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RULES, 1965.
(1) Short Title.
(i) These rules may be called the S.P.G.A. West
Pakistan Inspectors Service Rules, 1965.
(ii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.

(2) Definitions.
In these rules. unless the context otherwise requires,
the following expressions shall have the meaning hereby
respectively assigned, that is to say ; -
(a) "Society" means the Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals West Pakistan.
(b) "Secretary" means the Honorary Secretary of the
SPCA ''''est Pakistan.
(c) "Executive Committee" means the Executive
Committee of the SPCA West Pakistan.
(d) "Inspector" means the Inspectors of the S.p.a.A.
West Pakistan.

(3) General Conditions of Service.

The appointment of the members of S.P.C.A. West
Pakistan Inspectors' Service shall be under the following
terms and conditions :-
(a) The members of the Service shall be appointed to
such type of work and in such pay scale as the
Executive Committee may determine from time to
(b) (i) All posts in the Service shall be temporary,
terminable on one month's notice in writing
on either side, or by payment of one· month's
pay in lieu of notice by the Secretary..
(ii) One month's notice shall not be admissible
to a member of the Service if his services have
been terminated as a result of action taken
under rule 12.
(iii)The Executive Committee shall have full
powers to suspend or remove the employee
from the Service without previous notlce or
otherwise punish accord iug to the rules of the
Service at any time and for any reason, subject
to appeal to the Chairman if filed within one
month from the date of communication of
(c) Members of the Service shall be liable to serve
anywhere in 'Nest Pakistan.
(d) Members of the Service may be provided with the
approved type of uniform on such conditions as
may be prescribed from time to time.
(4) Appointing Authority.
Appointment to the post of Inspector shall be made
by the Secretary, subject to the approval of the Executive
Oommittee. These powers may however be delegated by
the Executive Committee to the District SPCA, in respect
of all or any of the posts in the respective districts.
(5) Method of Recruitment.
Recruitment to the Jr. Grade Inspectors will be on
direct basis 100%. As regards recruitment to the Middle
Grade and Senior Grade Inspectors, promotion to the
respective grades will be from Jr. Inspectors and Middle
Grade Inspectors by promotion on seniority-cum-fitness on
100% basis.
(6) QualificatioDs for appoint:ment.
No person shall be appointed as an Inspector unless
he has passed the Matriculation Examination of the Board
of Secondary Education. The candididate must also have
an adequate knowledge of animal diseases, comparable with
the Veterinary Compounders or Stock Assistants, and
should be physically fit according to the standard laid down
for the Police Force.
In the case of Inspectors who have already been
appointed, the condition of passing the Matriculation and
Stock Assistant's Course may be waived provided they pass
a test to show that they have a knowledge of animal diseases
as mentioned above. They will also have to satisfy the
Executive Committee that they are qualified as per para
2 of App: A to Rules".
(7) Age. No person who is less than 20 years or
more than 25 years of age shall be eligible for appointment
a! an Inspector. This condition may, however, be relaxed
by the Executive Committee if the candidate has excep-
tional qualifications.
(8) Appointment.
(a) An Inspector on appointment shall be given the
minimum pay of the scale except when the Exe-
cutive Committee considers a higher start necessary
in view of exceptional qualifications aDd experience.
The appointment order shall clearly indicate the
pay scale, starting pay, period of probation, nature
of the post, and other terms and conditions as
have been or may be prescribed.
(b) The offer of appointment shall be in the form
at appendix A.
(9) Probation.
A person appointed as an Inspector shall be on proba-
tion for a period of one year which may be extended further
for six months by the Executive Committee. During this
period his service5 may be terminated without notice if he
is not considered suitable for the post.
If no orders were passed before the expiry of the
original period on probation, the period shall be deemed
to have been extended.
(10) Increments.
l Annual increment shall be granted in the ordinary
course unless it is withheld by the competent authority
under rule 12 (I) (c).
(11) Leave.
Members of the service shall earn and be entitled to
leave as under:-
(i) First year of service.
(0) 25 days casual leave I 10 days at onc time may
be allowed.
(ii) After one years service.
(a) Leave on average pay @ 1/22nd of the pcriod
spent on duty with retrospective effect from
the date of appointment. It shall lapse on
the date of termination of appointment.
(b) 15 days leave on full average pay on Medical
Certificate provided tbe authority competent
to grant leave is satisfied that there is a
reasonable probability that the employee will
be fit to re~ume duty on expiry thereof.

'(c) .- The leave thus earned but not availed of may be
accumulated subject to a maximum of 4 months.
The maximum leave on full average pay tbat may
be granted at anyone time shall not be more
than 4 months. Such leave cannot, however, be
claimed as a matter of right and will be granted
only at the discretion of the competent suthority.
(iii) Casual leave will be given according to Govern-
ment Service rules.
(12) piscipliae.
(1) The following penalties, may, for good and
sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, as herein after
provided, be imposed by the Honorary Secretary.
(aj Censure.
(b) Fine, not exceeding Rs. 1001-
(e) With-holding of increment or promotion, including
stoppage at an efficiency bar, with or without
cumulative effect.
(d) Recovery of the whole or part of any pecuniary
loss caused to the Society by negligence, misbeha-
viour, misconduct or breach of any orders.
(e) Reduction to a lower post or a lower stage in a
time scale.
(f) Removal trom service.
(g) Dismissal from service. If
Note :-Dismissal disqualifies from future re_employment
in the Service while removal does not.
(ii) Provided that no penalty ::.hall be imposed
before giving the member concerned a show-
cause notice and taking into consideration the
explanation given by him.
(iii) Appeals against the orders passed by the
Secretary under the above rules, shall lie to
the Executive Committee whose orders shall
be final, provided that before dismissing an
appeal the Executive Committee shall give the
appellant the opportunity of being heard.
Appeal shall be filed within a period of one
month from the date of communication of
Note :-(1) The discharge.
(a) ofa person engaged under contract fur a specified
period, on the expiration of such period in accor-
daJilce with the terms of his contract j
(6) of a person due to failure to conform to the
requisite standard of physical fitness;
(e) of a person on reduction of establishment;· .
(d) 6r a person who is liable to discharge for failure to
qualify in certain duties or subjects under the condi-
tions of his service, shall not be considered as
removal or dismissal within the meaning of
this rule.
Notc :-(2) Non.selection to a selection post for unsatis~
factory work and conduct does not amount
to the withholding of promotion. If, however,
a servant is declared beforehand, as a discip-
linary measure, to be ineligible for selection,
irrespective of merits of other servants available
it will amount to infliction of the penality of
withholding promotion.
(13) Dismissal.
A servant shall be liable to be dismissed from the
Service in the following circumstances :~
(i) Conviction by a criminal court or by a court
martial ;
(ii) neglect of duty resulting in, or likely to result
I, in, loss to the Government or Society, or.
danger to the lives of animals in the custody
V of the Society j
(iii) insolvency or habitual indebtedness;
(iv) obtaining employment by concealment of.
antecedents which would have prevented his
employment in the service of the Society,
had those been known, before his appoint~
ment to the authority appointing him.
(14) Removal from Service.
A servant shall be liable to removal from Service in the
following circumstances :-
(i) inefficiency;
(if) committing any offences for which he may be
dismissed under Rule 13.
(iii) absenting himself or overstaying sanctioned
leave, without sufficient cause,
(iv) incivility to the public.
Honorary Secretary.
S,PICA, West Pakistan.
Appendix "A" to Rule 8 (b) S.P.C.A. WEST PAKISTAN
( Brancb)
Address... _..........•.........
Ref. No Dated .
Mr .
You are hereby informed that you have been appointed
as Inspector J unicr Grade under training at the
S.P.C.A with effect from ' ..on
the following conditions.
1. The minimum period of training will be six months
and the maximum period will be one year.
2. During this period you will have to satisfy your J
superiors of your effiiciency in the proper and gentle
handling of all animals, their nursing and hospital care,
feeding, cleaning and general supervision of the stables and
kennels, etc., court work and prosecution work. In addi-
tion, it is expected that you will be honest, and obedient to
your superiors and loyal to the Society under which you
are working.
3. During the period or training, you will receive a
salary inclusive of all allowances or Rs. 100 per month.
4. During this period your services are liable to be
dispensed with, without assigning any reason and without
any notice.
5. If after the completion of your training period,
you are approved for service, you will be appointed as
Inspector Junior Grade in the scale of .
6. The service will be purely temporary, and may
be terminated with one month's notice or on payment of
one month's emoluments on either side. provided there is
no misconduct on your part when action may be taken
against you under section 14 of the SPCA West Pakistan
Inspector's Service Rules.
7. You are liable to be transferred to any part of
West Pakistan in the interests of the Society,
8. In all matters of Service you will be governed by
the SPCA, \,Vest Pakistan Inspector's Service Rules, 1965.
(copy annexed).
You are required to give an undertaking that you will
abide by the above conditions and Rules, which should
reach the undersigned by the 0£....•.......... 19
Signed on behalf of the SPCA, West Pakistan by the
HonoraFy Secretary S.P.C.A OI Administrator.

Dated......•............•....... Signature .

Cadre of Posts of Inspectors SPCA West Pakistan

4 Senior Grade Inspectors 265-10-275/15-305/15-480.
10 Middle Grade Inspectors 190-10-230/10-290.
40 Junior Grade Inspectors 150-5·170/5-190.
No. of posts for all the 52 Districts in West Pakhtan.

4 Senior Grade Inspectors

10 Middle Grade Inspectors
l These will be under the
direct control of the SPGA,
'West Pakistan.
40 Junior Grade Inspectors These will be posted in
Honorary Secretary,
SPCA, West Pakistan,
MIK: Lahore.

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