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Call for Papers

Papers on the following areas are invited Sub-Themes :-1. Linkages of trade with development and poverty reduction . ........ 2.Global financial crises .............................................................................................. 3.The Evidence on Poverty and Global Inequality ............................................. 4.International Trade as a Basis of Economic Globalization ......................................... .5.Flows and Impact of Foreign Direct Investments in Developing Countries .6.Climate change and food security ............................................................................ 7.Global Health crises "....................................................................................... 8.Environmental Consequences of unstrained markets ".......................................... 9.Globalization vs Regionalization " ........................................................................... 10. World Hunger, Poverty and Food Security. Note:- The above themes are indicative in nature. Authors are free to bring in their own perspectives, review and experience. FULL LENGTH PAPER:- Papers should not exceed 3000 words. They should be typed in a single column, with 1.5 line spacing, in Times New Roman 12 font. The first page should include the paper title, with author's name, postal address, telephone number and email id at the right hand top corner of the page. Please do not have a cover page for the paper.

SUBMISSION AND REGISTRATION OF PAPERS:- Participants intending to present a paper in the conference should send a soft copy of an abstract of about 250-300 words (MS word 2003) as an attachment via on or before 15th July, 2012. On acceptance of the abstract, which will be communicated by 30th July, 2012 an abridged abstract of 100 words along with the registration form complete in all respects and registration fee should be sent to the Convener, latest by 15th August, 2012. The full length paper in this respect must reach by August 30, 2012.Selected papers will be published in Journal of Research: THE BEDE ATHEMAEUM (ISSN0976-0598).The paper can only be presented by the author or the co-author. NB: PAPER PRESENTATION IS NOT MANDATORY FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE SEMINAR Important Dates

Last date for submission of abstract : July 15, 2012 Notification of decision to the author : July 30, 2012 Last date for registrations for paper presenters : August 15, 2012 Last date for registrations for non paper presenters : Sep.15, 2012 Last date for submission of full length paper : August 30, 2012

Spot registration only for non paper presenters and foreign delegates may be allowed. About the Conference Although the debates on the definition and importance of globalization have been vigorous over time, the pertinent policy questions today are about the benefits of globalization; fair distribution of benefits and the costs of globalization and the maximization of opportunities and minimization of the risks. The discussions in the seminar will try to go deeper into these topics

and provide some theoretical and empirical answers to the question of whether globalization is beneficial for employment, poverty alleviation and income redistribution especially in the developing countries. It is important to address the question of global growth, investment, and employment creation and involve relevant UN bodies, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the WTO, and the ILO. Our proposal calls for a wider and more democratic participation of researchers in the making of policies to promote a free, equitable and productive global environment. In this seminar we perceive globalization as an overarching process in which simultaneously many different processes take place in many societal domains.
Details of Sessions
Day 1 - 5th Oct. 2012 8.00 a.m -9.00 a.m 9.00 a.m -10.30 a.m 10.30 a.m -1.00 p.m 1.00 p.m -2.00 p.m 2.00 p.m -3.00 p.m 3.30 p.m - 5.00 p.m Day 2 - 6th Oct. 2012 10.00 a.m - 11.30 am 11.30 a.m - 12.00 p.m 12.00 p.m - 1.00 p.m 1.00 p.m - 2.00 p.m 2.00 p.m - 4.00 p.m Programme/ Sessions Breakfast Registration Inauguration Lunch Panel Discussion Technical Session I Programme/ Session Technical Session II Tea Special Lecture Lunch Closing and valedictory

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