research and as a copywriter. Suttle has a Bachelor of Science in marketing from Miami University and a Master of Business Administration from California Coast University. More Articles

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