By: Amanda, Emma, Mitchell and Noor: 2105 Skit 'Pale Pen''

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By: Amanda, Emma, Mitchell and Noor

Scene 1: 1960s lab. Two female scientists enter. A mans body lies on a table. Amanda: All right then lets get started. I cant believe we are actually here with Walt Disney! Mickey Mouse club was totally my favourite show. Hes so cool. Emma: Yeah, hes totally copasetic. Amanda: Uggh I just cant believe it! Emma: I cant believe hes actually doing this. Its ridiculous and so expensive. Amanda: Yeah totally. But if anyone can afford it its him. Emma: But doesnt he want to leave some to his loved ones. Amanda: Hmm. thats a good point. Does he have a chick? Emma: Im not sure. But he must have parents. If I tried to do this my parents would go ape. Amanda: Well its his decision. Cmon lets get back to work. (Emma just stands there, looking disgruntled) Whats your bag? Emma: I just dont dig it. Amanda: Well you dont have to dig it, but you have to quit bugging out. This is your job. (Emma shakes head in compliance, begins to calm down) You good? Emma: Yeah, totally bitchin. (The two scientists continue to administer medical attention to Mr. Disney) Scene 2: (A female scientist is in futuristic lab. She is administering what appears to be a vaccine to an unconscious figure.) Mitchell: (Awakens very groggy and confused) Where am I? Who are you? Whats going on here?

2105 Skit Pale Pen

Noor: Hello Mr. Disney. My name is Dr. Anolon and you are in one of the best cryogenics labs in North America. You were cryogenically frozen in 1966 remember? Mitchell: Oh yes, thats right. Well, what year is it now? Noor: As per your request our team of experts has revived you in the year 2105. That is what you requested correct? (Worriedly checks forms) Yes, it says right here 2105. Mitchell: 2105 wow. Noor: Wow indeed. Its an incredible world out there. Now I must warn you, the world you are about to enter is not the same one you left behind and I urge you to (as she is speaking she turns around to check papers etc. and Mitchell runs out excitedly) take your time and slowly adjust yourself. Just dont expect too much of yourself too soon you know? (Turns around to discover that Mitchell has already left) Oh dear Scene 3: (Mitchell walks out into the world he is excited at first but the hustle and bustle and flood of two things soon turns his excitement into bewilderment) (Two girls notice his distress and approach him) Emma: Excuse me, are you all right? Mitchell: Everything is just moving so fast. It took me 10 minutes to get out onto the street. Amanda: Wow, how completely awkbarro. Emma: Youre new arent you? Mitchell: Yes Im a new revival. Amanda: Wouldnt have guessed youre totally frosting. Emma: It must be really difficult adjusting to all of this on your own. Hey, we are meeting our friend here and we were gunna go shopping. How about we show you around instead? Mitchell: Yeah that would be totally Boss. Thanks! Amanda: If we are spending the whole day with you are going to have to stop talking like that.

Emma: Im Taraluna by the way, (Puts hands on head, makes weird face) Mitchell: What are you doing? Emma: Why Im telepathically transmitting the psychological and transitive physical stimulation of our palms coming together in a sign of respect and greeting. Amanda: Obviously. Mitchell: You mean a handshake? Emma: A handshake? My how delightfully ancient you are. Amanda: Heres our friend now. Noor: Hey whats the rev? Amanda: Barely nothing. Noor: Whos the pale? Mitchell: What did she just call me? Emma: A pale. Thats just what we call you new revivals, because when you are frozen you are like that for years on end. You know all cold, senseless, colourless. His name iswhat did you say your name was again. Mitchell: Walt. Noor: Walt. Thats a pretty ice name. Mitchell: Well, lets shake a leg shall we ladies? Emma: Ummyes lets go. (All four leave. Sight seeing montage with accompanying background slides.) Scene 4: (3 weeks later sign goes by. Mitchell slams door in face of girls) Mitchell: No, Im not coming to lunch! I refuse to set one foot out this door into your absurd, new fangled society. Just leave me alone! (Three girls walk away)

Amanda: Well if you wont say it I will. Its time for him to go to the pale pen. Emma: No, he just needs more time. Noor: Hes had time. He isnt adjusting, that is exactly what the institute is for, people who cant properly adjust. Emma: All right fine. Well call tonight. Scene 5: (People break into Mitchells home and take him away to the pale pen. He struggles but ultimately goes) Noor: Its a shame he turned out to be so neck. Emma: I just wish we couldve explained. Amanda: Dont worry about it only a small percent can completely and effectively assimilate; he just wasnt one of them. Now lets go get some toasted sugar dogs. (The girls chorus their agreement and walk off chatting happily)

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