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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Executive summary Introduction to the study Industry profile Company Profile Product Profile History of ananta granites Departmental Study

Production unit Polishing unit Marketing departments Organization chart 8. Scope and limitations of the study 9. Objectives 10. 11.Data analysis and Interpretation 12. Findings 13. Suggestions and recommendations 14. Conclusion 15. Bibliograpy 16. Annexure Methodology


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ANANTA GRANITES ILKAL is a partnership firm which is well recognized in the granites sector in the national market. It was set up on 28th June 2007 and is located at Ilkal city in Bagalkot district, Karnataka it is mainly concerned with production of granite tiles of size 2*1 taking the raw material from surrounding quarries. . ANANTA GRANITES have its total area of 10 acres by providing employment to around 25 employees. It is a partnership and does not have any other branches. It consist of line and staff type of organization and its registered office in Ilkal at S.NO.67/A, Plot no 2, Tondihal ILKAL-587125 in Hungund taluk of Bagalkot district.


The study is mainly conducted to know satisfaction level of customers at ANANTA GRANITES and also to know the reasons for dissatisfaction of the customers if any. The study is also conducted to know about the product preferences of the customers. Its also conducted to know about customer grievances and the actions to be taken to increase the satisfaction level of the customers. The main objective of the study in ANANTA GRANITES iS To know the satisfactory level of customers. To establish various strategies to enhance the satisfactory level of customer. Page 2



To find out the reasons for the dissatisfaction of customers(if any) To know the preference of customer towards different products of the company. To know at what prices customers favor to purchase our tiles

Data is any information facts, concepts, and sensation represented in a formal manner, suitable for communicating, interpreting, or processing. Data is the base for every research work. The data collected for the purpose of analysis include both primary and secondary data.

1) Primary Data: The primary data has been collected at first hand through direct personnel interviews, using structured questionnaires. The information is collected from sampling from sampling that allows concentrating on customers and hence devoting more energy to ensure that the information collected is accurate one. Primary data has been collected directly from the respondents and the proprietor of the firm. 2) Secondary Data: I collected the information about the history of the Granite industries with the help of Internet service. And I dont have any secondary data regarding ANANTA GRANITES. Research Techniques:Structured Questionnaire Personal Interviews Statistical Tools. Tables / Chart Sample unit: The study is conducted in ANANTA GRANITES in Ilkal city on following departments. Production department Polishing department Marketing department BABASABPATIL Page 3


Sample size: Sample Size: 100 Sampling Technique: The research technique used is Stratified Random Method.

After conducting the survey on Customer satisfaction at ANANTA GRANITES I have found that Most of the respondents visiting ANANTA GRANITES are Business man and some are employees. most of the respondents are visiting fortnightly and some of them are visiting weekly and monthly to ANANTA GRANITES

Most of the respondents prefer price of Rs.30-35, nearly 30% of the respondents prefer Rs 40-50, 18% of the respondents prefer Rs. 55-65, and a negligible percent of the respondents prefer above 65 Rs.

Most of the respondents purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES for further sale, and only 37% of the respondents purchase for own use.

Most of the respondents purchase tiles of ANANTA GRANITES for quality, 32% for affordable price, and 16% for easy transport and some of them due to nearness of the firm to their place. Most of the respondents prefer 1 level and 18% of the respondents prefer 0 level and some others prefer 2 level and 1 level channel.

ANANTA GRANITES is not providing any exchange facilities to its customers, which means that 100% of customers said that they are not getting any exchange facility from the company. 100% of the customers said that they recommend others to purchase.

Most said friends influenced them to purchase, some others said family members and ads influenced them and none were influenced by other dealers.


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Customers were satisfied with the delivery of tiles at right time from ANANTA GRANITES.

Some of the customers give orders through mail, A high percentage of the customers give orders through telephone, and the rest 24% of the customers give orders by direct contact,

We came to know that some of the customers were very impressed with the customer relationship and said it was excellent, most of the respondents said that it was good and only 16% of respondents said it is ok. Customer satisfaction was achieved in respect of the quality tiles as ANANTA GRANITES produces size prescribed by the customers and at better price. Some of the customers prefer Cats eye, because it is costlier and used for decorative purpose like mouldings, borders and walls. 26% of the customers prefer Ruby red, because it is a commercial material and is used in selected places in south, because it is used only in houses. Most of the customers prefer Rajeshree, because it is also a commercial product

ANANTA GRANITES provides credit facility 86% of the respondents said that ANANTA GRANITES provides credit facility and 14% of the respondents said that it does not provide credit facility. All customers said that they wont face any problems while purchasing the tiles.


Most of the customers are business man who purchases tiles for further trading; through proper promotion of tiles it can attract more customers. It should improve customer relationships a bit more. Quality is the main strength of ANANTA GRANITES so it should maintain it and try to improve it. The firm needs to advertise its products in a proper media of advertising to attract more and more customers and to retain its present customers. The firm should opt latest technology of production to produce more tiles at lesser time and to increase its productivity. The firm needs to attract newer segments of customers so as to increase demand for its products.


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ANANTA GRANITES shares a good customer relationship. As there are a lot of granite industries in Ilkal ANANTA GRANITES face immense competition. Heavy competition has made customers to get confused about the product and even about the price.


Customer is a person who demands for the products or services offered by the marketer or supplier. Whereas the term consumer refers to the end user of the product or service. They may or may not be the customer.

Customer Satisfaction
Satisfaction is a persons feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or outcome) with the performance he expects of it. Complete customer satisfaction is achieved by understanding customer requirement and delivering superior quality of goods and services

Defining customer value and satisfaction. Over 38 years ago, Peter Dhuker observed that a companys first task is To create customers However, customers face a vast array of products and brand choices, price and suppliers. How do they make their choices? We believe that our customers estimate which offer will deliver the most value. Customer value maximizes within the bounds rich costs and limited knowledge, whether or not the offer lives up to value expectation affects both satisfaction and repurchase probability.

Customer perceived value

Our premise is that customer will buy from the firm that they see as offering the highest perceived value (cpv) is the difference between the prospective customers evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering & the perceived alternatives. Total customer value is the perceived monetary value of the bundle of BABASABPATIL Page 6

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES economic functional and psychological benefits customers expect from a given market offering. Total customer cost is the bundle of costs customers expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using and disposing of the given market offering.

Total customer satisfaction:

Whether the buyer is satisfied after the purchase depends on the offers performance in relation to the buyers expectation. In general satisfaction is a persons feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from compiling a products perceived Performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations, performance matches the expectation, the customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations the customer is highly satisfied or delighted. The link between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is not proportional. Suppose customer satisfaction is rated on a scale from one to five at a very low level of customer satisfaction (that is at level one), customers are likely to abandon the company and even bad mouth it. At levels two to four, customer are fairly satisfied but still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. At level five, the customer is very likely to repurchase and even spread good word or delight creators an emotional bond with the brand or company not just a rational preference. Measuring satisfaction although the customer centered firm seeks to create high customer satisfaction that is not its main goal. If the company increases customer satisfaction by lowering its service the result may bee lower profits. The company may be able to increase its profitability by means of other than increased satisfaction (for example, by improving manufacturing processes or investing more in research and development). Also the company has many stake holders including employers, dealers, suppliers and stock holder spending more to increase Customer Satisfaction might divert funds from increasing the satisfaction of their partners. Ultimately, the company must operate on the philosophy that it is trying to deliver a high level of customer satisfaction subject to delivering accepting levels of satisfaction to the other stakeholders, given its total resources.

Attracting customers

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Today customers are becoming harder to please. They are smarter, more price conscious, more demanding, less forgiving and they are approached by many more competitors with equal or better offers. The challenge, according to Jeffery gitomer is not to produce statistical customers, several competitors can do this. The challenge is to produce delighted and loyal customers. Companies seeking to expand their profits and sales have to spend considerable time and resources searching for new customer. To generate leads the company develops ads and places them in media that will reach new prospects, it sends direct mail and makes phone calls to possible new prospects , its sales people participate in shows and exhibitions where they might find new leads and so on. All this activity produces a list of suspects. To motivate its employees to serve the customers well it displays the following poster prominently around its office.

A customer is the most important person ever in this office.. In personal by mail. A customer is not dependent on us .. We are dependent on him. A customer is not an interruption at our work.. he is the purpose of it. We are not doing a favor by serving him. He is doing a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so. A customer is not someone to argue, or match wins with. Nobody ever won an argument with the customer. A customer is a person who brings us his wants. Its our job to handle them profitably and to ourselves.

Forming strong customer bonds: the basics

Companies that want to form strong customer bonds need to attend to the following basics. Get cross- departmental participation in planning and managing the customer satisfaction and retention process. Integrate the voice of the customers in all business decisions. BABASABPATIL Page 8

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Create superior products, services, and experiences for the target market. Organize and make accessible a database of information on individual customer needs, preferences, contacts, purchase frequency and satisfaction. Make it easy for customer to reach appropriate company personnel and express their needs perceptions and complaints.

Tools for satisfaction





Complaint and suggestion systems:

A customer- centered organization makes it easy for customer to register suggestion and complaints. Some customer centered companies like P&G, general electric and whirlpool establish hotlines with toll few numbers. Companies are also using web & E-mail for quick two way communication.

Customer satisfaction surveys:

Studies show that although customers are dissatisfied with one out of every four purchases, less than 5% will complain, most customers will buy test or switch suppliers. Responsive companys measure customer satisfaction directly by conducting periodic surveys while collecting customer satisfaction data, it is also useful to ask additional questions to measure repurchase intention to measure the likelihood or willingness to recommend the company and the brand to others. Lost customer analysis: Companies should contact customers who have switched to another supplier to learn why this happened. Not only this, it is also important to conduct exit interviews when customers first stop buying, it is also necessary to monitor the customer lost rate.


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Customer delivered value Customer delivered value Total customer value Total customer value Product value Product value Service value Service value Personnel value Personnel value Image value Image value Total customer cost Total customer cost Monetary cost Monetary cost Time cost Time cost Energy cost Energy cost Psychic cost Psychic cost

Granite is one of the commodities, which is having its own name in the international market. There are number of granite companies throughout India which are situated in the states of Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, etc. these are one of the sources to the government in the taxes as well as exporters name in the market. BABASABPATIL Page 11

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Granites are nothing but stones which are extracted from raw blocks, then they are cut into required sizes and finally polished and are made as per they are ordered by the customers. These are used for the purpose of decorating houses, decorating the hotel, decorating the tomb, etc. Today in the international market the need for granite have increased. They are extracted from earth. As it is hard material so it requires both man power and machine power. Granite, igneous rock of visible crystalline formation and texture. It is composed of feldspar (usually potash feldspar and oligoclase) and quartz, with a small amount of mica (biotite or muscovite) and minor accessory minerals, such as zircon, apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, and sphene. Granite is usually whitish or gray with a speckled appearance caused by the darker crystals. Potash feldspar imparts a red or flesh color to the rock. Granite crystallizes from magma that cools slowly, deep below the earth's surface. Exceptionally slow rates of cooling give rise to a very coarse-grained variety called pegmatite. Granite, along with other crystalline rocks, constitutes the foundation of the continental masses, and it is the most common intrusive rock exposed at the earth's surface. The specific gravity of granite ranges from 2.63 to 2.75. Its crushing strength is from 1050 to 14,000 kg per sq cm (15,000 to 20,000 lb per sq in). Granite has greater strength than sandstone, limestone, and marble and is correspondingly more difficult to quarry. It is an important building stone, the best grades being extremely resistant to weathering.

INTRODUCTION TO GRANITES Quarrying granite for the Mormon Temple, Utah Territory. The ground is strewn with boulders and detached masses of granite, which have fallen from the walls of Little Cottonwood Canyon. The quarrying consists of splitting up the blocks


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CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Granite (pronounced) is a common and widely occurring type of intrusive, felsic, igneous rock. Granite has a medium to coarse texture, occasionally with some individual crystals larger than the groundmass forming a rock known as porphyry. Granites can be pink to dark gray or even black, depending on their chemistry and mineralogy. Outcrops of granite tend to form tors, and rounded massifs. Granites sometimes occur in circular depressions surrounded by a range of hills, formed by the metamorphic aureole or hornfels. Granite is nearly always massive (lacking internal structures), hard and tough, and therefore it has gained widespread use as a construction stone. The average density of granite is 2.75 g/cm3 and its viscosity at standard temperature and pressure is ~4.5 1019 Pas [1] The word granite comes from the Latin granum, a grain, in reference to the coarsegrained structure of such a crystalline rock.

Granite is classified according to the QAPF diagram for coarse grained plutonic rocks (granitoids) and is named according to the percentage of quartz, alkali feldspar (orthoclase, sanidine, or microcline) and plagioclase feldspar on the A-Q-P half of the diagram. True granite according to modern petrologic convention contains both plagioclase and alkali feldspars. When a granitoid is devoid or nearly devoid of plagioclase the rock is referred to as alkali granite. When a granitoid contains <10% orthoclase it is called tonalite; pyroxene and amphibole are common in tonalite. A granite containing both muscovite and biotite micas is called a binary or two-mica granite. Two-mica granites are typically high in potassium and low in plagioclase, and are usually S-type granites or A-type granites. The volcanic equivalent of plutonic granite is rhyolite. Granite has poor primary permeability but strong secondary permeability.


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CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Chemical composition A worldwide average of the average proportion of the different chemical components in granites, in descending order by weight percent, is:[2]

SiO2 72.04% Al2O3 14.42% K2O 4.12% Na2O 3.69% CaO 1.82% FeO 1.68% Fe2O3 1.22% MgO 0.71% TiO2 0.30% P2O5 0.12% MnO 0.05%

Based on 2485 analyses.



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Granite is currently known only on Earth where it forms a major part of continental crust. Granite often occurs as relatively small, less than 100 km stock masses (stocks) and in batholiths that are often associated with organic mountain ranges. Small dikes of granitic composition called haplites are often associated with the margins of granitic intrusions. In some locations very coarse-grained pegmatite masses occur with granite. Granite has been intruded into the crust of the Earth during all geologic periods, although much of it is of Precambrian age. Granitic rock is widely distributed throughout the continental crust of the Earth and is the most abundant basement rock that underlies the relatively thin sedimentary veneer of the continents.



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Granite is an igneous rock and is formed from magma. Granitic magma has many potential origins but it must intrude other rocks. Most granite intrusions are emplaced at depth within the crust, usually greater than 1.5 kilometers and up to 50 km depth within thick continental crust. The origin of granite is contentious and has led to varied schemes of classification. Classification schemes are regional; there is a French scheme, a British scheme and an American scheme. This confusion arises because the classification schemes define granite by different means. Generally the 'alphabet-soup' classification is used because it classifies based on genesis or origin of the magma.

Geochemical origins
Granitoids are a ubiquitous component of the crust. They have crystallized from magmas that have compositions at or near a eutectic point (or a temperature minimum on a cotectic curve). Magmas will evolve to the eutectic because of igneous differentiation, or because they represent low degrees of partial melting. Fractional crystallization serves to reduce a melt in iron, magnesium, titanium, calcium and sodium, and enrich the melt in potassium


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CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES and silicon - alkali feldspar (rich in potassium) and quartz (SiO2), are two of the defining constituents of granite. This process operates regardless of the origin of the parental magma to the granite, and regardless of its chemistry. However, the composition and origin of the magma which differentiates into granite, leaves certain geochemical and mineral evidence as to what the granite's parental rock was. The final mineralogy, texture and chemical composition of a granite is often distinctive as to its origin. For instance, a granite which is formed from melted sediments may have more alkali feldspar, whereas a granite derived from melted basalt may be richer in plagioclase feldspar. It is on this basis that the modern "alphabet" classification schemes are based.

Ascent and emplacement

The ascent and emplacement of large volumes of granite within the upper continental crust is a source of much debate amongst geologists. There is a lack of field evidence for any proposed mechanisms, so hypotheses are predominantly based upon experimental data. There are two major hypotheses for the ascent of magma through the crust:

Stokes Diapir Fracture Propagation

Of these two mechanisms, Stokes diapir was favored for many years in the absence of a reasonable alternative. The basic idea is that magma will rise through the crust as a single mass through buoyancy. As it rises it heats the wall rocks, causing them to behave as a power-law fluid and thus flow around the pluton allowing it to pass rapidly and without major heat loss (Weinberg, 1994). This is entirely feasible in the warm, ductile lower crust where rocks are easily deformed, but runs into problems in the upper crust which is far colder and more brittle. Rocks there do not defor expend far too much energy in heating wall rocks, thus cooling and solidifying before reaching higher levels within the crust.


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CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Nowadays fracture propagation is the mechanism preferred by many geologists as it largely eliminates the major problems of moving a huge mass of magma through cold brittle crust. Magma rises instead in small channels along self-propagating dykes which form along new or pre-existing fault systems and networks of active shear zones (Clemens, 1998)[6]. As these narrow conduits open, the first magma to enter solidifies and provides a form of insulation for later magma. Granitic magma must make room for itself or be intruded into other rocks in order to form an intrusion, and several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how large batholiths have been emplaced:

Stopping, where the granite cracks the wall rocks and pushes upwards as it removes blocks of the overlying crust Assimilation, where the granite melts its way up into the crust and removes overlying material in this way Inflation, where the granite body inflates under pressure and is injected into position

Most geologists today accept that a combination of these phenomena can be used to explain granite intrusions, and that not all granites can be explained entirely by one or another mechanism.

Natural Radiation
Granite is a natural source of radiation, like most natural stones. However, some granite has been reported to have higher radioactivity thereby raising some concerns about their safety. Some granites contain around 10 to 20 parts per million of uranium. By contrast, more mafic rocks such as tonalite, gabbro or diorite have 1 to 5 ppm uranium, and limestones and sedimentary rocks usually have equally low amounts. Many large granite plutons are the sources for palaeochannel-hosted or roll front uranium ore deposits, where the uranium washes into the sediments from the granite uplands and associated, often BABASABPATIL Page 18

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES highly radioactive, pegmatites. Granite could be considered a potential natural radiological hazard as, for instance, villages located over granite may be susceptible to higher doses of radiation than other communities. Cellars and basements sunk into soils over granite can become a trap for radon gas, which is heavier than air and is formed by the decay of uranium. Radon can also be introduced into houses by wells drilled into granite. Radon gas poses significant health concerns, and is the #2 cause of lung cancer in the US behind smoking However, in the majority of cases, although granite is a significant source of natural radiation as compared to other rock it is not thought an acute health threat or significant factor Various resources from national geological survey organizations are accessible online to assist in assessing the risk factors in granite country and design rules relating, in particular, to preventing accumulation of radon gas in enclosed basements and dwellings. "A study of Granite Countertops by National Health and Engineering Inc of USA [1], undertaken in November, 2008 however, did not find a single granite that poses any health risk. Quantities of radon and radiation emitted by stones included in the analysis all fell well below average outdoor background levels that are commonly found in the United States. Scientists conducted more than 400 tests of 115 different varieties of granite countertops, including stones cited in media reports as being potentially problematic. The stones tested include types of granite that comprise approximately 80 percent of the annual U.S. market share for granite countertops, based on the most recent market data available." The Red Pyramid of Egypt (c.26th century BC), named for the light crimson hue of its exposed granite surfaces, is the third largest of Egyptian pyramids. Menkaure's Pyramid, likely dating to the same era, was constructed of limestone and granite blocks. The Great Pyramid of Giza (c.2580 BC) contains a huge granite sarcophagus fashioned of "Red Aswan Granite." The mostly ruined Black Pyramid dating from the reign of Amenemhat III once had a polished granite pyramidion or capstone, now on display in the main hall of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (see Dahshur). Other uses in Ancient Egypt include columns, BABASABPATIL Page 19

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES door lintels, sills, jambs, and wall and floor veneer.[11] How the Egyptians worked the solid granite is still a matter of debate. Dr. Patrick Hunt[12] has postulated that the Egyptians used emery shown to have higher hardness on the Mohs scale. Many large Hindu temples in southern India, particularly those built by the 11th century king Rajaraja Chola I, were made of granite. There is a large amount of granite in these structures. They are comparable to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Various resources from national geological survey organizations are accessible online to assist in assessing the risk factors in granite country and design rules relating, in particular, to preventing accumulation of radon gas in enclosed basements and dwellings. "A study of Granite Countertops by National Health and Engineering Inc of USA [1], undertaken in November, 2008 however, did not find a single granite that poses any health risk. Quantities of radon and radiation emitted by stones included in the analysis all fell well below average outdoor background levels that are commonly found in the United States. Scientists conducted more than 400 tests of 115 different varieties of granite countertops, including stones cited in media reports as being potentially problematic. The stones tested include types of granite that comprise approximately 80 percent of the annual U.S. market share for granite countertops, based on the most recent market data available."

Modern Building
Granite has been extensively used as a dimension stone and as flooring tiles in public and commercial buildings and monuments. Because of its abundance, granite was commonly used to build foundations for homes in New England. The Granite Railway, America's first railroad, was built to haul granite from the quarries in Quincy, Massachusetts, to the Neponset River in the 1820s. With increasing amounts of acid rain in parts of the world, granite has begun to supplant marble as a monument material, since it is much more durable. Polished granite is also a popular choice for kitchen countertops due to its high durability and aesthetic qualities. BABASABPATIL Page 20

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Curling stones are traditionally fashioned of Ailsa Craig granite. The first stones were made in the 1750s, the original source being Ailsa Craig in Scotland. Because of the particular rarity of the granite, the best stones can cost as much as US$1,500. Between 60 70 percent of the stones used today are made from Ailsa Craig granite, although the island is now a wildlife reserve and is no longer used for quarrying.[14]

In the field of Engineering

Engineers have traditionally used polished granite surfaces to establish a plane of reference, since they are relatively impervious and inflexible. Sandblasted concrete with a heavy aggregate content has an appearance similar to rough granite, and is often used as a substitute when use of real granite is impractical. A most unusual use of granite was in the construction of the rails for the Haytor Granite Tramway, Devon, England, in 1820.

Granite resources of karnataka

Karnataka is endowed with rich varieties of resources. Approximately one hundred varieties of rocks are available in karnataka. Granite with pleasing textures and color apart from the attractive gneisses, migmatites and sober dyke rocks are abundantly available. Geomorphologically the investigations have indicated the availability of ornamental granite is in the districts of Bangalore, mysore, chamarajnagar, tumkur, kolar, bellary, raichur, koppal, bagalkot, hassan, chickmagalur and dakshina kannada. Important available varieties are pink granite, multi colour granite, black granite, Hassan green, granite porphery, synites, hornblende granite, grey granite. They have pleasing colour uniformity in texture and structure, ability to take polish, ability to yield thin and large slab on cutting are some important properties of granites.

BANGALORE DISTRICT 1. Kanakpura taluk 2. Magadi taluk 3. Ramnagaram taluk 4. Nelamangala taluk BABASABPATIL

Pink multicolored Gneiss Pink, multi colour gneiss Pink, multi gneiss Page 21


Dharwad district 1. Shiratti taluk 2. Ron taluk Gulbarga district 1. Shahpur taluk 2. Shorapur taluk Hassan district 1. Belur taluk 2. Hassan taluk Kolar district 1. Gudibhanda taluk 2. Bhintamani taluk 3. Bangarapet taluk Mysore district 1. Chamarajanagar taluk 2. MM hills taluk 3. Periyapatna taluk 4. TN pura taluk Bellary district 1. Tekkalkot taluk 2. Singadevanahalli Bagalkot district 3. Hungund taluk Koppal district 1. Koppal taluk 2. Yelburga taluk

Grey granite Brownish prophyry Pink granite Pink and grayish pink Dyke Dyke Grey granite Grey granite Grey granite, Dyke Dyke Dyke Yellow granite Yellow granite

Pink granite, Grey Pink granite, Grey Pink granite, multi Colored granite & catseye Pink Porphery green granite Pink, grey & black granite & pink gneiss Grey granite

Chitradurga district 1. Chitradurga district

ANANTA GRANITES is a manufacturer of granite tiles, it sales all types of granite tiles in the national market. BABASABPATIL Page 22

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Name of the FIRM Location : ANANTA GRANITES : S.NO.67/A, Plot no.2, Tondihal ILKAL- 587 125 Dist: Bagalkot (Karnataka) Tq : Hunagund Tin Telephone Type of unit Year of Establishment Total area covered Number of employees : 29230741014 : 9886308335, 9448913723 : Partnership firm : 2007 : 16000 sq.ft : 20

Approximate production p.a: 120000 tiles p.a Approximate sales p.a Total customers Present turn over Competitors Managing Director : 100000-110000 tiles p.a : 100% national oriented : 6.5 - 7 lakhs p.m : Rahul Granites, Pooja Granites : Mr. Mohan chavan



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CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES The vision of the firm is to be one of the most outstanding companies in the national market and to render maximum satisfaction to customers by providing qualitative tiles.

The firms mission is to be a market leader and to extract maximum market share And to develop newer, better and more efficient goods in this innovative and challenging environment


CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES ANANTA GRANITES sales all the varieties of granite tiles and is one of the leading manufacturing concern of granite tiles in Ilkal.




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CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES INTRODUCTION: ANANTA GRANITES is a Partnership firm is very well known in the field of granites in the national market. It was set up in 28th June 2007 and is located at Ilkal city in Bagalkot district. ANANTA GRANITES mainly concentrates in the production of Himalayan blue, mudgal grey, catseye, rajeshree etc. Ilkal has become famous in the national and international market because of granites exported with production of granite tiles taking the raw material from surrounding quarries. ANANTA GRANITES has started with 4 partners that is Mr. Mohan, Mr. Nagaraj, Mr. Raju and Mr Munna and all of them are active partners. The production is 120000 tiles approximately per annum with the turnover of 7,00,000 per month. Now a day the demand for granites is increasing at a high speed.

Following are some of the Granites Factories with Profile Factories Pooja granites Saka Granites Netravati tiles Industries Year of Initial establishment 2007 1992 2001 investment 1.2 Lakhs 35 Lakhs 80 Lakhs No employees 20 30 40 of Production per annual 38400sqft 30000sqft 14400 cu mt Turnover 1,32,00,000 55,00,000 10,00,00,000



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This Trolley takes the raw blocks to the Cutting machine to cut them into tiles.

The four partners as mentioned above established ANANTA GRANITES on 28th June 2007 and started production from 19th august 2007 with 15 employees in Ilkal city which is surrounded by nearly 150 granite factories not only in Ilkal but also near by villages.

Objective refers to the basic idea and goal with which any firm is established. We can even say it is a reason behind the establishment of any firm. And as we know it very well that every firm has one or the other objective behind its establishment, in the same way Pooja granite Industries is also established with an objective to provide good quality of granite slabs with reasonable price as per the standards and specifications provided by the customers and to contribute to the social welfare of the society.

Location is any area where the industry or firm is set up to carry out its activities more conveniently and economically. Location of any firm plays an important BABASABPATIL Page 28

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES role in controlling costs or expenses. A firm must be located in an area where the transport facility, power facility, etc is easily available. ANANTA GRANITES is located near by highway which connects to different cities; power facility is also made at work place with good infrastructure facility. The company is also providing accommodation to its employees with lights and fans facility. In short we can say that the firm provides very healthy and lively environment to work, which we can say is an ideal working environment for any employee to work in the firm. The firm has separate office for business transactions and sometimes during the excess production of tiles they are stored in office also. There are separate quarters for employees to reside.

Capital means a businesss total amount of money and property meant for use in ways or activities that are intended to produce wealth. Capital is nothing but the finance or funds invested and required to run a business. It is very well said that capital is the life blood of any business firm. And we know it very well that it is highly impossible to run a business without capital. So capital plays very important role and need very good knowledge and experience to make capital investment decisions. ANANTA GRANITES invested Rs. 1.50 crore initially and sources used to raise the funds were from banks and own funds. The firm raised 65% of its total capital from banks and the remaining funds from indigenous lenders and owned funds. The firm has invested Rs.80 lakhs for plant and machineries. Each machinery cost Rs.15 lakhs. The company maintains stock of raw materials worth Rs.30 lakhs and finished goods worth Rs.25 lakhs. The firm maintains working capital of Rs.40 lakhs per year.

The investment made in the fixed assets that are required for permanent use in the enterprise. Fixed assets are nothing but the immovable property related to BABASABPATIL Page 29

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES business activity, which is owned by the firm. These fixed assets include land and building, plant and machineries, etc. ANANTA GRANITES has its own land and building to carry out its business activities. The firm has also invested Rs.80 lakhs in plant and machineries. The firm owns 3 machines each cost Rs.15 lakhs. And it also has 3 polishing machines each cost of Rs.100000 i.e. Rs. 300000. The output given by each machine is 120000 sqft per month. And it has one edge cutting machine costing 200000.

In manpower the entrepreneur ensures that he has the right number of people and right kind of people with appropriate skills at the right place and the right time to do work for which they are economically most suitable. Manpower means human resource that is employees, which constitutes the heart and soul of any business. Human resources are the real assets of any firm.

When asked to one of the well known businessman regarding the importance of man power, he sharply answered that take away all my money, take away all my immovable property, take away my entire business, take away everything but leave only my employees because if they are there with me I can rebuild my business, which will be more stronger than this one as we know man power is the key resource to any business. ANANTA GRANITES provides employment to 20 employees, which includes personal accountant, production manager, sales manager, machine operator, etc. It makes payment to its employees on monthly basis. Manager gets his salary on monthly basis. Accountant gets fixed amount for preparing the accounts. And the rest of the employees gets fixed amount of wages on monthly basis. The company divides the work of 20 employees in 2 shifts. The first shift is from morning 10 to evening 8, and it consists of 10 workers. The second shift is from night 8 to morning 6, and it consists of remaining 10 workers.


Page 30


Target customers are the actual customers, who form a particular segment of the market and these customers produce products keeping in mind the requirements and the standards specified. The target customers of ANANTA GRANITES are projects like Shopping malls, Apartments, used in temples etc.

Inventory refers to those goods which are held for eventual sale by the business enterprise. In other words inventories are stocks of the product a firm is manufacturing for sale and components that make up the product. Thus inventories form a link between the production and sale of product. Inventory is nothing but maintaining the stock of the raw materials and other required materials to carry out production activities. Inventory plays very important role to carry out the production activity continuously and to meet the increasing demands of the customers at any time. ANANTA GRANITES maintains the stock of raw materials worth Rs. 35 lakhs, stock of finished goods worth Rs. 25 lakhs and the working capital is 35 lakhs.

Production is for consumption. Having produced the products these need to be made available to the final users of the product i.e. the consumers scattered in large geographical areas. Since many a times it becomes extremely difficult if not impossible to BABASABPATIL Page 31

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES reach the customers on its own the firm needs the help of marketing intermediaries like wholesalers and retailers to reach their products to the final customers. These intermediaries serve as channels to reach the products to the customers. Network or distribution channel is the process or steps undertaken by the firm, which includes the movement of finished goods from production point to the consumption that is to the final consumers. Since from its inception ANANTA GRANITES follows the direct marketing as well as 1 level channel.






The firm sells its products directly to customers or through dealers, to the far places like Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Kerala, Surat, etc. This is how the firm distributes its products and reaches the final customers.

Production deals with the relationship between the input and output. The process includes the blasting of raw rocks and making from into the fine blocks, which are BABASABPATIL Page 32

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES ready to export, and polishing purpose. The raw materials, which are left after making the blocks, are stored in a unwanted place and this place is called as dump yard the distance between the dump yard and the production place should be 0.5 km to 2km. The company purchases raw blocks from quarries and cut them in to fine tiles and after cutting the tiles are sent to polishing unit, these polished tiles are stored in a godown and are ready to sell. Quality with affordable price is the main motto of ANANTA GRANITES. The company is mainly producing pink rajeshree, ruby red, mudgal grey, and other available colors of tiles. Production process is carried on high technology machines etc were these machines cost around 80 lakhs.



Page 33


ANANTA GRANITES purchases all its raw materials from the suppliers at BALKUNDI



There are totally 3 main cutting machines in the company. These are water cutting machines. These machines cut the raw blocks into tiles of particular size specified by the customers. The following are the different sizes of tiles.

Length and breadth

The tiles size is two by one feet of all the tiles



In ANANTA GRANITES there are totally 3 polishing units. Each unit costing nearly 15 lakhs rupees. The polished granites tiles are packed in a systematic manner to avoid the breakage of tiles. Then these are ready for export to national and international market. There are no of workers working in the polishing factory. The workers are divided on their work done, cutting men is separate one who has experience in cutting the blocks the polishing worker is been appointed separately for polishing the granite tiles. The polishing process required high technique machineries for cutting and polishing. The water is required in the cutting and sizing the granite tiles. MARKETING DEPARTMENTS

Marketing management in ANANTA GRANITES. BABASABPATIL Page 36


Marketing is a philosophy of consumer oriented venture in which managers make decisions to assure customer satisfaction as their top priority and its a total system of interacting business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want satisfying products and services to present the potential customers. Objectives 1. To understand the importance of marketing in ANANTA GRANITES. 2. To forecast the future demand of tiles. 3. To identify target markets. 4. To identify the common marketing problem faced by the company. 5. To identify the marketing process of the company. 6. To understand the significance of service marketing. 7. To identify the prevailing export environment and procedures, formalities, and documentation required for exports. Importance of Marketing 1. It is totally depends on personal efforts and resources, making it informal and flexible. 2. To identify customer needs and wants 3. Satisfying the customer needs and wants of the customer. 4. Understanding the prevailing market conditions.

Problems faced by the company 1. Local and limited market: The Company is facing marketing problem in local and limited market due to more competition. BABASABPATIL Page 37


2. Heavy competition: due to heavy competition it has became difficult to attract customers. 3. Lack of sales force: The Company cannot afford to maintain a well-oiled because of selling expense will be increasing. 4. Lack of transportation: In this area we are not got the all transportation facilities, we have using only road transport. Marketing mix elements: There are number of aspects involved in marketing a product. Some of them are controllable and others are uncontrollable. It is the combination of 4 Ps viz Product Price Promotion Place


CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES The product consists of the policies and procedures relating to the product times to be offered and services to be rendered. It also includes research and development programmes and the new product policy. It includes everything a customer gets design, quality, packaging. ANANTA GRANITES design on the basis of customer order and company preparing different size on basis of customer order. Types of tiles 1. Ruby red 2. Cats eye 3. Mudgal grey 4. NH 5. Rajeshree 6. Himalayan blue 7. RBI 8. C.K 9. P.G Quality: the Company maintaining good quality in the field of granite products. Packaging: packing is considered as an important element of product mix. ANANTA GRANITES material firm uses to pack the tiles is card board boxes which are packed by using gum tape.

Price: This element of marketing mix consists of the policies and procedures
relating to the price level, price specification, and the price policy .The company charges the amount of money to the granite tiles, or the sum of the values that BABASABPATIL Page 39

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES consumers exchange for the benefits of the of having or using the product or services.

Ruby red Cats eye Mudgal grey NH Rajeshree Himalayan blue RBI C.K P.G

Rs.45/tile Rs.65/tile Rs.36/tile Rs.45/tile Rs.36/tile Rs.45/tile Rs.65/tile Rs.35/tile Rs.45/tile

ANANTA GRANITES has adopted penetration pricing strategy. Promotion: This element includes special selling plans or devices directed at or through the trade, form of devices for consumer promotions and trade promotions. The company providing transportation facilities on the basis of bulk orders. Place:

This element includes policies and procedures relating to the channels to be used between the plant and the consumer, the degree of selectivity among wholesalers and retailers and attempts to co- operation of trade.



Page 40

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES The sized blocks and granites tiles are transported to the for away places through Lorries. The sized blocked and tiles are exported to the foreign countries through ship, up to the ship or port the transport is made through Lorries. Lorries till karwar carry transport of tiles and polished tiles and then the shipment is done to different countries by ship. The transport of blocks is done through the permit. This is obtained from the concerned authorities. The firm bears the transportation cost and traveling cost, ere the workers are allowed free services to the co and from co. to their places.

ANANTA GRANITES faces heavy competitions as there are many granite industries in ilkal. But the firm mainly faces competition from following industries.

Pooja Granites Govardhan Granites Rahul Granites

Every company or industry has its own medical facilities provided to the workers in the company like wise the Gem Company. Has also medical facilities provided to the workers. The company has its own separate dispensary, were the qualified and experienced medical officers has been appointed. The medical facilities are provided to the workers, if following conditions is there: If there is any injury during the blasting process If there is any accident by the vehicle while working in the company If there are any injuries while working in the machinery repairs. If there is any injury while working in the dept of the quarry If there is any injury working in the electrical department.

The medical facility is provided to workers is at the cost of the free services the workers dont incurs the cost.


CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Every worker or employees require the leaves, which may be official or personal. The co. is also providing the leaves facility to the employee working in the company. There are 12 casual leaves and 15 sick leaves provided by the co. to the employees for every year for every 200 working days, the company has provided I day leave for every 20 days. More leaves are provided if the employees or workers are suffering from the diseases like fever, malaria, typhoid, and other diseases. If they provide medical certificate to the co. the company has the authority to deduct the absent salary from their monthly salary. The company provides the finance facility for the employee who is sick for long days. The medical leaves are provided to the workers or employee on their sickness

Selection procedure of the employees: The firm selects the employees required for the concerned jobs through the selection procedure. The procedure is as follows: 1] Job analysis: It refers to the study if job in terms of duties, responsibilities, risks and other factors associated with each kindle of job. It is the basis for the selecting the right candidate to the right job. It is essential to finalize the job analysis, job description, job satisfaction and employee satisfaction before proceeding to the next step.

2] Recruitment: It refers to the process of searching fork prospective employee and stimulating them to apply for jobs to the co. Selection of right no and kind of candidate depends upon affective requirements.

3] Application form: It is also known as application blank it is widely accepted techniques for securing information from the prospective candidates. The co. asks the applicant to apply on white paper giving particular about his BABASABPATIL Page 42

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES name, date of birth, mailing address, education, qualification, experience, etc.

Contents of Application Form: Personal background information A. Education attainment B. Work experience

Salary expected.

Appraising performance of individuals, groups and organization has become a common Patrice. The co has its own appraisal method. The employers has to evaluate officer has to appraise the performance of their subordinates

In this the performance appraise is done in a systematic and planned manner. The term performance refers to the degree of accomplishments of the job or ultimate result, on the other hand the term appraisal refer on the evaluation of or assessment of work being done in terms of quality, quantity, honest and working capacity, etc.

Content of the performance Appraisal:It depends upon the nature and level of job. It is not uniform for all types of jobs.


Page 43

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES 1] Regularity of attendance 2] Leadership style 3] Ability to work with others 4] Initiative 5] Technical skill 6] Judgment skills 7] Area of work interest.



Page 44



General Manager

Sales manager Personal Accountant Production Manager

Labours Cutting department Polishing department

Edge cutting

Scope and Limitations of the Research

The study is constrained only to customer satisfaction.. Analysis of primary data is done on the assumption that the answers given by the respondents are true and correct. Time and Resource Constraints.


The main objective of the study in ANANTA GRANITES is BABASABPATIL Page 45


To know the satisfactory level of customers. To establish various strategies to enhance the satisfactory level of customer. To find out the reasons for the dissatisfaction of customers(if any) To know the preference of customer towards different products of the company. To know at what prices customers favour to purchase our tiles

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:Problem statement: Now a days there is a heavy competition in each and every field and the granite industry is one of the fast developing industries, it also faces the competition. Nowa- days granite industries are established even in small towns, which are helping to provide employment opportunities in the local areas. Customer satisfaction plays a major role in the success of any business. Therefore the research, which I have undertaken is to calculate the level of satisfaction of the customers of ANANTA GRANITES. Type of Research: The research is primarily quantitative in nature. The study is based on data collected through structure questionnaire from the respondents and interviews conducted with the respondents.

METHODOLOGY Tools of data collection

Data is any information facts, concepts, and sensation represented in a formal manner, suitable for communicating, interpreting, or processing. Data is the base for every


Page 46

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES research work. The data collected for the purpose of analysis include both primary and secondary data. 1) Primary Data: The primary data has been collected at first hand through direct personnel interviews, using structured questionnaires. The information is collected from sampling from sampling that allows concentrating on customers and hence devoting more energy to ensure that the information collected is accurate one. Primary data has been collected directly from the respondents and the proprietor of the firm. 2) Secondary Data: I collected the information about the history of the Granite industries with the help of Internet service. And I dont have any secondary data regarding ANANTA GRANITES. Research Techniques:Structured Questionnaire Personal Interviews Statistical Tools. Tables / Chart Sample unit: The study is conducted in ANANTA GRANITES in Ilkal city on following departments. Production department Polishing department Marketing department Sample size: Sample Size: 100 Sampling Technique: The research technique used is Stratified Random Method. Sampling Profile BABASABPATIL Page 47

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Educated Earning Good Income Good Lifestyle Sample unit: The study is conducted in ANANTA GRANITES in Ilkal city on following departments. Production department Polishing department Marketing department Sample size: Sample Size: 100 The sample size, which is taken for the study is of 100 customers at ANANTA GRANITES and was randomly selected. These samples were been provided with a complete set of questions on which the information was elicited and their response was recorded. A questionnaire was drafted in such a way that it covered the various aspects of the required subject.

SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Good quality products Page 48



Favorable working hours. Good working conditions Favorable environment Easy transportation Good infrastructure. Goodwill of the firm.


Lack of skilled labors. Problem of power

OPPORTUNITIES Provides employment opportunities Wide market area.

THREATS Establishment of more granite industries. Large number of competitors


Page 49



1. Occupation of the customer? Particulars Business man Professional Employee other BABASABPATIL Respondents 59 03 29 09 Percentage 59% 3% 29% 09 Page 50

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Analysis: On the basis of above table 59% of the respondents are Business man and 3% of the respondents are professionals, 29% are employees and others are 9%.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 businessmen professsional employee others

INTERPRETATION: By conducting survey regarding the occupation of the respondents, 59% of the respondents are Business man and 3% of the respondents are professionals, 29% are employees and others are 9%.

2. How often you visit ANANTA GRANITES? Particulars Daily Weekly Fortnightly monthly BABASABPATIL Respondents 02 25 40 33 Percentage 02% 25% 40% 33% Page 51


40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 daily weekly fortnightly monthly

Analysis: On the basis of above table 2% of the respondents are coming daily, 25% of respondents are coming weekly and 40% of the respondents are coming fortnightly and 33% of respondents are visiting monthly to ANANTA GRANITES . INTERPRETATION: By conducting survey regarding the visiting of customers to ANANTA GRANITES the outcome was 2% of the respondents are coming daily, 25% of respondents are coming weekly and 40% of the respondents are coming fortnightly and 33% of respondents are visiting monthly to ANANTA GRANITES.

3. What range of tiles do you prefer? Particulars Respondents percentage Rs. 30-35 45 45% Rs.40-50 30 30% Rs.55-65 18 18% Rs.65& above 07 07%

Analysis: BABASABPATIL Page 52

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES On the basis of above table 45% of the respondents prefer Rs.30-35, 30% of the respondents prefer Rs 40-50, 18% of the respondents prefer Rs. 55-65, 7% of the respondents prefer above 65 Rs.

50 40 30 20 10 0 Rs.30-35 Rs.40-50 Rs.55-65 Rs.65& above

INTERPRETATION: By conducting survey regarding price preference of the tiles we come to know that 45% of the respondents prefer Rs.30-35, 30% of the respondents prefer Rs 40-50, 18% of the respondents prefer Rs. 55-65, 7% of the respondents prefer above 65 Rs.

4. Why do you purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? Particulars For sale For own use Analysis: On the basis of above table 63% of the respondents purchase tiles for further sale, and 37% of the respondents purchase for own use. BABASABPATIL Page 53 Respondents 63 37 Percentage 63% 37%


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 for sale ow n use

INTERPRETATION: By conducting the survey regarding the purchase decision of the tiles from ANANTA GRANITES it was found that 63% of the respondents purchase tiles for further sale, and 37% of the respondents purchase for own use.

5. What factor made you to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? Particulars quality price Easy transport Nearness Analysis: On the basis of above table 45% of the respondents purchase for quality, 32% for price, 16% for easy transport and 7% due to nearness BABASABPATIL Page 54 Respondents 45 32 16 7 Percentage 45% 32% 16% 7%


45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0



easy transport


INTERPRETATION: By conducting the survey regarding the preferential factors of ANANTA GRANITES we came to know that 45% of the respondents purchase for quality, 32% for price, 16% for easy transport and 7% due to nearness of the firm to their place.

6. Which of the distribution channel you are satisfied if the company provides? Particulars 2 level 1 Level 0 Level Analysis: On the basis of above table 28% of the respondents are satisfied with 2 level channel, 54% of the respondents are satisfied with 1 level channel, 18% of the respondents are satisfied with 0 level that is direct marketing. Respondents 28 54 18 Percentage 28% 54% 18%


Page 55


2 level 1 level 0 level

INTERPRETATION: By conducting survey regarding the type of distribution channel the outcome was 28% of the respondents prefer 2 level that is from manufacturer-broker-retailer-customer, 54% of the respondents prefer 1 level that is from manufacturer- dealer-customer because there are more number of businessman who act as dealers to reach the final consumers and 18% of the respondents prefer 0 level that from manufacturer-customer, because there are very less customers who buy them for self consumption.

7. Whether the company provides exchange facilities to you? Particulars Yes No Analysis: On the basis of above table 100% of the respondents are not getting exchange facility. Respondents Nil 100 Percentage Nila 100%


Page 56


Exchange Facility 100%

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 Yes



INTERPRETATION: After conducting survey regarding exchange facility to customers, the outcome was pooja granite industries is not providing any exchange facilities to its customers, which means that 100% of customers said that they are not getting any exchange facility from the company, because it is the responsibility of the customers to take care of the products delivered.

8. Do you recommend others to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? Particulars No yes Analysis: Respondents Nil 100 Percentage Nil 100%


Page 57

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES On the basis of above table 100% of the respondents said that they recommend others to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES Recommend 100%

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 No



INTERPRETATION: After conducting survey regarding whether they recommend other customers to purchase the tiles from ANANTA GRANITES 100% of the customers said that they recommend others to purchase.

9. Who influenced you to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? Particulars Respondents Percentage Ads 30 30% Friends 49 49% Family members 21 21% Other dealers 0 0%


Page 58

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Analysis: On the basis of above table 30% of the respondents said that the ads influenced them 49% said friends influenced them, 19% said family members influenced them and none were influenced by other dealers.

50 40 30 20 10 0 Ads friends family members other dealer

INTERPRETATION: By conducting survey regarding who influenced them to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES 30% of the respondents said that the ads influenced them to purchase tiles, 49% said friends influenced them to purchase, 19% said family members influenced them and none were influenced by other dealers.

10. Do you get the delivery of tiles from ANANTA GRANITES at correct time? Particulars Yes No BABASABPATIL Respondents 100 Nil Percentage 100% Nil Page 59


Analysis: On the basis of above table 100% of the respondents said that they get delivery of tiles on time.

120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%


Respondents 0% Yes No

INTERPRETATION: When asked to customers that whether they get the delivery of tiles on time we came to know that all the customers were satisfied with the delivery of tiles at right time from ANANTA GRANITES.

11. How do you give orders to the company? Particulars Mail Telephone Direct Contact BABASABPATIL Respondents 8 68 24 Percentage 8% 68% 24% Page 60

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Fax Analysis: On the basis of above table 8% of the respondents give orders through mail, 68% of the respondents give orders through telephone and 24% of the respondents give orders through direct contact.
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 m ail telephone direct contact fax



INTERPRETATION: After conducting a survey on how do the customers give orders the company, the outcome was that 8% of the customers give orders through mail, because these customers stay in far places like Delhi, Mumbai etc. 68% of the customers give orders through telephone, because these customers know about the company and they are old customers who often buy from this company. and the rest 24% of the customers give orders by direct contact, because these customers are new to the company and they give orders through directly visiting the firm and none prefers fax for giving the orders.

12. How is the customer relationship of ANANTA GRANITES. Particulars excellent Good ok BABASABPATIL Respondents 38 46 16 Percentage 38% 46% 16% Page 61

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Poor Analysis: On the basis of above table 38% of the respondents said excellent about the customer relationship of ANANTA GRANITES, 46% said its good, 16% said ok.
50 40 30 20 10 0 excellent good ok poor



INTERPRETATION: When we enquired about how is the customer relationship of ANANTA GRANITES we came to know that 38% of the customers were very impressed with the customer relationship and said it was excellent, 48% of the respondents said that it was good and 16% of respondents said it is ok.

13. Are you satisfied with ANANTA GRANITES products? Particulars Yes No BABASABPATIL Respondents 100 Nil Percentage 100% Nil Page 62

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Analysis: On the basis of above table 100% of the respondents are satisfied towards the product.

Satisfaction towards the product 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes 0 No


INTERPRETATION: After conducting the survey regarding the satisfaction of customers towards the product that is the slabs, the outcome was that all the customers are satisfied, which means that 100% customer satisfaction was achieved in this respect because the firm provides the quality slabs as the size prescribed by the customers and at better price to its customers.

14. What type of the tiles do you prefer to purchase from ANANTA GRANITES?


Page 63


Particulars Respondents percentage

Cats eye 22 22%

Ruby red 26 26%

Mudgal grey 8 8%

Rajeshree 38 38%

Others 6 6%

Analysis: On the basis of above table 22% of the respondents prefer Cats eye, 26% of the respondents prefer Ruby red, 8% of the respondents prefer Mudgal grey, 38% of the respondents prefer Rajeshree and 6% of the respondents prefer other types of slabs.
Respondents 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Cats eye Ruby red Mudgal grey Types of slabs Rajeshree Others 8 6 22 Respondents 26 38

INTERPRETATION: By conducting survey regarding what type of the slabs the customers prefer the response was 22% of the customers prefer Catseye, because it is costlier and used for decorative purpose like mouldings, borders and walls. 26% of the customers prefer Ruby red, because it is a commercial material and is used in selected places in south. 8% of the customers prefer Mudgal grey, because it is used only in houses. 38% of the customers prefer Rajeshree, because it is also a commercial product used maximum in shopping molls and big apartments and it is hard material than other state slabs and the rest prefer other type of slabs, like Gem red, Himalayan blue etc

14. Does the firm provide credit facility to you? BABASABPATIL Page 64

no.of respondents

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Particulars Yes No Analysis: On the basis of above table 86% of the respondents are getting credit facility and the rest 14% of the respondents are not getting credit facility. Respondents 86 14 Percentage 86% 14%

100 80 60 40 20 0 yes no

Interpretation : when we asked the customers regarding whether ANANTA GRANITES provides credit facility 86% of the respondents said that ANANTA GRANITES provides credit facility and 14% of the respondents said that it does not provide credit facility.

15. Do you face any problems while purchasing tiles from ANANTA GRANITES?


Page 65

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES Particulars Yes No Analysis: On the basis of above table all the customers said that they dont face any problems during purchasing the tiles from ANANTA GRANITES. Respondents 0 100 Percentage 0% 100%

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 Yes




Interpretation: when I enquired to customers that whether they face any problems while purchasing tiles from ANANTA GRANITES, all customers said that they wont face any problems while purchasing the tiles.


Page 66


_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


Page 67


According to the survey I conducted the important findings that I came to found out during my survey were:

Most of the respondents visiting ANANTA GRANITES are Business man and some are employees. most of the respondents are visiting fortnightly and some of them are visiting weekly and monthly to ANANTA GRANITES Most of the respondents prefer price of Rs.30-35, nearly 30% of the respondents prefer Rs 40-50, 18% of the respondents prefer Rs. 55-65, and a negligible percent of the respondents prefer above 65 Rs. Most of the respondents purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES for further sale, and only 37% of the respondents purchase for own use. Most of the respondents purchase tiles of ANANTA GRANITES for quality, 32% for affordable price, and 16% for easy transport and some of them due to nearness of the firm to their place. Most of the respondents prefer 1 level and 18% of the respondents prefer 0 level and some others prefer 2 level and 1 level channel. ANANTA GRANITES is not providing any exchange facilities to its customers, which means that 100% of customers said that they are not getting any exchange facility from the company.

100% of the customers said that they recommend others to purchase.

Most said friends influenced them to purchase, some others said family members and ads influenced them and none were influenced by other dealers. Customers were satisfied with the delivery of tiles at right time from ANANTA GRANITES. Some of the customers give orders through mail, A high percentage of the customers give orders through telephone, and the rest 24% of the customers give orders by direct contact,


Page 68


We came to know that some of the customers were very impressed with the customer relationship and said it was excellent, most of the respondents said that it was good and only 16% of respondents said it is ok. Customer satisfaction was achieved in respect of the quality tiles as ANANTA GRANITES produces size prescribed by the customers and at better price. Some of the customers prefer Catseye, because it is costlier and used for decorative purpose like mouldings, borders and walls. 26% of the customers prefer Ruby red, because it is a commercial material and is used in selected places in south, because it is used only in houses. Most of the customers prefer Rajeshree, because it is also a commercial product

ANANTA GRANITES provides credit facility 86% of the respondents said that ANANTA GRANITES provides credit facility and 14% of the respondents said that it does not provide credit facility.

All customers said that they wont face any problems while purchasing the tiles.


Page 69



The study helped me a lot to gain the information regarding customer satisfaction at ANANTA GRANITES, after the survey some of my recommendations are Most of the customers are business man who purchases tiles for further trading; through proper promotion of tiles it can attract more customers. It should improve customer relationships a bit more. Quality is the main strength of ANANTA GRANITES so it should maintain it and try to improve it. The firm needs to advertise its products in a proper media of advertising to attract more and more customers and to retain its present customers. The firm should opt latest technology of production to produce more tiles at lesser time and to increase its productivity. The firm needs to attract newer segments of customers so as to increase demand for its products.


Page 70


After conducting a survey on Customer satisfaction at ANANTA GRANITES conclude that ANANTA GRANITES shares a good customer relationship. As there are a lot of granite industries in Ilkal ANANTA GRANITES face immense competition. Heavy competition has made customers to get confused about the product and even about the price.


Page 71


Internet (History of granites) Marketing research by tull and Hawkins.


Page 72



Name of the respondent: __________________________________ Designation : __________________________________

Name of the Company : __________________________________ Address : __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Age State Country Phone No Cell No Email Id : : : : ____________________________ : ____________________________ : ______________________________


Page 73


1. Occupation of the customer?

A. Businessmen

B. Professional

C. Employee



Page 74

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES 2. How often you visit ANANTA GRANITES? A. Daily C. Fortnightly 3. What range of tiles do you prefer? A. Rs. 30-35 C. Rs.55-65 B. Rs.40-50 D. Rs.65& above B. Weekly D. Monthly

4. Why do you purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? A. For sale


B. For own use

What factor made you to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? A. Quality C. Easy transport B.price D.Nearness

6. Which of the distribution channel you are satisfied if the company provides? A. 2 level B.1 level C. 0 Level


Whether the company provides exchange facilities to you? A. Yes B. No

8. Do you recommend others to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? A. Yes B. No


Page 75

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES 9. Who influenced A. Ads C. family members you to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? B. Friends D. Other dealers

10. Do you get the delivery of tiles from ANANTA GRANITES at correct time? A. Yes 11. How do you give orders to the company? A. Mail C. Direct Contact B. Telephone D. Fax B. No

12. How is the customer relationship of ANANTA GRANITES? A. excellent C. Ok B. Good D. Poor

13. Are you satisfied with ANANTA GRANITES products? A. Yes B. No

14. What type of the tiles do you prefer to purchase from ANANTA GRANITES? A. Cats eye C. Mudgal grey E. others 15. Does the firm provide credit facility to you? A. Yes BABASABPATIL B. No Page 76 B.Ruby red D.Rajeshree

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT ANANTA GRANITES 16. Do you face any problems while purchasing tiles from ANANTA GRANITES? A. Yes B. No


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