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BERNADETTE ANAT Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube Education

University of Southern California: Annenber School for Co!!unication Los Angeles, California !ean"s List# $ac%elor o& 'rts in (ublic )ela*ons+ ,tudied abroad in Milan# Italy# -all 20 0 May 20

"or# E$%erience
&ro'ectE$%lorer(or On location internationally; based in New York, New York ,e.tember 20 / (resent Assistant Producer, Shooter, Photographer, On-Camera Host (roduce 0lm segments &or non1.ro0t t%at creates &ree educa*onal 2ideos &or elementary and middle sc%ool yout% Write and researc% scri.ts on 2arious to.ics &or yout% ages 31 3 4oordinate# s%oot# .%otogra.%# %ost 5 direct o2er /0 s%ort 0lm segments w%ile on loca*on in 'ustralia# ,inga.ore# Malaysia and Mumbai )*CA Ca!% of +reater Ne, )or# Huguenot, New York 6une 20 / (resent Teen Director !esign and e7ecute /1week leaders%i. .rograms &or YM4'8s 9 5 :1year1old 4ounselors in Training 4reate and lead 4IT sta; trainings <!e2elo.mental 'ges# =omesickness# etc.># Li&e ,kills trainings <(ublic ,.eaking# ?le2ator (itc%# @etworking# 4onAict Management># and recrea*onal .rogramming B2ersee and e2aluate t%e .ersonal and .ro&essional growt% o& our cam.8s oldest teens -earst Cor%oration: Seventeen *a a.ine New York, New York May 20 May 20 / Executive Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief Managed our editor1in1c%ie&8s sc%edule# tra2el# e7.enses and .ro2ide editorial su..ort 'cted as ,e2enteen C'mbassadorDE BrganiFe teen girl .anels# conduct tours# manage )eader )e.orter .rogram# create collabora*2e .artners%i.s between ,e2enteen and teen em.owerment grou.s Wrote and edited mont%ly .rint .ages# , blogs and YouTube 2ideos using iMo2ie and -inal 4ut (ro /ess "einer 0 Tal# to /ess1 22C Los Angeles, California 6anuary 20 Pu !ic "e!ations #ntern Led .romo*onal .roGects &or Ms. Weiner8s Actionist social network and .ersonal brand (roduced original 2ideos and written content &or Ms. Weiner8s teen girl audience May 20

3reelance "ritin for P!us1 by 4eronica Cha!bers Writing from ilan, !taly 'ugust 20 0 6anuary 20 $ree!ance %riter & Author for P!us's O(cia! )!og Wrote weekly .osts .romo*ng "lus# a young1adult 0c*on about 'merican teen girls and weig%t issues Tracked and researc% news &or .osts related to .lus1siFe modeling# women8s media# &eminism and Ien1Y Cond5 Nast &ublications 0 AS*E: *!amour *a a.ine New York, New York May 20 0 'ugust 20 0 Editoria! #ntern+ American Societ, of -aga.ine Editors /AS-E0 #ntern 'ssisted news# %ealt% 5 rela*ons%i. editors in &act c%ecking# co.y edi*ng# .itc%ing and blogging &or ,ubmitted &eatures .itc%es+ at t%e ?I48s reJuest# wrote co.y &or #lamour$s cookbook# %ngagement C&icken

6ther &ro'ects

-erCa!%us USC "o!en7s 6nline *a a.ine ?ditor1in14%ie& &R6UD irls(co! +irl8E!%o,er!ent Social Net,or# West 4oast 4orres.ondentH,.okes.erson# Lideo $logger# 'd2ice 4olumnist

-ebruary 20 01May 20 6uly 200K1-ebruary 20 2

3reelance &ro'ects Larious .osi*onsE Writer# ?ditor# $logger# Lideo (roducerH?ditor# ,%ooter# (%otogra.%er# (roduc*on 'ssistant ?7tensi2e e7.erience in (%otos%o.# In!esign# Iim.# iMo2ie# -inal 4ut (ro and all MicrosoM ,uite .rograms

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