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Young Nationals Southern Region Strategic Plan

Mission Statement
In the name of the Young Nationals Southern Region we will deliver excellence for every Member in every electorate.

Our Vision is to be the most influential and biggest youth organisation in New Zealand. We will have influence in policy making and advocacy at all levels of decision making. We will create an environment which attracts and engages a robust and sizeable Membership.

Objectives and Goals

Our Objectives set the agenda as to how we will achieve our Mission and Vision. The Goals within those Objectives are measurable and quantifiable, and will be evaluated every 6 months.

Increase the size and reputation of our Membership

a. Develop and implement a Membership Strategy. b. Increase Membership to 50 financial Members by the end of 2012; 100 financial Members by the end of 2013; and 200 financial Members by the end of 2014. c. Send the maximum number of delegates to Party conferences and

d. Hold at least one General Meeting every month.


Create social connections and networks for our Members

a. Develop an annual timetable of events. b. Hold at least one stand alone Members event every month. c. Set up and administer at least two social sports or events teams. d. Hold at least one event in each electorate annually. e. Send out a newsletter to Members at least once a week.


Develop and support strong community engagement

a. Undertake a community project at our own initiative every two months. b. Every alternate month assist a community or volunteer organisation. c. Every week promote one community event through Facebook and the
weekly newsletter.

d. Have at least five members appointed to local community boards or committees.


Develop and advocate for policy on behalf of Members

a. Develop and implement a Policy Strategy. b. Have at least one policy adopted by the National Party Annual Conference. c. Hold two policy symposiums annually.
d. Make a submission on at least four pieces of legislation throughout the year.

e. Have at least ten Members on Party Policy Advisory Groups.

5. Ensure the financial security of the organisation

a. Develop and implement a Fundraising Strategy. b. Ensure at least $1,000 in cash reserves are available at the end of the
2012 calendar year.

Reporting Progress
The Executive will report progress of the Strategic Plan to the Membership at six-monthly intervals, including progress towards achieving the Mission,

Vision, Objectives and Goals contained within. The Executive will re-evaluate the Strategic Plan on an Annual basis at the Annual General Meeting.

Chair Date / /

Secretary Date / /

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