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Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering

Jol. 2, No. 1, 2005, IAChE
The Effects of Operational Parameters on the Efficiency of a Mixer-
Settler Extractor
H. Abolghasemi
, M. A. Moosavian
, H. Bahmanvar
and M. Ghanadi Maragheh
1. Chemical Engineering Department, Universitv of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
2. Nuclear Energv Organi:ation, Tehran, Iran.
The effects and influences of various operational parameters on the efficiencv of mixer-
settlers are thoroughlv studied in this paper. One of the most important factors in
designing a mixer-settler is to obtain an optimum operational extraction and overall
efficiencv. These two factors are dependent on various parameters such as impeller
shape, si:e and speed of impeller, baffle si:e, residence time, volumetric flow rates and
the ratio of heavv to light phases. In this paper, the effect of impeller speed and
volumetric flowrates of two phases on efficiencv are studied. Also, the effect of hold-up
of each stage upon stage efficiencv is studied.
According to the above experiments and achieved results, it can be concluded that in
general, an increase in impeller speed and solvent amount results in an increase in
extraction efficiencv. Also, when hold-up of the dispersed phase decreases, the stage
efficiencv usuallv increases up to a certain point.
Keywords: Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Mixer-Settler, Efficiencv
- Corresponding author; Email:
There is a variety oI equipment used in
solvent extraction. However, mixer-settlers,
due to their high Ilexibility, high capacity and
eIIiciency, are oIten used in diIIerent
processes in industry such as chemical,
pharmaceutical and nuclear industries.
Although their large hold-up, as compared to
other extractors, is considered a weakness,
mixer-settler extractors are widely used in
industries because oI their high capacity and
low number oI stages. Mixer-settlers can also
withstand high turbulence rates without
producing Ilooding. In addition, they can
easily withstand continuous start-up and
standby during working periods without
destroying the solution |1, 2|.
The eIIiciency is usually considered as one
important parameter in selecting optimum
conditions Ior designing mixer-settler ex-
tractors. Also, the study oI eIIiciency helps to
achieve appropriate perIormance oI the
extractor. Several investigators have studied
the eIIect oI some parameters such as
impeller speed, solvent amount and hold-up
on eIIiciency |3-5|. They observed that the
eIIiciency would increase when agitation
speed and solvent amount increase. Also, it
has been observed that the eIIiciency
increased monotonously with agitation speed
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and also the stage eIIiciency based on the
dispersed phase concentration varied with the
ratio oI slopes between the equilibrium line
and the operating line |6|.
The mixer-settler extractor used in these
experiments is made oI two separated inter-
connected cylindrical chambers, a mixer and
a settler. In each stage, the light and heavy
phases are mixed in a mixing chamber and
the mixed liquid (dispersion) is transIerred to
the settling chamber (settler). The settler unit
has two outlets where the light phase aIter
separation leaves at the top and the heavy
phase leaves at the bottom. Both outputs are
then led to the next stages. A drawing oI a
mixer-settler and one oI the stages used in
these experiments are shown in Eigures 1 and
2, respectively.
EIIiciency depends on diIIerent parameters
such as impeller speed, solvent amount, Ieed
amount and hold-up |7|. In this paper, we
studied the eIIect oI these parameters on
stage extraction and overall eIIiciencies.
Eigure 3 shows the characteristics oI a co-
current single stage where line 'AB is the
operating line, point 'C is the intersection oI
operating line and equilibrium curve and
point 'B is the output concentration oI each
stage and in general, the locus oI actual
eIIluent concentrations Irom the stages are
represented by the 'Pseudo-equilibrium
curve. The deIinitions Ior measuring
eIIiciencies are as Iollow:

out in
1 2
2 1
v v
v v
x x
x x
e e

E (3)
Characteristics of the Mixer-Settler and
the Chemical System
The counter-current mixer-settler used in
these experiments consisted oI ten stages in
cascade with a pump-type pattern propeller in
each stage, which could pump the solution
between stages. All stages are made oI glass
in order to observe the two phases. The
interIace level oI the two phases in every
settler can be controlled and also samples can
be taken Irom two phases by a sampling
device mounted on each settler. The rotor
speed and the pumping degree, which are
digitally adjusted, can be easily controlled.
OI course, Iirst the calibration curves Ior the
Ieed and the solvent pumps were also
The chemical system used in these experi-
ments is water/acetone/toluene, where water
is considered as the continuous phase
(solvent), toluene as the dispersed phase and
acetone as a solute. At the beginning oI the
operation, water and toluene are brought to
saturation and acetone with a known
concentration is then added to the toluene
phase (Ieed phase). Physical properties oI the
chemical system used in these experiments
are shown in Table 1. The equilibrium curve
data Ior this system are derived Irom
international reIerences and also the data are
checked in the laboratory |8|. The equili-
brium curve data are shown in terms oI the
concentration oI acetone in toluene and water
phases in equilibrium conditions at a tem-
perature oI 27 qC.
Experimental Procedure
In order to start operations, at the beginning
oI experiments, the two pumps Ior the Ieed
and the solvent phases are turned on until all
stages are Iilled with the two phases. Then,
the interIace level in each settler was
careIully controlled to bring the system to the
steady-state condition.
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The Effects of Operational Parameters.
12 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 2, Ao. 1
Table 1. Physical properties oI the chemical system under study
0.574 1.08 0.864 0.994 27
To obtain optimum results, beIore collecting
samples Irom each stage, enough time was
given to the system to let the two phases to
leave the stages. The concentration oI
acetone was measured by gas chroma-
tography method. Some experiments were
repeated two or three times in order to
eliminate any errors and to ensure the results.
Totally, Iour series oI experiments were
carried out in order to study the eIIect oI
operational parameters on eIIiciency.
The Iirst series oI experiments were made
with the Iollowing parameters:
- A known and constant volumetric Ilow
rate Ior both phases
- A known concentration oI acetone in
toluene (3 by weight)
- Three diIIerent impeller speeds: 800,
900, and 1000 rpm
These experiments were made to study the
eIIect oI impeller speed upon the eIIiciencies.
The second series oI experiments were made
with the Iollowing parameters:
- A constant impeller speed (1000 rpm)
- A constant volumetric Ilowrate Ior the
continuous phase
- DiIIerent volumetric Ilowrates Ior the
dispersed phase
In this series oI experiments, the eIIect oI
volumetric Ilowrate oI the dispersed phase
upon the eIIiciencies was studied.
The third series oI experiments were made
with the Iollowing parameters:
- A constant impeller speed (800 rpm)
- A constant volumetric Ilowrate Ior the
dispersed phase
- Three diIIerent volumetric Ilowrates Ior
the continuous phase (heavy phase)
In this series oI experiments, the eIIect oI
continuous volumetric Ilowrate upon eI-
Iiciency was studied.
Einally, in some experiments, we measured
the hold-up oI the dispersed phase. Eor
measuring hold-up, the mixer-settler is shut
down and then the volume oI each phase is
measured in all stages. The ratio oI dispersed
phase volume to total volume in each stage is
deIined as hold-up.
Experimental Results
Eigures 4, 5 and 6 show the eIIect oI impeller
speed, and volumetric Ilowrates oI dispersed
and continuous phases upon the eIIiciency,
respectively. Eigures 7 and 8 show how hold-
up and stage eIIiciencies change along the
cascade, respectively. Erom the above
Iigures, the Iollowing results can be obtained:
- An increase in impeller speed results in
an increase in extraction eIIiciency and a
decrease in overall eIIiciency. Also, an
increase in impeller speed results in an
increase in the distance between
operating curve and equilibrium curve at
constant conditions (Eigures 9, 10 and
- An increase in volumetric Ilowrate oI the
dispersed phase results in a decrease in
extraction eIIiciency and an increase in
overall eIIiciency. Also, with an increase
in volumetric Ilowrate oI the dispersed
phase, the operating curve approaches
the equilibrium curve at constant
conditions (Eigures 12, 13 and 14).
- An increase in volumetric Ilowrate oI the
continuous phase results in an increase
in extraction eIIiciency and a decrease in
overall eIIiciency. Also, an increase in
volumetric Ilow rate oI the continuous
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Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 2, Ao. 1 13
phase results in an increase in the
distance between the operating and
equilibrium curves at constant con-
ditions (Eigures 15, 16 and 17).
- When the dispersed phase hold-up
increases, the stage eIIiciency decreases
(Eigures 7 and 8). OI course, the stage
eIIiciency also depends on residence
time oI drops.
Figure 1. Schematic oI a horizontal mixer-settler
Figure 2. Characteristics oI a single stage
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The Effects of Operational Parameters.
14 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 2, Ao. 1
Figure 3. Stage eIIiciencies oI a single stage |7|
Figure 4. Extraction and overall eIIiciency versus impeller speed
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Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 2, Ao. 1 15
Figure 5. Extraction and overall eIIiciencies versus dispersed phase volumetric Ilowrate
Figure 6. Extraction and overall eIIiciencies versus continuous phase volumetric Ilowrate
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The Effects of Operational Parameters.
16 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 2, Ao. 1
Figure 7. Variation oI stage eIIiciency and hold-up among stages
Figure 8. Variation oI stage eIIiciency and hold-up among stages
Stage number
Stage number
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Abolghasemi, Moosavian, Bahmanvar, Ghanadi Maragheh
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Figure 9. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 800 rpm
Figure 10. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 900 rpm
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The Effects of Operational Parameters.
18 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 2, Ao. 1
Figure 11. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 1000 rpm
Figure 12. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 1000 rpm
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Figure 13. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 1000 rpm
Figure 14. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 1000 rpm
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Figure 15. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 1000 rpm
Figure 16. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 800 rpm
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Figure 17. The operating curve oI mixer-settler at 800 rpm
Discussion and Conclusion
According to the above experiments, the
Iollowing conclusions can be made:
1. An increase in impeller speed at constant
volumetric Ilowrates oI two phases
increases the number oI drops and mass
transIer area (decrease oI drops sizes and
increase oI drops settling time), which in
turn changes the mass transIer me-
chanism. ThereIore, the separation rate
and extraction eIIiciency will increase
and this increases the distance between
the operating curve and the equilibrium
curve that means a lower overall
eIIiciency (because oI decreased number
oI ideal stages).
2. An increase in volumetric Ilowrate oI the
dispersed phase (raIIinate phase)
decreases the extraction eIIiciency. In
Iact, increasing volumetric Ilowrate oI the
dispersed phase increases the number oI
drops (increasing oI hold-up). In other
words, the ratio oI solvent to dispersed
phase decreases and thereIore separation
rate and extraction eIIiciency decrease.
On the other hand, the decreasing oI mass
transIer and extraction eIIiciency causes
the operating curve to approach the
equilibrium curve, which in turn inc-
reases the number oI ideal stages and
consequently, overall eIIiciency is
3. An increase in volumetric Ilowrate oI the
continuous phase (extract phase)
increases the extraction eIIiciency. In
other words, an increase in volumetric
Ilowrate oI the continuous phase, will
increase the ratio oI solvent to dispersed
phase. ThereIore, the separation rate and
the extraction eIIiciency will increase and
this increases the distance between the
operating and equilibrium curves (at
constant conditions). In other words, the
number oI ideal stages decreases and
thereIore, the overall eIIiciency decreases.
According to the obtained results, one can
conclude that the hold-up oI each stage and
average hold-up oI all stages have an
inIluence on the eIIiciency. In general,
increasing oI solvent-to-Ieed ratio results in a
decrease in dispersed phase hold-up and
thereIore, this causes improvement oI mass
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The Effects of Operational Parameters.
22 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 2, Ao. 1
transIer and eIIiciency. OI course, this is only
an observation, which can not be accepted as
a general rule because the hold-up also
depends on the volumetric Ilowrates oI the
two phases, impeller speed and residence
time oI drops.
E Extraction eIIiciency
E Overall eIIiciency
E Stage eIIiciency
N Impeller speed, rpm
N Actual number oI stages
N Ideal number oI stages
n Number oI components
Q Volumetric Ilowrate oI the continuous
phase, ml/min
Q Volumetric Ilowrate oI the dispersed
phase, ml/min
X Weight ratio oI acetone to toluene in
input oI raIIinate
X Weight ratio oI acetone to toluene in
output oI raIIinate

X Equilibrium weight ratio oI acetone to

toluene in raIIinate corresponding to
x Weight Iraction oI acetone in input oI
raIIinate Ior each stage
x Weight Iraction oI acetone in output oI
raIIinate Ior each stage
Equilibrium weight Iraction oI acetone
in raIIinate
x Weight Iraction oI acetone in input oI
raIIinate Ior each stage
x Weight Iraction oI acetone in output oI
raIIinate Ior each stage

x Equilibrium weight Iraction oI acetone

in raIIinate corresponding to extract
v Weight Iraction oI acetone in input oI
extract Ior each stage
v Weight Iraction oI acetone in output oI
extract Ior each stage
v Equilibrium weight Iraction oI acetone
in extract
v Weight Iraction oI acetone in input oI
extract Ior each stage
Weight Iraction oI acetone in output oI
extract Ior each stage

v Equilibrium weight Iraction oI acetone

in extract corresponding to raIIinate
U Continuous phase density, gr/cm
U Dispersed phase density, gr/cm
P Continuous phase viscosity, cP.
P Dispersed phase viscosity, cP.
V SurIace tension, dyne/cm
eII. EIIiciency
equil. Equilibrium
ext. Extraction
pseudo eq. output oI each stage operating
line (or pseudo-equilibrium
curve; see |7|)
oper. line input oI each stage operating
op. line operating line
vol. volumetric
The authors would like to thank Miss M.
Mokhtari, A. G. Adl Tabatabaei and all the
personnel involved in the laboratories oI
Jabber Ibn Haian and Chemical Engineering
Department oI Engineering Eaculty oI Tehran
University who have contributed to the
success oI this work.
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