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INT. APARTMENT BUILDING HIDEOUT - NIGHT Hardly furnished, the apartment was beaten down to a pulp with peeling wallpaper that shown the ugly interior so desperately covered up. There was a round table fashioned in the center of the kitchen. Lights a cool glow against white surfaces. Around a table of six shot glasses filled to the top, KILLER and STRANGER sit cautiously in their seats. STRANGER plucks a shot glass like a cherry off the table, and he downs the alcohol. KILLER leans to his side, an arm thrown over the chairs back, he takes a shot. The two go back and forth until all six shots are empty. Appearing as if weighted down, Killer slips his hair back over his head. He pushes himself away from the table, the CHAIR SCREECHES. STRANGER licks his lips, he groans from his chest as he manifests a revolver out from his bag. He SPINS the chamber, and the gun stops. KILLER looks at the gun, then to STRANGER. STRANGER pushes the gun against his own temple. Hesitant and panting, his fingers slip, pulling the trigger. CLICK. No shot. He sets the gun on the table. KILLER eyes the revolver, sluggishly gripping the handle. He pits the nuzzle to his cranium. CLICK! Nothing. They go back and forth another 3 times. Now it is STRANGERS turn, his hand quivers. KILLER You afraid? CLICK! Nothing. STRANGER Thats game. Stranger rests the revolver on the table.




KILLER What is it that you wanted again? STRANGER My request. Dont go shooting that little girls brains out. KILLER Now you know I cant do that. STRANGER Im asking you to. KILLER Some deaths are unavoidable. STRANGER I just won our little game, you owe me. KILLER I dont owe you a goddamn thing. That little girls seen too much, and I just cant let her go on remembering it. The best way to forget is a bullet to the noggin. STRANGER How was it she saw you? KILLER Turns out that her parents brought her home early from school. Stupid kids are always sick nowadays. I come in, and I gut their necks. Like how men kill goats. I took time to led that blood spill into the kitchen cracks. She saw me about five minutes later. STRANGER And you just let her watch you. KILLER To hell with you, I didnt know she was watching. STRANGER You cant let her die for your mistakes.




KILLER Assassins cant afford mistakes like this. Killings easy, getting away with it, now thats the hard part. STRANGER Does she know your name? KILLER No. STRANGER What stopped you from killing her? NO RESPONSE KILLER I aint gunna mess up, you hear me? STRANGER picks up the gun, he spins the chamber. STRANGER Again. STRANGER pulls the trigger, CLICK. He tosses it to killer. CLICK. He tosses it to stranger. KILLER Its just some little girl, why does it matter to you. STRANGER Little girls are supposed to make mistakes. Killer reacts to his comment. STRANGER FIRES, bullet turns KILLER around instantly. STRANGER sits in his seat, watching.

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