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February 10th-12th, 2012


Young people in Moldova currently facing scarcity of fair access to the information concerning possibilities to participate in international exchange programs. What are the ways to stimulate active involvement of Moldavian youth in such programs?
Submitted by: Cristina Jadc, Violeta Mihailova, Arianna Molceaniuc, Marcela Nistor, Violeta Platon, Laura Tulei, Corina Ursachi, Ana-Maria Spnu (Chairperson, MD)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Defining information concerning international exchange programs as the totality of facts known, believes held and awareness about the its advantages, B. Observing 60% of Moldovan population not having access to internet, while the most of information and applications for exchange programs are available online, C. Noting with regret that only a minority of young people from rural areas of Moldova are beneficiaries of exchange programs, D. Concerned by the deficiency of specific data in Moldova about exchange programs both in the most visited public places and in internet, E. Regretfully realizing insufficient foreign language verbal skills as a major obstacle in taking advantage of the available international exchange programs, F. Emphasising the lack of school teachers involvement into encouraging students to get involved in international exchange programs, G. Deeply disturbed by the absence of recognition of the academic results obtained during exchange programs; H. Alarmed by the low degree of transparency of costs and future activity plans of exchange programs in Moldova, I. Fully alarmed by the fact that many young people from Moldova retreat applying for exchange programs because of the bureaucratic difficulties;

1. Encourages the opening of exchange programs offices in Moldavian districts, which will provide free access for students, parents and teachers; 2. Calls for posting relevant advertisement in the most visited public place such as parks, public transport modes, libraries, campuses, schools, summer camps, and on social networks and news web portals; 3. Further recommends foreign language teachers to establish cooperation with exchange program offices, so that they could learn and spread useful information among their students and thus motivate them to study foreign languages; 4. Endorses schools in Moldova to cooperate more with the students who have participated in exchange programs, by helping them: a) to reintegrate in the studying environment, b) to initiate new non-curricular activities in their school; 5. Supports paper-based applications, available in schools and exchange programs offices, along with the internet-based ones;

February 10th-12th, 2012

6. Solemnly confirms the official recognition of the results gained by Moldavians alumnis in the exchange programs; 7. Recommends representative offices of exchange programs to offer a detailed list of activities, costs of both studies and living abroad and other information related to the programs;

8. Further requests the Ministry of Education of Moldova to take the responsibility for: a) b) creating a hot line, where one could learn about the legality and trustworthiness of the exchange program is interested in, providing applicants with free legal translations of the documents.

February 10th-12th, 2012


Insufficiency of modern research centres, up to date teaching techniques and materials are one of the many reasons of slow educational system development in Moldova. What actions can be taking by Moldavian Government to attain success in developing countries educational system to modern European standards?
Submitted by: Alexei Bodorin, Victor Grbu, Marcela Grdinaru, Felicia Lsenco, Parascovia Petrachi, Tatiana Samson, Vadim Sidorcenco, Irina Sulima, Popov Vitalie (Chairman, MD)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Deeply concerned by the slow development of the educational system in Moldova, B. Having examined the quality and efficiency of teaching methodologies, C. Observing the persistence of the old approach in teaching inherited from the Soviet Unions mentality in Moldova, D. Keeping in mind that 81% of high school teaching stuff have university degree and among them 40% graduated from college 20-30 year ago, E. Fully aware of lack of technical and materials equipments for classrooms, laboratories and sport halls in educational institutions in Moldova, F. Convinced in the overloaded curriculum and the excess of theory over practice, G. Referring to the different grading of students knowledge in the rural and urban areas of Moldova which leads to the discrepancy at the admission contest at universities, H. Taking into account the overload of students in classrooms leading to inefficient studies, I. J. Noting with regret the lack of professional orientation courses and project elaboration skills for Moldavian school students, Deeply concerned about integration of disabled students, representing 10 % of Moldovan students, in educational system;

1. Calls for efficient and transparent management of the state budget of Moldova to ensure schools and universities with necessary modern equipment; 2. Recommends Moldavian Government to implement special trainings for teachers, provided by experts from developed countries and with the purpose of gaining modern and efficient teaching methods, which will improve interaction with students, including disabled; 3. Calls upon the state to provide specific educational materials for disabled people; 4. Endorses the elaboration and implementation of state law in Moldova that will decrease the number of students in a classroom to 15 - 20 students per class, in order to improve the quality of studies;

February 10th-12th, 2012

5. Further recommends creation and implementation of state law of Moldova focused on teachers evaluation by the educational institutions once in 2 years; 6. Encourages Ministry of Education of Moldova (MED) to include into schools programmes a subject promoting professional orientation and project elaboration methods, motivating students, especially the ones from rural areas, to elaborate or to get involved in different projects; 7. Demands elaboration of state law in Moldova, promoting the examination based admission of students to universities; 8. Encourages high-school individual study program based on students preferences, similar to some European countries; 9. Supports the initiation and promotion of collaboration between universities and potential employers, who will be absolved by Moldavian Government of some taxes.

February 10th-12th, 2012


According to the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova, 9.4% of Moldovans are unemployed. What steps should be taken by the Moldavian Government to reduce such a high level of unemployment in the country?
Submitted by: Lavinia Abuzan, Xenia Andriua, Vladislav Apopii, Ana-Maria Boldescu, Marina Gorobechi, Andrei Osadci, Alexandrina Robu, Mariana Miron (Chirperson, MD)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Referring to the high unemployment rate in Moldova and its growing trend to unsustainable levels, B. Deeply concerned about the lacunas in labour laws and their inefficient enforcement, as well as the low level of societies' knowledge of their rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, C. Recognizing the disastrous effect of the large size of shadow economy, corruption and bureaucracy on the employment process, D. Deeply regretting the lack of information regarding state employment programs and the low efficiency of the existing programs, E. Emphasizing the shortage of possibilities available for citizens aimed at improving knowledge in economics and practicing skills in order to gain experience, F. Realizing the low level of financial incentives to encourage entrepreneurship and the development small and medium business, G. Noting with regret the imprecision of government statistics data on unemployment and data manipulation by the government, H. Regretting the high level of gender and age discrimination in the process of employment, I. Bearing in mind the trend of permanent work migration of highly qualified specialists, also known as the brain drain phenomenon;

1. Recommends raising population awareness about labour rights by creating local centres of information, social campaigns, hot lines etc.; 2. Supports the achievement of higher transparency in the candidate selection process by publicizing the details of the job call and the argumentation of the decisions; 3. Condemns illegal practices in employment by recommending substantially harsher punishments for bribery and raising awareness on the benefits of official contracts for both employees and employers; 4. Further recommends the development of a digital database of all government programs and its intensive promotion by holding workshops in local employment centres;

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5. Emphasizes the need for the National Employment Agency to make contracts with professional training providers and create bilateral exchange agreements with other countries; 6. Calls upon the extension of financial incentives by: a) b) c) Providing tax holidays for small and medium enterprises for the first 3 years of operation, Introducing fiscal deductions for investors who offer part-time jobs and engage young professionals without experience, Using monetary policy tools, specifically by lowering the base interest rate,

7. Encourages a reform in the methodology of the Bureau of Statistics with the help of international consultants and the creation of an independent auditing body from abroad; 8. Urges the government to develop innovative branches of economy with high added value that could employ highly qualified specialists; 9. Calls for projects. improving legislation through citizens involvement in elaborating legislative

February 10th-12th, 2012

Indifference to environment is one of the biggest problems of the XXI century. Over 90% of the words population living in rural areas is currently facing serious ecological problems and Moldavians are not the exception. What steps should be taken by Government of Moldova to achieve efficient results on the way of solving these problems?
Submitted by: Cristina Dilan, Tatiana Donici, Stanislav Doro, Alexei Iosip, Paula Iliev, Ctlina Iucal, Anastastia Olaru, Alex Rusescu, Marina Sulima, Sofia Vrnceanu, (Chirperson, MD), Eugen Isac (Chairperson, MD)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Affirming with regret the stagnation in the process of improvement of the ecological situation in Moldova, caused by the lack of social interest regarding environment protection, B. Fully alarmed by increased number of cancer cases and inflectional diseases caused by air and water pollution, C. Taking into account the activity of chemical enterprises producing a tremendous quantity of toxic emissions, D. Realizing the necessity of the state strategy regarding infrastructure, such as: i) ii) iii) inefficient waste storage and sanitation, production of non-degradable materials, bad traffic management and use of old transport and vehicles,

E. Bearing in mind the high level of GMO imported products to Moldova, F. Being aware of irrational usage of energy resources as following: i) ii) the excessive consumption of hydrocarbon materials, inefficient usage of electricity and lack of modern technologies,

G. Keeping in mind the natural biodiversity in Moldova is exterminated by the inefficient usage of natural resources through deforestation, illegal hunting and bad Eco-Eco management, H. Deeply concerned about the decreased agricultural development, caused by : a) Deforestation, b) Usage of chemical substances in household chores, fertilizers for soil, pesticides, I. J. Taking notice Moldavian government is not practicing an effective litter storing and recycling management, Observing environmental policy of Moldova as the one which does not provide the conservation of the national patrimony and does not apply the principles of the sustainable development,

February 10th-12th, 2012

K. Declaring the Ministry of Environment doesnt have an educational program to raise the awareness and consciousness on the environment situation in Republic of Moldova;

10. Strongly supports Moldovas ratification to the principles of Kyoto protocol on 11 December 1997, being enrolled in the Application 3rd as a developing country with an opportunity to implement the standards of greenhouse gases concentration in atmosphere; 11. Encourages a dimension of the educational system under the Moldovans Ministry of Environment auspices with a variety of projects and lections about environment protection; 12. Endorse medias involvement in process of spreading the ideas of ecological sustainability promoting its influence on the human health and individual survival; 13. Adopts European Union (EU) standards regarding the use of vehicles and public transportation in order to prevent air pollution; 14. Encourages the promotion of high technologies such as filters, processing elements, catalysts or others at Moldavians chemical enterprises as an alternative to avoid environment pollution; 15. Further requests an identification of dangerous emissions in the atmosphere with fining both individuals and companies directly involved; 16. Recommends a permanent inspection of the imported GMOs products, concentrates and other food substances; 17. Encourages the discovery of alternative renewable energy technologies for storing renewable energy; sources and inventing

18. Supports the application of sustainable farming, fishery and forestry, avoiding actions and approaches which lead to rare species disappearance; 19. Encourages the creation of an Eco-Eco-management strategy and the introduction of new technologies in the recycling industry on the base of worldwide standards; 20. Increases the number of natural protected areas through their inclusion in the PanEuropean network Natura- 2000 in order to conserve the national patrimony.

February 10th-12th, 2012


1 million Moldovans abroad is the number of labour immigrants from Moldova who left the country in search of a better workplace during last years. In this circumstance what measures should be taken by Moldavian Government to minimize negative effects of such migration on society?
Submitted by: Ana Gincu, Diana Hamac, Ecaterina Josan, Ana Tabanschi, Iana Yukhimenko (Chirperson, MD)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Alarmed by the unstable political and economical environment in Moldova, B. Fully believing that bureaucracy and the socialist past of Moldova are the main reasons of strong distrust of Moldavians in law system and fair jurisdiction as one of the factors increasing labour immigration from the country, C. Taking into account the high level of corruption and nepotism, which results into the unfair competition on the labour market in Moldova and lack of proper professional orientation of youth, D. Realising the Republic of Moldova is ranked as one of the top remittances receiving countries, E. Defining remittances as money transfers sent into the country by labour migrants and increase the level of GNP, F. Deeply regretting the existence of a huge gap between social classes in Moldova, G. Emphasising social discrepancy as a factor forcing the citizens of Moldova to struggle in order to overcome it, believing higher income will help to attain this aim, H. Deeply concerned about low standards of work conditions harming employees health and self-motivation, causing them to search for better workplaces abroad, I. Recognising the deficiency of information among the unemployed people about the possibilities of employment and professional skills developing trainings provided by the Agentia de Ocupare a Fortei de Munca (AOFM) in Moldova;

1. Further requests the government of Moldova to take measures in order to make the investment environment in Moldova more attractive for national investors by eliminating tariffs and political barriers; 2. Recommends the receivers of the remittances to be encouraged to invest the money in different sectors of business in Moldova in order to increase the velocity of money and economic growth; 3. Encourages the government of Moldova to further develop communication with other countries in order to attract more investments into the country; 4. Calls for the reorganisation of AOFM in a manner that will make it more open for the unemployed people, with widespread information about the opportunities it provides;

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5. Further calls the AOFM for the development of effective professional and requalification courses; 6. Endorses the AOFM to provide the free information about the investment projects available for the citizens of Moldova so that they would be able to invest money they earn abroad; 7. Urges the Ministry of Education to develop a new school subject oriented on improving the professional self-determination helping high school students to decide what field of specialization they should choose.

February 10th-12th, 2012


Every day, the rights of consumers in Moldova are being violated by the national vendor. E.g. payment vouchers are not being given and expired products are being sold in shops etc. What measures should be undertaken by the Moldavian Government to solve these problems in the country?
Submitted by: Ana Dragan, Rodica Gavrilita, Gheorghe Graur, Cristina Gurez, Ana Rotaru, Anton Zadorojnii, Nadia Bolfosu (Chirperson,MD), Dariia Popelnukh (President,UA)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Taking into account the existence of fraud and bribery in the governing system of Moldova affecting the execution of the existent laws which causes the fragility of the consumer protection system, B. Recognizing retailers in Moldova avoiding receipts issuing as a tool of tax evasion, C. Noting with regret the lack of information among the Moldavian citizens allowing merchants to disrespect the law, D. Alarmed by the invasion of overpriced counterfeit products of poor quality on the Moldovan market, E. Deeply concerned about the deficiency of the transparency in the operation of NGOs, state institutions and their reports concerning consumer protection, F. Emphasising vendors endangering consumers health by implementing an illegal strategy of prolonging the expiry date on products, G. Observing producers in Moldova using fake advertisement that cause consumer volatility;

1. Urges the implementation of specific measures in Moldova aiming at supporting small half-legal merchants on their way to legal trade by creating new affordable trade areas with appropriate conditions; 2. Declares accordingly the importance of requesting receipts after a trade operation by introducing various promo-actions, such as rewarding customers for collecting receipts; 3. Further invites the implementation of the State Awareness Campaign about consumer protection, including creating a web-site providing updated information and advertising through: a) b) c) mass-media, information booklets, community billboards;

4. Encourages Moldavian government to reorganize the existing Quality Control Agency in order to reveal more efficiently the counterfeit products and decrease their price in accordance to the quality;

February 10th-12th, 2012

5. Calls for the introduction of obligatory discounts for the products that are to expire shortly; 6. Further requests issuing periodical public reports highlighting the actions of NGOs and state institutions responsible for consumer protection in the state mass-media sources; 7. Expresses its appreciation for Moldavian consumers to react promptly when a sham advertisement is seized.

February 10th-12th, 2012


Image of Moldova in the European Union is broadly negative. What steps should be taken by the Government to make Chisinau a true European capital?
Submitted by: Ctlina Brnza, Ana Chiriac, Iulian Doni, Olga Moraru, Ana-Maria Nacu, Drago Reni, Olga Rusu, Mariana Vzdoag, Irina Tribusean (Chairperson, MD)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Deeply concerned about the negative image of the Republic of Moldova in the European Union (EU), B. Fully aware of the negative impact on the image of Moldova,of the political crisis, caused by the failure in electing a president during the last 3 years, C. Noting with regret the lack of information about modern Moldova in the EU, D. Alarmed by the existing stereotypes about Moldavians in the EU countries, such as: i) ii) iii) iv) associating Moldova with USSR, controversy about the spoken language in Moldova, considering Moldavians the unhappiest and drunkest nation, thinking of Moldova as a country of origin for human trafficking with sexual purpose,

E. Further noting the deficiency of foreign media articles promoting positive image of the country and its capital together with disposition towards mediatising the negative aspects related to Moldova, F. Alarmed by the absence of state and local authorities dealing with the branding issues, G. Realising Moldavian national values not being promoted on national and international levels, especially the touristic attractions, H. Deeply regretting the absence of collaboration between the Government and our brand ambassadors, such as: I. II. III. IV. V. I. J. painters singers businessmen athletes writers

Bearing in mind some of the Moldavians creating and proving negative stereotypes about the country when they are abroad, Recognizing Chisinau not corresponding with the standards of a European Capital by lacking : I. II. parking places, public toilets,

February 10th-12th, 2012


good roads, others;

1. Recommends to the Moldavian politicians to communicate more efficiently in order to elect a president and solve the political crisis; 2. Encourages the creation of an official website for Moldova and for its most important cities, 3. Further invites national authorities to elaborate, publish and distribute brochures about Moldova and Chisinau in other countries e.g. : a) b) c) d) give them to foreigners who enter the embassies, distribute them in libraries, at the geographical or touristic sections, distribute them at Universities, for students who might be interested in Moldovas history, culture, economy or politics, distribute them at the events organised by the embassies,

4. Approves the foundation of contests for journalists and bloggers to encourage the promotion of a positive image of our country in EU; 5. Expresses its hope that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moldova will react promptly in the situations when its citizens are under harmful circumstances; 6. Urges the Moldavian Government to create national and local authorities responsible for the country and city branding e.g.: a) b) c) graphic identity logo, colours, slogan, communication strategies, monitoring;

7. Draws attention to the necessity of trainings for professionals in public relation (PR) who work in Governmental structures; 8. Emphasise Moldavian Government to focus its attention on the protection and restoration of the architectural and historical monuments both in Chisinau and in the entire country; 9. Further reminds the necessity to establish proper communication between the Moldavian Government and countries brand ambassadors and to promote both inside and outside the country; 10. Supports the development and the promotion of rural tourism and international festivals in Moldova; 11. Expresses its appreciation for the effort of the local authorities to implement European standards in citys infrastructure: a) b) c) creating parking places, facilities for disabled people, creating bicycle roads, etc.

February 10th-12th, 2012


The Corruption Perception Index in Moldova is 2.9 on a scale of 0 to 10, which represents a high degree of corruptibility. How can Moldavian Government liquidate this phenomenon in the country? Is anti-corruption culture promotion the right way?
Submitted by: Botnaru Valentina, Ceban Olga, Grosu Arcadie, Branite Daniela, Bologa Anda, Urzic Ion, Stanciu Eugen, Andronic Valentina (Chairperson, MD)

The European Youth Parliament,

A. Further noting the presence of the White zones in Moldavian judicial system, B. Taking into account the low wages earned by Moldavian employees working in public sectors, C. Deeply disturbed by ruined and inefficient State Anti Corruption Program in Moldova, D. Considering the deficiency in of knowledge about : i) ii) iii) social system, political system, judicial system,

E. Fully alarmed by the lack of transparency in the activities of public authorities in Moldova, F. Noting with deep concern the existence of nepotism in Moldova, G. Realizing the existence of discrimination in the State Health Moldova, based on financial background, Protection System in

H. Observing the connection between corruption and money laundering, I. J. Emphasising the difficulty of proving the fact of corruption, Having studied the phenomenon of corruption in Moldova leading to further unqualified labour force.

1. Calls for systematic review of the legislation system of Moldova, 2. Endorses the transition of the country from an agricultural into a mixed one, 3. Reaffirms the necessity of increasing expenses on education up to 10% of GDP, 4. Supports the majority of NGOs to rise the knowledge level of children and students, 5. Considers the necessity of making the educational system of Moldova more flexible by including to the schools programmes new subjects such as: a) b) c) law, economy, political education,

6. Further requests to develop a private insurance program in Moldova by:

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a) b)

creating a legal reference, assuring the competition,

7. Calls each public authority to present the reports of their activities every six months using mass-media, 8. Recommends publishing on the web site of each state organization their decision, expenses and other useful information, 9. Urges strictly performing the rules concerning access to the information, 10. Condemn the easiest way of solving a problem which is at the same time, the illegal one by increasing the sanctions and by highlighting the extremely bad consequences in public youth projects, 11. Proclaims the creation of a minimum package of services assured by state, 12. Further reminds that corruption is very close thats why fighting with the corruption needs to start fighting with other crimes by raising a knowledge level of the police officers, 13. Recommends making analyses in the domain of frequently crimes for showing the weak place of the state system in fighting with crimes, 14. Encourages passing the economic transaction system, electronic system for a better control of money transactions, 15. Draws attention to install in the worker offices video cameras to supervise their activities and possible illegal activities, 16. Further requests to improve the equipment of the police and special forces which are fighting with corruption, 17. Uncourageous award which finished with the investigation of the case of corruption, 18. Calls for passing all the tests on the IT technologies to eliminate the human factor, 19. Further recommends to oblige the employer to recruit employees only by the special criteria such as: i. ii. CV, Interview.

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