SPS Winter 2012 Newsletter

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A NewSletteR FRom tHe ScHool oF Public SeRVice

20112012 | Volume two

i n s i d e

Letter from the director: J. Patrick murphy

Professor Ramanath lays groundwork for urban development studio in Mumbai

Andreason Brown applies lessons from his courses to his day job at Donors Forum

Kristen Field makes networking look easy at Step Up Womens Network

study abroad
India challenges students way of life and thinking

chaddick hay
Chaddick transportation study draws international media attention

rofessor Ramya Ramanath arrived at the School of Public Service in the fall excited over the prospect of developing a course for students on urban development in the global South. The idea is to fuse her ongoing research on the subject with a forum that would expose students to the challenges that exist in vast urban centers such as Mumbai, India. This is a city of special interest to Ramanath, as it is where she conducted her dissertation research several years ago. In December, after leading a study abroad trip for SPS students at the DePaul Institute of Science and Technology in Kerala, India, Ramanath travelled to Mumbai to lay some ground work for a potential course. It is her hope that as early as next winter, SPS students will be able to participate in an urban development studio there alongside students from Indian education institutions. While in Mumbai, Ramanath discussed her project idea with leaders of nongovernmental organizations and other institutions with whom she worked on her dissertation, From Conflict to Collaboration: Nongovernmental Organizations and their Negotiations for Local Control of Slum and Squatter Housing in Mumbai, India, which she completed in 2005. Ramanath envisions leading an expedition of students to a rehabilitated slum site called Sangarsh Nagar, which translates as a site born out of struggle. There they would conduct follow-up research on urban governance and,

Professor Ramya Ramanath (far right), pictured here with students in India in December, is working to create an urban development course in Mumbai.

in particular, how cities can better manage rehabilitation sites, in terms of housing maintenance, education, health, and water and sanitation systems. It will be a quality of life study, to see how slum dwellers negotiate with the city after relocation, Ramanath said. It is also a field-action course wherein students will work hands-on with residents to explore alternatives that facilitate a more effective transition to home ownership. If all goes well, Ramanath would like to scale the project beyond this particular settlement and incorporate other sites around Mumbai and in other urban centers around the globe.

Faculty column

Annual Lecture Meet the Authors

Must conflict always be resolved? Ask Dr. Conflict.

Dr. Conflict and his wonderful family got in the car one recent Friday for a five-hour drive to Chicago. Alarm clocks were set the night before for a pre-dawn departure, bags were checked; all was good. Dr. Conflict even made the rounds one last time to be sure everyone was ready to walk out the door in the morning. Even though Dr. Conflict could feel the excitement, he sensed conflictits evil twin waiting in the wings for a starring role. After a fitful sleep made worse by the staccato of freezing rain on the window (it was a dark and stormy night), Dr. Conflict woke early and turned on the Weather Channel to find that an ice storm had moved in. Conflict was cheerfully getting ready to go on stage. After a two-hour postponement of departure, the clan began its trip, but not without a tremendous rush of anxiety, anger and attitude (triple A conflict) from everyone. Conflict was now in the spotlight; exit stage right for excitement. Dr. Conflict is often asked whether or not you should try to fix conflicts like this. Some say that an intervention to get resolution is always required. For these folks, no conflict should be left alone. It should be resolved in a timely manner to make the workplaceor the world for

(continued on back page)


J. Patrick Murphy
What is a decade worth? Ten years ago we were preparing to graduate our first students from our Colorado cohort (forerunner to the L.P.S. degree). We celebrated our first course in Brussels and two in Dublin. We started 25 new students that January. We hosted a site visiting team from the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). This winter we welcomed more than 50 new students. We are sending students to Curitiba, Brazil, for the second year and to Brussels for the eleventh year. We are preparing to send students for the first time to Colombia and Cuba. And yes, we are preparing for another site visit from NASPAA. In the meanwhile, we have created new degrees, started online courses, hired a dozen new faculty members, and graduated hundreds of students who now work in the field as nonprofit or government professionals. This is what we do and who we are; we have much to be thankful for. The best of the School of Public Service is the quality of students, faculty and staff. Ten years ago our country was awash in sorrow over the tragedy we know as 9/11. Perhaps the tragedy inspired people to public serviceperhaps that inspiration is the only positive legacy we have from the tragedy. I know I am inspired by our students who build careers to make our world a better place. The School of Public Service is a much stronger place, with prouder people and better programs, than we were a decade ago. The next decade will be even better.

Faculty acHieVements
A number of faculty participated in the 2011 annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) in Toronto in November:
H . W o o d s B o W m a n , an ARNOVA board member,

CHristopHer J. einolf

presented Informal Volunteering: A Vast and Neglected Part of the Nonprofit Sector and Explaining the Relationship Between Education and Giving and Volunteering. He also chaired the presentation Design for a Survey of Public Service Management Students.

r a m ya r a m a n at H

gave a multi-media presentation entitled Utilizing Technology to Enhance and Improve the Learning Experience. She also presented the paper Qualitative Research in Nonprofit/Philanthropic Studies: An Interactive Status Report.

helped organize the conference. Adjunct faculty member n o n i e B r e n n a n chaired Donor Choice and Motivation.

As president of the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council (NACC), J . pat r i C k m u r p H y, C . m . , chaired the organizations meeting at ARNOVA, and represented NACC as a panelist at a pre-conference workshop.

J o H n r o n q u i l l o presented Does Public Funding Affect the Financial Condition of Nonprofit Organizations? He also participated in a discussion, Network Research: History, Methodologies, and Directions for Nonprofit Research, and chaired a session titled Sectoral Examinations of Innovation.

murpHy and ronald fernandes

presented Opportunities for CollaborationARNOVA, NACC, and NASPAA at the 2011 National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) conference in Kansas City in October.

ameriCan friends of Wotr

An anonymous donor bestowed a grant of $23,000 on the (AFOW), an SPS student-and-faculty-created charitable organization, to support sustainable development programs in India.

r a m a n at H

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences awarded r a m a n at H a Faculty Research and Development Grant to support her research on development planning and evaluation in East Africa. The University Research Council and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Faculty Research and Development Committee awarded r o n q u i l l o grants for his research project on low profit limited liability companies (L3Cs) in the U.S. The University Research Council awarded f e r n a n d e s , who is working on a research project in collaboration with faculty from the College of Education and the School of New Learning, a Competitive Research Grant to study the effects of learning technology on student and faculty outcomes.

e i n o l f had three articles published in the fall: Gender Differences in the Correlates of Volunteering and Charitable Giving in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly; Who volunteers? Constructing a hybrid theory in the International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing; and The Link Between Religion and Helping Others: The Role of Values, Ideas, and Language in Sociology of Religion. r o n q u i l l o co-authored a book chapter titled Reviewing the Literature on Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations with SPS student Whitney Hein and Heather Carpenter of Grand Valley State University for the volume Human Resource Management in the Nonprofit Sector: Purpose and Passion.

published a paper, co-written with Danny L. Balfour, titled Forging Theatre and Community: Challenges and Strategies for Serving Two Missions in Public Voices, Vol. 12, No. 1. She also wrote a book review of Local Organizations and Urban Governance in East and Southeast Asia: Straddling State And Society in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol.40, No.2. Adjunct faculty member a l e x a n d e r B r o W n has accepted the position of executive director and chief executive of Parents Allied with Children and Teachers for Tomorrow, or PACTT. The agency provides residential, educational and vocational services to children and adults with autism in Chicago, Oak Park and Elmwood Park. Brown was previously the clinical director of Metropolitan Family Services.

2 scHool oF Public serVice

Donors Forum vice president Andreason Brown blooms at SPS
Andreason Brown | Degree Candidate: Master of Nonprofit Management, 13

At 40, Andreason Brown is among the older students at SPS. But he is also one of the most experienced. Brown oversees a budget of $3.5 million as the vice president of finance and administration at the Donors Forum, a Chicago-based membership association for philanthropic and nonprofit organizations throughout Illinois. Spurred by a desire to become the executive director of a foundation or a nonprofit, Brown made the decision to go back to school in the fall. I have been in the nonprofit sector for closing in on 20 years now and I have always been primarily in finance and admin, Brown said. I really think at this point Id like to have a strong hand in steering the direction of an organization and mapping out strategic initiatives and finding new ways, innovative ways that an organization can have an impact and do better, broader, more expansive work. I think this degree is exactly what I need. Browns resume is as varied as it is impressive. After graduating from Central Michigan University with a degree in economics, Brown took a job in the finance department at FiveCAP Inc., a social service agency offering more than 40 anti-poverty programs, including Head Start, in a four-county area in Michigan. Brown himself a participant in Head Start programming while growing up in Michiganbelieves this position laid the foundation for a career in the nonprofit sector. Brown moved to Chicago in 1995 to assume the role of administrator at fledgling nonprofit Archeworks, an alternative design school with a mission to create design solutions focused on those most in need.

That provided a great opportunity to kind of grow with an organization, Brown said of his experience at Archeworks. The opportunity to work for an organization that was finding its way, not quite sure what it wanted to do, putting all the internal systems in place, that was a great opportunity. After four years at Archeworks, Brown briefly served as business manager of Childs Play Touring Theatre, a small childrens theater in Chicago. From there he took a position as operations director of the DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference, an association of municipalities representing more than one million people, where he worked for nearly eight years. By then, it was pretty clear that the nonprofit sector was where I was going to be, he said. From the DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference, Brown moved to Executive Service Corps of Chicago in 2008, taking on the role of vice president of finance, administration and information for the nonprofit, which recruits retired executives to provide consulting services to nonprofits at a reduced rate. He joined Donors Forum in September 2010. It wasnt just another job; it was a chance to really have some impact, Brown said of his position at Donors Forum. My responsibility is to really make sure the internal structure of Donors Forum remains strong and is able to support all the programs we offer to the community at large. Though Brown has extensive experience in the nonprofit world, he is learning much from his classmates. Hearing the different opinions of classmates, even though theyre younger, has been really fascinating for me, he said. Were learning the same thing; its just how were processing that

Student Andreason Brown is able to share his many years of executive experience with others at SPS.

and how were applying that is different. And I like some of the ideas that my classmates have come up with in some of our discussions. There are things I really wouldnt have thought of. Theyre really innovative. Brown admits he was a little concerned about going back to school at this stage in his career and wondered if he had the energy. It turns out, he does. When you walk in the classroom theres just this sense of energy that carries you right through and the time just flies by, he said. I find that when I leave the classroom, I go home and Im not exhausted. Im really thinking about things and more importantly Im thinking, How can I apply what I just learned to some of the decisions I have to make tomorrow when I walk into the office?

student acHieVements

p e t e r C o f f e y , director of government affairs at

DePaul University, is running for Democratic committeeman for the 47th Ward. The election will be held March 20.
s a r a H C o l o m e is one of the inaugural DePaul University Community Peacemakers, an initiative that grew out of President Obamas Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge. Through a year-long collaboration with the Chicago Public Schools, DePaul Peacemakers will join with CPS teachers and students to engage in a series of educational classroom-based activities focused on peace and non-violence.

W H i t n e y H e i n is participating in Heartland Internationals Emerging Grassroots Leaders: Development of Grassroots Organization for Women program, which will take her to Nicaragua and Belize in May. Heartland International is a nonprofit that designs, implements and manages social development projects and conducts international exchange programs. The Belize and Nicaragua participants spent three weeks in Chicago in November attending workshops on leadership, human trafficking and womens economic empowerment. n i C o l e m . n e t z e l presented her paper, International Aid: The Impact of Donor Competition on Impoverished Populations at the annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) in Toronto in November.

Do you have milestones or achievements youd like to share with the SPS community? Please notify Sara Lepro of any recent awards, new jobs or published works at slepro@depaul.edu.

l a s . d e Pa u l . e d u / s P s 3

Alumna steps up to the challenge of empowering women
Kristen Field, 10

As the program manager of Step Up Womens Network, a national nonprofit dedicated to connecting and advancing women and girls, Kristen Field makes networking look easy. On any given day, the SPS alumna may be attending a meeting at the mayors office, running a professional development workshop or recruiting a successful businesswoman to join Step Up. My primary responsibilities are managing and running our womens programs so that entails event programing, membership and volunteer management, recruitment, fundraising and development. And networking. I attend a lot of events throughout the city to build the word about what Step Up is doing, said Field, who graduated from the School of Public Service in June, 2010, with a M.S. in public service management. Field joined Step Up in March 2010. Through offices in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, Step Up connects professional women and underserved teen girls through mentorship, networking and advancement programs, to ensure women and girls have the opportunities they need to create a better future. While at SPS, Field studied in Kenya and Ireland. She also spent time in Haiti, conducting research and completing an internship at The Haitian Project Inc., a nonprofit that operates a tuition-free Catholic secondary school for underprivileged Haitian children. Field conducted a needs assessment of parts of the organizations strategic plan following the 2010 earthquake. Im really an advocate for advancing women and girls throughout the world, she said. In her current role, Field manages a network of more than 10,000 Step Up supporters in Chicago. She also oversees the organizations womens programs for professional development. Field says the organization is a good match for her. My teachers were very helpful in pinpointing my passions, helpful in opening my mind to different jobs, Field said. Its one thing to say, I want to work in a nonprofit and its another

Alumna Kristen Field (far right) at a Step Up-sponsored event with, from left to right, Whitney Capps, Step Ups teen programs manager; Gina Marotta, Step Up managing director; and Stephanie Neely, City of Chicago Treasurer.

thing to find a job that matches you perfectly. Field believes DePaul was a good training ground for her and opened the door to many resources. DePaul introduced me to a whole new world of organizations and individuals and a new way of thinking and that has helped me with my job, she said. Field is also Step Ups representative for One Good Deed Chicago, a citywide campaign to promote volunteerism and increase civic engagement. Additionally, Field serves on the board of the Young Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago, and is a member of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Delta Zeta Sorority and Old St. Patricks Church.

Field walks the red carpet with Windy City LIVEs Val Warner at Step Ups Shine and Dine gala.

alumni milestones

C H e r o n d a e v e r e t t (11) has accepted a position as an advisor at Robert Morris University-Illinois in the Student Support Services Department.

s i m o n e G o u r G u e C H o n (11) has accepted a job with The Alford Group, an Evanston-based consulting firm focused on nonprofits. She will be working in client development, sales and marketing.

m a n d y s H a r p (10) has accepted a one-year fellowship with the US Fund for UNICEF. She is working out of the Midwest Regional Office in Chicago as a global citizenship fellow.

4 scHool oF Public serVice

study abroad
Adventures in India
By Sara Lepro | Degree Candidate: M.S. in Public Service Management, 13

There was a moment as I climbed the steep staircase that led to the elephants back, my face creased with concern, that I thought about turning back. But the calls of encouragement from my new Indian friends already sitting in the wicker carrier atop the elephant pressed me to go on. Once I took my seat, the elephant lumbered down the dusty road with the four of us on its back, our squeals of laughter trailing behind us. The elephant ride is just a snapshot of my time in India, but it is analogous to my entire experience in that vibrant, amazing country, when I was forced to step outside my comfort zone, and now am better off for doing so. I was among more than 30 School of Public Service students who travelled to India in December to participate in one of five study abroad programs that were paired with courses the school offered in the fall quarter. Students had the option of attending weeklong immersion programs at two separate locations in India: the DePaul Institute of Science and Technology (DIST), a Vincentian-run institute in Angamaly in the state of Kerala, or the Watershed

A local newspaper in Kerala, featured DePaul SPS students who travelled to the DePaul Institute of Science and Technology in December.

The Indian students at DIST took their SPS classmates on a day trip to historic Fort Kochi in Kerala.

Organization Trust (WOTR) in Pune, Maharashtra. I travelled to DIST, a lush campus dotted with mango, banana and rubber trees in the heart of Kerala, known as Gods own country. The other DePaul students and I attended morning classes alongside Indian graduate students. In the afternoon, after a break for tea, we visited different organizations in the community to witness how Indian society operates and learn how the private, public and government sectors interact. Both the lectures and the field visits challenged our thinking, and exposed us to a different way of life. We met with officials of panchayats, or local governments, as well as businesses affiliated with Kudumbashree, a staterun microfinance operation that provides women small-dollar loans to start their own enterprises. Despite the perceived success of organizations like Kudumbashree, we were not sheltered from the obstacles that exist in these communities. One woman who runs a small tailoring shop told us she would not have been able to purchase two sewing machines and move her business outside of her home to a storefront without the loan from Kudumbashree. Yet, her business is struggling; some months it makes no profit.

But even amidst the poverty and hardships that plague India, there are signs of hope. We also met with two men who formerly worked for Kudumbashree who have established a small business incubator to help micro-entrepreneurs like the owner of the tailoring shop succeed once they have received loans. Of course, there was plenty of free time built in to enjoy the company of our Indian classmates. But even those interactions were learning experiences. As my fellow classmate Jennifer Fabbrini said, India was full of surprises for us. From the lunar eclipse, to the Indian students flagging down a truck bearing an elephant, to being filmed while eating with our hands, we had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed getting to know friends in India, experiencing what their schooling is like, and learning a little Malayalam [the language of Kerala], too! For as much as India taught us, I believe we left an imprint, too. I would like to think that the Indian students are enjoying singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame and dancing the Electric Slide even now.

SPS students Mindy McBee, left, and Sara Lepro enjoy an elephant ride while taking a break from studying.

study abroad triPs Planned in 2012

The School of Public Service is pleased to offer nearly 20 courses abroad this year. For more information about each program, students should visit las.depaul.edu/sps/Programs/

Curitiba, Brazil Brussels, Belgium Havana, Cuba Bogota, Colombia Dublin, Ireland

MPS 573 with Joe Schwieterman MPS 575 with Joe Schwieterman MPS 542 with John Ronquillo MPS 594 with Guillermo Campuzano MPS 500, 501, 521, 522, 529, 542, 604 with Patrick Murphy, John Ronquillo, Mark Light and Irish faculty MPS 604 with Christopher Einolf MPS 501, 511, 520, 586, 611 with Ron Fernandes, Ramya Ramanath and others

Feb. 5-10 March 23-29 June 13-20 June 24-30 July

Rotterdam, Netherlands India (various cities)

Autumn Nov.-Dec.

l a s . d e Pa u l . e d u / s P s 5

The Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development: Year In-Review
In 2011, the Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development said goodbye to Lauren Fischer, former assistant director. Lauren is pursuing a doctorate in urban planning at Columbia University in New York City. The Chaddick Institute welcomed Marisa Schulz as the new assistant director. Marisa, a LEED Accredited Professional, is an urban planner with more than 10 years of design and policy experience. Before joining Chaddick, Marisa oversaw the green building certifications for Black+Vernooy, an Austin-based architecture and urban design firm. Most recently, she worked as a policy advisor for an Austin council member. The Chaddick Institute also is pleased to have eight Chaddick Scholars (Derick Anderson, Ben Anson, John Hobson, Sid Holcomb, Mark Patoska, Candice Torres, Chris West and Stephen Woodring) and three International Chaddick Scholars (Lauren Griffin, Shawn Janzen and Wilmar Molina) involved with the institute this academic year. Three members of the institutes graduatestudent team traveled to Europe in November to take part in a conference and exchange program. Will Covert, Lauren Griffin and Josh Miller, who are working on Chaddicksupported research projects, joined Director Joe Schwieterman at Hamburg, Germanys Haffen City University. The visit included extensive tours of waterfront development. The Chaddick Institute was able to offer financial support to partially defray the cost of the trip. In December, the Chaddick Institute released its 2012 Update on Intercity Bus Industry, drawing attention to a record-setting year experienced by this revitalized transportation mode. The research showcases the new hubs created by Megabus in Pittsburgh and Atlanta, as well as a new BoltBus operation in Newark. The report was made possible by a data set of 2,500 daily departures assembled by the Chaddick team. Bloomberg Today, Transportation Nation and the Canada Free Press have featured the report in their news coverage. Also in December, the Chaddick Institute kicked off its Technology in Travel study. Eleven School of Public Service students, collected field data throughout the United States on how people use technology on different modes of transportation. USA Today and other news outlets featured the results, which were published at the end of January.

A Preview of Whats-to-Come in 2012 Young Professionals Event. On March 5, the Chaddick Institute will visit the City of Chicagos Office of Emergency Management and Communications for a tour and to learn more about how the organization plans for emergency public safety in a large urban area. This event is free. Chaddick Study Trip. From May 3-4, the institute is headed back to Wisconsin this time to Madison. The fifth study trip will include discussions on urban planning and issues, and behind-the-scenes tours with high-level city officials. Participants should plan to arrive Thursday evening to take part in a day-long mobile workshop on Friday. For more information or to RSVP for either event, please email chaddick@depaul.edu.

SPS student Stephen Woodring stands with The Fonz in Milwaukee, during the Chaddicks study trip there in November.

hay project
Vincent on Leadership: The Hay Project Updates
In October, Vincent on Leadership: The Hay Project and the Student Leadership Institute collaborated to launch the 2011-2012 Inspiring Voices Speaker Series. Inaugural speaker Matt Broscio, a DePaul alumnus and G-Team Coordinator at daily coupon distributor Groupon Inc., told a group of more than 50 undergraduate students how his understanding of leadership evolved over time through a number of different life experiences. Broscio encouraged students to step out of their normal routines and seek new experiences and insights through internships or volunteer opportunities. By doing this, students will make more informed decisions about what they want to pursue in their post-college plans, he said. The Student Leadership Institute and the Hay Project collaborate to increase the projects presence in the undergraduate community. In other news, more than 70 participants received a certificate in Values-Centered Leadership this fall through the projects third installment of its leadership course. Incorporating feedback from participants, the project is working on developing the next level of offerings for the course. The project received a $5,000 grant from the Vincentian Endowment Fund toward instructional design costs for a Level Two Values-Centered certificate. The project expects the new course to launch in September 2012. For more information on Hay Project programs, visit leadership.depaul.edu.

Inspiring Voices speaker Matt Broscio (center) with Dave Borgealt, director of the Student Leadership Institute, and Hay Project Director Patricia Bombard, B.V.M.

6 scHool oF Public serVice

17th Annual Lecture
The Honorable Toni Preckwinkle, president of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, addressed the SPS community on the challenges of governing today at the schools Annual Lecture, held at the Union League Club in October. Professor H. Woods Bowman, who has known Preckwinkle for many years through his extensive service in city and state government, had the honor of introducing her to the 175 students, alumni, faculty and staff who attended.

The Honorable Toni Preckwinkle (third from right), president of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, with SPS students at the Annual Lecture in October.

SPS Director J. Patrick Murphy and associate professor H. Woods Bowman with the Honorable Toni Preckwinkle, president of the Cook County Board of Commissioners.

Meet the Authors

On January 10, the SPS community celebrated the publication of recent books by faculty members H. Woods Bowman and Mark Light, as well as former DePaul President Fr. John T. Richardson. Students, faculty, alumni and staff greeted the authors and had the opportunity to purchase signed copies of their books.

SPS students Whitney Hein and Elena Couto stand with Executive in Residence Mark Light, who recently published Results Now for Nonprofits: Purpose, Strategy, Operations, and Governance.

The authors take the floor: From left to right, Mark Light, Fr. John T. Richardson, author of The Playful Hand of God, and H. Woods Bowman, author of Finance Fundamentals for Nonprofits: Building Capacity and Sustainability.

study aBroad pHoto Contest Business plan Competition nu lamBda mu Honor soCiety

Have you recently returned from a study abroad trip, or plan to go abroad later this year? Share your experience with the SPS community and have a chance to win prizes through the SPS Study Abroad Photo Contest. We are seeking interesting, compelling, and awe-inspiring photos that evoke emotions about your experience abroad with the School of Public Service. The deadline to enter is August 1. For more information, contact Elena Couto at ecouto@depaul.edu.

Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus and DePaul University have launched a social business plan competition that will provide up to $10,000 in venture capital to one or more winning ideas that will create 10 jobs for Haitians living in poverty. The deadline to submit to the DePaul University/ Grameen Creative Lab Social Venture Business Plan Competition to Alleviate Poverty is May 15. For more information and contest guidelines, visit haiti.depaul.edu/Pages/GrameenChallenge.aspx.
neW student CHapter of iCma

A new international honor society to recognize excellence in nonprofit management and leadership academics is accepting applications. To become a member, a student must have completed a minimum of half of their required program coursework, or possess a graduate degree from a Nonprofit Academic Centers Council-affiliated program, and hold a minimum GPA of 3.7. Applicants also must pay a one-time fee of $40. For more information on the honor society and how to apply, contact Kylie Weller at kweller@depaul.edu.

SPS student Chris West is starting a student chapter of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), an organization for those interested in local governance. Membership is free. To sign up, go to www.surveymonkey.com/s/9N6MGWL, or contact West at cwest9@mail.depaul.edu.

l a s . d e Pa u l . e d u / s P s 7

Faculty column

Must conflict always be resolved? Ask Dr. Conflict.

(continued from front page)
Dr. Conflict is the pen name of Mark Light, executive in residence at the School of Public Service. He responds to questions about conflicts in each issue of The Nonprofit Quarterly (nonprofitquarterly.org). The above column appeared last March. Follow Dr. Conflict on twitter (@doctorconflict).

that mattera conflict-free zone. And the sooner the better. As Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife of the Andy Griffith Show used to say, Nip it in the bud. Others say that conflict doesnt always need to be resolved; conflict should be managed, yes, but not necessarily mediated. You want innovation? You want an organization thriving, brimming over, top full of innovative ideas? You better be willing to let conflict in the room. Great ideas dont come from a group of homogenized yes people who respectfully defer and concur. They come from the sizzle and snap of diverse yes, no, and hell no folks comfortable in their skin with conflict. Like Aunt Bea, the matriarch of the Andy Griffith Show and one of Mayberrys

prize-winning rose growers, says, Let it bloom. So, what did Dr. Conflict do about the anxiety, anger and attitude in the car on the way to Chicago? Did he nip it in the bud or let it bloom? Neither. He did nothing; driving the car in an ice storm was all he could handle. And guess what? By mile marker 90, all was back to normal. No need for an intervention, no need for resolution. Conflict is sometimes best left to a good nights sleep or 90 minutes of listening to Car Talk on NPR while avoiding a wreck. It simply dissipates. Fact is that all conflict is situational; context is everything. There is no one best way. Today you avoid, tomorrow engage, and there are times you simply fuggedaboutit and the conflict takes care of itself.


A NEWSLETTER FROM THE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC SERVICE college oF liberal arts and social sciences
SCHOOL OF PUBLIC SERVICE 1 east Jackson boulevard chicago, il 60604-2201 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 7366 Chicago, IL

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