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Kin ones family and relations Obscure- uncertain Atrocity extremely cruel (or) wicked Conceived imagine Regime a govt especially an authoritarian one (regime change) Riddle a person or thing that is difficult to understand Lucrative producing a great deal (or) profit Amidst/amid surrounded by (or) in the middle of Disgrace- a shameful/ unacceptable thing; loss of reputation becoz of dishonourable action Dismal- pitifully or disgracefully bad Way off wrong Impediment Obstruction Glitch- flaw Procurement obtain ; acquiring Honour- a great respect; feeling of pride and pleasure from being shown respect Privileged a special right, advantaged for a particular person Contrast difference; Tint-a shade or variety of colour Sustain maintain Hawkish aggressive or warlike (policy); [hawk is a bird actually] Hefty large and heavy Impetus a driving force Aforementioned denoting a thing that is previously mentioned Perk up cheer StakeholderA party that can affect or be affected by the actions of business as whole a person with an interest/concern in something(stake-pole or rod) Wager bet

Sabotage deliberately destroy or obstruct Reproach- express of disapproval / disappointment Upbraid abuse ; criticize Diplomacy skill and tactic of dealing people Laggard a person who falls behind others/ slower than expected Condemn express complete disapproval of Typical characteristic, usual Subterranean- existing under earth surface Prospective expected/ likely to be happen in the future Sedentary tending to spend much time seated Premature occurring (or) done before the proper time Candid truthful and straightforward; frank Fiscal related to government revenue; financial year Consolidation- make stronger; combining into single unit Modest unassuming ones own abilities Simmer stay in the state of suppressed anger/ excitement Riot- violent disturbance created by crowd Exacerbate make worse Vital necessary; essential Bilateral relating to two sides Generous kind towards others Grumbling compling Swamped overwhelm (strong emotional effect) with toomuch of something Overwhelm overpower; defeat completely Stringent strict,precise Respite short period of rest from something unpleasant Manifest demonstration; clear/obvious to the eye Anvil a heavy iron block on which metal can be hammered/ shaped Unabated without any reduction in intensity (or) strength Relinquish give up

Persecute persistently harass or annoy Persist continue to exist Soar increase rapidly above usual level Devise- plan (or) invent Envisaged- imagine Moot subject to debate Brew prepare by boiling Dwell a house/ place of residence Stipulate demand / specify as a part of bargain/ agreement Ambit the scope/ extent/ bounds of something Rejuvenate restore to the condition characteristic of a younger landscape Abysmal great extent Circumspect cautious Clout a heavy blow/ power Unprecedented- never done/ known before. Plunder forcible steal goods from Patron a person giving financial (or) other support to a person/cause/organization. Proximity nearness in space, time /relationship Lucrative producing a great deal /profit Doused wet thoroughly with liquid Maim part of the body that is permanently damaged. Perpetrate cause a harmful / illegal /immoral action Detrimental tending to cause harm Conjecture an opinion (or) conclusion based on incomplete info Speculate form of a theory without firm evidence - Involving high risk/loss Entourage a group of people attending/surrounding an important person Dissent express disagreement with the official discussion. Jettisoned - abandon/discard; throw/drop from aircraft/ship Fiasco humiliating failure

Humiliate injure the dignity and self-respect of Paradigm typical example,pattern/model of something Extradite hand over (a person accused / committed a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which crime was committed. Write off something that is completely useless / unproductive Palpable able to be touched / felt; obvious; clear; Aplomb confidence/ coolness Surpass be greater /better than Emulate attempt to match/ surpass by imitation. Nexus a link (or) connection; a central point Derogatory showing a critical/ disrespectful attitude Prevail prove more powerful; prevail on- persuade to do something Subdued quiet (or) rather depressive Austere severe/ strict in appearance (or) manner; lacking comforts; Retrench reduce costs (or) spending in response to economic difficulty Monetary relating to money Commodity a useful/ valuable thing Eloquence fluent speaking (or) writing ; clearly Unbridled uncontrollable; unconstrained Perspective view Outstripped move faster than and overtake / exceed Sifted dig into task; examined to isolate important thing;take out residue; discuss issues Corroborated- give support to Admonitory giving a warning Abstain restrain oneself from doing something Flurry a sudden short period of excitement/confused state; number of things arriving suddenly and simultaneously Behest a persons orders/commands Contention arguement ; heated disagreement; an assertion. Majestic- having/ showing impressive beauty, scale (or) dignity Intrude- coming into a place where one is uninvited

Intruder a trespasser; attacker Conspiracy- secret plan to do something unlawful/ harmful Confess admit to a crime / wrong doing. Tenet a principle /belief Defy refuse to obey Entangle involve in complicated circumstances Repatriated send (someone) back to their own country Predicament a difficult situation Cherish a hope or ambition/ protect and care for lovingly Condemn express complete disapproval Renunciation abandon Credible able to be believe / convincing Accountability expected to justify actions / decisions Spurious fake Substantially most part of/ great or significant extent Amuse make someone laugh Contention- heated disagreement Dissent disagreement with the official decision Contemptuous- showing contempt Contempt- the feeling that someone (or) something is worthless (or) beyond consideration/ (court) the offence of being disobedient to court of law. Despicable deserving hatred and contempt Conceive- imagine Coalesce- come or bring together to form one mass or whole Oligarchies- few people having control over contry Surveillance close observation Clemency-the quality of being clement/ merciful;lenient Mitigate- making less severe/painful Capital punishment- legalised authority of killing somebody as punishment for crime. Remission- forgiveness of sins; cancellation of death, charge and penality.

Moratorium Temporary prohibition of an activity Substantially for most part of; Redeem compensate for the faults (or) bad aspects of Throwback reversion to an earlier ancestral type (or) characteristic Deter prevent the occurrence of Soar- rise high to air; increased rapidly above the usual level. Sprout a shoot/ bud of a plant (noun) ; start to grow or develop Legacy amount of money/property left to someone ( OR succeder) in a will The helm the position of leadership; helm - a wheel for steering a boat Legions- great in number; eg: legions of fans Content state of peaceful happiness or satisfaction Nosedive- a sudden dramatic deterioration Daunt- make someone feel intimidate Intimidate- frighten someone in-order to make them do what one wants Contingent on/ upon- dependent on; contingentsubject to change Peter/ peter out diminish / come to an end gradually Ought- used to indicate something that is probable Fiscal related to taxes Consolidate-combine into a single unit; make stronger or solid Prudent- wise in handling practical matters; exercising good common sense/ judgement Entail involve as an inevitable part /consequence Elusive- difficult to find/catch/achieve Twilight soft glowing light from the sky when sun is below the horizon. - period of obscurity/decline Corroborate- give support to Heir successor Taxonomy- branch of science concerned with classification

Vocabulary New Reckoned calculated. Primordial- existing from the beginning of the time Thrive grow / develop well Clemency the quality of being merciful Abducted taking someone illegally by force/deception. Exchequer a royal (or) national treasury Accountable required/expected to justify actions Protracted- lasting for a longtime than expected. Prankster- a person fond of playing pranks Oppressive harsh and authoritarian Reprisal revenge, compensation Revere- respect (or) admire deeply Ritual ceremony , tradition Feudal according to Deprive- prevent from using something Fugitive hiding Outlaw ban; person running from the law; prohibition Grievance- a real or imagined cause for the complaint. Resentment bitterness Entrench establish so firmly that change is difficult Lull temporary period of quiet Fragile easily broken; not strong Outwit deceive by greater ingenuity Ingenious clever, original and inventive Distress- extreme anxiety, sorrow, pain -a ship/ aircraft in a state of danger Laudable deserving praise/commendation Commend praise formally/ officially Commendable deserving praise Premise on base (argument, theory) on Endure suffer patiently; tolerate Cess- tax/levy Diplomat an official representing country/abroad Diplomatic tactful;

Deceased recently dead person in question. Envision- imagine, visualize Casanova a man notorious for seducing women Antique a decorative object which is valuable becoz of its age. Antiquary a person who studies/ collects antiques. Decipher- convert from code to normal language; succeeded in Understanding (or) interpreting (something). Epigraphy- study and interpretation of ancient inscriptions. Expertise great skill/ knowledge in a particular field. Prospect possibility of some future event ; landscape; Prospects chances/ opportunities for success Privilege right; Elegant beautiful; physically attractive Astonish surprise / impress greatly Endure suffer patiently; remaining for a long time Perpetual never ending (or) changing. Nous practical intelligence. Jaunty having a lively and self-confident manner Sanguine cheerfully optimistic Helm a wheel for steering a boat The helm position of leadership Personify represent (a quality/concept) by a figure in human form. Subliminal affecting someones mind without their being aware of it. Connoisseur an expert judge in the matters of taste Hamstring disable; Temporize avoid making decision/ commiting oneself inorder to save time. Peer a person who is anothers equal. Concise giving info clearly in few words. Incisive intelligently analytical and concise. Forthright direct and frank in stating ones opinion. Outspoken frank in stating ones opinion. Verbose using / expressed in more words than needed. Verge- an edge; very close to; an extreme limit beyond which something specified will happen Brink verge of a situation; something undesirable

Haven safety place/refuge; Fractious difficult to control; easily irritated Lustre /luster glory Aversion- a strong dislike/ disinclination Liquidate convert (assets) into cash Perilous- full of / exposed to danger or risk. Contingency a future event which is possible but cant be predicted with certainity. Off-guard negligent; not prepared Hedge fence; (verb) surrounded (or) bounded with hedge. Ailment minor illness Malady a disease (or) ailment Adore love and respect deeply. Adorable inspiring great affection. Obsolete out of date; no longer used. Rehabilitate restore to normal health/ condition by training , therapy Overdue not having arrived at the expected time. Revoke take back/ cancel Repeal revoke Statute- a rule of an organization / institution. Absolve declare free from guilt/ responsibility. Abet encourage to do something/ particularly crime(abetment - noun). Abate became less intense; reduced (nuisance) Obligate an act to which person is morally/ legally bounded ; burden. Shelve abandon (or) defer (a plan/ project) Defer postpone Bizarre very strange/ unusual Peg pin/bolt used for hanging things; pegging (verb)- fix at a particular level. Yawn opening mouth and inhaling due to bareness /tiredom Bleak not hopeful/ encouraging. Pragmatic dealing with things in a way based on the practical rather than theoretical consideration. Traitor a person who betrays their country, a cause and a person. Defiance open resistance; bold disobedience Nurture encourage the development of ;cherish

Cherish protect and care for lovingly. Embrace hold closely in one arm especially sign of affection; Accept/ support willingly. Woolgathering indulge in idle day dreaming. Eg: It would be easy to slip off into woolgathering and miss a deadline. Veritable genuine ; actual Genuine authentic; real; sincerely; honest Semblance an outward appearance of something. Articulation clear /coherent speech; the state of being jointed (biology) Coherent able to speak clearly and logically. Endorse declare ones public approval of . Infringe break Sue institute legal proceedings against; appeal formally to a person for something. Preemption the purchase of goods/objects by a person/party before the opportunity is offered to others. Subdue overcome, quieten /bring under control Intimidation frighten/overawe(someone),especially inorder to make them do what one wants. Ubiquitous present, appearing (or) found everywhere. Incentive a thing that motivates (or) encourages someone to do something; a payment to stimulate greater output. Vital absolutely necessary; essential. Imperative of vital importance Status quo the existing state of affairs. Laud- praise highly Enact make law Terrestrial relating to earth; similar to earth Fag end the last and least important part; cigarette end. Reconciliation occasion of friendly relations being restored. Dispensation allotment, allocation of supply. Dispense with get rid of / manage without Amnesty acquit; official pardon for people convicted of political offences. Acquit formally declare no quilt of a criminal charge. Convict declared to be guilty of criminal offence by the verdict of a jury Jury judge

Assiduous showing great care and perseverance. Persevere continue in a course of action inspite of difficulty/ no indication Of success. Rapprochement restoration of harmony Harmony social agreement Concord agreement Reinvigorate give new energy/ strength to Diffident modest/ shy because of lack of self-confidence. Deft quick and neatly skillful. Protagonist leading character in a drama, film; a prominent figure in a real situation. Vintage (adj) old modeled (noun) the place in which wine of high-quality was produced. Accord give/ grant someone power (or) recognition. Legitimate real, genuine, legal. Legitimate conforming to the law (or) rules. Oblivious not aware of what is happening around one. Augment make greater by addition ; increase. Catastrophic involving (or) causing sudden great damage (or) suffering Extremely unfortunate (or) unsuccessful. Sane reasonable (or) sensible behavior Insane extremely foolish (or) irrational. Divisive causing disagreement Hostile feeling (or) showing dislike (or) opposition. Rendezvous meeting at an agreed time and place Thug violent and aggressive man; especially criminal Prejudice preconceived opinion that is not based on reason/ actual experience; [law] harm that results from some action. Reform make changes inorder to improve it. Chant a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted (or) sung in unison by crowd; Enchant delight; charm Delight (v) please greatly; (n) great pleasure Vicious cruel (or) violent Serene- calm, peaceful Savage fierce, violent and uncontrollable.

Assault a violent attack Impunity exemption from punishment from the harmful consequences of an action. Throttle a device controlling the flow of fuel / power to an engine. Render provide (or) give Liberty freedom Fraternity group of people sharing common interests; friendship and mutual support within the group. Fanatic a person filled with excessive zeal, especially for an extreme religious (or) a political cause. Frenzy a state (or) period of uncontrollable excitement (or) wild behavior Traitor a person who betrays their country, cause (or) person. Communal involving sharing of work and property. Communalism Communism - socialist government; the system of social organization in which property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their abilities and needs(antonym -democracy). Federal having or related to system of govt in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs. Electorate all people in a country (or) area who are entitled to vote in an election. Referendum vote by the electorate on a single political question. Brazen bold and shameless Eccentric not placed centrally (or) not having axis placed centrally; Unconventional and slightly strange. Permeate spread throughout; pervade Dubious hesitating (or) doubtful; Impeccable in accordance with higher standards Credential qualification / achievement Apathy lack of interest (or) enthusiasm. Pervasive spreading widely throughout an area (or) group of people. Proactive - creating (or) controlling a situation rather than responding it. Cuddle a prolonged and affectionate hug. Behold see (or) observe
Fetus an unborn (or) unhatched offspring of a mammal Affidavit written statement confirmed by oath/ affirmation used by supreme court. Affirmative assent(-approval or agreement) ; agreeing with a statement (or) request.

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