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Pioneer review

Includes Tax
A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc., Philip, South Dakota 57567. The Official Newspaper of Haakon County, South Dakota. Copyright 1981.
Number 45
Volume 106
June 28, 2012
Range Monitoring 2
season 8
Norway 2
show 8
Market Report
Winter Wheat, 12 Pro...........................$6.57
Winter Wheat, Any Pro..........................$5.77
Spring Wheat, 14 Pro............................$7.46
Corn .......................................................$5.61
Millet ...................................................$15.75
Deadline for the
July 3rd issue of the Profit:
Thursday, June 28th
For the week of July 4th, we will
be printing one day early for all of
our newspapers. Please check with
your local newspaper for its
advertising/copy deadline.
Newspapers will be mailed
on Tuesday, July 3rd.
Ravellette Publications
by Del Bartels
Its More Than a Place ... West
River, is a historical synopsis of
the Grindstone area. The book has
been released by local resident and
now published author, Ruby
After Gabriel snapped a sunrise
silhouette photo of the Pleasant
Valley School building on Christ-
mas morning, 2007, her sister com-
mented that someone should tell
the stories of the area before those
stories were lost. Within the next
few months, Gabriel discovered in
her fathers desk drawer the his-
tory of her country school, thus fur-
ther intriguing her sense of history.
Soon after that, a King family de-
scendent now living out of state
visited the old Dowling Church. He
had memories of it from when he
was only six years old. Gabriel un-
locked the building and allowed
him and his wife in, where the man
reminisced. A few weeks later,
Gabriel received from him a copy of
Bessie Kings old family diary,
which contained a wealth of history
on the area. Gabriel set out to be
that someone to tell the stories.
The cover of the 100-page book
displays the photo that started the
project. The stories inside take the
reader back to when the developing
community was part of the Great
Sioux Reservation. Though the
books direction is varied, every-
thing in here goes together, said
Gabriel, who clarified, I wanted to
write about ranching. The indexed
documentation uses old newspaper
clippings, mostly from the South
Dakota Historical Society Archives,
diaries, local records, cemetery list-
ings and recollections of older resi-
dents of the Grindstone area.
After the research, I almost feel
like I was there when this hap-
pened, said Gabriel. I just feel
God has lead me to do this. He gave
me a wonderful sunrise, and he
gave me these people who were lost
on the steps of the Dowling
I couldnt gather all the infor-
mation and retell the stories of
Jamie Leaghton Gilmore better
than was done by the newspapers,
said Gabriel, who included stories
of Gilmore and three other histori-
cal murderers. She noted that the
town of Philips namesake, Scotty
Philip, was the executor of the
property of Mexican Ed, who was
shot dead during a poker game.
The information runs the gamut
of 710 rabbits being killed during a
two-day hunt, to poetry about the
old schoolhouse chalkboard, to obit-
uaries of people in the Dowling
Community Church Cemetery.
Theres a whole section of babies
buried out there. Its very sad, said
Gabriel. In putting the book to-
gether, Gabriel said, I had a won-
derful time. I think if you are going
to be addicted to something, history
is a great thing.
One of the quoted early newspa-
pers was The Grindstone Bee. The
whole thing was a hoot, said
Gabriel, who found that the papers
owner, William Henry Bruno,
would publish whenever I feel like
it or have time to waste. He would
barter for payment, but would not
accept prunes. Newspapers were
important in the areas early his-
tory because the Homesteading Act
required potential landowners to
publish their stakes in a newspa-
per five consecutive times.
Gabriel has been asked to hold
book signings, at Stoneville, July
21, at Chamberlain where the book
was printed, and tentatively at
Union Center. She is already work-
ing on her next book, about ghost
towns of Meade and Perkins coun-
Ruby Gabriel published author
by Nancy Haigh
Range monitoring and research
studies were discussed with atten-
dees at the Rangeland Days and
Soils Days west of Philip June 19
and 20.
South Dakota State University
and National Resources Conserva-
tion Service personnel presented
information and discussed the find-
ings and applications. The adult
program was held at the Cotton-
wood Range and Livestock Reseach
Mitch Faulkner, NRCS range-
land management specialist from
Belle Fourche, spoke about the use-
fulness of monitoring rangelands.
By monitoring rangeland the
producer can see how his/her man-
agement practices affect vegetation
and the soil. The first step is to de-
termine your objective, Faulkner
said. The objective could be in-
creasing ground cover, changing
plant species or their frequency,
wildlife habitat, riparian condi-
tions, or how livestock utilize the
The sites should be recorded at
the same time each year to keep an
accurate record. The time of year
would be based on a producers ob-
jectives. Faulkner said if they are
monitoring for plant vigor, or
studying plants in general, early to
mid-July would be an ideal time.
But if looking for the amount of for-
age cover then September or Octo-
ber would be best.
Faulkner stressed the use of pho-
tos in recording the sites. He said
it is easy to forget exactly how a
site looked when the monitoring
first started. An overall landscape
picture of the site should be taken
and, if desired, a closeup of the
ground can be taken. He suggested
when doing the ground shots, take
several along a 100 foot length and
place an object in the picture for
Notes also need to be taken each
time the site is checked. In addi-
tion, data such as precipitation for
the year, infestations and temper-
atures should be included.
Janna Kincheloe and Ken Olson,
both based out of Rapid Citys West
River Ag Center, spoke about
rumen fistulated steers which
SDSU will use for grazing and nu-
trition research.
Kincheloe, a research technician,
explained that personnel will man-
ually empty the rumen and then
the steers will be sent out to graze.
She explained that this will allow
the researchers to remove the mat-
ter, see the availability of feeds and
what plants the steers are select-
ing. The grasses are then returned
to the rumen for digestion.
Also, by removing matter from
the rumen the researchers can
check the microbes bacteria,
fungi, and protozoa. Kincheloe
noted that each type of microbe
helps break down the fibers, starch
and fats in the feed and they also
produce enzymes which further aid
in digestion.
Kincheloe said the steers will be
moved to McLaughlin and placed
in a pasture that has a heavy
prairie dog infestation. The study
will check to see if the steers will
graze the fresh sprouted grasses
around the prairie dog town or if
they totally leave that area alone
and find grazing elsewhere. At-
tached global positioning system
units will also help track where the
animals graze.
Olson, a range beef specialist,
and Kincheloe took the group
through the cannulating process.
The animals are not harmed by the
process in which a veterinarian
surgically installs the cannulas.
The animals are closely watched
until the area heals, at which time
they are placed on pastures.
Roger Gates, range specialist at
the WRAC, took the group south
into bordering pastures to review
grazing efficiency and profitability
of pastures.
Gates noted that an ongoing
stocking rate study has been con-
ducted since 1943. The study fo-
cuses on low to high stocking lev-
els, which then reflect excellent,
food and low-fair range conditions,
Range monitoring, research outlined
Janna Kincheloe, research technician,
explains the cannula to producers at
the Cottonwood Research Station.
Photo by Nancy Haigh
Mitch Faulkner, front, discusses rangeland monitoring with producers at the Rangeland Days held at the Cottonwood Range
and Livestock Research Station west of Philip last week. Photo by Nancy Haigh
by Nancy Haigh
The annual budget process
began Tuesday, June 19, for the
Haakon County commissioners.
Haakon County Auditor Pat
Freeman and the commission re-
viewed a detailed revenue work-
sheet. Noted were the losses, such
as the funds for the veterans serv-
ice office salary and postage for the
Extension office. There had been
increases in some funds though.
A bit of good news was the South
Dakota Department of Revenues
report that counties can use a three
percent consumer price index on
property taxes, along with any
growth within the county. Director
of Equalization Toni Rhodes is not
yet certified to assess taxes on
property, but could possibly be be-
fore the deadline for assessments.
The board of commissioners next
meeting is their regular monthly
meeting, Tuesday, July 3 at 1:00
begins 2013
At a special Jackson County
commissioners meeting at 8:00
p.m., Friday, June 29, the commis-
sioners will seek public opinion re-
garding the fate of the countys
drivers licensing service.
Should Jackson County continue
providing the service, or discon-
tinue it? Input will be taken from
surrounding counties as well.
Since the county entered into the
agreement with the South Dakota
Department of Public Safety in
2004, many of the statewide serv-
ices have been reduced or elimi-
nated across the state. Jackson
County receives five dollars per li-
cense fee and the workload has in-
creased throughout the years. The
county is considering hiring addi-
tional staff for the increased work-
People travel a long distance to
obtain their licenses in Jackson
County. The service is currently
available Monday through Friday.
The next nearest places to renew or
obtain a license is Murdo, Mission
or Martin. These sites offer the
service only on specific days.
The state has denied Jackson
Countys request for allowing the
county to retain one-half of the li-
cense fee. According to a legal no-
tice, If funding is not found, the
commissioners are considering dis-
continuing the services.
People are welcome to send writ-
ten statements to Jackson County
Auditor, P.O. Box 280, Kadoka, SD
Jackson County seeking input
on fate of licensing service
The beach area of Lake Waggoner was gone over with a large magnet to gather
these nails and other rusty dangers. People have been making bonfires from old
Danger on the beach
pallets and not
clearing the
area afterward.
Roger Williams
displays a
bracket that
would have
probably gone
through most
shoes, and re-
ally done dam-
age to a young-
sters bare foot.
Though the city
of Philip crew
will be helping
with mowing
and preparing
the area before
the Fourth of
July fireworks,
most of the
work at the lake
is done by
many volun-
teers through-
out the year.
Photo by Del
This group of bikers stopped in Philip last Saturday as part of their Wild West Tour. The group is comprised entirely of Nor-
wegians who have formed a motorcycle riding group. Together they have toured the United States in 2002, 2009 and this
year. In 2009, they stopped in Philip because of Haakon County, which was named after a King Haakon of Norway; which
also brought them back this year. This years tour started in Los Angeles heading north through the northern tier of states.
The 26 riders with 15 bikes will travel 3,300 miles this trip. Photo by Nancy Haigh
Norwegian bikers visit Philip Saturday
Pioneer review
Philip, SD U.S.P.S. 433-780
Subscription Rates: For Haakon, Jackson,
and Jones counties, Creighton, Wall, Quinn,
Marcus, Howes, Plainview, and Hayes ad-
dresses: $36.00 per year (+ Tax); Elsewhere:
$42.00 per year.
South Dakota residents are required to pay
sales tax.
Periodicals postage paid at Philip, SD.
Postmaster, send change of address notice
to: Pioneer Review, PO Box 788, Philip, SD
57567; or FAX to: 605/859-2410.
Website Subscription Rate: $36.
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of
Haakon County, the towns of Philip and Mid-
land, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Pioneer Review office is located at 221 E. Oak
Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516;
FAX: (605) 859-2410;
Copyrighted 1981: Ravellette Publications,
Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be
reprinted, photocopied, or in any way repro-
duced from this publication, in whole or in part,
without the written consent of the publisher.
DEADLINES: Display & Classified
Advertising: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. (MT)
Legals: Fridays at 5:00 p.m. (MT)
Publisher: Don Ravellette
Gen. Mgr. of Operations/
Ad Design: Kelly Penticoff
Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Ravellette Publications is happy to receive letters concerning comments on any news
story or personal feeling on any subject. We do reserve the right to edit any offensive ma-
terial and also to edit to fill the allotted space. We also reserve the right to reject any or all
Our deadline for insertion in the Thursday issue is the preceding Monday at 5:00 p.m.
Letters intended for more than one Ravellette Publications newspaper should be mailed
or hand delivered to each individual newspaper office. All letters must bear the original
signature, address and telephone number of the author.
POLITICAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: No political letters are to run the two weeks
prior to an election.
The Letters column is intended to offer readers the opportunity to express their opin-
ions. It is not meant to replace advertising as a means of reaching people.
This publications goal is to protect the first amendment guarantee of free speech. Your
comments are welcomed and encouraged.
The Pioneer Review P.O. Box 788 Philip, SD 57567-0788
(605) 859-2516 FAX: (605) 859-2410
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 2
Thursday: Mostly cloudy with a chance of a
thunderstorm and rain in the morning, then
clear. High of 97F. Winds from the East at 5
to 15 mph shifting to the North in the after-
noon. Thursday Night: Partly cloudy in the evening,
then clear. Low of 63F. Winds from the NE at 5 to 10
mph shifting to the SSE after midnight.
Friday: Clear with a chance of a thunderstorm
and rain in the afternoon. High of 99F.
Winds from the South at 5 to 15 mph.
Chance of rain 20%.
Friday Night: Partly cloudy with a chance of
a thunderstorm. Low of 64F. Breezy. Winds
from the SSE at 15 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Saturday: : Clear. High of
99F. Winds from the South
at 5 to 15 mph.
Saturday Night: Clear.
Low of 64F. Winds from
the WNW at 5 to 15 mph shift-
ing to the NNE after midnight.
Sunday: Clear. High of 99F. Winds from the
East at 5 to 15 mph.
Sunday Night: Partly cloudy with a chance
of a thunderstorm. Low of 64F. Winds from
the SE at 5 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%
with rainfall amounts near 0.4 in. possible.
No free lunch ... by Del Bartels
We all have heard, well most of us have heard, actually Im sure at
least some of us have heard, okay I have heard ... or at least made up
... the idea that there is no free lunch.
The word free is grossly over used, yet still grabs the eye, thus ad-
vertisements abuse it frequently. Sales gimmicks use phrases such as
Buy one, get one free, Free delivery, Free extended warranty,
Free with purchase of an item of equal or greater value, Free for all
customers, and Free prize in every box. Individuals and companies
use the word so freely (sorry) that it doesnt really mean anything any
more. If one person wins the lottery, that means a mathematically atro-
cious number of people lost. If a person down on their luck is given a
meal, then some good samaritan paid for it. If the company takes a po-
tential client out to lunch, then the current customers pay for it in
higher costs for the goods or services. The only way something is free
is to a specific someone, with it costing someone else.
There is another saying and yes I looked it up that the best things
in life are free. Of course, what is best in life depends on the person
speaking. Then, something considered free still has conditions, prereq-
uisites or has to be paid for in some manner later. A sunrise is free, if
you have the health to see it, if you struggle out of bed early enough, if
you cared to look and if you hold any value to sunrises.
I dont want some free things. The flimsy plastic prizes at kids car-
nivals take up drawer space until they are finally pitched. Bugs invit-
ing themselves into your home could be considered free. The breeze is
free, even if it does come from the nearest sewage lagoon.
Some things are not free, but seem that way. Radio waves are avail-
able to anyone who has a radio. The right to travel down a public, no-
toll road requires no immediate charge. The right to say what is on
your mind can be had by everyone, without putting cash on the counter.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you ... though
you will be charged. Citizens may register to vote, but being informed
and opinionated is a cost in itself. Schools are so very far from being
free, but all youth can go. Churches are free, as long as they can keep
up expenses. Not going to church is free, but that can be hotly debated.
Not being treated worse or better than anyone else by businesses or by
the government is definitely worth something, but is free to all. Even
having a government is worth something.
I am not rich, but I have seen enough sunrises to consider myself
wealthy. I am opinionated. I am prejudiced I prefer rocky road ice
cream and country western music. I like going to church, but which
one varies. I like voting and thus having the right to complain. I can
put up with paying taxes, but only if everyone else is paying them as
well. I know life is not free. I especially know that life as I know it in
this country is not free. Thank God for those who paid for me.
Golden West Telecommunica-
tions Cooperative Inc., based out of
Wall, has announced the promotion
of Nick Rogness to director of engi-
neering and operations.
Rogness will be responsible for
the design, implementation and op-
eration of Golden Wests network
infrastructure and supporting serv-
Rogness brings 16 years of expe-
rience within the service provider
industry, including various techni-
cal and management roles. He
holds a bachelor of science degree
in computer science and a masters
degree in technology management
from South Dakota School of Mines
and Technology.
Rogness is stepping into the po-
sition previously held by Galen
Boyd, who is retiring July 1 from
Golden West after 33 years of serv-
Golden West promotion
The Midland farmers market is
open every Friday from 6:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m., with vendors offering
garden produce and other items.
Last Friday, the market was
held in the Midland Park. On pre-
vious Fridays, because of weather
or other events in the park, the
market has been at the Midland
Senior Citizens Center or the
American Legion Hall. The scope
and number of vendors also
changes from week to week.
Although last Friday was a bit
breezy and hot, there were over
half a dozen vendors, and over 30
browsers. According to Julie
Schwalm, it was a nice evening for
visiting, enjoying the park and sup-
porting friends and neighbors.
Wares included tickets to the home
and garden tour, the church cen-
tennial cookbook Trinity Lutheran
Temptations, beets, lettuce, car-
rots, radishes, broccoli, bok choy,
fresh herbs, homemade goods of
pies, jelly, donuts, a variety of
breads, cookies and bars, aprons,
recycle bags and Barbie clothes,
soup mixes, biscotti, farm fresh
eggs, used books, trinkets and jew-
elry and snow cones.
For the upcoming market, Fri-
day, June 29, Schwalm stated, We
are calling it Pre-Fourth Celebra-
tion and encouraging vendors to
decorate their tables, and for all to
wear patriotic clothing. Pastor
Andy Blye and/or Morris Daly will
play American/patriotic music and
there will also be recorded music.
They will be using the sound sys-
tem that was donated to the Amer-
ican Legion Hall.
The market welcomes new ven-
dors. Bring your garden produce,
homemade goodies and craft items,
or just things you want to get rid of.
The market is trying for a wide
range of vendors to attract a wide
range of customers, stated
To be a vendor or keep posted on
the market, call 843-2256, email or
check Facebook/MidlandMarket.
Midland farmers market Fridays
Above, some of the participants at the last Midland farmers market were, from
left, Karel Reiman, Gloria Schofield Hansen and Sonia Nemec, with Nemec mod-
eling one of Hansens aprons. Below are Betty Block, Peggy Martin, Sonia Nemec
and Carolyn Manke. Courtesy photos
Evangelical Free Vacation Bible School
The Community Evangelical Free Church west of Philip sponsored a Vacation Bible School for youngsters four-years-old and
older, Tuesday through Friday, June 19-22. Each evening, the youth sang songs, created crafts and played games that were
based on the Bible. Under this years theme Paradise Island, there were beach and island decorations, Bible verse based
crafts, self-created snacks and plenty of water games. A total of 20 children were involved, with volunteer leaders also
numbering about that many. A stage presentation summarizing the week was done on the last evening. Photo by Bartels
Summer is here, with vacations,
swimming, barbecues and more.
These great summer activities
keep people busy too busy, some-
times, to donate blood.
It takes approximately 185 blood
donations every day to maintain an
adequate blood supply for area hos-
pital patients, patients who are
eager to return to their families
and the fun of summer.
Philips next blood drive with
United Blood Services is on Tues-
day, July 10, from 10:30 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. at the Bad River Senior
Citizens Center. This drive is espe-
cially important because it is being
held in the summer. According to
Anita Peterson, area blood drive co-
ordinator, blood drive participation
drops off considerably in the sum-
mer months.
Its something we see every
summer, Peterson said. People
simply are much busier with out-
door fun and vacations than they
are at other times of the year. Even
though donors might have other
things to do, patients in our area
Philip area blood drive July 10 at senior center
and how each level affects the prof-
its on each animal.
Gates said grasses in the range
conditions varied due to the graz-
ing intensity. The high intensity
areas tend to buffalo grass and blue
grama and other warm season
grasses. The lower stock rate pas-
tures tend toward western wheat
grass and other cool season
Focusing on the study between
the years 1969 to 2002, the net in-
come on range in excellent condi-
tion, income averaged $9.31 per
acres, good condition at $11.86 and
low-fair at $11.18.
Gates said that the college has
always promoted the excellent
range conditions, but most produc-
ers utilize the good or low-fair, be-
cause they stock the area in high
quantities which are more prof-
itable to him.
In those same groups the aver-
age daily weight gain for the
groups reflected those animals on
the excellent range condition pas-
ture gained an average of 1.61
pounds per acre; good were at 1.69
and low-fair at 1.56.
The Long-Term Production and
Profitability From Grazing Cattle
in the Northern Mixed Grass
Prairie report of the study stated,
Over the 34-year period of the
study, real profit ... steadily in-
creased ... for the low-fair and good
treatments while it remained basi-
cally level for the excellent treat-
ment. It is difficult to speculate as
to the cause of these differences,
but it is important to note that the
profitability of the low condition
pastures, which had the heaviest
stocking rate, did not decline over
time, it actually improved.
In our 34-year study, rangeland
managed to maintain either low-
fair or good range condition was
equally profitable. Profit for both
steadily increased over time. Excel-
lent condition rangeland was the
least profitable to maintain and
profit remained stable over time.
These results are consistent with
generally observed rancher behav-
ior concerning range condition deci-
Range scientist Pat Johnson in-
troduced a new study at the station
involving native bird habitat.
Johnson said the proactive study
is designed to be a jump ahead of
any possible bird threaten status
and also to see if the use of live-
stock grazing can help with their
Steers were placed in eight
patches within the same pasture.
Water is supplied in the center of
the pasture so as not to be an issue.
Two animals in each patch have
been fitted with GPS units that
record their location every 65 sec-
Personnel at the Cottonwood sta-
tion monitor the height of the
grasses, record found nesting sites
and how they are in relation to
grazing and weight gain on the
steers. The study is still in its first
month, but Johnson is excited
about early data.
Johnson said this preliminary
study will be used to apply for
grants so further research can be
Olson discussed the high sulfate
water trials that had been con-
ducted at Cottonwood. Producers
had contacted the college regarding
livestock health issues which led
the specialists to the problems of
high sulfate concentrations in
dams, especially during dry years.
He stated no solution has yet
been found for the problem. One
thing that was found is that there
seems to be a genetic disposition to
the level the animals are affected
by the sulfates.
He noted that after drinking
water with sulfates, the sulfates
turn into hydrogen sulfide, a gas,
in the rumen. The gas then affects
brain tissue, creating polio-like
symptoms and in some cases death.
The change to hydrogen sulfide is
caused by a bacteria, he said, so fo-
cusing on the bacteria may be an
avenue. As of now there are no
plans for further research regard-
ing sulfate water.
Range monitoring, research
Continued from page 1
and throughout the nation con-
tinue to need blood. It would be
great to see eligible donors give at
least three times a year, especially
once in the summer, to keep pa-
tients supplied with lifesaving
The Tea Timers urge residents to
be heroes and make time to save
lives. Those who are not able to do-
nate are encouraged to recruit
other s in their place. Anyone inter-
ested in donating, or in coordinat-
ing a blood drive, may call 342-
8585 in Rapid City, 996-3688 in
Mitchell or go online at www.blood-
Make your opinion
known write a letter
to the editor!
Email with phone
number to
Students from across South Dakota spread out on pastures southwest of Philip June 19 and 20 to compete in Rangeland
Days. The students rotated amongst plots identifying plants and completing site evaluations. Full story and more photos on
page eight. Photo by Nancy Haigh
Area FFA and 4-H teams take contest honors
Rural Living
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 3
SDSU Extension
As we progress into the first
summer of the new SDSU Exten-
sion system, the Regional Exten-
sion Centers are becoming busier
with telephone, e-mail and walk-in
traffic. As the SDSU Extension Re-
organization was unveiled in
April, 2012, some of the criteria for
the location of the Regional Exten-
sion Centers included geography of
the state, and location of major
trade centers.
While there can be no perfect sit-
uation, the wisdom of locating the
Regional Centers in communities
identified as trade centers is be-
coming increasingly apparent.
There are certainly people who
dont make frequent trips to the
communities where the Extension
Centers were chosen to be located,
but at least in Winner, a number
of people have stopped in the cen-
ter while they were in town for an-
other reason. This has provided
them an opportunity to bring in
crop samples, weeds or insects to
identify, or simply to request infor-
mation in person.
If they werent planning a trip to
Winner, or needed assistance on
shorter notice, technology has
served well, either by calling on
the telephone, sending an e-mail,
and sometimes including one or
more digital photographs. On one
recent occasion, I was in northern
South Dakota, participating in a
series of winter wheat tours and
received a digital photograph on
my cell phone of some wheat
plants. I was able to identify the
wheat disease affecting the plants,
call the client within a short time
and provided him with the infor-
mation he needed. E-mail is also
used extensively to receive re-
quests for assistance, and to pro-
vide information, often involving
digital photographs and the ex-
change of electronic documents.
Not everyone in South Dakota is
blessed with reliable cell phone
service and high-speed Internet
access, or even Internet access at
all. We at SDSU Extension are al-
ways available via telephone, and
may need to return phone calls,
but strive to do so in a timely man-
ner. We are also more than willing
to send factsheets and/or letters
for specific information by mail if
Not everyone in South Dakota is
probably pleased with the re-orga-
nization of the Extension Service,
particularly if they are located a
long distance from one of the re-
gional centers. The Extension
Field Specialists do feel that they
are able to concentrate more
closely on their specialty area and
better serve the people who come
to them for information.
If you would like information in
the specialty areas provided at the
Winner Regional Extension Center
(specifically Plant Pathology,
Human Nutrition, and soon, Beef
Cow-Calf), stop in at 325 S Monroe
St., or call 842-1267. For other spe-
cialty areas, if you have Internet
access, visit iGrow: http://igrow.
org/ or the SDSU Extension web-
for a complete listing of Regional
Extension Centers, the Field Spe-
cialists, their areas of expertise,
addresses, telephone numbers and
e-mail addresses. If you dont have
Internet access, you can also con-
tact most County Extension Of-
fices and get a list of the Regional
Extension Centers, the Fields Spe-
cialists located at each one and
their contact information.
6/28/2012 Dakota Lakes Re-
search Farm Tour, 3:00 p.m. CT
dark, 17 miles east of Pierre, SD,
on Hwy 34
7/26-27/2012 IPM Field School
for Agronomy Professionals, SE
Research Farm, Beresford, SD
Extension News
by Bob Fanning
Field Specialist, Winner
Regional Extension Center
Its branding time!
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Call Mark or Kent today!
Advertised prices are cash/no trade prices.
*Subject to approval
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Philip, SD
First National
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859-2525 Philip, SD
Since 1906 Member FDIC
The 235th birthday party for
the U.S.A. Were glad to be a
part of the PHILIP community.
We will be closed
for the 4th of July holiday!
Have a safe & enjoyable day!
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Crew Agency is an equal opportunity provider.
Children from across Haakon
County are Wild About Coopera-
tion after attending the annual
Haakon County Farmers Union
camp, Thursday, June 14, at Git-
tings Missile Inn, Philip.
The United Nations declared
2012 as the International Year of
Cooperatives, and this years camp
celebrated the positive impact co-
operatives have had on the econ-
omy of rural South Dakota and
communities across the world.
The kids participated in activi-
ties and games that taught them
about cooperative business, rural
communities and agriculture in a
fun and safe setting. They partici-
pated in hands on team building
activities, played cooperative tic-
tac-toe to test their knowledge of
cooperatives, and watched a pup-
pet show telling the history of
Farmers Union.
The positive impact coopera-
tives have had in rural South
Dakota is dramatic, said Marsha
Sumpter, Haakon County educa-
tion director. Young people need to
know what cooperation can do in
business and in their own personal
lives. The kids who attended camp
have a greater understanding of
teamwork and will take the skills
they learned and apply them to
their lives.
Campers participated in 4-H ac-
tivities along with other interactive
activities, games, and singing.
Each child also created their own
garden stones as a craft and each
child also received a free T-shirt.
For more information on South
Dakota Farmers Union and how
you and your children can get in-
volved in the organizations youth
activities, visit the education page
at or call Bonnie
Geyer, state education director, at
605-352-6761, extension 125.
South Dakota Farmers Union young
campers Wild About Cooperation
Participants at this years Haakon County Farmers Union camp were back row, from left: education director Marsha Sumpter,
assistant leader Ashton Reedy, Kelton Quinn, Kate McKeehan, Jasmine Hiatt, Abby Fortune, Colby Enders, Brice Hanson,
and assistant leaders Tyana Gottsleben and Myrna Gottsleben. Front: Max McKeehan, Molly McKeehan, Ana McKeehan,
Jessica Enders, Samantha Enders, Taylor Hanson and Romanee Andrus. Not pictured are assistant leader Sandee Gittings,
and Farmers Union summer staff members Amelia Thompson and Hannah Lily. Courtesy photo
Loren and Rose Kiel had as
guests their daughter, Rosanne
Brown, and granddaughter,
Deanna, and Deannas friend,
Emma Veley, who arrived from
Fairborn, Ohio, June 13. They de-
parted June 25 to visit Brown and
Pates relatives in the Fargo, N.D.,
area before journeying on home.
Emmas father, Duane Veley,
joined Loren and Rose and their
guests in a day spent in the Bad-
lands and at Wall Drug Tuesday,
June 19. Duane was Kiels guest
for a day and two nights, pitching
his tent in their backyard. Thurs-
day, Loren accompanied their
guest for a day-long trip to the
Southern Black Hills and Mount
Rushmore. Duane went his own
way that evening, camping one
night in the Black Hills before
going on to Yellowstone National
Park. Loren commented that the
weather was great for both of those
Loren Kiel observed his 80th
birthday, June 23. Besides their
company, other guests at the Kiel
home on Sunday in honor of his
birthday were Phillis Thorson, Es-
ther Knutson, Rich Smith, Jack
and Arlyce Griesel, and Mary Eide.
Loren remarked, This is the most
attention I have had for a long
time. Oftentimes in the past I ob-
served my birthday out in the hay-
field with absolutely no fanfare.
June 23, Mary Eide went over to
Loren and Rose Kiels to join others
for Lorens 80th birthday. Rosanne
and girls, and of course Rose, who
does the grilling at their house,
fixed a delicious steak and there
were two delicious salads, plus a
fruit bowl, and baked sweet and
white potatoes, homemade buns,
and of course we must not forget
Lorens great ice cream that was
served with a delicious double
chocolate cake that was made by
Rosanne. What a meal! We all had
to retire to the living room to rest
from the work of eating such a good
meal. We also enjoyed music
played by Rosanne, and at times
Loren joined his daughter on the
violin and trombone. Many old-
time hymns and patriotic songs
were played along with a lot of
Rosannes own compositions.
Rosanne is a great musician and
composes a lot of her own songs.
The First Lutheran Church is
treated to her music when she at-
tends church there when she is
Loren and Roses granddaughter,
Deanna is also very talented.
Rosanne said that she has been
Grindstone News
by Mary Eide 859-2188
playing since she was big enough to
sit on the piano stool. Deanna has
been taught by her mother. An-
other granddaughter is also very
musical and she teaches a group of
students. In visiting with Rosanne
she said she likes all kinds of
music, some of we call modern she
said is very good.
Rosanne said that if you play
every musical note perfect and
dont put feeling into it, it does not
have the ability to appeal to you,
and it is just cold notes. Later that
evening after coming home, I took
my granddaughter back over to
hear Rosanne play her own compo-
sitions on What Cats Say and we
also heard Deanna play some music
that she hadnt played earlier that
day while I was there.
The day was also spent showing
pictures of old-time homesteads
and talking about old-time home-
steads. One of the pictures of spe-
cial interest to me was of my
brother, Richs mother, Roxy Smith,
in front of her homestead shack. It
was enlarged to a 12x16 size from a
photo taken off a postcard and was
in a beautiful frame that was made
by Richs son-in-law, Ed Buchholz.
I thought, I know now where some
of Rich and Gladys girls get their
Jack Griesel and Loren Kiel
knew a lot about old settlers and
homesteads. Loren had many pic-
tures of many of those old places.
The ladies were also doing a lot of
reminiscing about the good old
days. I dont know how old Arylce
Griesel is, but between her and my-
self, we were the youngest of the
group of guests.
I have known Phillis Thorson
since she was a girl of about 12
years old, as her dad and my dad
were in the potato business to-
gether near Custer. It was a fun
and interesting day. Rich left early
enough to go to Philip to have sup-
per with Gladys and Esther wanted
to stop over to her homeplace to
visit her granddaughter, Carrie
Buchholz, who lives there now. I
am sure that Rosanne was glad to
get back home as she is awaiting
the arrival of a grandchild in about
a month or so.
Carla Eide, Taegan and Kiley,
came from Gillette, Wyo., Friday
evening and got caught in that ter-
rible wind at Quinn, but made it
safely home. Then Saturday, she
prepared several hot dishes to take
up to Christas to help her out after
the arrival of her new baby, Aven.
Grindstone 9
Hit & Miss
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 4
by Vivian Hansen
Elderly Meals
Thursday, June 28: Chicken
Cordon Bleu, Wild Rice Blend,
Roasted Nantucket Veggies, Roll,
German Chocolate Cake.
Friday, June 29: Chipolte Lime
Tilapia, Baby Bakers with Sour
Cream, Cauliflower Au Gratin,
Roll, Fruited Gelatin.
Monday, July 2: Chicken Pic-
cata, Scalloped Potatoes, Roast
Garden Veggies, Roll, Cherries.
Tuesday, July 3:
Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Po-
tatoes, Corn, Roll, Lemon Pudding.
Wednesday, July 4: Inde-
pendence Day. Pork Francaise,
Mashed Potatoes, Glazed Carrots,
Roll, Diced Pears.
Sunday, Fathers Day, (Hello,
Pa, Rolla Palmer, you were a dear
father! Like every kid should have.
When I was three years old, Pa
said to me, When I get this stone
floor all laid in the new granary,
we will have a dance! And we cir-
cled and sang, Ring Around the
Rosie, just Pa and teddy bear and
Sorry about no news page for
June 16. Five of my kids, Wayne
and wife Gwynn, Rapid City, Carol
and husband, Al Vogan, Colorado
Springs, M.R. Hansen and wife,
Barbara, Rapid City, and their son,
Blaise, Cheyenne, and his daugh-
ter, Willow, Whitewood, and their
son, Clayton, Rapid City, their
daughter, Tiffany Engelbrecht,
and her two sons, Josh and Adam,
Iowa City, Iowa, my son, David
Hansen, Ft. Pierre, and my daugh-
ter, Vinnie Hansen, Santa Cruz,
Calif., all met at Philip, my home-
town, for Festival Days. We slept
over at my old house at Hansen
Court. Gloria Hansen, who rents
the house, left it for us to use and
we had all five bedrooms full, plus
some slept in sleeping bags on the
living room floor. Some had mo-
torhomes and campers. We had a
houseguest, an old family friend,
Sandra Drew, Sioux Falls. (You re-
member the Clyde Drew family?
Edith is living at a rest home in
Tea.) Thank you all for being there.
David Hansen brought a big iron
fire pit and grilled steaks. Others
brought potatoes for baking, corn
on the cob, salads, and other picnic
fare, for supper on June 15. It was
grand. Thanks everyone for a great
Saturday, we all got up early
and went down to the Bad River
Senior Citizens Center to the
Friends of the Library breakfast,
where we had the finest of eggy hot
dish and homemade cinnamon
rolls and other fixins. The best
part was meeting people I used to
know. Here is a partial list of peo-
ple who signed my journal and
what they wrote. Sue Titus, West-
borough, Md., who is Jim and Mar-
ion Nelsons daughter, Theresa
Clements, Jeannette Burnett, who
shares apples and pears from her
trees and says, Come and get
some. Ike Dale said, Nice to see
you. Nice warm weather, but we
could use some moisture. Chuck
Kroetch said, Everything is okay.
We have a special bond with the
Kroetch family, because my
brother, Richard drowned in their
stock dam. It was a popular WPA
(Works Progress Administration)
dam and had good fishing. Richard
Palmer and his father-in-law, Phil
Doughty, drowned there. Their
boat was nearby and Richards
black hat was floating on the
water. Fred Kroetch, Chucks dad,
was the first one to see the empty
boat. That was in 1959.
Gary Stephenson wrote, What a
fun celebration in Philip. The
chamber of commerce did good.
Boyd Stephenson said, Fun to
visit with family and friends. Tom
and Karen Husband, Rapid City,
Its great to be back to see so
many friends. Sharon Coyle
wrote, Bob and Karen Coyle are
here from Nebraska for the week-
end. Charlene Ramsey Kjerstad,
Wall, said, Hi, Shirley Parsons,
who was working at the Bad River
Senior Citizens Center. Amy
Hullinger, Murdo, Cory and Myra
Rust, Okaton, Julie Brunskill Nel-
son, Box Elder, Marcy (Brunskill)
and Steve Wolfe, Rochester, Minn.,
signed my book. Julie and Marcy
are Obie Brunskills daughters.
Pastor Al Brucklacher and wife
Lenore, Philip, Kay Ainslie and
Gayle Rush were helping serve
food for Friends of the Library.
Kay Kroetch wrote, Thanks for
coming to the breakfast. Audrey
Nieffer, who plants such a delight-
ful garden that reaches out to the
sidewalk at her house north of the
post office wrote, My garden is the
joy of my life, and I am happy you
and others enjoy looking at the re-
sults of the partnership that God
and I have. There is rhubarb, as-
paragus, okra, peppers, squash,
and cukes. The common place for a
garden in in the backyard, but the
frontyard garden has brought
many blessings as near friends ad-
mire it.
Thelma Heltzel wrote, Nice to
see you, hope you have a good time
seeing old friends. (Thelma sends
me birthday cards once or twice a
year. Thanks, Thelma.)
You are inspirational, keep en-
joying life. This was from Gloria
French. Thanks, Gloria, for the
newspaper article about my son,
Davids, fencing machine.
Marie (Fortune) Mortellaro
wrote, 70 years ago, Frank and I
were married. Martin and Vera
(Fortune) Nelson signed my book.
They live about 11 miles north and
11 miles east of Philip. Never
mind, when you get out in that
area, anybody you meet will know
where they live.
I met Joann and Walter Van
Tassel, Ottumwa. I used to always
get a little alfalfa seed from them.
Others who signed were Donna
Olivier, Eileen Fitzgerald, Don and
Jolene Haynes, Jerry Kroetch,
Darrell and Anita Peterson, (Dar-
rell is Lucilles son) Keith Hunt,
Midland, Matt Schofield, who
works for Petoske Construction of
Midland, Roger Porch, who an-
nounced the Festival Days parade,
Kelly Penticoff, who is my boss
lady. About 12 years ago she said,
Its $20 a week. And I have been
writing Hit and Miss ever since.
Thanks, Kelly. Over by Zeeb
Pharmacy we saw Debbie Miller.
Sunday, June 17, Darcy Morten-
son, Martinez, Calif., was at Som-
erset Court visiting her mother,
Bernie James.
Terry Pulse and his wife, Arlene,
were at Somerset Court for Church
Sunday. Jack Humke was on hand
to play the piano for hymn-singing.
Sunday evening, Vivian
Hansens family came for a 93rd
birthday party for Vivian. Somer-
set Court set us up in the activity
garden with royal treatment. Pres-
ent were Vinnie Hansen, Santa
Cruz, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Al
Vogan, Colorado Springs, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Hansen, and Mr. and
Mrs. M.R. Hansen, Rapid City,
Sheridan Hansen and children,
Tiger and Cece Duinkhjerjav,
Adam and Josh Engelbrecht, Iowa
City, Iowa, who furnished piano
music for the party, Willow
Hansen, and David Hansen, Ft.
Pierre. After dinner, they served a
pretty ice cream birthday cake and
sang Happy Birthday. Lem Oyler
dropped in and entertained with
accounts of WWII experiences. Vi-
vian wishes to thank all of them for
a great party. (Happy birthday, Vi-
vian, from all of us at the Pioneer
Thank you to my nephew and
his wife, Leonard and Jean Meyer,
for the books you sent to me for my
birthday, John Grishams Run-
away Jury and Death Out on a
Limb or something like that. They
said to share them with others at
Somerset Court and they also sent
an elegant journal book to write in.
Thank you to Thelma Heltzel for
the lovely birthday card. And
thank you to Bank West for the
Dakota Club birthday coupon for
pie and coffee at a restaurant in
Kadoka. Thank you to my grand-
daughter, Crystal Denke Jackson,
Huntington Beach, Calif., for the
beautiful card and photo she took
of a peacock at L.A. Arboretum.
Wednesday, June 20, a bunch of
Somerset Court residents went out
to lunch. The reported wonderful
food and they didnt come back
until about two oclock. Those who
went on this outing were Flossie,
Anne, Blanche, Connie, Charlie,
Phyllis Capeheart, Margaret A.,
Mildred and Ray Kraemer and
Shawn and Sandy.
A pool tournament was sched-
uled for 1:30 June 20. Chris and
Vivian practiced for a while. Then,
Lu and Rob joined in and won two
out of three games. I stayed until
three. So I dont know what hap-
pened after that.
Thank you to LaVerne With, my
neighbor across the hall, for the
pretty birthday card. Thank you Vi
Walker, my next door neighbor, for
the Rice Krispie treat. Thank you
to Somerset Court for a mini party.
The staff members sing happy
birthday and bring us an individ-
ual-sized birthday cake and signed
cards along with Somerset bucks.
Thank you to Blanche and Addie
for the lovely cards.
My niece, Wanda, and her hus-
band, Ed Artz, Humboldt, arrived
about 5:00 p.m. June 20, to take
me along over to my son, Wayne,
and wife Gwynns home in west
Rapid City for supper. Wanda and
Ed would sleep overnight at Som-
erset Court in our guest suite.
My niece, Wanda Meyer Artz,
and her husband, Ed, have been
visiting at Somerset Court. They
are good mixers. How good of them
to drive out. Eds son, Mike Placek,
Newcastle, Wyo., came over to visit
with them. My granddaughter,
Sheridan Hansen, and children
came for lunch. My niece, Alma
(Hulett) Schilling, Redfield, came
to Somerset Court to see us all. She
came with her daughter-in-law,
Jill, (wife of Almas son, Ted,
Spearfish). Jill had her children
along, so we also saw Matthew,
Daniel, Tim and Emma. In the
evening, Wanda and Ed went over
to see friend Barb Baye (Mrs. Tom
Baye) who lives in Rapid City.
At Thursday bingo, Mildred
Kraemer won two games, and Mar-
ilyn Oyler won the blackout game.
Other winners were Agnes Floy,
Sherman, Doris, and Mary K. We
missed Irene McKnight, as she was
away getting a permanent wave.
Today at Somerset Court, we
had new resident reception where
new residents Marilyn Butts and
Myron White were greeted. We
hope our new residents will be
happy here. Our treat was ice
cream sundaes with chocolate and/
or butterscotch topping.
We are glad to see Somerset
Court resident Fred Bud Ross
back. He had been doing a stint in
the hospital.
Thanks, Maxine Kilmer for lend-
ing me sheet music to Mack the
Knife and Red Wing. Thank you
to Hans P. Hansen for your clever
hand-painted card. Thank you to
Gay Logan and Darlene Baye for
their pretty birthday cards and
good letters. Thank you Blanche,
Irene A., Wanda and Ed, Yall
make me happy.
The Rapid City Journal of June
22, 2012, carried the obituary of
Sandra Sumpter May who passed
away on June 16, at her home in
Watertown. Sandra was the
daughter of Bill and Marsha
Fairchild Sumpter. My sympathy
to the family and friends of Sandra
Our Somerset Court feature Fri-
day, June 22, was a Hawaiian
luau. We brought out our Hawai-
ian shirts, grass skirts, and even a
muu-muu. We received Somerset
bucks for dressing up. In the morn-
ing at social time, Jim, Susan, Vio-
let and Vivian played a little ba-
nanagrams. In the afternoon, we
played whist including Irene A.,
Floy, Ina and Vivian. The after-
noon was spent with some going to
the store with Shawn and Sandy,
some playing cards and rummi-
cube. In the evening after supper,
we partied out in the backyard and
had snacks and drinks and games
and visiting.
My daughter, Vinnie Hansen,
and husband Danny Friedmann
sent a pretty no tree (eco
friendly) birthday card and related
that their cat has found a way out
of the yard. I remembered that
when Vinnie and I played scrabble,
she had a score of 308. Thank you
for coming to South Dakota, Vin-
nie, and thanks to Danny for hold-
ing the fort back in Santa Cruz.
Thank you to Jeri in the office
found Mack the Knife on You-
Tube and printed off the music for
Youre invited to a
Come & Go Bridal Shower
for Rachelle Hauk
(fiance of Casey Elshere)
Saturday, June 30th
10:00 a.m.
Senechal Apts. Lobby
Downtown Philip
(No local invitations are being sent)
Youre invited to a
Couples Shower for
Katie Nelson & Merrit Carpenter
Saturday, June 30th
1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
at the
Bad River Senior Citizens Center
Downtown Philip
Bring your favorite recipe!!
June 29-30-31
& July 1:
Madagascar 3: Europes
Most Wanted (PG)
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.
Gem Theatre
859-2000 Philip
Friday, June 29th
1/2 Price movie night
sponsored by Modern
Woodmen of America
Why would a man
Who is 35 years old,
Who never had but one boss,
Want to hang himself
with several?
Rumor has it that there will be a
reception, lunch & dance stop by & give the
groom your condolences and congratulate the
likeable bride, who I thought
was smarter than that!
Steven Stewart & Beth Davis
Saturday, June 30th at 7:00 p.m.
at the Legion Hall in Philip
The family of
Eileen Fitzgerald
requests a Card Shower
in honor of her
85th Birthday
on July 9, 2012.
Send her a card:
PO Box 4
Philip,SD 57567
We Are Here
Emily Wickstrom, Rural Advocate
for Missouri Shores Domestic Vi-
olence Center, will be at the
Haakon Co. Courthouse on
July 3rd
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
For more information, call
Domestic Violence, Sexual As-
sault, Dating Violence
Emily is also available for
presentations to any group
Brigitte and Bruce Brucklachers home on Park Drive sports more of a rustic look.
The rock wall is fronted by petunias that will fill the area in nicely.
Photo by Nancy Haigh
Yard of the Week
Church & Community Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 5
Philip 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass:
10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home
Midland 859-2664 or 843-2544
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m.
(Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.)
Sun day Mass: 11:00 a.m.
(Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meeting
monthly. One meets on the second Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the
other meets on the second Wednesday at
1:00 p.m. at the Senechal Apts. lobby.
No Bible studies during June, July, & August.
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru
Feb.); 6:30 p.m. (Mar. - Oct.)
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services: 1:00 p.m.
Pastor Andy Blye
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
Womens Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-6169
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
Worship Service: 8:00 a.m. Children's Church:
8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-mail:
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
Then saith the woman of
Samaria unto him, How
is it that thou, being a
Jew, askest drink of me,
which am a woman of
Samaria? for the Jews
have no dealings with the
John 4.9 (KJJ)
It did not matter to Jesus that
the woman was a Samaritan.
He reached out to her
anyway in order to bring her
to Him. As believers, we
should be doing the same,
spreading the Word to
everyone possible, whatever
their diIIerences, so that they
may devour it and pass it on.
Ancient wisdom for
modern life.
Betwixt Places 7
This space for rent!
Call 859-2516 to
have your message
placed here!
Youre invited to a Wedding Reception
for Steven Stewart & Beth Davis
Saturday, June 30th at 7:00 p.m.
at the Legion Hall in Philip
with a dance to follow
The family of
Tyrone & Elvera Moos
requests a
Card Shower
in honor of their
50th Wedding Anniversary.
The couple was married
July 3, 1962, in Philip.
Cards may be sent to:
315 US Hwy 14
Philip,SD 57567
859-2744 or 685-3068
2012 Chevy Silverado 1500
Crew Cab, 4x4, Full Factory
Warranty, Loaded, Bright
Red, 430 miles!!
Please join us in celebrating
Helen Sorensens 90th Birthday
Sunday, July 1st ~ 2 to 4 p.m.
Community Evangelical Free Church, Philip
No gifts, please
Cards may be sent to:
Helen Sorensen
PO Box 555, Philip, SD 57567
(Her actual birthday is in December!)
Sandra Raye Sumpter May_________
Sandra Raye Sumpter May, age
48, of Watertown, formerly of
Philip, died Saturday, June 16,
2012, at her home in Watertown.
Sandra Raye Sumpter was born
August 14, 1963, in Rapid City, the
daughter of Bill and Marsha
(Fairchild) Sumpter. She grew up
and received her education in
Philip, graduating from Philip
High School.
She married Tim May and of
that marriage were born two chil-
dren, Amanda and Chase. Her chil-
dren were her pride and joy.
Sandra held various jobs during
the years but her most rewarding
was helping to take care of her
great-aunt, Edna Buswell, and
grandmother, Ruth Fairchild, in
their later years.
She is survived by her daughter,
Amanda (May) and Adam Claflin
of Harrisburg; and son, Chase May
and Carly Nighbert of Madison;
her parents, Bill and Marsha
Sumpter of Kadoka; a sister, Shel-
ley Seager of Sutton, Neb.;
nephews, Eric Seager and Zack
Seager of Rapid City; and two
great-nephews, Eli and Ryder Sea-
She was preceded in death by
her maternal grandparents, Wayne
and Ruth Fairchild; and paternal
grandparents, Virgie Melton and
N. W. Sumpter and Beatrice.
Memorial services were held
Saturday, June 23, at the United
Church in Philip with Pastor
Kathy Chesney officiating.
Music was provided by Karyl
Sandal, pianist.
Ushers were Eric and Zach Sea-
Interment will take place at a
later date at Masonic Cemetery in
A memorial has been estab-
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Lavern Gertonson Roghair___________
Lavern Alma Roghair was born
July 19, 1927, on the family farm
near Battle Creek, Neb., to Albert
Carl and Alma Johanna (Hellmers)
She graduated from Norfolk
High School in 1945. She was
united in marriage to Karl Martin
Gertonson on June 7, 1945. They
ranched at Capa until 1985 when
they retired and moved to Pierre.
On April 4, 1992, she was united
in marriage to Nicholas Albert
Lavern was a member of Victory
Club, Midland PTA, Pierre Senior
Citizens where she served as a
Board member for several years,
Grace Lutheran and Lutheran Me-
morial Churches, and a life mem-
ber of both the Disabled American
Veterans Auxiliary and Veterans of
Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary.
Lavern enjoyed and took great
pride in her yard and garden where
she spent many hours each spring
and summer.
She was an accomplished seam-
stress, sewing for not only herself,
but other family members and
friends. She was often called upon
to help give sewing lessons for 4-H
and extension club. She rarely
spent an evening without doing
some type of crochet or embroidery
Lavern was renowned for her
cooking and baking skills. Her cin-
namon rolls were always a favorite
at school and Boy Scouts bake sales
for her children and grandchildren.
To cook for large family gatherings
at her home was one of her greatest
Lavern is survived by her chil-
dren, Arnold (Nita) Gertonson,
Windsor, Colo., Karen (Dennis)
Sharp, Fort Pierre, Henry (Elaine)
Roghair and Raymond (Joyce)
Roghair, Okaton, Cornelia
Roghair, Ebetsu, Japan; brothers,
Carl (Peg) Bendixen, Norfolk, Neb.,
Gerald (Donna) Bendixen, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa; a sister, Geraldine
(Lee) Ott, Tekamah, Neb.; sisters-
in-law, Phyllis Schulz, Omaha,
Neb., and Francis Bendixen, Bre-
merton, Wash.; 20 grandchildren,
many great-grandchildren, and nu-
merous nieces and nephews.
Lavern was preceded in death
by her parents; husbands, Karl and
Nick; son, Martin; brothers, Arnold
Schulz and Melvin Bendixen; and
sisters-in-law, Mary Ann Bendixen
and Sine Hoeppner; and brother-
in-law, Hans Hoeppner.
Improvements were done Tuesday morning, June 19, at the Haakon County Young
Womens Kiddie Park in Philip. The last bit of concrete edging was poured by Gib-
son Concrete. Pea rock was brought in to complete the filling of the non-grass
areas. Fill dirt was laid around the edging, and grass will be planted there. Trees
were trimmed. Weeding was done throughout the park, including the entire tennis
court area. Above, two volunteers painted the teeter-totters red, yellow and white.
Along with local helpers Tami Ravellette, Brittney Drury and Mary Ravellette
(shown above, left), volunteers from Pierres Farm Credit Services of America do-
nated labor time for the community project. Courtesy photos
Work at HCYW Kiddie Park
Sunday evening, Ralph and
Cathy Fiedler met Eric and Sherry
Hanson and kids in Rapid for sup-
per in honor of Father's Day. The
Hanson family had taken a drive
through Custer State Park.
George, Sandee and Roxie Git-
tings were in Pierre Monday where
George kept a doctor's appoint-
Monday, I was the Haakon
County Prairie Transportation van
driver for the day with a trip
through Philip. I visited Dean and
Mary Parsons before returning
Tony Harty visited at the home
of Shirley Hair and with his niece,
Kathy Brown, Monday.
Tuesday, Phyllis Word visited at
our place in the morning. L.T.
Works and Judy DeWitt, fulltime
RVers, arrived for their usual sum-
mer visit in the afternoon and had
just gotten set up when I received
word about the death of our daugh-
ter, Sandra May. From there, our
world took on a different life. Bill
hurried home from Philip and we
notified daughter Shelley Seager,
who lives in Sutton, Neb. She left
immediately to go to Harrisburg, to
break the news to Sandra's daugh-
ter, Amanda and Adam Clafilin
and Bill and I arrived in Mardison,
at the home of her son, Chase May,
and Carly.
Tuesday evening, Ralph and
Cathy Fiedler went to Spearfish,
picked up Hannah Klumb and at-
tended Elsie Hanson's softball
game. Her brother, Loman, had a
game at another field so didn't get
to see him play, you can only be in
one place at a time. Elsie's team
won. After the game, Hannah went
home with Grandma and Grandpa
Fiedler. They stopped to see
Lynette and she bought them sup-
per in honor of Father's Day. Han-
nah stayed until Thursday after-
Wednesday, Tony Harty had
breakfast out and visited with L.T.
Works and Judy DeWitt at the
local cafe. He also visited Shirley
Hair. In the afternoon, he picked
up Wilma Stout and they went to
Rapid City to attend a meeting of
the Community Action Program
and also had supper.
Wednesday, Shelley Seager,
Amanda and Adam Claflin and Bill
and I met with detectives in Water-
town and started to unwind events
of the past few days that led to the
loss of Sandra's life. In Madison,
we had dinner with Chase and
Carly. They had news of the ultra-
sound done that morning to share
with us all. As we dealt with death
of one hand, we were delighted
with progress of new life yet to
come. We all returned to our re-
spective homes that evening.
Thursday, Tony Harty took time
in the morning to stop by and offer
condolences to Bill and me. Then
he was up to his neck in chickens
the rest of the day. The Hutterites
arrived with their poultry to fill the
orders Ramona Buchholz and Tony
had gotten. Not only are there
chickens but pot pies too. He vis-
Betwixt Places News
by Marsha Sumpter 837-2048
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 6
Contact Sonia Nemec 843-2564
Midland News
Please notify us of
your change of
address BEFORE
you move!
Call 859-2516 or
Check out our
new website:
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It is Monday morning, and it is
humid. Where is that humidity
coming from I ask you? We are ac-
tually pretty dry, so I cant think it
is because of all that moisture we
do not have. Im thinking it is com-
ing from down Florida way with all
they have going on there.
Harvest is getting closer. Custom
combiners are moving into town.
There is just something special
about seeing those golden wheat
fields waving in the breeze. Har-
vest is one of those times of the
year when your eyes are ever
watchful of the sky. One storm can
wipe out a crop in a matter of min-
utes. Some folks have already had
their crops hailed out. It gives a
person a sick feeling to see all that
hard work gone in a matter of a few
Reminder: Mass at St. William
Catholic Church in Midland for
July 1 will be at 11:00 a.m. not at
7:30 p.m. as was in the bulletin.
We wish to express our sincere
sympathies to local Betwixt Places
News columnist Marsha Sumpter
and her husband, Bill, on the death
of their daughter, Sandra
(Sumpter) May. Lifes journey with
its valleys is never an easy time
and when you lose a daughter or a
son it is a most difficult time. A
piece of your heart is missing and
you are never quite the same.
Memories of the good times help on
that road to healing. We wish you
and your family Gods healing,
Marsha and Bill.
Reminder: Vacation Bible School
Son Quest Rainforest will be held
at the Open Bible Church in Mid-
land from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
on July 30 and 31 and August 1, 2,
and 3 and is for children from
fourth through sixth grade. So if
your kids fit in that category and
would like to attend they are most
welcome. If you have any questions
you can call Pastor Andy and Jenn
Blye at 843-2143.
The Farmers Market held at the
Midland City Park had a good
turnout last Friday. There were a
variety of booths at the market and
folks enjoyed having a chance to
buy something they saw and liked
or something that looked tasty to
eat. Plus, its just fun to have a
chance to visit with folks. So come
and checked it out next week.
These people put a lot of work into
their wares for sale. Lets show
them some Midland support.
Reports are that the garden tour
on Sunday, sponsored by Second
Century, was an enjoyable time. It
began with an elegant luncheon
held at the Open Bible fellowship
hall. From there people went off to
check out the yards of Pat and So-
phie Foley, Shad and Jenna Finn,
Richard and Celia Doud, Joe and
Bobbi Woitte and Shorty and
Mickey Woitte. Each yard was
unique in its own way and people
thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.
I didnt make it to the garden
tour as Jerry and I had gone to
Kadoka to the estate sale of the
late Duane and Dottie Olson. Jerry
and I had known Duane and Dottie
and their family for a number of
years, plus Jerry hauled bulk fuel
to the Olson ranch. We visited with
some of the family at the sale.
Whenever there is an estate sale, it
can be an emotional and draining
time as memories of those items
are sold and taken to the home of
someone else.
I visited with Bev (Sheeley)
Johnson by phone. She and her late
husband, Luther Johnson, lived in
Denver, Colo., for many years. I
called to see how the fires in Col-
orado were doing. She said in the
mornings and evenings the haze
from the smoke will kind of settle
in around the Denver area and
sometimes through the day. Bev
said she sold the house she had
lived in for 30 years and bought a
condo. She and Luther lived in that
house for many years and Bev con-
tinued to live there after his death.
It was a house with five bedrooms
and a big yard. At some point it
gets to be too much what with yard
care and snow to shovel. So she
sold it and is enjoying her condo,
but reported it has been a big
change. The area where Bev lives
is called Highlands Ranch, Colo.
Her son, Eric, and his family live a
short drive from her, which is nice.
The office where Eric works is a
five minute walk from Bevs condo.
Plus, Bev reported, she enjoys the
fact that places such as the library,
stores, two rec centers, etc. are
within walking distance. Sounds
perfect. No more mowing, no more
shoveling and less house to clean.
For those of you who would like
to keep up on Alice (Donovan) Ven-
ners progress you can go to the
Alices daughter, Micaela, gave an
update following the Donovan fam-
ily reunion a while back. Though
Alice was able to attend the family
reunion she experienced a few
rough days following. But, Due to
Alices diligence, Micaela reported,
and husband Larrys and daugh-
ter Kathys excellent care, Alice
sounded stronger and joyful. Alice
was able to eat well and had even
gained a few pounds. They ask that
you keep Alice and Larry in your
prayers. Alice and Larry have a
strong faith and the love and sup-
port of family which is a huge help
on this difficult journey.
I also ask that you continue to
keep Stetson Jones, son of Jeff and
Jen Jones, in your prayers, as they
were to leave for Cincinnati, Ohio,
today for a checkup with Stetsons
doctor and to see what the next
procedure is concerning his eye.
Whether more treatment will help
or whether they will have to take
the eye. Stetson is four years old
and he and his family have been
through an awful lot. But, they too
remain strong in their faith and
have the support and love of fam-
Joy (Saucerman) Jones reported
that the wedding of her and Jerrys
son, Cody, and his fiance, Audrey
Nelson, was a very busy time. Cody
and Audrey were married June 16,
2012, at Valentine, Neb. With the
help of their family, the morning
following the wedding, Jerry and
Joy hosted a breakfast for family
and friends. Their granddaughter,
Cassidy Trapp, had made some cin-
namon rolls for the breakfast.
From the sounds of things, they
were a big hit. Following the break-
fast and some more visiting, every-
one left for their respective homes
or for a little tourist trip to the
Black Hills. Two couples from
Water Valley, Miss., the men folk
having hunted on the Jones land
for a number of years, attended the
wedding. Their wives had never
been to South Dakota before, so
they were taking them to see Mt.
Rushmore and the Black Hills.
Other friends of Joy and Jerry, Ken
and Kim Jones, Half Moon Bay,
Calif., were also at the wedding. As
were friends Ivan and Miriam
Schilling, Gillette, Wyo. Joy re-
ported there were many family and
friends from the Midland area at
the wedding.
Back at home, Sunday evening,
Jerry and Joys kids had a supper
for them for their 50th wedding an-
niversary. Friends, Dick and Gene
(Snook) Hudson, were also there.
Congratulations, Joy and Jerry.
Those 50th anniversaries seem to
be popping up quite frequently in
our age group. How can that be? It
seems not that long ago we were in
high school. Time does fly.
Cassidy Trapp and a friend of
hers, who also graduated from T.F.
Riggs High School in Pierre this
spring, are leaving for North Car-
olina tomorrow, Tuesday. The two
gals will fly out from the Rapid
City airport and will be gone for
two weeks. The plane ticket for
Cassidy was a graduation gift from
the folks they are going to see and
who live close to where Mayberry
R.F.D.was filmed. Many of us re-
member the Andy Griffith show
with his son, Opie, and Aunt Bea
and of course we cant forget Bar-
ney Fife. Though they didnt have
violence in their show, a person
cant help but remember Barney
and his gun with one bullet.
For all you Minnesota Twins
fans, I learned an interesting story
from a former classmate, Mary Lou
(Foster) Wallner. Mary Lou and
her husband, Jerry, live in Ram-
sey, Minn., and they have a son,
Kale, and two grandsons, Brady
and Brenden. Kale Wallner has
been chosen to throw out the first
pitch of the Minnesota Twins base-
ball game at the new Target Cen-
ter, downtown Minneapolis, on
June 30, 2012, at the 6:00 p.m. The
game is between the Twins and the
Kansas City Royals. Kale will have
his two sons, Brady and Brenden,
by his side.
To give you a little run-down of
how this came to be: Jerrys dad,
Kales grandfather, Fred Wallner,
(deceased) was a former 1940s
baseball catcher for the Minneapo-
lis Millers baseball team. Fred
Wallners #17 Minneapolis Millers
uniform is being honored by the
Minneapolis Twins Association and
will be permanently displayed in a
glass disclosure for viewing inside
the new field in front of the Leg-
ends Club. As a special tribute to
the Former Minneapolis Millers,
the Minnesota Twins players will
all be wearing Millers uniforms
made for this special day. After the
first pitch, the Wallner family will
all be seated on the third floor ex-
ecutive quarters, located under the
Budweiser sign, left field.
Mary Lou will be putting to-
gether an article of her father-in-
laws baseball history with pictures
following the June 30 game. As
Mary Lou shared this most inter-
esting journey with me over the
phone, I was amazed. That uniform
top had been on display in Jerry
and Mary Lous house for a number
of years. One thing led to another
and all at once it has turned into an
amazing journey. Paul Harvey
used to say, And now, for the rest
of the story. That will come at a
later date.
Kathleen Hand, Kennewick,
Wash., is spending a month at the
Hand ranch where she grew up,
giving her a chance to visit her
brothers, Dave and Tom Hand, and
their families. Laura Hand flew to
Kennewick and from there she and
Kathleen made their trip by car to
South Dakota. Kathleen and I have
a bit of history, as she and I at-
tended the Little Eagle School at
one time. Good memories of those
times. The Hands have had a lot
going on at their place, as much of
their wheat was totally hailed out
in one of those hail storms. Later,
there was a fire north of the home
of Michael and Michelle Hand. It
burned about an eighth of a mile of
Bonnie Sivages tree rows before it
was able to be put out. Bonnie had
a lot of trees planted on her land
and trees are something that take
some years to grow.
Thursday, June 7, Lisa, Blake
and Stuart Hackerott came from
Kansas to visit before Lisas moms,
Ida Hunt, birthday celebration.
Courtney (Hunt) McFarland came
from Wyoming. Jan Tolton picked
up granddaughter Jessica in Wall,
who had been spending time with
her moms relatives. Friday, June
8, Teresa Palmer came from
Murdo, Roger and Peg Johnson,
Pierre, Ron Hunt and Laura, Cali-
fornia, Gordon and Cheryl Hunt,
Jeff Hunt, Barry Hunt, all of Ne-
vada, Shari Estep, Texas, Jordan
Tolton, Aberdeen, and Jenna
Tolton and Keenan, surprised
everyone (after a cancelled flight)
when Leesa Johnson, Colorado,
met her plane in Rapid City. Satur-
day, June 9, was the big celebra-
tion for Ida Hunts 90th and Ted
Hunts 70th birthdays. Other fam-
ily members coming were Ted and
Dena Hunt, Rapid City, Derek,
Erin and Lauren, Ryan, Nikki,
Madie, Gabby and Peyton and
Erik, all of Colorado, Marcie (Hunt)
Ricards and Randi Hunt and Eas-
ton Schwartz, Nevada, Chad John-
son, Pierre, Dave and Tiffany
(Hunt) Ghering, Noah, Emma, Eli,
Rapid City. Ellie Hackerott and
Deidra came from Kansas after
Deidra took her ACT tests. April
Neuhauser brought Penny (Hunt)
Schafer from Pierre. Terry from
Watertown came and was a house-
guest of his brother, Keith Hunt,
for a couple of weeks. They all
joined Roy and Carol Hunt, Jerry
Hunt, Keith Hunt, Christine
Niedan, Jan and Jan Tolton and
Cam and Michelle Meinzer to com-
plete Idas family. This is the first
time family has been together for a
family picture since 2002. About
180 people signed the guest book.
Many other relatives came from
near and far including Emma
Roots family, Darwin and Betty
Haerer and their grandsons, Dea-
con and Camden, Wall, Sylvia
Huber, Rapid City, Dan and
Dorothy Root and Cliff and
Marissa Root and Megan of
Wyoming. and Sam Root, Midland.
Till Mulcahy family, Jo Ann and
Shelby Bork, Midland, and Jenny
and Kylie Geuther, Pierre. Olga
Meyers family, Jerry and Sonia
Nemec, Midland. Clara Roseth
family, Clark and Carmen Alle-
man, Sophie Foley, Duane and
Lola Roseth and Julian and Coreen
Roseth all of the Midland area. Es-
ther Schanzenbach family, Ivan
Schanzenbach, Midland. Pete Fos-
heim family, Tom and Nancy Rus-
sell, Black Hawk, Patsy Freeman,
Philip, Nancy Schofield, Belvidere,
Danielle Tople, Pierre, Jamie
Dolezal and Travis and Jackie
Schofield, Belvidere, June Fedder-
son, Midland, Dusti Palecek, Ft.
Pierre, and Tena and Kash Slovek,
Philip, and Carissa Doolittle, Mid-
land. Anna Walker family, Dianne
and Dave Selchert, Yankton, Bev
Bordewyk, Parkston, Julie Carter,
Black Hawk, Kathy Haarstad, Iro-
quois, Beth Carter, Bryant, and
Lily Lund, Rapid City. Lawrence
Hunt family, Gayle and Ralph
Matz, Brookings, John and Arnis
Knutson, Quinn. Everett Hunt
family, Al and Grace Hunt, North
Dakota, Lyle Hunt, Rapid City,
Dick Deal, Caputa, Janet Waldron,
Ft. Pierre, and Wayne Hunt,
Providing special musical trib-
ute, M-O-T-H-E-R was Loren and
Rose Kiel, Quinn.
We want to welcome to our com-
munity, Leigh and Sarah Ferneval
and children, Blaise and Ridge.
They are living in the former Sylvia
Snook home and Leigh is employed
with Haakon County.
Pat Snook reported the follow-
ing: A special event took place
June 14, Flag Day, at the Capitol
Rotunda in Pierre. It was the inau-
gural unveiling ceremony for the
Trail of Governors sculptures. The
first three bronzes are Arthur C.
Mellette (sculptor John Lopez),
Harlan J. Bushfield (sculptor
James Maher), and Walter D.
Miller (sculptors Lee Leuning and
Sherri Treeby). All four living
South Dakota governors were pres-
ent, Dennis Daugaard, Michael
Rounds, Frank Farrar, and Walter
Miller. Very interesting biogra-
phies of each governor were read,
the sculptors presented their vision
of their work, and the bronzes were
then unveiled by family members,
except for Mellette, who was un-
veiled by Daugaard and Lopez.
Mellette will be placed in front of
the Hughes County Courthouse,
Bushfield on the corner by Capital
City Florists, and Miller, near the
St. Charles Hotel. Work needs to be
done yet on the sites before they
can be installed. It is interesting to
know that South Dakota is the first
and only state to implement a proj-
ect like this. It goes to show that we
have a lot of talent and inspiration
in our state. The Trail of Gover-
nors is the brainchild of Midland
High School alumni Rick Jensen of
Pierre, and LeRoy Foster of Ft.
Pierre. The vision took life over a
cup of coffee the two were having.
Be sure to congratulate Rick for
this outstanding accomplishment
when you see him. The ceremony
will be broadcast on Dakota Life,
SDPB, at a later date. Rick will try
to let us know when the time is de-
cided. The website is www.Trailof- Pat Snook was an
invited guest at the event, and also
to the artists' and family reception
following at the Governors' Man-
sion. Three sculptures will be done
each year, if funding is secured.
South Dakota has had 32 elected
governors and 10 territorial gover-
Barb and Morrie Jones were in
Belle Fourche Friday and Saturday
to watch a couple rounds of the
state high school rodeo. Brody
Jones, their grandson was one of
the contestants in the team roping.
Thomas Doolittle and his partner,
Austin ODea, were also contest-
ants in the team roping event.
There were a lot of people in Belle
Fourche, so the motels were full.
They stayed across the border in
Aladdin, Wyo., Friday night. Barb
reports Aladdin is a small town
with a population of 15 people and
that it is a nice and quiet stop on
the road with an historic back-
The following is a report on the
Seidler family reunion: Several
families of descendants of Lucille
and Grover Seidler gathered at the
Varmint Hunters building near Ft.
Pierre for visiting and getting re-
acquainted on June 2. Jeff and
Jackie Rheborg were the hosts.
Mary Nemec was the one pushing
us all to do this for a fun reason in-
stead of the usual situation of there
being a funeral. Bob Seidler is the
only one of the Seidler siblings still
living. Vivian Sichterman died last
winter at age 90. Mary Oleson,
Marge Calhoon, Betty Stalley and
Ed Seidler all died too young of
cancer many years ago.
The four surviving descendants
of Marge Calhoon, Maxine (Shorty)
Jones, Dave (Jean) Calhoon, all of
Midland, Mary (Larry) Nemec,
Pierre, and Bob (and friend Ruth)
Calhoon, Lohrville, Iowa, were
Betty and Tom Stalley's descen-
dants attending were Patty Stal-
ley, T.R.'s widow, Riverton, Wyo.,
Bev McNeese, Belle Fourche, Jerry
(Sharon) Stalley, Frazee, Minn.,
Connie (Steve) Leek, Slayton,
Minn., Karmon Keppers, Pillager,
Minn., Lanna Norton, Page, Ariz.
Two of Vivian and George Sichter-
mans' sons able to attend were Bud
(Sharon), Casper, Wyo., and Gary
(Cheryl), Colorado Springs, Colo.
Bob Seidler and daughter Athel-
lan Westerman were there, and
some of the cousins were able to go
visit Dorothy at Maryhouse during
their visit to the Pierre area.
Other family attending the party
were Don and Nancy Smith, Carly
and Kimberley, and a friend, Jes-
sica Mascallero, all of Bellevue,
Neb., who also drove through the
Badlands and toured Wall Drug, as
Jessica had never been to a really
rural area, and she enjoyed it a lot.
Barry and Lexi Jones and Bryer
Jones and Kacee McDaniel, Ross
Jones and daughter Cassie, Rapid
City, Jay and Tabatha Calhoon,
Wall, Craig Anderson, Dea Fisher,
Jersey Anderson, Nevada Norton,
Casper, Wyo., Nacona Toth, Briley
and Dawson, New Castle, Wyo.,
Neil Nemec, Pierre, and Colleen
Stalley Moorman, Madalyn and
Max, Riverton, Wyo.
Friends coming to visit with the
family were Sharon Engelhaupt,
Midland, whose kids called Ed Sei-
dler "grandpa" as Sharons' parents
both died before her kids were
born. Ed was a good friend of
theirs, helping Sharon run her
place after her parents' passing.
Lane and Sonja Briggs, Lil Briggs,
Don Foot, and Darwin Itule, from
near Ft. Pierre. When the Stalleys
worked for Hickmans, the Briggs
and Stalley kids went to school to-
gether and were neighbors and
Shorty and Maxine Jones were
among those attending the Cody
and Audrey Jones wedding in
Valentine, Neb., recently. Don and
Nancy Smith and Carly also came
from Bellevue, Neb., all staying
overnight and getting in some
extra visiting. It was a reminder of
attending weddings of the three
daughters of Patty and the late
T.R. Stalley at Valentine over the
past six years or so. Different
churches, but the same great place
for a reception, and even the same
The Joneses toured along the
Niobrara River east of Valentine on
the trip back home, taking the
river road, crossing the Berry
Bridge south of Sparks, Neb., from
the south side of the river road,
then driving along the north side,
much closer to the river, seeing
only a few floating down the river
in tubes that very windy day.
Going up Hwy. 183 and turning
east a little way into South Dakota
to visit friend, Rose Paulson, on her
ranch south of Colome was a treat.
Roses son, Don, has built a new in-
door roping arena, and they had to
replace a shop which had burned,
so it looked a little different than
on previous visits many years ago.
It was a great afternoon of catching
up with a very 'young' 88-year-old
The whole trip showed the ex-
tremes of dry areas, starting a little
south of the town of White River,
on, with Valentine looking the
worst we had ever seen during the
growing season. Quite brown, with
little promise of hay or crops.
South of Colome was much better,
and the Winner area looked good,
too. Going on up toward Presho, it
varied quite a bit, with areas look-
ing pretty good, and others not so
much. The entire area sure needs
significant rain, except maybe for
some wheat fields.
As I close out my news column
for this week, Randy Nemec and
his crew are putting a new roof on
our house. Hes had a number of
roofs to be replaced this summer.
I leave you with this quote, Life
is like a calendar; when a page is
turned, its gone. And no matter
what you do next week, no yester-
days will dawn. Some food for
thought. Go out and make it a good
Team Roping
Saturday, June 30th
at Robert Toltons Arena
Southwest of Hayes
For more information: 685-5141 RT Arena
Creations Galore Creations Galore
has moved to
102 Dusty Ridge Rd.
(just north of Midland)
Call or walk in anytime! Pat Vollmer, Midland
Philip Motor, Inc.
Philip, SD
(800) 859-5557
2008 Ford F-250
V-10 Auto 4x4 Priced to Move
Give Ryan a call today!
Community Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 7
Interior Roping Club & the Town of Interior Pres-
ent ....
#2 Rated Rodeo in the ENTIRE United States in the 1920s.
One of the Oldest Rodeos in South Dakota!!
July 4th, 5th &
Interior, South Dakota
Wednesday, July 4:
Parade at 1 p.m.
Rodeo Slack ~ 10 a.m.
Potluck Picnic in the Park, 6 p.m.
Huge Fireworks at Dusk
WED. & THURS., JULY 4 & 5:
Sanctioned Rodeo - daily at 4:30 p.m.
Ranch Rodeo:
Calcutta ~ 3 p.m.
Rodeo ~ 4 p.m.
4-Person Teams -
$300 per team
For info: 605-433-5390
Pro Rodeo Announcer:
Dale Christensen
Rodeo Clowns:
Kyle Amiotte
& Cooper Waln
Interior Rop-
ing Club is a
nonprofit or-
2nd Annual
on Saturday, July 28th in Philip
Sponsored by Pams Pink Ladies
Contact Lindsy Reagle 279-2153
or Kalcy Triebwasser 441-5774
Relay For
ited around town making some de-
liveries where folks needed it.
Don and Vi Moody have been
staying close to home getting some
haying done. The hay has been a
bit short, but hopefully as they ap-
proach the alfalfa bottoms nearer
to the creek they will find better
pickings. Rain showers have been
nice with showers occurring most
every other day, dropping from a
quarter to a half inch, so grass is
staying green. Their new toy, work
horse, a John Deere Gator, was de-
livered this week, along with a
Most of the time, there is no way
to meet life or death but head on,
so that was what we did Thursday.
Bill and I met with Pastor Kathy
Chesney of the United Church in
Philip and worked through details
for memorial services for Sandra.
We met with D.J. Rush and also
addressed things that needed to be
These words seem so fitting at
this time Be kind, for everyone you
meet is fighting a battle. Sandra
battled hard and courageous a foe
only she knew personally. Also ar-
riving at our home from Brooklyn
Park, Minn., were Ellen and Leroy
Lutzke, making the long journey on
their motorcycle. They went on to
spend the night at the home of Lori
Snellgrove, to return for services
and visiting Saturday.
George and Roxie Gittings and
Daniel were in Rapid City Thurs-
day for a dental appointment for
Ralph and Cathy Fiedler met
daughter Lynette Klumb in White-
wood Thursday afternoon, thus
ending Hanna's visit.
Friday visitors at our home were
Dean and Mary Parsons, Philip, Ed
and Wanda Artz, Humbolt, Wanda
Swan, Kadoka, Dorothy and Digger
Hansen, Philip, Tony Harty and
Dale and Cindy O'Connell, Kadoka.
We have a house with several bed-
rooms, that soon filled up with the
arrival of Eric Seager, Chaciel,
Aviana and Eli, Amanda and Adam
Claflin, Harrisburg, Chase May
and Carly, Madison. The mo-
torhome was set up for Shelley
Seager and Mike Rath, Sutton,
Neb. Bonnie Moses rode up from
Nebraska with Shelly and went on
to Philip to spend time with her
family. Judy DeWitt did an excel-
lent job of providing some great
cookies for those who visited and
also entertained Aviana at her mo-
torhome during the evenings visit
with Pastor Kathy, who came over
for fellowship and to hear about
Sandra. Saturday morning, Pastor
Art visited at our home before serv-
ices and everyone went to Philip.
Zack Seager joined the group. Sat-
urday, Kent and Nina Fairchild,
Lemoore, Calif., and daughter
Debra Moran, Hanford, Calif., ar-
rived in time for the memorial serv-
ices and joined the family in
Kadoka for visiting and supper.
Shelley took Debra to Philip and
picked up Zack Seager in the
evening. The activities under the
tent in Kadoka and music enticed
some of the family to venture down
town and enjoy the activies.
Don and Vi later drove over to
Kadoka to attend the open house
for the Save the Pearl ice cream so-
cial Saturday afternoon and had
fun visiting with the local folks
about Vi's grandparents, the Steve
and Katie Rumseys, who were
homesteaders in the Kadoka area.
Vi's grandma, Katie, worked at
times at the Pearl Cafe and also
the Red Mill Cafe which was closer
to the State Theater on the lower
end of main. Paula Rock Vogel-
sang gave Don and Vi the grand
tour upstairs and autographed a
historical publication featuring the
past history of this 1906 hotel
which served the trade area in
Kadoka when the railroad was at
peak service to the influx of the
western expansion in the Dakotas
at that time. The ice cream and
cakes were indeed among the high-
lights. Tony Harty was also among
the folks at the ice cream social.
George and Sandee Gittings,
Don and Vi Moody and Tony Harty
from this reporting area were
among the many folks who at-
tended the memorial service for
Sandra Sumpter May at the
United Church in Philip Saturday
afternoon. Fellowship was shared
over refreshments following the
Jeannie Waara brought a couple
of relatives over to the George Git-
tings home Friday evening and got
a tour of their home.
Tony Harty had a visitor of
Kathy Brown Friday afternoon and
Saturday morning and visited with
Shirley Hair in the morning.
Sherry Hanson called Saturday
and invited her folks, Ralph and
Cathy Fiedler, over for supper. The
Hansons had gone fishing, so be-
sides a fish fry, they enjoyed steak,
potatoes and salad. Elsie caught
the most fish and Loman caught
the biggest one. After supper and
the dishes were done, the Hansons
followed Ralph and Cathy into
Spearfish for ice cream cones to
end a perfect evening.
Don Klumb, Tessa and Hannah,
visited with Ralph and Cathy
Fiedler in Sturgis Sunday after-
noon so Don could help with some
issues on Cathy's computer. He
also got the TV and VCR in the
spare bedroom set up so the grand-
kids can watch movies. They had
an ice cream snack before return-
ing home to Spearfish. Lynette
Klumb and Caitlin were both work-
George Gittings attended the
auction Sunday afternoon for the
Catholic church in Philip.
Sunday, Don and Vi Moody at-
tended the auction at the American
Legion Hall for the Sacred Heart
Catholic Church in Philip. This
sale was also nicely attended and it
was a fun fellowship afternoon for
all, with a nice lunch available.
There were lots of nice items with
very active bidding.
Vi said they had a heavy elm tree
branch hanging off the front deck
over a picnic table Sunday morning
after a storm blew through.
Sunday, Tony Harty attended
church and had dinner out and
stopped by our place in the evening
to give me news.
Sunday it was much like herding
cats around here. Family stumbled
out of bed randomly gathering
their things and wits about them. I
grandly burned breakfast, (which
most declined to want anyway)
with the charred bacon remains
beating even some of my other
burnt offerings. We got our trailer
unloaded and pickup hooked up
with many hands helping and the
next project is the process of clean-
ing Sandra's apartment. Everyone
returned to their respective homes.
Most of all let love guide your
life. Colossians 3:14
"Live that your memories will be
a part of your happiness." Daysies
Places News
continued from
page 5
2 Bedrooms Available
2 Bedrooms Available
(washer/dryer hook-ups)
Apartments carpeted throughout,
appliances furnished,
laundry facilities available.
For application
& information:
1113 Sherman St.
Sturgis, SD 57785
605-347-3077 or
This Thursday at Noon
Monday at 11 a.m.
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 8
Come join us at a
Farewell Potluck Supper for
Jeff & Lori Rieckman
Friday, June 29th 6:30 p.m.
Boyd & Jeanie Waaras
11 Mile Road Philip
Meat & buns provided.
Rain location change: Richard Millers shop
Cell: 605-441-2859 Res: 605-859-2875 Fax: 605-859-3278
520 E. Hwy. 14 PO Box 38
Philip, SD 57567
I can find
looking for!
David Burnett,
2000 Dodge Durango
4x4, V-8, Auto., Leather, 3rd Row Seat,
Community Annual
July 4th BBQ
at the Milesville Hall
Supper Begins at 7 p.m.
Everyone, please bring a salad!
Items furnished: Famous BBQ Beef
Plates, Silverware & Drinks
Fun entertainment after
supper for everyone!
At dusk, fireworks display,
homemade ice cream social &
birthday cake!
Free will offering will be taken to
help with maintenance of the hall.
Students from ages eight to 18
from across South Dakota con-
verged on Philip June 19 and 20 to
take part in the annual Rangeland
Days and Soils Days.
Students were given a chance to
practice their skills Tuesday at a
pasture northeast of the contest
site. That evening some of the stu-
dents gave speeches and had their
range displays set up for judging.
Wednesday morning, the group
traveled to a pasture owned by Cliff
Poss south of the Cottonwood
Range and Livestock Research Sta-
tion west of Philip.
Results of the contest were:
Soils Day
Judging-Individual: Bailie Beer, Lemmon
- 1st, Alex Nagel, Gettysburg - 2nd, Jenna
Schweiss, Gettysburg - 3rd.
Judging-Teams: Gettysburg - 1st, Lem-
mon - 2nd.
Rangeland Days
New Rangers
Talks: Danika Gordon, Whitewood - 1st,
Kaylen Stearns, Edgemont - 2nd, Jared
Stearns, Edgemont - 3rd
Plant Collections: Gordon - 1st, J. Stearns
- 2nd, K. Stearns, Edgemont - 3rd, Bridger
Gordon, Whitewood - 4th
Judging-Individuals: Hunter Eide, Get-
tysburg - 1st, K. Stearns - 2nd, Madison
Weishaar, Lemmon - 3rd, D. Gordon - 4th, J.
Stearns - 5th, Ezra Weichmann, Shadehill -
6th, Tate Ollila, Newell - 7th, Lauren
Weishaar, Lemmon - 8th
Judging-Teams: Junior Jackrabbits (D.
Gordon, K. Stearns, J. Stearns, Ollila) - 1st,
Jackrabbits (L. Weishaar, Wyatt Schreiver,
Philip, M. Weishaar) - 2nd, Wild Rose (Eide,
Ella Lantz, Rapid City, Aubrey Vander Wilt,
Mitchell ) 3rd, Western Wheat (Weichmann,
Frank Huber, Martin, Riley Schofield, Philip,
Matthew Marrs, Whitewood, ) 4th
Top Hand: D. Gordon
Talks: B. Gordon - 1st, Blayne Martinez,
Ethan, - 2nd, Alexis Vander Wilt, Mitchell -
3rd, Emily Knutson, Kadoka, - 4th
Displays: Vander Wilt - 1st, Knutson -
2nd,B. Gordon - 3rd, Martinez - 4th
Judging-Individual: B. Gordon - 1st,
Knutson - 2nd, Aubrey Weishaar, Lemmon -
3rd, Nicole Sommer, Parkston - 4th, Vander
Wilt - 5th
Top Hand: B. Gordon
Judging-Individual: Rachel Parsons,
Philip -1st, Nathan Duerre, Bristol - 2nd,
Miles Kreeger, Lake Andes - 3rd, Tye Kost,
Parkston - 4th, Ben Stangle, Philip - 5th
Judging-Team: Wagner FFA
Displays: Stangle - 1st, Kost - 2nd
Talk: Stangle - 1st, Kost - 2nd
Top Hand: Stangle
Go Getters
Judging-Individual: Austin Thayer,
Kadoka - 1st, Brian Champion, Newell - 2nd,
Ethan Eddington, Newell - 3rd, Elijah Srt-
ska, Newell - 4th, Alisha Sheeler, Newell -
5th, Ben Stiegelmeier, Selby - 6th, Chance
Knutson, Kadoka - 7th, Casey Bauer, Newell
- 8th, Myles Addison, Kadoka - 9th, Levi
Olinger, Wessington Springs - 10th.
Judging-Team: FFA Division - Newell
(Srtska, Emma Rogers, Bauer)- 1st, Kadoka
(Clint Stout, Kate Rasmussen) - 2nd; 4-H Di-
vision - Butte County (Sheeler, Champion,
Eddington) - 1st, Jackson County (C. Knut-
son, Logan Christensen, Addison, Thayer) -
2nd, Jerauld County (Wessington Springs -
Olinger, Bailey Willman, Shannon Duxbury,
Shilo Starr) - 3rd.
Displays: Hanna Higdorn, Dupree - 1st,
Sheeler - 2nd, Evan Johnson, Greenville - 3rd
Talks: Sheeler - 1st, Higdorn - 2nd
Top Hand: Sheeler
The annual event was hosted by
the Haakon and Jackson counties,
conservation districts and their
Natural Resources Conservation
Service offices and South Dakota
State Univeristy Extension Serv-
FFA and 4-H teams take honors
Scouts Division winners included Rachel Parsons, Milesville, first, and Ben Stangle, Milesville, far right, fifth. Second through
third place students, respectively, were Nathan Duerre, Bristol, Miles Kreeger, Lake Andes, and Tye Kost. Stangle also took
first in the display and speech divisions. Photo by Nancy Haigh
The annual Haakon/Jackson 4-H
Horse Show was held June 14 in
the Kadoka Arena.
Beginner Western Showmanship:
Cedar Gabriel top purple, Hudson
Johnson purple, Tashina Red Hawk
purple, Riley Schofield blue, Kaelan
Block red, Kash Block red, Bailey
Bierle red
Pony Junior Western Showmanship:
Gage Weller purple
Junior Western Showmanship:
Shaina Solon top purple, Sage Gabriel
purple, Dustin Enders purple,
Hunter Johnson purple, Sage Bierle
purple, Paul Smiley blue
Senior Western Showmanship:
Wyatt Enders purple, Thomas Doolit-
tle blue, Sam Stangle red, Ben Stan-
gle red
Junior English Showmanship:
Weller top purple
Beginner Stock Seat Equitation:
Hudson Johnson top purple, Kaelan
Block purple, C. Gabriel purple,
Kash Block blue, Bierle blue,
Schofield blue, Red Hawk blue
Junior Pony Stock Seat Equitation:
Weller purple
Junior Stock Seat Equitation: Solon
top purple, Bierle purple, S. Gabriel
purple, Hunter Johnson blue, D. En-
ders blue, Smiley - blue
Senior Stock Seat Equitation:
Doolittle blue, W. Enders blue, B.
Stangle blue, S. Stangle red
Junior Pony Hunt Seat: Weller pur-
Senior Reining: Doolittle top pur-
ple, W. Enders blue,
Junior Reining: D. Enders purple,
Weller purple, Hunter Johnson red,
Hudson Johnson red, Smiley red,
Solon red, Kaelan Block red, Kash
Block red
Senior Western Riding: B. Stangle
purple, Doolittle blue, W. Enders
blue, S. Stangle red
Junior Western Riding: S. Gabriel
purple, Weller blue, Hunter Johnson
blue, Solon blue, Smiley blue, Kae-
lan Block blue, D. Enders blue, Hud-
son Johnson red, C. Gabriel red,
Kash Block red
Senior Trail: Doolittle top purple,
W. Enders red
Junior Trail: Solon purple, Smiley
blue, Weller red, Kaelan Block
red, S. Gabriel red, D. Enders red
Beginner Trail: Kash Block purple,
Hudson Johnson blue, C. Gabriel
Senior Barrel Racing: Doolittle, 20.10
purple, W. Enders, 21.41 blue
Junior Barrel Racing: Smiley, 20.08
purple, Solon, 21.13 purple, Hudson
Johnson, 21.35 purple, S. Gabriel,
21.50 purple, Hunter Johnson, 23.60
purple, Bierle, 25.91 blue, D. En-
ders, 27.58 blue, C. Gabriel, 29.09
red, Red Hawk, 31.96 red, Kash
Block, 45.10 red, Kaelan Block, NT
Pony Junior Barrel Racing: Weller,
23.83 purple
Senior Pole Bending: Doolittle, 25.90
blue, W. Enders, 39.05 red
Junior Pole Bending: Smiley, 25.05
purple, Solon, 25.34 purple, S.
Gabriel, 28.09 blue, Hudson Johnson,
30.36 blue, Hunter Johnson, 33.43
red, S. Bierle, 34.22 red, D. Enders,
37.45 red, C. Gabriel, 37.96 red,
Kash Block, 54.74 red, Kaelan Block
Pony Junior Pole Bending: Weller,
31.02 blue,
Senior Breakaway: Doolittle, NT
white, W. Enders, NT white
Junior Breakaway: Smiley, 16.33
purple, Hunter Johnson, NT white,
Kaelan Block, NT white, Hudson
Johnson, NT white, Weller, NT
Senior Calf Roping: Doolittle, NT
Haakon/Jackson 4-H Horse Show
Above, the beginner western horsemanship competition. Below, Sage Bierle, one
of the junior competitors. Courtesy photos
The local baseball teams are well
into their summer season.
The practices and home games
are being done on a field that was
recently filled in with dirt and lev-
eled. Just last year, the baseball
concession stand received a con-
crete apron poured around its base.
Two years ago, the fields bath-
rooms were upgraded, benefiting
from a donation of funds that were
above the need for the Welcome to
Philip sign fundraising project.
Communications to players and
parents are as current as possible,
with the coaches posting informa-
tion on the blog of www.philip The
message went out early Tuesday,
June 26, that the A and B games
scheduled that afternoon in Murdo
were cancelled because of 105 de-
gree heat.
The T-ball team played Wednes-
day, June 13, in Midland.
On Thursday, June 14, at Wall,
the B team lost to Wall 3-4. The A
team lost 10-14.
On Tuesday, June 19, at Philip,
the B team lost to Murdo 0-2. The
A team lost 20-21.
Thursday, June 21, the B team
lost 6-10 in Kadoka. The A team
also lost.
The Philip Legion baseball team,
June 16, at Belle Fourche first de-
feated Newcastle 14-2 in five in-
nings, then won over Belle Fourche
20-9 in six innings. During a dou-
ble-header in Pierre, June 20, the
Legion team lost both games, but
by only a few runs each. Sunday,
June 24, the Legion team lost to
Post 320 in Rapid City.
Upcoming Events
6/27 5:30 T-ball and C games
6/28 5:30 B & A games w/Wall
6/30 9:00 a.m. Paulson Tour-
ney @ Philip with Wall,
Kadoka and Murdo
6/30 1:00 p.m. Legion, two
games @ Sturgis
7/3 4:30 C, B & A games
7/6-8 Legion Wood Bat Tourney
@ Lead/Deadwood
7/9 5:30 T-ball & C Ball Fun
Day turn in uniforms
7/10 5:30 B & A games @ Wall
7/12 5:30 MT, B & A makeup
games at Murdo
7/14 Badlands League tourney
A @ Wall (last game)
7/15 1:00 p.m. Legion two
games w/Lead/Deadwood
7/19-21 Legion Region Tourney
7/26-28 Legion State Tournament.
Philip baseball season update
Attempting a
double play,
this Philip A
team player
got the lead
runner out, but
the batter
reached first
base. Philip
lost at home,
June 19, to
Murdo 20-21.
Nineteen individuals from across
the state have been selected to re-
ceive the South Dakota High
School Activities Associations Dis-
tinguished Service Award for the
2012-2013 school year.
Jeff Rieckman, the secondary
principal and athletic director for
Philip High School, has earned the
recognition as a SDHSAA state
event director.
Following a nomination process,
the recipients of the award are se-
lected by the SDHSAA board of di-
rectors. This award is the highest
recognition bestowed by the
SDHSAA, honoring administra-
tors, board of education members,
athletic and fine arts coaches, di-
rectors, contest officials, and con-
tributors to statewide activities. It
is designed to honor individuals
who have made significant long-
term contributions to the high
school athletic and fine arts activi-
ties in the state. These people have
given outstanding service to the
youth of the state through the high
school athletic and fine arts activi-
ties programs.
Rieckman SDHSAA Distinguished Service
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 9
Official Newspaper for the City of Philip,
Haakon County, Haakon School District 27-1
& the Town of Midland
Legal Notices
There will be insufficient funds in the
budget allowances in the 101 General
Fund in the 2012 budgets of (101-212)
Jail, (101-441) Mentally Ill. It is hereby
proposed that the following Supplemental
Budgets be adopted for the 2012 year.
101 212 Jail Expenses $4,000.00
101 441 Mentally Ill $6,000.00
Notice is hereby given that the Board of
Commissioners of Haakon County, South
Dakota, will hold a public hearing on the
above proposed supplemental budgets
for the year 2012 at 1:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, July 3, 2012, at which time any per-
son interested may appear and be heard
in favor or opposed the proposed budget.
Edward Briggs, Chairman
Patricia G. Freeman
Haakon County Auditor
[Publish June 21 & 28, 2012, at the total
approximate cost of $23.40]
Bids for furnishing propane gas for any
school residing within the Haakon School
District will be accepted by the Board of
Education up to 5:00 PM MDT on Mon-
day, July 16, 2012, for the 2012-2013 fis-
cal year.
Denote on outside of sealed envelope
Decision on bids will be made at the reg-
ular board meeting on July 16, 2012.
The Board of Education reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all bids.
Haakon School District 27-1
Britni Ross, Business Manager
[Published June 28 & July 5, 2012, at the
approximate cost of $14.76]
Bids will be accepted by the Board of Ed-
ucation of the Haakon School District up
to 5:00 PM MDT on Monday, July 16,
2012, for the following items for the 2012-
2013 fiscal year: 220 - 50# bags, (11,000
pounds) more or less, of Barium Chloride
Crystals (90% or more pure preferred) to
be delivered FOB, Philip, SD.
Denote on the outside of a sealed enve-
Decision on bids will be made at the reg-
ular board meeting on July 16, 2012.
The Board of Education reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all bids.
Haakon School District 27-1
Britni Ross, Business Manager
[Published June 28 & July 5, 2012, at the
approximate cost of $16.90]
Proceedings of the
Town of Midland
Special Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2012
The Town Board of the Town of Midland
met in special session on Tuesday, June
19, 2012, at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall with
the following members present: Diana
Baeza, Jared Fosheim, Rock Gillaspie,
Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer and
Lawrence Stroppel, Utilities Operator.
Also present: Jerry Nemec, Reuben
Vollmer, Jr. and Angie Doolittle
The purpose of this meeting was to dis-
cuss repairs on the Water Tank. Midco
Divers Inc. worked on sealing the tank.
Discussed DOT Land/Resolution. Papers
have been sent to the Attorney regarding
this matter.
Discussed DOT water line.
Discussed Ordinance Violations. Board
will meet on the 22nd of June to look
more closely into these violations.
Discussed purchasing water meters as
the current ones are wearing out. Motion
by Fosheim, second by Gillaspie to pur-
chase 45 meters in order to start replac-
ing those worn out. Motion carried.
Stroppel gave his Utilities Operator re-
port. Discussed tractor repairs, chip seal-
ing, trapping muskrat, water treatment
plant and computer issues.
There being no further business to come
before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
Diana Baeza, President
Michelle M. Meinzer, Finance Officer
[Published June 28, 2012, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $16.89]
Proceedings of
West River Water
Development District
May 17, 2012
CALL TO ORDER: The West River
Water Development District convened for
their regular meeting at the West River
Water Development District Project Office
in Murdo, SD. Chairman Joseph Hieb
called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.
Roll Call was taken and Chairman Joseph
Hieb declared a quorum was present. Di-
rectors present were: Joseph Hieb,
Casey Krogman, Marion Matt, Veryl
Prokop and Lorne Smith. Also present:
Jake Fitzgerald, Manager; Kati Venard,
APPROVE AGENDA: Motion by Director
Prokop, seconded by Director Matt to ap-
prove the agenda. Motion carried unani-
APPROVE MINUTES: The minutes of
the April 19, 2012, meeting were previ-
ously mailed to the Board for their review.
Motion by Director Krogman, seconded
by Director Prokop to approve the April
minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
$56.61, Casey Krogman - $56.61, Marion
Matt - $56.61, Veryl Prokop - $56.61,
Lorne Smith - $56.61, West River/Lyman-
Jones RWS - $1,000.00, Pennington
County Courant - $30.87, Lyman County
Herald - $32.47, Murdo Coyote - $36.82,
Todd County Tribune - $34.72, Pioneer
Review - $32.49, Kadoka Press - $38.66,
Casey Peterson & Associates - $577.11.
Motion by Director Matt, seconded by Di-
rector Smith to approve the District bills.
Motion carried unanimously.
PORT: The financial status of the District
to date was previously sent to the Board.
A copy of the April Financial Report is on
file at the District office in Murdo. Motion
by Director Prokop, seconded by Director
Matt to approve the April Financial Re-
port. Motion carried unanimously.
Fitzgerald presented his May report to the
Board. Motion by Director Matt, seconded
by Director Krogman to approve the Man-
agers Report. Motion carried unani-
Director Prokop, seconded by Director
Matt to approve 50% cost-share funding
with WR/LJ for 2012 scholarships. Motion
carried unanimously.
MSAC VIDEO: Item tabled until the
WR/LJ meeting.
There being no further business, the
meeting was adjourned at 10:39 A.M.
/s/Kati Venard, Recording Secretary
/s/Joseph Hieb, Chairman
[Published June 28, 2012, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $32.17]
Proceedings of Haakon
County Commissioners
June 19, 2012
The Haakon County Commissioners
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM
on Tuesday, June 19, 2012. Those pres-
ent at the meeting were Chairman Ed-
ward Briggs, Vice Chairman Steve
Clements, Members Rita OConnell,
Nicholas Konst and Gary Snook. Also
present were Auditor Pat Freeman,
Deputy Auditor Carla Smith, Treasurer
Patti Rhodes, Director of Equalization
Toni Rhodes, Highway Superintendent
Kenny Neville and City Finance Office
Monna Van Lint.
Revenues are the topic of the day. Print-
outs were reviewed from 2011 final rev-
enues, 2012 actual revenues (as of 05-
31-12) and 2013 projected revenues for
2013, which needs to be done before
budgets can be approved. These figures
are projections or our best educated
guess as to what the income will be by
the end of 2013. The two major funds
concerning revenue projections for 2011
were (101) General Fund at 96.7%. This
means that in 2010 the projections made
for 2011 revenues were only off by 3.3%.
The (201) Highway Road & Bridge Fund
was at 100.2%. There were many issues
in this fund that were reviewed, such as
the unexpected SWAP money at over two
hundred thousand dollars and the in-
crease of Motor Vehicle taxes on July 1
which were not projected previously be-
cause it was unknown at the time. Overall
2011 projections of revenues made in
2010 were very good.
Then revenues that were made in 2011
for the 2012 year were reviewed with ac-
tual figures in as of 05-31-12. All income
revenue has been recorded up to that
date. Junes revenues cannot be posted
until July, for obvious reasons total rev-
enues are not all in yet for the month of
June because it isnt over with yet. 2012
actual revenues posted for the (101) Gen-
eral Fund as of 05-31-12 is at 51.3% of
the projected revenues, which is very
good. The actual revenues posted for the
(201) Highway Fund as of 05-31-12 is at
64.7%. This includes the first half of the
opt out ($125,000) being transferred in. At
this time, the (101) General Fund Balance
Sheet was reviewed showing two As-
signed Balances for Capital Accumula-
tion of $193,497.00. This was set up by
resolution and designated for a major pur-
chase, such as a road grader. The sec-
ond is Assigned Weed Restitution of
$13,675.00 which originally came from
the Department of Justice in the amount
of $25,000.00 and designated for the
Weed Control to use to purchase equip-
ment they need to control noxious weeds
in the county. The (201) Highway Road &
Bridge Fund CASH Balance Sheets were
reviewed showing Restricted dollars for
Snow Removal ($100,000.00), Highway
Road and Bridge Reserve ($24,353.46)
($188,291.68) remaining. These funds
can only be spent on certain activities
concerning road and bridge.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM
for lunch. At 1:32 PM, the meeting was
called to order.
The next thing reviewed were the 2012
Expenditure Reports through 06-19-12.
Payroll for June has not been done yet
and will be posted at the end of the
month. All bills have been posted that
were approved on June 7th. All depart-
ment expenses as of June 19 were in
very acceptable percentage ranges for
dollars spent. There are Funds that are
very difficult to project expenditures on.
Two of them are Jail Expenses, which
had an original budget of $10,000 was
supplemented by $4,000 and Mentally Ill
Expenses with an original budget $7,500
was supplemented by $6,000. Both of
these funds had to be supplemented at
the last regular commissioners meeting
on June 7th. Other funds that are unpre-
dictable are court appointed attorney
fees, support of the poor, court witness &
jury fees.
Auditor Freeman informed the commis-
sion that a paper dated August 26, 1930,
had been found in the DOEs Office con-
cerning the proposals for the 60 by 76 4-
story building which was the courthouse.
The bids totaled to $95,664.00 back in
EM101 For Commissioners was dis-
cussed. This is emergency training for
elected officials and a meeting has been
scheduled for Wednesday, June 27,
2012, at the North Haines VFD in Rapid
City, SD, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
The amounts charged for liquor licenses
were reviewed. These amount can be set
for On-Premise Retail Sale Liquor Li-
cense by the county commission not to
exceed $1,500.
Nothing was decided at this time.
The rent for the fourth floor to the Town of
Philip was increase from $60 to $500 a
month for 2013. This includes the 3rd
floor City Police space and the fourth floor
City Finance space. City Finance Officer
Monna Van Lint was present and stated
that it was expected as it has been $60
for as long as she has been finance offi-
cer. No motion was made at this time.
There was discussion on the purchase of
a used trailer for a highway worker to be
up in the northern part of the county. Au-
ditor Freeman reported that anything that
was done and was considered a perma-
nent fixture to the county property could
be taken from the Courthouse Building
Fund. Things that could be charged
against this fund, for example, would be
the permanent replacement of water
pipes in a shop building or replacing
heaters within the courthouse. This fund
could possibly be used to purchase a
used trailer for placement of a highway
worker in the northern end of the county.
It would be a county owned building or
trailer and also a permanent building. Au-
ditor Freeman will check with Deene Day-
ton of Legislative Audit. No action taken
at this time.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.
The next Regular Commissioners Meet-
ing will be on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012, at
1:00 PM in the Commissioners room in
the Courthouse.
ward Briggs, Chairman
Patricia G. Freeman, Auditor
[Published June 28, 2012, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $58.16]
Proceedings of Haakon
SchoolDistrict 27-1
Board of Education
Regular Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2012

The Board of Education of the Haakon
School District 27-1 met in regular ses-
sion for its regular meeting on June 18,
2012, at 7:00 p.m. at the Philip Armory,
Room A-1. President Scott Brech called
the meeting to order with the following
members present: Vonda Hamill, Mark
Nelson, Anita Peterson, Scott Brech,
Kelly Blair, Mark Radway, and Doug Thor-
son. Also present: Supt/Elementary Prin.
Keven Morehart, Secondary Prin. Jeff
Rieckman, Business Manager Britni
Ross, Lisa Schofield, Brigitte Brucklacher,
Blake Martinez, Tristen Rush, Amber
Rush, Nelson Holman, Josie Rush, Crys-
tal Martinez, Neal Eisenbraun, Terry Hol-
man, Dave Holman, DJ Rush and Del
All action taken in the following minutes
was by unanimous vote unless otherwise
12-146 Communications from the audi-
ence: None. President Scott Brech took a
moment to thank Kelly Blair for 9 years of
service to the Board of Education and Jeff
Rieckman for 10 years of service as the
Secondary Principal. The board wishes
both well in their future endeavors!
12-147 Motion by Radway, second by
Thorson to approve the agenda with the
following change: Move 12-163: FCCLA
National Team Presentation up to 12-
12-148 Motion by Blair, second by Nelson
to approve the following items of consent
Approved the minutes of the May 14,
2012, meeting.
Approved the unaudited financial re-
port of May 31, 2012, as shown below:

General Fund Claims Payable June 18,
2012: AFLAC - Insurance Premium -
637.62, Avesis - Vision Ins Premium -
293.50, Best Western Ramkota - State
Golf - Lodging - 401.94, Brant's Electric -
Timer - 43.50, Brucklacher, Brigitte - Con-
sortium Admin Pay/Consortium Mileage -
501.38, Century Business Products -
Copier Maintenance/Staples - 119.16,
City of Philip - Water/Sewer - 454.05,
Coyle's SuperValu - FACS/BOE Supplies
- 76.85, Delta Dental - Dental Insurance
Premiums - 1,670.82, Department of
Revenue - Water Testing - 35.00,
Deuchar, Theresa - Isolation Mileage -
122.10, Elshere, Lana - Isolation Mileage
- 48.84, Federal Surplus Property - Jani-
torial Supplies - 14.00, Foss, Dani - Iso-
lation Mileage - 266.40, G&G Excavation
- Excavate drain pipe for wellhouse -
345.18, GoldenWest Telecommunications
- Telephone - 498.43, Grainger - Janitorial
Supplies - 85.30, Haakon School District
- Reimburse Consortium Travel - 183.98,
Haggerty's Music - Music Supplies -
242.10, Hauff Mid-America - Golf Tourna-
ment Plaques - 30.60, Hauk, Doug - Con-
sortium Admin Pay - 400.00, Herring,
Dani - Reimburse Consortium Travel -
88.00, Ingram Hardware - Janitorial/Main-
tenance Supplies - 386.70, Kadoka FFA -
Consortium Reimbursement - 793.28,
Knutson, Brandy - Consortium Reim-
bursement - 664.74, Knutson, Vicki - Title
Admin Pay FY 2011-2012 - 2000.00,
Learning Zone Express - Consortium
Supplies - 496.42, Les' Body Shop -
Maintenance Supplies - 24.10, MG Oil
Company - BOE Supplies - 35.65, Morri-
son's Pit Stop - Bus/Maintenance Fuel -
1,122.03, Moses Building Center - Jani-
torial/Maintenance Supplies - 21.46,
Moses Building Center - Shop/Mainte-
nance Supplies - 122.71, NAPA -
VoAg/Maintenance Supplies - 79.67,
Pennington Co Courant - Subscription -
35.00, Petersen's Variety - Maintenance
Supplies - 73.81, Petty Cash Reimburse-
ment - Postage - 99.93, Pheasantland In-
dustries - Textbook Repair - 22.48, Philip
Standard - Maintenance Fuel - 200.55,
Philip Trust and Agency - Imprest Reim-
bursement - 2,759.13, Pioneer Review -
Publications - 158.17, Postmaster - An-
nual Box Rent - 230.00, Prairie Inn -
Lodging - Morehart State Football - 75.99,
Reickman, Jeff - Reimburse AD Sup-
plies/AD Mileage - 214.95, Sand Scripts
- School To Work Plaque Engraving -
18.83, SDSSA - Conference Registration
- Morehart - 150.00, Software Unlimited -
Software Upgrade Training - 200.00, Van-
way Trophy - Engraving/Retirement Gifts
- 309.55, Walker Refuse - Garbage Serv-
ice (April & May) - 1,600.32, Wall FFA -
Consortium Reimbursement - 210.00,
Wellmark - Health Insurance Premiums -
10,636.12, West Central Electric - Elec-
tricity - 3,149.70, Westmor - Maintenance
Supplies - 150.34, Wheeler, Jessica -
Mileage - TIE Conference in Sioux Falls -
193.14, WRLJ Rural Water -
Milesville/Chey May 12 Water - 2.50.
TOTAL: 32,796.02. Capital Outlay
Claims Payable June 18, 2012: Anders,
Toni - Parent Mileage - 514.30, Berry,
Tonya - Parent Mileage - 528.36, Black
Hills Chemical - Restroom Steam Clean-
ing System - 3,175.00, Buchholz-Fitzger-
ald, Mary - Parent Mileage - 102.86,
Burns, Marty - Parent Mileage - 1,423.76,
Carley, LaRae - Parent Mileage -
1,423.76, Century Business Leasing -
Copier Lease - 443.11, Clements, Lacey
- Parent Mileage - 1,873.68, First National
Bank - BUS CD - Payment to BUS CD
(FY 2013) - 20,000.00, Fitch, Christa -
Parent Mileage - 837.68, FNB - Sioux
Falls - Interest on CO Certificates -
2,945.00, Guptill, Pat - Parent Mileage -
1,642.80, Hamill, Jason - Parent Mileage
- 1,151.81, Hanrahan, Crystal - Parent
Mileage - 2,619.60, Hostutler, Kerry - Par-
ent Mileage - 1,095.20, Johnson, Marsha
- Parent Mileage - 1,061.90, Kammerer,
Jodi - Parent Mileage - 108.04, King, Chip
- Parent Mileage - 307.84, Kroetch, Toby
- Parent Mileage - 3,207.90, Martin, An-
gela - Parent Mileage - 876.16, McIlravy,
Tanya - Parent Mileage - 1,478.52, Morri-
son, Amy - Parent Mileage - 1,025.64,
Packard, Amber - Parent Mileage -
476.19, Parsons, Marcy - Parent Mileage
- 879.12, Quinn, Lori - Parent Mileage -
1,269.84, Schofield, April - Parent
Mileage - 326.34, Schofield, Harla - Par-
ent Mileage - 1,149.96, Stangle, Linda -
Parent Mileage - 1,131.46, Thorson,
Doug - Parent Mileage - 1,926.96,
Wheeler, Miles - Parent Mileage - 266.40,
Williams, Janice - Parent Mileage -
2,409.44, TOTAL: 57,678.63. SPED
Claims Payable June 18, 2012: Avesis -
Vision Ins Premium - 86.72, Children's
Care Hospital - OT/PT Services - 365.00,
Delta Dental - Dental Insurance Premi-
ums - 529.56, Morehart, Melanie - SPED
Mileage - 635.66, Nelson, Karen - Isola-
tion Mileage - 518.74, Parent - SPED
Mileage - 757.76, Three Rivers Special
Services - Speech Therapy Services (Jan
- May) - 12,627.78, Wellmark - Health In-
surance Premiums - 1,664.43. TOTAL:
17,185.65. Food Service Claims
Payable June 18, 2012: Avesis - Vision
Ins Premium - 20.01, Coyle's SuperValu
- Purchased Foods - 144.35, Dean Foods
- Milk Purchases - 803.44, Delta Dental -
Dental Insurance Premiums - 63.86,
Earthgrains - Purchased Foods - 127.40,
Reinhart - Purchased Foods - 761.20,
Servall - Linen Care - 36.87, US Foods -
Purchased Foods - 1,083.86. TOTAL:
3,040.99. Hourly wages for Month of
May 2012: 30,905.11. Gross Salaries/
Fringe for May 2012 FUND 10: In-
structional 97,292.55, Administration
15,521.31, Support Services 5,880.70,
Extra Curricular 15,089.68; FUND 22:
SPED Gross Salaries/Fringe 8,240.90.
12-148.1 The FCCLA National Team pre-
sented their Illustrated Talk on Distracted
Driving to the board. This award-winning
presentation earned Tristen Rush, Blake
Martinez, and Nelson Holman a trip to Or-
lando, FL, to present at the national level.
Congratulations to these students on a
job very well done!
12-149 Motion by Hamill, second by Pe-
terson to approve classified contracts as
offered based on the 2012-2013 Negoti-
ated Agreement.
12-150 Motion by Peterson, second by
Blair to authorize Business Manager
Britni Ross to cash out the bus certificate
of deposit and move the money into the
CMA account in order to pay for the new
bus on arrival.
12-151 Motion by Blair, second by Hamill
to approve the new copier lease upgrade
as presented by Century Business Prod-
ucts. The upgrade will include 3 new
black and white copiers, 2 with fax sys-
tems and 1 with document management
system link. The new lease is for 60
months. Delivery and setup is expected
around the first of August.
12-152 Motion by Peterson, second by
Radway to approve the resignation of Kim
Bouman as head volleyball coach contin-
gent on the fact that a suitable replace-
ment is found.
12-153 Motion by Blair, second by Nelson
to approve the transportation claims as
presented. The mileage claims total
$31,873.28 which is for 28 families (44
12-154 Motion by Hamill, second by Rad-
way to approve the following surplus: Sur-
plus Property (6) video screens, (9) stu-
dent desks, (18) risers, (14) assorted
maps, (4) chalkboards, and (350) ft of 4
chain link fence. Surplus for Disposal
(2) HP Color LaserJet 3500 printers, (1)
HP Color LaserJet 4600dn, (1) HP Office-
Jet G55 Copier, (3) Dell Inspiron 8100
laptops (Windows 2000 machines with no
operating system, no CDs). Surplus
Items in Unknown Condition (20) Dell
Optiplex Desktop Computers with moni-
tors and XP Operating System Disc, (1)
Dell Dimension 4300 with XP Operating
System Disc, (2) Dell Dimension 8250
with XP Operating System Disc, (9) Dell
Inspiron 8100 Laptops - (Windows 2000
machines with no operating system, no
CDs), (1) HP DeskJet 350cBi Mobile
Inkjet Printer, (1) HP DeskJet 1220C
Printer, (1) HP Scanjet 5200C Scanner,
(1) HP ScanJet 3200C Scanner, (1) HP
ScanJet 3400C Scanner, (1) Linksys
EtherFast 10/100 PC Card.
12-155 Motion by Thorson, second by
Nelson to approve the dates and times of
the 2012-2013 Board Meetings. Meetings
will be held on the first Monday after the
second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM,
with the exception of November-Febru-
ary. Those meetings will be held at 6 PM.
All meetings will be held in Room A1 of
the Armory, unless requested otherwise.
12-156 Motion by Nelson, second by
Radway to authorize Business Manager
to advertise for propane bids. Bids will be
due by 5 PMon July 16th, 2012, in the of-
fice of the Business Manager. Bids will be
opened during the Board meeting on July
16th at 7 PM.
12-157 Motion by Blair, second by Nelson
to authorize Business Manager to adver-
tise for barium chloride bids. Bids will be
due by 5 PMon July 16th, 2012, in the of-
fice of the Business Manager. Bids will be
opened during the Board meeting on July
16th at 7 PM.
12-158 Motion by Peterson, second by
Nelson to set the FY 2013 Budget Hear-
ing for July 16th at 7:30 PM in Room A-1
at the Armory.
12-159 Motion by Hamill, second by
Peterson to engage Casey Peterson &
Associates to perform the FY 2012 audit
for $10,500 plus travel and out-of-pocket
costs. They plan to arrive on site July 24,
2012, to begin their work.
12-160 Motion by Thorson, second by
Radway to approve a vote for Mark Hofer
in the 2012 Runoff Election for Division I
12-161 Anita Peterson gave the BHSSC
12-162 Executive Session : None
12-163 FCCLA National Presentation
moved to 12-148.1
12-164 High School Principal Jeff Rieck-
man thanked the Board for 10 great
years. He appreciates the support and
the opportunity to work in a great district!
The Board extends their best wishes to
Mr. Rieckman as he takes on a principal
position in Moorcroft, Wyoming.
12-165 Superintendent Keven Morehart
reported on the following items: (A)
Busses went through inspection 1
passed and 1 failed. (B) The last day of
school went great. (C) Rangeland Days
will be held here June 19-20. (D) The
football team attended a camp. (E) JH
Volleyball camp was held. (F) Elementary
BB Camp was held in the armory. (G) El-
ementary VB camp will be held next
week. (H) Warwick BB Clinic is July 5th
and 6th. (I) Summer school starts on July
9th and goes for two weeks. (J) Cycle
America will be coming thru on July 13
and 14th. (K) A note of thanks was re-
ceived from Mrs. Edith Slovek. (L) Teach-
ers are attending Common Core Training.
(M) The following surplus items were sold
at the PLA Auction: BB Hoop - $10.00, BB
Hoop - $5.00, Radial Saw - $135.00,
Backboard - $10.00, and Heater -
$130.00. (N) Discussed the prospective
expenses of preparing the Deep Creek
Attendance Center for opening. (O) Rec-
ognized that Mrs. Deb Snook has been
chosen as South Dakota Math Teacher of
the Year. Congratulations Mrs. Snook!
Motion by Nelson, second by Blair to ad-
journ at 7:55 PM. Will meet for the annual
meeting on July 16th at 7:00 PM.
Scott Brech, President
Britni Ross, Business Manager
[Published June 28, 2012, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $140.23]
Western South Dakota Community Ac-
tion, Inc. is seeking civic groups inter-
ested in having a representative serve on
the Board of Directors for Haakon County.
If your organization is interested in repre-
senting your county on our Board, please
send us a letter and appropriate organi-
zational minutes by Monday, July 9, 2012,
at 4:30 PM. This letter should state the
name of the person your organization
wants to represent you on the CAP board.
The by-laws of your organization are also
needed. Our Board will select one organ-
ization from those that formally expressed
their interest.
We sincerely thank you for your concern
and time that have been expended in an
effort to make the CAP mission appropri-
ately work for the low-income people in
Western South Dakota.
Western SD Community Action, Inc. has
the following programs implemented in
our fourteen (14) county service area:
weatherization, garden program, summer
youth program, necessity pantry program,
employment assistance, educational sup-
ply program, emergency food and com-
modity projects, homeless programs,
community food pantries and clothing
If you have any questions regarding this
matter, please contact Linda Edel or Rose
Swan at 1844 Lombardy Drive, Rapid
City, SD 57703. Phone: (605) 348-1460
or out of Rapid City call (800) 327-1703.
[Published June 28 & July 5, 2012, at the
total approximate cost of $29.89]
General Fund Capital Outlay Special Education Pension Scholarships Food Service Trust & Agency
Beg Bal 822,526.28 344,113.98 443,796.45 62,098.47 291,928.46 32,418.09 99,388.19
Taxes 148,913.55 70,756.82 47,164.34 15,012.21
Interest 521.12 229.29 250.14 41.69 97.62 19.53
Sales 80.00 4,648.67 6,362.26
Pupil Act 1,409.39
Donations 200.00 906.30
Rentals 150.00
Other 1,282.06 1,774.00
State Funds 61,147.00
Fed Funds 82,270.00 3,782.80
Total Rec 294,363.73 70,986.11 47,414.48 15,053.90 297.62 8,431.47 10,471.48
Payments 173,264.12 4,760.11 18,499.58 8,870.61 18,739.12
Ending Bal 943,625.89 410,339.98 472,711.35 77,152.37 292,226.08 31,978.95 91,120.55
Capital Outlay CDs at May 31, 2012 = $424,796.79
This was also the first time she got
to see Aven. Vicki and Mary Eide
went along with Carla to see little
Aven and all the rest of the boys.
They sure are proud of their new
little brother.
After everyone took their turns
holding Aven, we came home and
did not stay for supper as it would
have been no good to take food and
then eat it all! Later that evening,
Fitches called and the boys re-
ported that the hot dish was very
good and wanted to thank Carla for
it. Carla and Taegan went home
early Sunday as Taegan had to
start summer school and Carla had
to prepare some flower arrange-
ments for a funeral. Kiley is staying
for a week with her grandparents
then she will go home so she can go
to a basketball camp in Montana.
Marvin Eide called Dan Olden-
berg to check on his heifers. When
Dan answered his phone, Marvin
asked him what he was doing and
Dan said, Watching the hard rain.
Marvin said, What did you say?
The sky is clear and sunny here.
Well, Dan had answered his phone
in Florida where he and Esther had
gone to visit their daughter,
Melanie, and family for a week or
I was in Philip Wednesday and
got a much needed haircut. It has
been so hot, and I was glad to have
it cut.
Our sympathy goes out to the
Sumpter family in the loss of their
daughter, Sandra, this past week.
I need to mow my lawn, but Im
afraid to do so as the fire index is so
high that the least little spark could
be a disaster. You have to be so
careful about where you drive, as
the old grass is so dry and the new
green grass has not grown very
There are lots of grasshoppers
and the vehicle radiators and grills
are full. Just a trip to town makes
the windshield a mess and so hard
to clean off.
Some people are replanting crops
as the hail destroyed some and the
wind produced dust storms so that
after it rained a little it just packed
the ground and the crop couldnt
penetrate it.
Some are planting feed crops and
some are planting sunflowers, mil-
let or other such crops. What a
year! I have lived here since 1951
and have never seen a year like this
The corn that Trevor Fitch
planted here at our place looks
good. The hot weather has taken all
the surplus moisture we have had,
so do hope we get a rain soon but it
can leave the hail out. The wheat
will be ready for harvest soon as it
has ripened fast this past week.
Its been a long time through the
happy yesterdays, and finds ones-
self dreaming of those memories of
bygone days. My heart is filled with
gladness touched by nostalgia too.
To travel back across the miles and
find many changes that are new
which tells you life goes on and new
memories to collect as new genera-
tions make their way having their
own memories as they grow older of
bygone days.
continued from
page 3
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 10
ALL types!
Brent Peters
WTire Tanks
Located in
Kadoka, SD
Home: (605) 837-2945
Cell: (605) 381-5568
Excavation work of
Sympathy is extended to the
family of Bill and Marsha
Sumpter, Kadoka, in the loss of
their daughter, Sandra. The
Sumpters lived on the Fairchild
place south of Billsburg for many
The annual July 4th celebration
will again be held this year at the
Milesville Hall. That delicious
roast beef prepared and cooked by
Virgil and Carla Smith will be
served beginning at 7:00 p.m.
This will be followed by games for
the kids and fireworks at dusk,
weather permitting. Please bring
a salad or dessert to share. Paper-
ware, drinks and buns will also be
Carla Smith is asking for help
in wrapping the beef roasts on the
evening of July 3 at 6:30. This
year, the job will be done at her
house instead of the hall as in
prior years.
Milesville Rangers 4-H Club
Milesville Rangers 4-H Club
met June 18, 2012, at the
Milesville Hall. This was a craft
meeting with Vonda Hamill
teaching the members about
painting. Each member painted a
stepping stone. Final plans were
completed for the dairy promotion
card party on June 23. Everyone
enjoyed refreshments of home-
made ice cream when the paint-
ing was completed.
Sarah Parsons, Reporter
Approximately 40 folks enjoyed
the card party and ice cream so-
cial with pie Saturday night at
the Milesville Hall. This was
sponsored by the local 4-H club.
The winner of the painted step-
ping stone donated by Vonda
Hamill was Danielle Piroutek.
Thanks, kids, for a fun night!
Monday, Vincent and Pat
Gebes stopped by the Leo Pattons
for a visit. They were on their way
home to Michigan after attending
a Bucholz family reunion in the
Black Hills.
Arriving at the Leo Patton
home Friday were son Bill, wife
Michelle and children, Ally and
Eric, Eagan, Minn., and friends,
Steve, Ginger, Sydney and Cecel
Kranz, St. Paul, Minn. They spent
Saturday horse back riding, leav-
ing Sunday morning for the Bad-
lands, Black Hills and on to
Over the weekend, local boys,
Jade Berry and Nick Hamill, were
in Ekalaka, Mont., for a football
camp which was sponsored by
several NFL players. Both Jade
and Nick received a football for
leadership and outstanding play-
ing ability. Others from Philip
High School who attended were
Cassidy Schnabel, Quade Slovek,
Casey Reder and Paul Guptill.
Donnie and Bobette Schofield
spent the weekend in the Black
Hills enjoying the Bluegrass Fes-
tival held at a campground near
Sturgis. They returned home
Sunday, stopping in Wall to
watch their grandaughter play
ball. Jeff Schofield was out to do
chores while his parents were
gone. Bobette also celebrated her
birthday last Friday.
Mary Nelson and Theresa
Deuchar attended the Midland
Yard and Garden Tour and lunch-
eon Sunday. Of special interest
was Jenna and Shad Finn's yard,
one of the featured yards and gar-
dens in the tour.
Local families who were at the
state high school rodeo in Belle
Fourche over the weekend were
Donnie and Marcia Eymer and
Mark, Judith and Bailey Radway.
Jim Bob and Kayla Eymer went
up Saturday for the rodeo. Com-
peting were Tanner Radway and
Gunner Hook in team roping and
Brittany Eymer in barrel racing.
Brittany made it to the short go
(the top 15) and ended up in fifth
place. Good job, Brittany! Donnie
and Marcia stayed with Tim and
Kim in Spearfish.
Rachel Parsons and Ben Stan-
gle were in Philip Tuesday and
Wednesday attending Rangeland
Days. Rachel got first place in the
scouts division in range judging
and Ben got fifth place. Ben re-
ceived first place in display and
his talk, going home with a belt
buckle as Top Hand in the scouts
division. Congratulations, kids!
Visitors at Peggy Staben's last
week were her brother, Jess Jus-
tice, Vancouver, Wash., and sis-
ter, Dorothy Pierce, and niece,
Carol Craven, both of Price, Utah.
Guests at noon Wednesday were
Charles, Jeff and Terri Staben.
Supper guests were Charles, Jeff,
Leah and Zoe Staben and Robert
and Sandra Harrowa, Rapid City.
Thursday, Peggy and her com-
pany visited friends in Pierre.
Joy Elshere accompanied Tim
and Judy to Rapid City Monday
where they celebrated Joy's birth-
day. Joining them for supper were
Shawn and Thamy Elshere and
Casey Elshere.
Virgil and Carla Smith and
Donnie and Bobette Schofield at-
tended a family gathering Satur-
day at Canyon Lake Park in
Rapid City.
Jim and Lana Elshere and Greg
and Kathy Arthur enjoyed supper
out in Philip Saturday evening.
They were celebrating their June
Dustin, Andi, Brooklyn and
Hudson Rische, Redfield, spent
the weekend with Boyd and Kara
Parsons. They moved last week
from Rochester, Minn., to Red-
field where Andi will start her
new position as a nurse prac-
tioner, July 2.
Justin and Lacy Gebes, Lincoln,
Neb., spent Thursday night with
Mike and Linda Gebes. They left
Friday for the Black Hills and to
visit with Lacy's parents in Key-
Visiting with Chad and Kathy
Hanrahan for the weekend were
her parents, brother, and aunt, all
of the Gregory area. They helped
work on the new house Chad and
Kathy are building.
Linda Smith was in Kadoka
several days last week. Monday,
she attended an EMT meeting.
She was there Friday evening
taking tickets for the dance spon-
sored by the ambulance crew. She
and sister, Gay Tollefson, at-
tended the Belvidere all-school re-
union Saturday at the home of
Lennie and Ruby Sanftner in
Weekend visitors at Lee and
Debbie Neville's were son Eric
Neville and Wayne and Lynn Pe-
terson and daughters, Christrina
and Jessica, all of Rapid City.
Attending camp last week at
Victory Center Bible Camp near
Ft. Pierre were Kelton Quinn, Au-
tumn Parsons, and Sarah Par-
Sunday, the Earl Parsons fam-
ily drove to Highmore for a Mc-
Donnell reunion at Jodi's parents
home, Mike and Betty McDonnell.
Sam Stangle played baseball in
Pierre, Wednesday. His brother,
Ben, spent the weekend with his
friend, Jaclynn Knutson, and her
family in the Black Hills.
Rachel Parsons' friend, Jane
Poss spent Thursday afternoon
and Friday at the home of Earl,
Jodi, Rachel and Sarah.
Last week on Tuesday night and
Wednesday the area received .40
of rain. These rains we've been
getting are helping the crops hang
on. There will be no or very little
hay put up this year and the grass
is very short. Combining will be
starting soon. We are so thankful
that right on our corner of the
Milesville flat we haven't had hail
like so many places.
Milesville News
by Janice Parsons 544-3315
Greetings from humid, windy,
going-to-be-hot northeast Haakon
County! It is a little difficult to get
settled down to writing the news
this morning. We are expecting a
temperature of 104 here today,
with high humidity and wind
yuck! So I've been outside getting
some of the tasks done before the
weather turns really ugly. It is
probably going to feel like Mem-
phis or New Orleans weather be-
fore the day is out. I hope every-
one stays hydrated and safe this
type of weather is no joke.
First of all, my sympathy to fel-
low correspondent, Marsha
Sumpter, and her husband, Bill,
on the recent loss of their daugh-
ter, Sandra. My thoughts and
prayers are with them and their
Duane and Lola Roseth have
stayed close to home this past
week. Monday, Lola was in Rapid
City keeping appointments.
Julian and Coreen Roseth got to
practice their grandma and
grandpa skills this week. Their
daughter, Kristin's children spent
Monday through Thursday with
Julian and Coreen. Sunday, Ju-
lian and Coreen took a nice,
leisurely drive through the coun-
tryside, ending up at Wall for
lunch. Coreen said it was nice to
see areas of the country that are
off the beaten track. After they re-
turned to the ranch Sunday after-
noon, they did some more babysit-
Billy and Arlyne Markwed's
daughter, Cindy Bresee, came to
the ranch Friday. Saturday,
Cindy, Billy and Arlyne traveled
to Dell Rapids to attend a high
school graduation reception for
their great-nephew. He is the son
of Scott Jones, and grandson of
Jim and Alice Jo Jones. He gradu-
ated from high school in Wiscon-
sin, but a reception was held in
Dell Rapids so the relatives could
attend. Scott and Tim Jones and
families attended, as did several
other relatives. Cindy's husband,
Bruce Bresee, was able to join the
group also, since he was in Sioux
Falls on other business. Sunday,
Billy and Arlyne helped with an
auction in Kadoka.
Dick and Gene Hudson were in
Pierre Thursday to watch their
grandson, Avery, play baseball.
He plays with the Legion team
from Philip. It was a double-
header, so they got to see a lot of
action. Sunday, Dick and Gene
joined the Jerry and Joy Jones'
family for supper in honor of Jerry
and Joy's 50th wedding anniver-
sary. Congratulations to them!
Other than that, Dick has been
doing field work and Gene has
been watering flowers.
Jon and Connie Johnson and
boys spent Friday through Sun-
day in Minnesota, attending a
wedding and visiting with friends
and relatives.
Nels and Dorothy Paulson were
in Philip on business last Monday,
then they went to Pierre Tuesday
to see the doctor about Nels' sore
shoulder. It sounds like Nels has
a torn rotator cuff, and hopefully
the shot that the doctor gave him
will help. If not, he'll probably be
having surgery later. (Some peo-
ple will do anything to get out of
doing dishes!) Wednesday, Nels
and Dorothy took a critter to the
butcher plant in Philip. Sunday,
Dorothy served lunch at church.
Bill and Polly Bruce have had a
quieter week at their place also.
Their son, David, spent Tuesday
through Saturday helping with
projects at the place. He fixed the
window screens that were dam-
aged by the recent hail - while he
was fixing them, Polly took the op-
portunity to get her windows all
shined up. The guys have been
busy with haying and working
cattle. Last Monday, Vince's baler
caught on fire because of a bad
bearing. Thank goodness the dam-
age was minimal.
Max and Joyce Jones were in
Onida last Thursday for an East-
ern Star meeting. Other than
that, they have stayed close to
home. Their son and daughter-in-
law, Todd and Darcy, and their
children, Luke and Mattie, were
on vacation to Yellowstone, so
Max and Joyce were in charge of
taking care of the grand-dog.
Joyce said Max sprayed for flies
and grasshoppers around the
place, and it has really helped.
Frank and Shirley Halligan cel-
ebrated their wedding anniver-
sary last Friday by going out to
dinner. Happy anniversary, you
two! Their daughter, Maggie ,is
home for a visit from her residence
in Texas.
Ron and Helen Beckwith spent
some time fishing at Foster Bay
over the weekend, coming home
with some delicious walleye.
Helen visited at Marge Briggs'
last week also. The weekend of
June 16, Ron and Helen were in
Brookings to help with her fa-
ther's auction. He has moved from
his home, so he was getting rid of
his belongings. While there, they
learned of the untimely death of
their nephew. He was a 30 year
old banker in Minneapolis, and
his death was very unexpected.
My sympathy to the family. Ron
and Helen, along with daughters,
Rose Briggs and Cheryl Ulmen,
traveled to Luverne, Minn., last
Wednesday to attend funeral serv-
ices for their nephew/ cousin.
Helen said they lost windows dur-
ing the hail storm one of the
basement windows has a hole big
enough for a cat to go through so
they are in the process of getting
the windows fixed. Their garden
had damage, of course, but some
of the plants are recovering and
some of the crop was replanted.
I didn't get to talk with Ruth
Neuhauser this week, but I know
she had a visit from her grandson,
Kelly Boger, and family last Fri-
day. The Bogers live in Arkansas,
but they had been to a family wed-
ding in Washington, D.C., then
traveled to Minneapolis to get a
truck and drive it to Williston,
N.D., for his parents, Connie and
Bunky Boger. They came to South
Dakota Wednesday evening.
After having lunch with Grandma
Ruth, they were headed to visit a
friend in Iowa on their way back
to Arkansas.
Steve McDaniel spent five days
fishing in Canada recently, and it
sounds like he thoroughly enjoyed
it. Steve and Theresa's son,
Tucker, competed in the team rop-
ing event at rodeos in Clear Lake
and Wing, N.D., last weekend.
Marge Briggs said her garden is
looking pretty good, considering
the recent hail. Mother Nature is
Nancy Neuhauser and her
daughter, Julie, spent Tuesday
through Saturday at the family
cabin in the Black Hills. While
there, they met with the Forest
Service and had an electrician do
some work. Congratulations to
Nancy's grandson, Lee Severtson,
who has qualified for the National
High School Rodeo. The rodeo will
be held next month in Rock
Springs, Wyo. Lee is the son of
Nancy's daughter, Kathy.
Kevin Neuhauser enjoyed the
visit from his nephew, Kelly
Boger, and family last week. Sat-
urday, Kevin and Mary
Neuhauser and their daughter,
Sarah, were in Chamberlain to at-
tend a surprise 60th birthday
party for Mary's sister, Doris
Juhnke. Brianna Neuhauser
played in a softball tournament in
Pierre Saturday. Sunday, Mary,
Brianna and Sarah Neuhauser at-
tended a Wernsman family re-
union in Pierre Wernsman was
Mary's mother's maiden name.
(Just try saying that three times
fast!) Sarah returned to her home
in Spearfish later Sunday.
Mary Briggs attended her
granddaughter, Cattibrie Riggle's,
softball game in Pierre Wednes-
day. Granddaughter Kinsey Rig-
gle came to the ranch with Mary
following the ball game. Thurs-
day, Lee, Mary, Cattibrie and Kin-
sey were in Sioux Falls for an ap-
pointment. Sunday, Mary met her
daughter, Rea Riggle, at Hayes to
pick up Kinsey and bring her to
the ranch. Kinsey will be staying
with Lee and Mary this week
while Rea attends meetings in At-
lanta. Mary's sister, Sally, is still
in South Dakota, staying with her
daughter-in-law, Barbara Stout,
in Pierre. Sally will be spending
some time at the Briggs' ranch
prior to returning to Texas Thurs-
It has been another busy week
here at the ranch. Randy and I
traveled to Kadoka Thursday af-
ternoon to help some friends pre-
pare for an upcoming sale. We
also got to spend some time with
my mother, Letoy Brown. After we
returned home Thursday evening,
Kelly and Erin Boger and chil-
dren, Kelsey and Tate, came to
visit for a couple of hours. It is al-
ways so good to see them! Friday,
company arrived from California.
Our daughter, Jennifer, became
close friends with the DeJong fam-
ily during the years she taught in
California, and the DeJongs have
visited at the ranch several times
over the years. It has been fun to
watch their family grow and
grow it has! The boys are all over
six feet tall now, and Clayton and
Bonnie have added a beautiful
daughter, Leilani, to their special
family. Their son, Tyler, is enter-
ing his third year of medical
school, Blake will be a college sen-
ior in the fall, and son, Chase, is a
baseball player who just gradu-
ated from high school and was re-
cently drafted by the Toronto Blue
Jays. Also joining the group were
girlfriends, Karlie and Stacey,
who were a joy to be around. Our
daughter, Jennifer, and her hus-
band, Ross Tschetter, were here
for the weekend also, visiting with
their friends and helping enter-
tain. With such a busy family, the
DeJongs can't be sure when they'll
be able to schedule another family
vacation, but we are so glad that
they chose to spend part of this va-
cation with us. They are a fantas-
tic group! (And they laugh at all of
Randy's jokes!) It was so refresh-
ing to see the ranch through their
eyes sometimes, when you see
something every day, you forget to
appreciate just how beautiful and
special this place is! After a week-
end of four-wheeling, Four-Cor-
ners baseball, fishing and kayak-
ing on the Missouri River, in addi-
tion to a lot of visiting, the De-
Jongs and Tschetters left Monday
morning, and Randy and crew
headed to the wheat field to do
some harvesting. It is a little diffi-
cult to get too excited about har-
vesting wheat that has so much
hail damage, but it has to be done.
Fortunately, some of the corn has
been recovering from the hail
damage now, we just have to
hope that it doesn't run out of
moisture during this hot, dry
spell. Son Scott Neuhauser ar-
rived Tuesday morning to help
with the wheat harvest.
Today, I think I will probably be
most grateful for air conditioning.
It is going to be a scorcher! My
mind always goes to our ancestors
who had to deal with these diffi-
cult conditions without our mod-
ern conveniences. I saw a quote on
a social media site that seems es-
pecially fitting today also it said
"I was going to complain about the
heat today, but then I realized it
isn't 120, I'm not 5,700 miles
from home, I'm not dressed in full
uniform, I'm not carrying 70+
pounds of gear, and there is little
chance of me driving over a bomb
I hope everyone is working
smart during this hot, humid
weather. Stay safe, and make this
a wonderful week!
Moenville News
by Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
Classifieds 859-2516
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 11
Classified Advertising
CLASSIFIED RATE: $6.50 minimum for first 20 words; 10 per
word thereafter; included in the Pioneer Review, the Profit, & The
Pennington Co. Courant, as well as on our website:
CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $6.00 minimum for
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Pioneer Review and the Profit.
BOLD FACE LOCALS: $8.00 minimum for first 20 words; 10
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NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all
DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 per column inch, included in the
Pioneer Review and the Profit. $5.55 per column inch for the
Pioneer Review only.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair
Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, or discrimination on
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or any intention to make any such preference, limita-
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This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is a violation of
the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available
on an equal opportunity basis.
Cola collection, electric scooter,
jewelry, power tools and misc.
tools, 12 gal. air compressor, an-
tiques, lawn art, exercise equip-
ment, clown collection, misc.
household items, M&M collec-
tion, Avon collection, Dremel
tool, furniture, knickknacks,
electric weedeater and more.
WANTED!! Entrusted with wide
variety of tasks. A valued, effi-
cient aide or employee: am ready
to pay $800 per week. Contact
me at
for more details.
HELP WANTED: Maintenance
person for Gateway Apts. Hours
vary. Inquire at 1-800-481-
6904. K28-4tc
high school students or anyone
desiring full or part-time house-
keeping positions. No experience
needed, we will train. Apply at
Budget Host Sundowner and
Americas Best Value Inn,
Kadoka. Call 837-2188 or 837-
2296. K26-tfn
experience preferred but will
train. Salary plus commission.
Possibility of up to $12.00 per
hour wage. Housing is supplied
in Wall. You will make great
wages, meet lots of people and
have fun. Position available May
1, 2012. Apply at GoldDiggers
on Mt. Rushmore Road in Rapid
City or call factory at 348-8108
or fax resum to 348-1524.
FOR SALE: Four (4) complete
sections of stackable, 5x6 scaf-
folding. Includes eight (8) 5x5
scaffolding frames, eight (8) 7-ft
cross-braces, eight (8) ad-
justable legs, and four (4) 6x24
locking planks. Good condition.
$800 OBO. Walt 605-515-3961.
FOR SALE: NEW! Horizontal
portable wheelbarrow-type con-
crete mixer. 5 cu. ft. capacity, 5
hp. electric motor (110/120V).
$200 OBO. Walt 605-515-3961.
FOR SALE: Stainless steel tube
step, 2008-2012, Ford F-150
Crew Cab, $200, new in box.
685-5615. PR45-1tp
FOR SALE: Nice eight hole gun
cabinet, very nice. Dels, Exit 63,
Box Elder. P29-1tc
need equipment & tools. Hun-
dreds of items. Package deal.
Call 837-2044 after 6:30 p.m.
FOR SALE: Two good riding
lawn mowers. Dale OConnell,
Kadoka 605-837-2292. K29-2tc
FOR SALE: Three chest freezers,
approx. 15 CF. As always, they
are warrantied. Dels, Exit 63,
Box Elder, 390-9810.
PRO FORM 365s Crosswalk
treamill exerciser from Sears.
Power incline, digital displays,
upper body arms, $200. Call
837-2044 after 6:30 p.m.
loveseat, leather in Apache
southwest pattern, almost new.
Call 837-2044 after 6:30 p.m.
FOR SALE: Several nice used
refrigerators. Bring a friend we
have no loading help. Dels, Exit
63, Box Elder, 390-9810.
FOR SALE: Rope horse halters
with 10 lead rope, $15 each.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
black 1951 Chevy 5 window
3100 pickup that was bought a
few years ago by someone in the
area. It belonged to my grand-
parents, Bill & Verna Lammon,
of Midland. Please contact me,
290-7344 or 290-7387. P29-1tc
WANTED! Young family looking
for place to rent out of town
(Wasta or Wall area). Call 605/
210-1805 or 307-756-2897.
WANTED: Looking for used oil.
Taking any type and weight. Call
Mike at 685-3068. P42-tfn
BARN CATS: Excellent
mousers. Call 685-5327 and
leave a message. P28-3tp
FOR SALE: 2000 Schulte
16x80 mobile home, new roof
and windows with 16x28 addi-
tion (2009). Wayne/Stacy Nel-
son, 393-4325. $32,000.
FOR SALE: 2008 Patriot dou-
blewide, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, garden
tub, large closets & walk-in
pantry, new interior paint, must
see to appreciate. Call 669-2562
or 669-2256, cell: 530-4283,
Murdo. M28-2tp
PHILIP: 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
2100 sq. ft. home on a large lot
located on a quiet cul-de-sac.
Has attached 2-car garage, stor-
age shed, large deck and an un-
derground sprinkler system
which operates off a private well.
Contact Bob Fugate, Philip, at
859-2403 (home) or 515-1946
(cell). P24-tfn
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apart-
ment in Philip, $275/month
plus deposit. Call 391-3992.
Contact Christianson Properties,
605/858-2195. PW24-6tc
APARTMENTS: Spacious one
bedroom units, all utilities in-
cluded. Young or old. Need
rental assistance or not, we can
house you. Just call 1-800-481-
6904 or stop in the lobby and
pick up an application. Gateway
Apartments, Kadoka. WP32-tfn
PLEASE READ your classified
ad the first week it runs. If you
see an error, we will gladly re-
run your ad correctly. We accept
responsibility for the first in-
correct insertion only. Ravel-
lette Publications, Inc. requests
all classifieds and cards of
thanks be paid for when or-
dered. A $2.00 billing charge will
be added if ad is not paid at the
time the order is placed.
THANK YOU seems so inad-
equate at a time like this.
Thank you to Pastor Kathy
for the time spent learning
about Sandra and the wonder-
ful choice of scripture; thank
you to Rush Funeral Home and
D.J. and Gayle for putting to-
gether such a good memorial.
A big thank you to all that
helped, visited, called and at-
tended the services.
Amanda & Adam Claflin
Chase May & Carly
Shelley Seager
Bill & Marsha Sumpter
Guess it pays to get older!
Thanks to all who remembered
us on our 90th & 70th birth-
days. We enjoyed the many
cards, flowers and gifts and,
most especially, your presence
at our party.
Ida & Ted Hunt
My heartfelt thanks to all of
my family and friends for the
visits, calls, cards, food, en-
couragement and, especially,
all the prayers during this
stressful time.
My special thanks to Clint
and Prerry for all you do, for the
support and time and love you
give me, and for all the trips to
Rapid City. You are always
there for me.
My thanks to Dr. Klopper and
all the nurses at the Philip hos-
pital. A special thanks to Trina
and Rebecca for all the prayers,
hugs and caring. It all means
so much.
I also want to thank all of you
who take the time to visit or call
Gaylord while he is confined to
swing bed. It really helps him to
pass the time and he appreci-
ates it so much.
A community is only as good
as the people in it, and this one
is the BEST!
Thank you and may God
bless all of you who have been
so caring.
Wilma Saucerman
I would like to say thank you
to Dr. Doreen Vetter, Terry Hen-
rie, Dr. Coen Klopper, Dr. Dave
Holman and all my family and
friends for the care and concern
given to me since my accident.
Roger Williams
I would like to thank the Mid-
land, Belvidere and Murdo fire
departments for their rapid re-
sponse to my fire at the farm.
Your volunteerism is greatly ap-
Christine Niedan
Thank you to everyone who
helped with the bake sale and
all who donated money and
took some goodies home. Jeff
and I sure do appreciate the
support from the community.
We are blessed to have such
great friends and family who
did a little something at a T-Ball
and C-Ball game to help us out
with our medical and travel ex-
penses for Stetson. We would
also like to extend our thanks to
Don Haynes for his support
with Modern Woodmen of
America (Philip) for matching
funds. We are so lucky to live in
a caring and supportive com-
Thank you everyone for the
prayers that are being said on
Stetson's behalf. The power of
prayer is awesome and God
has given Jeff and me peace in
our hearts for whatever the fu-
ture holds for Stetson in our
next trip to Cincinnati, Ohio.
God's Blessing,
Jeff & Jen Jones & family
*HOME WEEKLY *Must be Canadian
eligible. *2500+ miles weekly *$0.42 for
all Canadian miles *$50 border cross-
ing pay *95% no tarp (888) 691-5705.
Drivers, TBI, 33/ 34, $375 mo.,
health ins., credit, 03 safety bonus,
Call Joe for details, 800.456.1024,
* * * * * *
Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland.
ATV application. ALSO: prairie
dogs. Call Bill at 669-2298.
CRETE: ALL types of concrete
work. Rich, Colleen and Haven
Hildebrand. Toll-free: 1-877-
867-4185; Office: 837-2621;
Rich, cell: 431-2226; Haven,
cell: 490-2926; Jerry, cell: 488-
0291. K36-tfn
For all your rural water hook-
ups, waterline and tank installa-
tion and any kind of backhoe
work, call Jon Jones, 843-2888,
Midland. PR20-52tp
Peters Excavation, Inc. Excava-
tion work of all types. Call Brent
Peters, 837-2945 or 381-5568
(cell). K3-tfn
GRAVEL: Screened or rock. Call
O'Connell Construction Inc.,
859-2020, Philip. P51-tfn
will do all types of trenching,
ditching and directional boring
work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee
or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig cell: 390-
8087, Sauntee cell: 390-8604; K50-tfn
SALE: Call Jim Cantrell, days,
at 685-8961; evenings at 859-
2144. PR45-2tp
(1) blonde Belgian, 1800#; (1)
Spotted, 1000#. $2,500 per
team will sell one or both.
Comes with harness. Immediate
possession. 259-3612 or 259-
3613, John Carr. P29-2tp
FOR SALE: (2) Massey Ferguson
Model 36 swathers, plus misc.
new belts & parts. Call 748-
2415. PR44-2tc
Get ready for spring hauling! 12-
ply, 235/85/16R. $150
mounted (limited quantities
available). Les Body Shop, 859-
2744, Philip. P27-tfn
Wanted in your area for John
Deere combines and equipment.
59 years in business. Dishman
Harvesting, 940/733-6327 or
940/631-1549. K27-5tp
FOR SALE: John Deere 16 hy-
droswing swather. 433-5443.
St. and 24 Pine St., Wasta, June
29 & 30: motorcycle helmet, golf
clubs, electric turkey fryer,
wooden rocking horse, Coca-
The Pioneer Review
Business & Professional Directory
Family Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
Quality Air-Entrained Concrete
Call toll-free 1-888-839-2621
Richard Hildebrand
837-2621 Kadoka, SD
Rent This Space
3 month min.
LARGE 2 DAY antique and collectible
auction, Redfield, SD Saturday, July
7th and Sunday, July 8th 10:00 am.
Lamps, Glassware, Furniture, Pic-
tures, Misc. Wayne and Peggy Morris
ATTENTION CAMPERS! Free full hook-
up campsite for season in exchange for
general maintenance thru Oct. 1st.
Available immediately, dates nego-
tiable. 264-5324 www. bar and restaurant.
NEEDED! Train to become a Medical
Office Assistant at SC Training! No ex-
perience needed! Job placement after
online training! HS diploma/GED &
PC/Internet needed! 1-888-926-7884
JOIN OUR TEAM ~ looking for respon-
sible, outgoing and energetic advertis-
ing sales representative. Apply at Mo-
bridge Tribune, PO Box 250, Mobridge,
SD 57601 or email linda@mobridgetri-
Daily Promoting Our Business! Com-
mission Only, Great potential! 2
minute overview video!
m/ g r e g 4 3 7 9 / We b i n a r . a s p x
h t t p : / / w w w . d o g - g o n e - DGT.aspx con-
tact me
applications for an Assistant Chief of
Police (Captain). Applicant must have
completed Standardized Law Enforce-
ment training through the state of SD
Division of Criminal Investigation or its
Equivalent also accepting applications
for a full-time police officer. Certified
applicants preferred, but not required.
Salary is based on experience and
qualifications. Closing Date: July 11th,
2012. Resume and application may be
sent to: Chief Jungwirth, Mobridge Po-
lice Department, 110 1st Ave East, Mo-
bridge, SD 57601. Applications may be
picked up at the Mobridge Police De-
partment, Mobridge City Hall, The SD
Department of Labor and Regulation or
www. EOE.
POSITION OPEN: Jackson County
Highway Department Worker. Experi-
ence in road/ bridge construction
/maintenance preferred. CDL Pre-em-
ployment drug and alcohol screening
required. Applications / resumes ac-
cepted. Information (605) 837-2410 or
(605) 837-2422 Fax (605) 837-2447
54-2 has an opening for a Food Service
Director, $18 - $20 an hour based on
experience. Application and job de-
scription are available at the business
office at 516 8th Ave.W Sisseton, SD
57262. Position open until filled. EOE.
Custer Regional Hospital and Custer
Clinic are accepting applications for
dedicated, caring staff to join our team.
We have full and part time RN, LPN and
Aide positions available. We offer excel-
lent benefits and competitive wages.
For more information please call 605-
673-2229 ext. 110 or log onto to apply. EEOC/AA
ing top $$$$ for running or junk cars,
pickups and junk. Crusher and loader
available for big jobs. Call Scott (605)
202-0899 (24/7)
WHOLESALE! Huge manufacturers
clearance on name brand kidswear.
Visit or call 1-
888-225-9411 for free catalog. Mention
discount code MK94335.
A 2 STORY, 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath
home, with basement and large stone
fireplace; garage and barn on 2 acres
near Lake Poinsett, SD, $78,900. nate-
spain@ May negotiate.
statewide for only $150.00. Put the
South Dakota Statewide Classifieds
Network to work for you today! (25
words for $150. Each additional word
$5.) Call this newspaper, 605-859-
2516, or 800-658-3697 for details.
Complete Auto Body Repairing
Glass Installation Painting Sandblasting
Toll-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 Philip, SD
HOURS: M-F: 7 A.M. TO 5 P.M. SAT: 8 A.M. TO NOON
S. HWY 73 859-2100 PHILIP
Wood Pellets
DeWALT Tools
Storage Sheds
Gates & Fencing
Skid Loader Rental
Pole Barn Packages
House Packages
Calf Shelters
We offer
& new Colormatch System for
all your painting needs!
Call today for your
free estimate!!
For all your
Philip, SD
be Monday, July 2, at 7:00 a.m. at the
Senechal Apts. lobby. All ladies welcome!
THERE WILL BE A BLOOD DRIVE Tuesday, July 10, at the
Bad River Senior Citizens Center in Philip from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00
August hours will be every second Wednesday and every third Sat-
urday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Country Cupboard is located in Wall.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-
mit them by calling: 859-2516, or e-mailing to: ads@pioneer-
review. com. We will run your event notice the two issues
prior to your event at no charge.
This Thursday at Noon
Monday at 11 a.m.
Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 12
(605} 685.5826
Midland (605} 567.3385
JEFF LONG, FIeIdmanJAuctIoneer
Fcd Owl (605} 985.5486
Ccll. (605} 515.0186
Fcva (605} 866.4670
Milcsvillc (605} 544.3316
Yard Foreman
(605} 441.1984
Siurgis (605} 347.0151
Wasia (605} 685.4862
(60S) SS9:2S??
lkllll ll\lI|K 1||IlK
lkllll, |Ik 01KI1
Upoom1ng Co111e So1es:
SALE TIME. 10.00 A.M.
2DJ2 Horse So1es:
AUCUST 6. CO TO www.Iililivcsiocl.con FOF CONSICNMENT
VIEW SALES LIVE ON THE INTERNET! Go to: UpcomIng saIes & consIgnments can be
vIewed on tbe Internet at, or on tbe DTN: CIIck on SALE BARNS NORTH CENTRAL
PLA is now quaIified to handIe third
party verified NHTC cattIe
(Non-HormonaI Treated CattIe).
Reep suppor11ng R-CALF USA! R-CALF USA 1s
our vo1oe 1n governmen1 1o represen1 U.S.
oo111e produoers 1n 1rode morKe11ng 1ssues.
]o1n 1odog & e1p moKe o d1]]erenoe!
PhiIip Livestock Auction, in conjunction with
Superior Livestock Auction, wiII be offering
video saIe as an additionaI service to our consignors,
with questions about the video pIease caII,
Jerry Roseth at 605:685:5820.
TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012
Ano1er b1g run o] ue1g-ups se111ng on o
s1ronger morKe1. Feeder oo111e pr1oes
re]1eo11ng 1e oo11v11g o] 1e oorn & ]u1ures
73.......................Dll & Dwf Sirs 866 ........$140.75
159.............FWF & DWF DV HFFS 679 ........$146.75
16 ........................HEFF DV HFFS 584 ........$152.25
9 ......................FWF & DWF HFFS 481 ........$161.00
4 ................................HEFF STFS 509 ........$174.00
13................................DLK HFFS 453 ........$163.50
26......................DLK & DWF STFS 535 ........$173.75
9.............................X DFED STFS 678 ........$146.50
36 .....................DLK & DWF HFFS 538 ........$160.50
6.......................DLK & DWF HFFS 470 ........$160.00
5..............................XDFED HFFS 571 ........$144.00
21 ................................DLK STFS
(FALL CALVES, NOT WEANED} ............ 804 ........$138.25
7 ......................CHAF & DLK STFS
(FALL CALVES, NOT WEANED} ............ 651 ........$145.50
17 ..........................DLK DV HFFS
(FALL CALVES, NOT WEANED} ............ 743 ........$132.50
24 ..........................DLK DV HFFS 783 ........$137.00
17 ........................CHAF DV HFFS 841 ........$129.50
11 ......DLK, FED & CHAF DV HFFS 665 ........$144.00
3........................DLK & DWF STFS 642 ........$167.50
11 .....................DLK & DWF HFFS 609 ........$150.00
13......................FED & DLK STFS 655 ........$165.50
11 ...............FED & FWF DV HFFS 575 ........$153.00
37................................DLK HFFS 620 ........$152.75
12......................FED & DLK STFS 598 ........$152.00
12 ..........DLK 3 TO 4 YF OLD COWS 1061 ...$1,235.00
3..........DLK 3 TO SOLID MTH PAIFS 1328 ...$1,430.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1545 ........$87.00
1..................................FED DULL 2280 ......$120.00
1..................................FED DULL 1935 ......$118.00
1..................................FED COW 1310 ........$87.00
1 ................................CHAF COW 1215 ........$87.00
2.....................CHAF & FED COWS 1410 ........$83.75
1 ..................................DLK COW 1235 ........$86.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1310 ........$83.00
1..................................FED DULL 2150 ......$115.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1285 ........$86.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1200 ........$85.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1370 ........$83.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1575 ........$85.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1290 ........$85.00
1..................................DLK HFFT 775 ........$122.00
1..................................DLK HFFT 735 ........$119.00
2...........................DLK COWETTES 1140 ......$102.00
1..................................DLK DULL 2000 ......$111.50
2.................................DLK COWS 1460 ........$83.25
3.................................DLK COWS 1220 ........$83.00
2 ..............................CHAF DULLS 1868 ......$114.00
2 ..............................CHAF DULLS 1943 ......$113.50
1..................................DLK DULL 1840 ......$113.50
1..................................DWF COW 1380 ........$84.50
1..................................DWF COW 1350 ........$84.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1330 ........$84.00
3.................................DLK COWS 1430 ........$81.75
1 ..................................DLK COW 1240 ........$83.50
7 ................................FED COWS 1228 ........$81.25
1..................................DLK DULL 2120 ......$109.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1205 ........$81.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1395 ........$83.00
1 ............................DLK COWETTE 1015 ........$97.00
2.................................DLK COWS 1370 ........$83.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1795 ......$109.50
12...............................DLK COWS 1296 ........$83.00
4.................................DLK COWS 1225 ........$82.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1930 ......$106.50
12.........................DLK COWETTES 1075 ........$99.50
7 ......................DLK & DWF COWS 1216 ........$82.75
1..................................DWF COW 1240 ........$82.50
1..................................FED COW 1240 ........$82.00
1..................................FED DULL 2045 ......$114.50
1..................................FED DULL 1740 ......$111.50
1 ................................HEFF COW 1115 ........$82.50
1..................................DWF COW 1400 ........$81.00
2..............................HEFF HFFTS 738 ........$124.00
1................................HEFF HFFT 885 ........$118.00
3.................................DLK COWS 1233 ........$82.25
1................................HEFF DULL 1880 ......$106.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1510 ........$82.00
4.................................DLK COWS 1486 ........$82.00
1 .................................FED HFFT 800 ........$115.00
1..................................DLK HFFT 870 ........$107.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1195 ........$82.00
2...........................DLK COWETTES 1180 ........$90.50
1..................................DLK DULL 1840 ......$108.00
1..................................DLK DULL 2035 ......$106.00
1..................................DLK DULL 2255 ......$107.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1430 ........$81.50
3.................................DLK COWS 1520 ........$80.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1965 ......$108.00
1..................................DLK DULL 1890 ......$106.50
1..................................DLK HFFT 895 ........$111.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1350 ........$81.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1270 ........$81.00
1 ..................................DLK COW 1445 ........$80.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1395 ........$80.50
2...........................DLK COWETTES 1038 ......$103.00
1 ..........................CHAF COWETTE 1055 ......$101.00
2.................................DLK COWS 1278 ........$80.50
1 ..................................DLK COW 1495 ........$80.25
1 ..................................DLK COW 1475 ........$80.00
The Steakhouse & Lounge
Open Daily ~ Monday thru Saturday
Lunch Specials:
11:00 to 1:30
Call for
Regular Menu
Available Nightly!
* * *
Friday Buffet
5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Salad Bar
Available at
Tuesday, June 26:
Petite Ribeye
Wednesday, June 27:
Basket of Pork Ribs
Thursday, June 28:
Friday, June 29:
Seasoned Steak,
Chicken, Shrimp
Saturday, June 30:
Steak + Shrimp
Monday, July 2:
1/2 lb. Cheese-
burger Basket
50 Years Ago
June 7, 1962
Miss Dianne Kay Eymer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Eymer of Milesville, became the
bride of Buddy L. Leggett, son of
the late Orville Leggett of Kadoka.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Knutson
announce the approaching wed-
ding of their daughter, Lu Ann
Charlene, to Jim Kent Baker.
Engaged Mr. and Mrs. E.C.
Noack of Philip, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Mar-
jorie, to Gerald R. Thorvaldson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Rueben
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jones
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Gail Irene, to Michael
H. Micek, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alphonse Micek, Duncan, Ne-
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunt of
Okaton, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Fay, to
Richard L. Deal, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Deal of Murdo.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Jim He-
witt, Philip, boy, 8 lbs. 4 1/2 ozs.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Morrison,
Philip, girl, 6 lbs. 7 oz.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Schrader,
Philip, girl, 7 lbs. 13 3/4 ozs.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reynick
have leased the Senechal Coffee
Shop and took possession as of the
first of June. Mrs. Marlis Meeks,
former operator, has joined her
husband at the ranch on the
Cheyenne River near Pedro.
D&R Drive-In Theatre east on
Hwy 14. Shows start at 8 p.m.
Kids 35 adults and high school
$1, Saturday, Sunday and Mon-
day and Thursday night $1 per
Skyline News Mr. and Mrs.
James Olsen were somewhat
rained in at the Olsen home. On
Friday they drove their little for-
eign sports car to Philip so they
could visit their aunts, Mrs. Emil
Baye and family, Mrs. Ilo Rausch
and family. Larry Dean took them
to the Raymond Dean home in the
afternoon and they all came back
to Philip to attend Larrys gradu-
ation exercises.
Grant Olsen came out Friday
evening to spend the weekend at
the Olsen home and visit his
cousin, Mr. and Mrs. James
We were very sorry to learn of
Donnette OConnells accident last
week and wish her a speedy recov-
Milesville News Congratula-
tions on the arrival of a baby
daughter born to Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Osborn, nee Barbara Burns,
Memorial Day.
84 Years Ago
June 21, 1928
Miss Minnie Ruhlman, of this
city, and Otis Smith of Kimball,
were united in marriage by Judge
Anderson last Thursday evening
at the Alber Ruhlman home in the
presence of a few close friends and
relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are
both employed at the Donahue
cafe, the groom having come here
several months ago to work as
Dr. W.J. Egan of Omaha, was in
Philip Sunday calling upon Dr.
Ramsey and making arrange-
ments to locate here within the
next ten days. Dr. Egan, who
comes well recommended as a sur-
geon, will work in partnership
with Dr. Ramsey.
Earl Herring, the twelve year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elza Her-
ring, was the victim of a painful
accident last Thursday afternoon
when the horse he was riding
reared and threw him, breaking
the boys leg near the hip. He was
taken to the Pierre hospital that
evening and at the present time is
doing nicely.
Grindstone News It rained 3
1/2 inches here in the big rain this
week. At Cottonwood an inch less,
at Dowling over an inch more and
around Hilland and south beyond
Gottslebens a gully-washer in-
creased the precipitation to five or
more inches. In that region roads
and fields and bridge approaches
are badly washed and lakes are
high. P.T. Keysers dam went out.
Seven inches of rain fell in Scenic.
Charlie Prices dam is a popular
place these Sundays. It is over-
stocked with fish. A couple of Sun-
days ago Pohle took a seine out
there and with the help of Hiram
Ramsey, Jack Pesek and R.A. For-
tune they seined out about five
bushels of fish. Fortunes took a lot
of them home and put them in the
water tank and had fresh fish for
several days.
Local News Ruth Sherwood
and Richard Sichterman are en-
joying a few weeks at Camp
Wanazer in the Hills.
Grindstone News Construc-
tion on the new house of Nels
Carstensen is well under way. It
is 24 by 30 and is built of tile, and
will have two porches.
75 Years Ago
June 24, 1937
Starting with three head pur-
chased from the famous Scotty
Philip herd a number of years ago,
Ed Sutton, large-scale rancher in
Sully County now has more than
100 of the once lords of the prairie.
These animals graze over his 15
sections of land which they share
with 1,100 head of cattle. The buf-
faloes are great rustlers, having
learned it from generations on the
prairie and seldom cause much
trouble although occasionally one
drifts far from the home range and
frightens women and children by
suddenly appearing in some farm-
Last year they were seen in
Milesville and Pedro country and
one almost lost his life when he
chased a dog and plunged over a
steep bank.
South Creek News The Ken-
neth Heltzel family is quarantined
with scarlet fever.
Billsburg News Miss Roberta
Walters and Wm. Colvin were
married at the Catholic church
near Billsburg.
Betwixt Places Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton Fairchild are the proud
parents of a baby daughter born to
them at their home Monday the
21. Mother and baby are doing
nicely under the care of Mrs. Mil-
dred Fairchild, the babys aunt.
We saw two of the babies in our
community for the first time this
last week. Fred George Kroetch is
as nice and big healthy boy you
could expect to see and enjoys life
immensely, while Darleen Jean-
nette Ferguson, being a girl, is
smaller and finer featured but
seems to be perfectly healthy and
satisfied with this world.
Nowlin News Miss Annalies
Hozefel arrived home Wednesday
for a short visit with her mother,
Mrs. Will Stahl.
50 Years Ago
June 21, 1962
Harry B. Benson, 59, and sons
Robert, 18, and Ronnie, 15, were
victims of a car accident near
Oscaloosa, Iowa, Monday. The
wife and mother, Fern Benson, is
Old Trail News Last Tues-
day, Sandra Eggers decided she
would take to the wheel and drive
her dads car. She succeeded by
hitting a tree while visiting at
Mrs. Braddocks home.
Hansons SuperValu ad10 lbs.
sugar 99, pork chops 69 a
pound, salad dressing 39 quart,
Coke or 7-Up 6 pack 35, bananas
2 lbs. 29, lettuce 2 jumbo heads
39, blueberries 3 pints $1.
Skyline News Ernest Smith
was an unfortunate contender in
the Black Hills Rodeo last week-
end. He received a broken ankle
and is hospitalized at Sturgis.
Share of the Fun Night for 4-H
members was an attraction for
many last Friday evening. Among
those attending from this area
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Radway
and family, Mrs. Earl Hanrahan,
Cathy and Becky, Mrs. John
Kuchenbecker, Mike and Keith
and Glen and Kent OConnell.
25 Years Ago
June 18, 1987

The new face you be seeing
around town may be that of the
new superintendent of schools,
Ted Kunz. Kunz has been in the
education field for 28 years. Kunz
will be accompanied to Philip by
his wife, Faith, a son Randy, who
will be in the ninth grade, and his
son, Andrew, who is presently four
years old. The Kunzs have three
other children who no longer live
at home.
Laura and Allan Hildebrandt
are co-owners of one of the most
unusual businesses in town called
Balloons Express. They started
the business in January of this
year and the title is an outcome of
how they operate their small but
growing business.
Laura will deliver, dress up for
special occasions to deliver or mail
the balloons. They are a type of
product that anyone from little to
100 can enjoy and is an easy way
to express a message to someone.
Allan and Laura moved here
from Pierre in April of 1986 and
enjoy living in Philip
Betwixt Places Chuck and
Kay Kroetch dined and danced at
Jerrys Saturday evening, cele-
brating their 28th wedding an-
niversary that was Sunday.
Ottumwa News Vern and
Carrol Foland returned home by
plane Tuesday night after spend-
ing a week in California where
they were houseguests of their
daughter, Judy Foland and hus-
band, Wayne Yanda in Long
Beach. All attended the wedding
of Mary Leah Foland and
Creighton Tevlin in Palos Verdes
Estates on Sunday afternoon,
June 7.
Last Saturday, June 6, was the
wedding of Tyra Schofield and
Monte Whidby at St. William
Catholic Church in Midland.
Social News Brad and Vicki
(Hansen) Schardin of Armour are
the proud parents of a baby boy
born on June 14. Brock Vernon
weighed 7 lbs. and 10 oz. and was
22 1/2 inches long. Proud grand-
parents are Jack and Donna
Blast from the Past
From the archives of the Pioneer Review

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