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Agni Yoga - Gleanings

18/12/11 17:06


References compiled from the Books of the Agni Yoga Teachings

Leaves of Moryas Garden, Book I, The Call, 1924 199. A miracle is wrought you perform services important for the manifestation of future life. The difficulties of the task are akin to those of polishing a diamond. A hostile will must be diverted to the good just as a stream is directed to the mill. But how many dams must the miller build before he can control the current! A hand must possess strength, and an eye vision, to perceive new possibilities. The most worthy labor is that performed with ones own hands. By labor do you unlock the Gates to the Land of your striving. 230. Apply all your efforts. By your own hands will the power of the future be built. I will help, I will help, but add your own efforts. 290. Display your wisdom I speak of action. Each days new rays bring new strength. Protective action is not personal, when the raging darkness throws itself upon the defenses of the pure dwelling. The motion of the Hand of the Divine Sower encompasses the firmament. And the hands of all His Sons shall be uplifted with one accord and They shall cast Their seed. I will indicate the time for action. Regard the approaching days as the threshold Pgina 1 de 4

Agni Yoga - Gleanings

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of the winters activity. Hasten to display action. Join your forces for action. Warriors have never been in such a turmoil of action. O thou keen blade, O thou smiting hammer! I am coming, Master Builder. I am coming! 306. The harvest must be gathered with a scythe. The wheat-spikes must be brought into the granary by hand. Pure grain must be winnowed by the breath, And the chaff discarded. Thus do We choose the banners of the future. I said it!

Leaves of Moryas Garden, Book II, Illumination, 1925 I:VII:6. The worlds basin is overflowing with bacilli. The web which covers it quivers. But the magic flower must be plucked on Earth by human hands. II:V:4. One may build a city, one may give the best knowledge, but most difficult of all is to reveal the true Image of Christ. Think, how to cleanse the Image of Christ. Gathering the crumbs of the peoples concept of the Savior and replacing the chiton by overalls, one can find illumination. By human hands must the Temple be built. II:V:5. The Star of Allahabad pointed out the way. And so We visited Sarnath and Gaya. Everywhere We found the desecration of religion. On the way back, under the full moon, occurred the memorable saying of Christ. During the night-march the guide lost his way. After some seeking, I found Christ seated upon a sand mound looking at the sands flooded by moonlight. I said to Him, We have lost the way. We must await the indication of the stars. Rossul M., what is a way to Us, when the whole world is awaiting Us? Then, taking His bamboo staff, He traced a square around the impression of His foot, saying, Verily, I say, by human feet. And making the impression of His palm, He surrounded it also with a square. Verily, by human hands. Between the squares He drew the semblance of a pillar surmounted by an arc. He said: O, how Aum shall penetrate into the human consciousness! Here I have drawn a pistil and above it an arc, and have set the foundation in four directions. When by human feet and human hands the Temple will be built wherein will blossom the pistil laid by Me, then let the Builders pass by My Way. Why should We await the way, when it is before Us? Then, rising, He effaced with His cane all that He had drawn. When the Name of the Temple will be pronounced, then shall the inscription emerge. In remembrance of My constellation, the square and nine stars shall glow over the Temple. The sign of the foot and the hand shall be inscribed above the Cornerstone. Thus He Himself spoke of the eve of the new moon. And the heat of the desert was great. The Star of the Morning is the sign of the Great Epoch which will flash as the first ray from the Teaching of Christ. For who is to extol the Mother of the World if not Christ, the One so demeaned by the world. Give Us the Arch of the Dome, wherein to enter. II:V:19. In the Egyptian Mysteries there was a fixed moment when the neophyte, having been placed before a threshold in absolute darkness, had to enter into the Unknown without slackening his steps. Especially nowadays, since Christ has renounced the miracles, this moment into the Unknown must be passed Pgina 2 de 4

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by special means. Because the future epoch must erase the boundaries between the worlds. And the Egyptian Mysteries have been transformed into the formula, by human feet. II:VI:1. One may have at ones disposal powers not for demonstration but for progressive actions. When the essence is invisible to the crowd and arouses no attention, being veiled by the result, such essence will penetrate into the consciousness of the people, accustoming them to the fact of achievement through human hands. Thus, actions will be achieved by human hands as a result of the highest spirit-creativeness. It behooves the spirit to dwell in spirit. Let the hand manifest the earthly direction; creation by human hands does not arouse hatred. II:VI:3. Our Shield is forged by human hands. The manifested power will come through people. There is no need for angels to deafen the ears with trumpets when human hands are found able to accept the chalice. III:V:2. Lifes achievement must be performed by human hands. III:V:17. Working hands may disguise the Messenger.

Community, 1926 53. Verily, the Earth is to be saved by earthly hands, and the Heavenly Forces are sending the best manna; but if ungathered it is transformed into dew. How then not to rejoice when gatherers are found? When, ignoring derision, these seekers proceed, remembering Our Shield. 156. It can be seen that the path of those who bear a mission is not a restful one. People think of a procession of some kind of magicians, almost as with the cap of invisibility. But the World Community is built with human hands and feet, and therein lies the beauty of the construction.

Agni Yoga, 1929 258. We will affirm the concept of by human hands. Why do We insist on the need for action by human hands? It would seem easier to expand humanity's possibilities by providing access to some new subtle energies. But, once again, the heart of the matter lies in the consciousness. As long as the finer energies are not realized they will not be beneficial to people. In fact, it must be understood that energy not consciously realized can even be destructive. An unrealized energy, like an unbridled elemental force, can demolish all surroundings. Realization is almost mastery, and it is already co-measurement. Until humanity begins to realize the true meaning of energy, it is essential to insist upon the principle by human hands. 373. Agility of consciousness is a quality of the Higher World. One should understand why royal incarnations may alternate with those of shoemakers, without debasement. It is difficult for those on Earth to grasp this idea of changeability of external forms, because the ascent of the spirit is little understood. Agility teaches one to understand things from different angles. And the formula by human hands and feet ceases to be an abstraction. 375. Wherein lies the success of a yogi? It is not in the attraction of crowds, not in the conversion of multitudes. But, near the works of the yogi, one can observe how others emulate him. Consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or involuntarily, people begin to do the same thing. Even his enemies, while cursing him, are drawn in his wake. It is as if a special atmosphere had gathered about the actions of the yogi. This is a true success, when neither money nor fame, but the invisible fire kindles human hearts. Desiring to emulate him, these ignited hearts enter the yogi's atmosphere and bear away with them some drops of the creative dew. Success does not come only from without. It is created by the collaboration of human hands with spatial thought.

Infinity I, 1930 33. To each one is entrusted the finding of the path to the higher sphere; but when humanity thinks that the work designated for the transmutation of the spirit and of all accumulations can proceed from without, then the lever of Cosmos will devastate the accumulation. Only by ones own hand, only by ones own will, only by ones own striving, only by ones own work can the spirit become a conscious co-worker of the Infinite.

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Letters of Helena Roerich, Book I, 1929-1935 28 August 1931. You are right that to understand Agni Yoga completely and to apply it in life is not a task for everybody. But without application in life, knowledge is worthless and will not give the expected results. The first formulae which a disciple should assimilate are the following: All for lifenothing should be abstract; all should be done by human hands and human feet; without the tension of all forces, no transmutation (or perfection) is possible. We all know that in physical and chemical experiments new formulae are born only at the edge of greatest tension. Therefore, using the great analogy which exists in Cosmos we must continually strive and intensify all our abilities. First of all, the Teaching requires independence of action from the disciple. The Teaching gives direction, generously giving the precious hints, but the disciple must himself with his own hands and feet build his path. Therefore, do not expect ready-made formulae. From small hints build the great structure. 18 October 1934. Few wish to understand that the highest achievement is not in psychism, not in astral visions, but in synthesis, in the development of ones own abilities. This is achieved by the scrupulous fulfillment of ones duties, or, as those of the East would say, by dharma. Truly, the manifested world is upheld and is developed by action, and only action gives birth to new energies. It is also said that the world is created by thought, or that thought engenders action. Therefore many, supposing that thought is higher than action, plunge into dreaminess, taking it for creative thought, forgetting that only that thought which is saturated by fiery will can create. But one can acquire such will only by stubborn practice, and by the application into life and action of ones own thoughts as well as the thoughts of others. Therefore, one must first earn the right to a purely mental existence. In their earthly lives, all the Great Teachers applied their thoughts expressly to action, expressly to construction. Not one of Them tried to withdraw into anchoretic life. All of Them labored with human hands and human feet toward new achievements. Therefore, one must insist upon action, for air castles have no place. And at the present time this is more necessary than ever before, as humanity struggles against the gigantic attacks of the dark forces. Hence, one must emphasize the significance of an active and as perfect as possible fulfillment of the earthly tasks, or, as it is said, of ones dharma to the end. Only in this way is it possible to achieve the true progress of the inner man. Man comes to perfection by the constant fulfillment of his dharma, says Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita. 24 June 1935. Do you not think that there is a profound reason for the fact that the books of Living Ethics often contain not ready formulae but only hints? Precisely so. There is a rule in the foundation of the Teaching (or rather a law) that all must be performed by human hands and feet. This formula expresses the full value of independent achievement, the kind of achievement that is our own and inalienable.

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