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Questions for June 25,2012 Meeting with the DPW and the North Street Neighbors

The North Street Neighbors are very pleased with the DPW's decision to use concrete for all sidewalks the full length ofNorth Street. Our questions reflect this change.

Sidewalks and Curbing:

1. Would the DPW support a request to the Mayor to fund granite curbing for the entire length of the street, instead of just in limited sections? What steps could the North Street Neighbors take to help make this happen? 2. At their May 23rd meeting, members of the Board of Public Works acknowledged the contradiction between the requirement that new subdivisions have granite curbing, but that no such requirement exists for the rebuilding of existing streets. BPW Chair Terry Culhane stated: "On our street the bituminous is breaking up; it's cracked away from all the driveways." Mr. Huntley reiterated that "granite curbing has a much longer lifespan." 3. We understand that the city received a "good low price" 1 (i.e., $100,000 lower than expected). Could some of those monies be used to provide granite curbs the entire length of the street? Our strong preference for granite curbing is based on durability, environmental concerns and overall aesthetics. 4. David Veleta said at the March 6th open meeting that the DPW would remove and reset existing intact granite curbing. Is that still accurate? 5. Will the new sidewalks be wider than the existing sidewalks? Will the width be consistent the whole length of North Street?


Traffic and Parking:

1. Please clarify the proposal for reduced parking on North Street. Where will cars be allowed to park and where will they not be allowed to park? Will all No Parking spaces be clearly marked? Ten to fifteen cars often park next to the cemetery along the fence. Residents regularly use these spots, as do cars from the Czelusniak Funeral Home and Fairgrounds events overflow parking. Where will these cars park following reconstruction? b. If condos are built off of Northern Avenue and are only allowed one parking space per unit, where do you plan to have the considerable number of additional residents and visitors park? c. How will the new intersection of North and Market Streets allow for a smooth flow of traffic turning in all directions? Narrowing the street would seem to exacerbate the problem. Will this intersection and its vicinity be a no parking zone? a.

Quotes from Board of Public Works meeting, May 23,2012.

2. What will prevent cars from speeding up from the Market and North Street intersection around the curve to the first raised crosswalk? Or the reverse: speeding up once they have passed the last raised crosswalk at Parsons Street? a. We believe that a raised crosswalk at Highland, a section of the street where cars accelerate, would greatly increase pedestrian safety - otherwise the rationale for the sidewalk there seems difficult to support.

Crosswalks and Bicycles:

1. Will the same bicycle ordinance that applies to downtown be applied to North Street i.e., no bicyclists on sidewalks? How will this be made clear to cyclists?

2. Will the DPW confirm that ADA compliant curb cuts and tactile markers on the crosswalks and
side street ramps are mandated?

Trees and Plants:

1. Will the DPW have a professional tree service on hand to tend to the root systems as needed? Will the city replace any trees it deems necessary for removal with young trees (not saplings)? There is universal concern about preserving the many trees along the street. 2. Can the sidewalk "jog around" the cem~tery .tree? The tree is perfectly healthy and North Street has lost too many trees over the past few years. There is strong sentiment to not remove it. 3. The roots of several existing trees, particularly in the area of View Street, have broken the bituminous sidewalks. How will the DPW handle the root systems of these trees for the new sidewalks?

At the March 6th open meeting the DPW stated that residents could request the planting of new trees. What is the time frame for making those requests? Where would those trees be planted? Does the plan already include this kind of landscape planning? Some residents have elaborate plantings along the ''tree belt." How will the DPWprotect these plants from construction damage?


1. Will this project take any private land? Can you clarify for property owners where their property line ends and where the city easement begins?
2. Some residents want to install gas lines while the roads are dug up. How might this be coordinated with Columbia Gas and the DPW? Would Columbia Gas have any interest in prepping houses that don't currently have gas in order to save costs in the future?

3. Will the DPW prioritize renewing painted lines seasonally to maintain visual safety for both drivers and those on foot? An invisible crosswalk can be even more dangerous than no crosswalk at all.

Submitted by North Street Neighbors

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Existing No Parking




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Proposed 6-7 Spaces ' No Parking

Proposed 3 Spaces No Parking

Existing No Parking

North St Reconstruction - Parking Zones Northampton Public Works- June 25, 2012


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Existing No Parking


North St Reconstruction- Parking Zones Northampton Public Works- June 25, 2012

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