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The Hindu Community Welcomes SNM Seattle

On June 17, 2012, Sant Nirankari Mission (SNM) Seattle branch was invited by the management committee of Bellevue Hindu Temple to share the universal message of the Mission with devotees. SNM members, including the youth, attended the program under the guidance of Seattle branch Parmukh Rev. Sohan Ubbi Ji. Seattle branch was also blessed by the presence of Rev. Santosh Tandon Ji from Los Angeles. This event was attended by more than 150 people. After a warm welcome, the program started with devotional songs by devotees of the Sant Nirankari Mission followed by inspirational speeches about the meaning and value of human life as described in the Holy Scriptures. Various speakers highlighted the need of following the teachings of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna; and also mentioned the importance of God realization to bring eternal bliss and peace in one's life. Devotees described how man has always sought to connect with the Lord as this connection is the true source of everlasting bliss.

Additionally, Rev. Santosh Tandon Ji shared her knowledge on the true message of the Bhagavadgeeta consisting in the Yoga or connection of soul with the Super-soul. Among the four types of worshippers those who worship in time of suffering, those who want to enrich intellect, those who have a materialistic need and those who are Gyani or have God-Knowledge, she mentioned that Lord Krishna expressly speaks of the last kind as the best. Also, it was highlighted that the Bhagavadgeetas call to an individual is to become yogi 24/7. As written in Holy Scriptures - remembering God Almighty with every breath and at every moment is the most important worship and not just when man is in need. Together, the congregation participated in devotional songs in the praise of Lord Almighty. The program concluded with an Aarti also known as a Hindu devotional song wherein all devotees of the Mission also participated.

At the conclusion of the program everyone appreciated Sadguru Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharajs message of love, compassion and peaceful coexistence. The devotees expressed their interest in more programs with the Sant Nirankari Mission to further share divine thoughts. As such, the management of the temple very humbly requested the members of the Sant Nirankari Mission to visit again. Management also expressed how appreciative they were of the volunteers of the Mission for their discipline in organizing the event. The Sant Nirankari Mission, Seattle branch has maintained relations with the community in an on-going effort to spread the message of the Mission. This is being felt as the broader community welcomes the teachings of the Mission amongst their members.

-Rajvir Lashar

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