XU01 Logic Starters

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Logic possible starters

Farmer and farm workers

3 3 3 9 0 0 The farmhouse has 8 rooms. 3 3 0 9 There are 24 farm workers. 3 3 3 0 9 0 Each row and column of rooms has 9 farm workers. 3 3 3 3 4 2 I want to work on the farm. 4 3 I have to move into the farmhouse. 4 3 Every column and row of rooms 2 4 3 2 3 4 must still have 9 farm workers. Top LHS diagram starting position; top RHS there are 9 in each row and column of rooms but not 25 farm workers altogether. Bottom diagrams are possible solutions

Sheep rustlers (burglars/raiders/baddies)

The farmer can see 4 sheep along each row of fields next to the farmhouse. One night a sheep rustler comes and takes 4 sheep but rearranges the remaining sheep so that the farmer can still see 4 sheep in each row of fields next to the farmhouse. The next night the rustler takes a further two sheep and still manages to leave the remaining sheep so that the farmer still sees four sheep in each row of fields. The following night the rustler removes yet another two sheep, rearranging those that are left so that the farmer is still not aware of the stolen sheep. There are lots of possible solutions 16 sheep (starting position) 12 sheep 10 sheep 8 sheep 0 4 0 4 4 0 4 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 4 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2

The above activities could also be tackled at the end of a lesson before you start logic and students can go away and find some solutions to show next lesson. This type of question can be open to other puzzles that the students may make up themselves.

AA 2001 26/06/2012

Bus stop: ordering

Harry is in front of Charlie. Frank is behind Stuart. Harry is not at the front of the queue Charlie is behind Frank. Frank is behind Harry. Write down the order in which they are standing. Stuart/Harry/Frank/Charlie In this type of puzzle try to give just enough data to solve it. NB. On the Logic Challenge sheet it is not possible to write down the full order for the dog problem because you havent got enough data, but the set question can be answered.

Points mean prizes

Wanda has twice as many points as Dawn. Rona has a third of the number of points that Sarah has. Sarah has 12 points. Dawn has 5 more points than Rona. Write down how many points each girl has. Wanda 18 Sarah 12 Dawn 9 Rona 4

Think about it

John has 6 more than Jane. They have 32 between them. How much money do they each have? John 19 Jane 13

Litres of liquid

I have a 5L container and a 3L container and an 8L container how can I measure out 4L exactly? 3L into 5L 3L into 5L, empty 5L and put in 1L left in 3L into 5L Fill 3L 3L + 1L = 4L

AA 2001 26/06/2012

Prisoners and hats

Four prisoners are condemned to die. They are buried up to their necks in the ground. They are each wearing a hat. The prisoners do not know the colour of the hat they are wearing. Two of the hats are white and two are black, the prisoners know this. The prisoners are not allowed to speak to each other. Prisoner 1 can only see the wall. Prisoner 2 can only see the wall. Prisoner 3 can see prisoner 2 and the wall. Prisoner 4 can see prisoner 3, prisoner 2 and the wall. They are due to be executed. The executioner takes pity on them. He says You may go free if you can tell me the colour of your own hat. Only one of you can speak, and you must explain how you know Which prisoner speaks? Prisoner 3 Prisoner 1 cannot see enough to make any judgement. Prisoner 2 cannot see enough to make any judgement. Prisoner 4 can see two hats but does not speak because the two hats seen are different colours. So prisoner 4 could have a black or white hat. Prisoner 3 realises that if prisoner 4 had seen two white or two black hats the colour of prisoner 4s hat would be obvious. Prisoner can see that prisoner 2 has a white hat and so deduces that hers is black.

This puzzle is extremely challenging.

AA 2001 26/06/2012

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