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Clay County Community Health Committee February 29, 2012 Present:

Darla Hout, Clay County Hospital Marie Headlee, CCH Brenda Streif, CCH Lisa Cash, Country Financial Randy Bukas, City of Flora Jeff Workman, Clay County Health Department Deena Mosbarger, CCHD Tammy Byers, CCHD Ariane Souder, CCHD Gretchen Paule, CCHD Alex Haglund, Advocate Press Gifty Smith, Vickie Simpson, Clay County Hearts

Recorder: Gretchen Paule Agenda Item Presenter Discussion/Report Prior to the meeting, Committee members casted their votes on what they believed to be the top health priorities in Clay County. The results of that Committee survey is listed below: Committee Votes Top Health Priorities: 1. Obesity / Healthy Living 2. Cancer (tie) 3. Heart Disease (tie) 4. Diabetes 5. Substance Abuse 6. Access to Healthcare The Committee then refined the list above to finalize the top 3 health priorities that we will focus on for our community health improvement plan. Top 3 Health Priorities: 1. Obesity Prevention / Healthy Living 2. Cancer 3. Access to Healthcare Subcommittees were formed for each health priority. Each subcommittee was asked to identify the following: 1) Leader and recorder; 2) Tentative date for subcommittee special session; 3) Additional stakeholders and recruit for participation in subcommittee. Notes from the breakout sessions are included in todays meeting minutes. Action Required Develop a health plan for Clay County that will address and promote the top 3 health priorities: 1. Obesity Prevention / Healthy Living 2. Cancer 3. Access to Healthcare Committee members not present for todays meeting will need to join a subcommittee. Also, if you would like to be part of multiple committees, you are more than welcome to do so.

Top 3 Health Priorities

G. Paule


G. Paule

On November 9, 2011, the Committee began the Visioning process and created a mission statement and guiding principles for the CHA/CHIP. The Committee revisited the Visioning process and worked together to finalize and adopt a vision statement. Vision: To improve the health and quality of life of all who live, work, and play in Clay County through community partnerships and involvement.

Incorporate the vision statement into CHA/CHIP activities.

Subcommittee Breakout Session: Obesity Prevention / Healthy Living

G. Paule

Committee Members: Ariane Souder (leader) Brenda Streif (recorder) Tammy Byers Vickie Simpson Rudy Bukas Program Ideas: Current: Health Fairs, 5Ks, Weight Watchers, W.O.W., Summer Sports programs, School P.E., City Pool, Local Gyms, Tobacco Cessation Program, Exercise Classes at the Churches and Health Dept., Work on combining resources with the current programs and possibly expanding on a few. Look at some cooking/nutrition classes, and how to cook for 1-2 people by working with area school, colleges and the CES office. Committee Members: Bridget Schnautz (leader) Marie Headlee (recorder) Deena Mosbarger Darla Hout

Subcommittee Meeting: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 12 pm Location: TBD Continue to identify additional stakeholders and community partners. Brainstorm possible programs, interventions, and policies.

Subcommittee Breakout Session: Cancer

G. Paule

Subcommittee Meeting: Thursday, March 8, 3 p.m. Location: Clay County Hospital Contact stakeholders and invite them to the committee. Think about what we hope to accomplish in 1, 3, and 5 years. Research possible evidence-based interventions that could make this happen. Marie will ask Linda Schnepper,

Additional stakeholders were identified. Members present divided the stakeholder list and agreed to make personal contact to invite them to attend our next meeting.

Subcommittee Breakout Session: Access to Healthcare

G. Paule

Committee Members: Bob Sellers (leader) Lisa Cash (recorder) Jeff Workman Gifty Smith Alex Haglund We need to identify 3 programs/objectives for our committee to move forward on. Here is what we have identified so far: Available Providers/Services o Dialysis o Prompt Care (to reduce ER abuse) o Substance Abuse/Mental Health (waitlist) o Medicaid Providers (Dentist-Martin Dental) Does Clay need more? o Support Groups (Death, Cancer, Substance Abuse, etc.) o Surgical (one current Provider for county) Recruitment and Retention of Providers o Obstacles IL Malpractice guidelines, work-life balance Percentage of uninsured citizens 13.6% o ICHIPS not affordable

Director of Diagnostic Services at CCH, to bring any data on the number of mammograms, colonoscopies, FOBT, or other cancer screening tests. Subcommittee Meeting: TBD

Next Meeting

G. Paule

We identified progress in Access to Healthcare with Maternity recently being added as an available provider for the county. Also, it doesnt appear that there are any issues with citizens paying out of network rates for care. Citizens that may be eligible for services provided by Shriners are referred and screened in Clay County. Our next meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2012 at noon at the Clay County Health Department. Each subcommittee will present their ideas for proposed programs and interventions that will address their respective health priority.

Prepare presentations for meeting on April 4th.

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