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Saturday, June 16, 2012

PRESIDENT Benigno Aquino III ordered the two remaining Philippine ships in the disputed Scarborough Shoal to return to ports Friday night because of the bad weather.

The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration said Butchoy (International name: Guchol) has intensified into a typhoon on Saturday.

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Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said Aquino has already ordered the ships of the Philippine Coast Guard and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to return to port.

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Last night, President Aquino ordered both our ships to return to port due to increasing bad weather, said del Rosario.

He also hinted that the return of the ships to the disputed area remains uncertain.

When the weather improves, a re-evaluation will be made, said Del Rosario.

For months, the Philippines and China have been in a standoff in the Scarborough Shoal and have been sending numerous ships in the area, with both refusing to budge despite several rounds of bilateral talks. (HDT/Sunnex)

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Theophany1 06/16/2012 10:35 PM

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