Drill 1 - Analogy

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Drill (Analogy) Name: ______________________________________________ Score: _____/_____ Complete the following analogies by choosing the word that best

completes it. 1. Hinder is to impede as excuse is to _______________. a. blame a. action a. door a.gas a. second a. drug b. pardon b. being b. house b. liquid b. third b. doctor c. delay c. plural c. center c. milk d. block d. adverb d. extra d. food c. fourth d. fifth 2. Noun is to adjective as verb is to _______________. 3. Exit is to out as _______________ is to in. 4. Drink is to _______________ as eat is to solid. 5. Mercury is to first as Mars is to _______________. 6. Labyrinth is to maze as medicine is to _______________. c. pharmacy d. sickness c. biologist d.astronomer d. shower d. product d. vision d. location d. distant d. celebrate d. rain 7. Hurricane is to meteorologist as star is to _______________. a. geologist b. entomologist a. rain a. head b. snow b. wear 8. Wind is to breeze as storm is to _______________. c. tornado c. bonnet c.tape c. lofty c. instrument c. years c. later 9. Haircut is to service as hat is to _______________. 10. Audio is to hearing as video is to _______________. a. television b.camera a.low a. large b. above b. space 11. Intentional is to accidental as high is to _______________. 12. Microscope is to small as telescope is to _______________. 13. Century is to hundred as millennium is to _______________. a. thousand b. twenty a. repeat b. delay 14. Cancel is to never as postpone is to _______________.

15. Find is to lose as construct is to _______________. a. build a. pane a.pane a. scale a. sang a. twenty-five a. hot a. disease a.cheese a. barter a. take b. demolish b. pretend b. pretend b. pounds b. melody b. fourth b. degrees c. misplace c. line c. line c. weight c. song c. home d. materials d. mean d. mean d. way d. record d. coin 16. Find is to locate as feign is to _______________. 17. Find is to kind as feign is to _______________. 18. Pane is to pain as weigh is to _______________. 19. Bring is to brought as sing is to _______________. 20. Dime is to tenth as quarter is to _______________. 21. Water is to flood as temperature is to _______________. c. measure d. fever d. heal d. white d. purchase d. reject 22. Correction is to error as cure is to _______________. b. treatment c. drug b. cow b. profit b. drop c. drink c. money c. believe 23. Wheat is to bread as milk is to _______________. 24. Build is to construct as trade is to _______________. 25. Raise is to lower as accept is to _______________.

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